Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Our Future ❯ A Not So Perfect Reunion ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2 - A Not So Perfect Reunion
The kneeling man looked over his shoulder at the larger man that had just approached him, “No, no word has come back yet.”
“What's taking so long?!”
The man on the ground turned back to the portal in front of them and closed his eyes, “I am unsure. We've never attempted to open a gateway to the past. It's possible something went wrong and they didn't make it there.”
“That's unacceptable! If that brat could make it to the past, there's no reason why we can't as well!”
“I'm merely theorizing here, sir. I don't know for sure what happened…perhaps we should be more patient…”
The man looked into the distance, `The sun will soon be visible…' After a few seconds, he stomped away, “I don't have time to be patient! Send someone else through!”
The young pink haired girl stepped out from her hiding place and stared at the two women in an embrace. She looked at the ground for a couple minutes, before lifting her head and running towards the couple. It seemed she didn't have any way of getting home, which meant she'd have to hope everything remained all right. She wasn't sure if she should tell them about what was happening in the future, she had read books that had time-traveling in them after all, she'd read how a simple slip of the tongue could have bad repercussions. She wasn't sure how much in those books was true, but she didn't think she wanted to risk anything like that happening. One thing she was sure about, she could depend on them.
Not wasting another moment, she ran toward the two women. As soon as she reached them she collided with them and quickly hugged the both of them. “I'm so glad both of you are alright.”
Both girls smiled at the younger girl and hugged her back. “And we're glad you're safe as well.” Moon said after a few moments, afterwards the girls released each other. Mars took a couple steps away from her companions and undid her transformation, causing Usagi to do the same. Rei looked around at the damage their battle had caused and as she did, a myriad of questions filled her head. Questions about the youma, as well as questions about…
Usagi stepped beside Rei, “What is it?”
“Something feels off about this.” She replied quietly before turning her attention to Chibi-Usa, who had made her way next to her as well. She didn't want to throw question after question at the poor girl, though there were some things she really felt she needed to ask. “Chibi-Usa, where have you seen that monster before?”
She looked away from the dark haired girl's questioning eyes; she knew that question would be coming and she knew that she'd have to give an answer. She closed her eyes for a couple seconds before she looked up, “As I already told you, I've seen one before. I guess I should say I've seen one destroyed before. It wasn't an easy fight, but it was defeated. Since I saw what worked against it and what didn't, I knew its weaknesses.”
Rei nodded before asking, “You didn't fight it though, right?”
The younger girl shook her head no, “I can't transform.”
Both girls stared at her, one with a look curiosity and the other with a look of understanding at the confirmation. “Why can't you transform?”
“I-I just ca-can't.” Chibi-Usa replied quietly and looked downward.
“Usagi…” Rei whispered and put her hand on the other girl's shoulder, squeezing it slightly, causing her to look at her questioningly. Rei shook her head, “Let's just leave it at that for now.” The blonde haired girl nodded slowly in response. Rei walked over and stood beside, the younger girl, “Don't worry about it. We'll have time later…”
“N-No. It's fine; it's my fault anyway…” She said and looked up, “Even though I have the ability within me, I've never been able to manifest any of it. I've tried for several decades already and I can't do it no matter what I try.” The pink haired girl lowered her head disappointedly.
Usagi remembered the first time she transformed; it was like second nature to her. It freaked her out the first time she did it, but it wasn't anything that required any practice. From what she remembered, Setsuna said the Sailor Senshi had to go through some kind of training, but she wasn't entirely sure how that worked because didn't remember any of that. She didn't know for sure, but she didn't think that she did anything like that because as far as she knew she wasn't able to transform into Sailor Moon during the Silver Millennium.
Rei remembered how very easy it was to transform into Sailor Mars for the very first time, back in the Silver Millennium. She'd trained for several years, before she inherited the power to become Sailor Mars. In this time it was already her power, she just need to awaken it again, her soul was already familiar with the power from her previous life. Perhaps it was different for someone born into that power, because if she'd already trained for several decades but still had yet to awaken, maybe she needed to do something different than she was already doing.
Usagi and Rei looked at each other and nodded. They didn't know what the problem was, but one thing they knew for sure was…
“It's not your fault.” Rei and Usagi said together.
Chibi-Usa looked up quickly, her eyes shone with unshed tears, “Thank you.” She said and walked over and hugged the two women. She hadn't really voiced her opinion about why she was unable to transform to anyone. She felt better having gotten that off her chest, but she felt even better hearing the two women before her tell her that it wasn't her fault.
“Whatever the reason, you can be sure…” Rei paused when she heard sirens getting closer, “It's about time we left.”
Usagi nodded her head, “I think we've stayed around here long enough.” She said and extended her hand to the shorter pink haired girl. She took the offered hand, though she was a little confused. As soon as Usagi had a firm grip she started to pull the other girl along with her as both she and Rei ran out of the park.
“Why are we running away?”
“Well, it's best that no one knows that we had anything to do with what happened there.” Rei explained.
“People wouldn't be able to handle it.” Usagi said quietly.
“And if we were to broadcast that we were in anyway associated with what happened there, it could potentially draw the attention of any of our enemies, which would not only put us in danger, but also those around us.” Rei explained further. The three girls were silent as they ran a short time longer. Rei came to a stop after they were a little more than a block away from the park and looked over to Usagi, “We have to call a meeting.”
The blonde haired girl nodded, “Yeah and not just because of the youma…” Her eyes drifted over to the pink haired girl as she finished her thought.
Chibi-Usa looked at them, “What is it?”
Usagi smiled and shook her head, “It's nothing.”
There was silence between them for a short time before Rei asked, “Should we call Mamoru as well?”
Usagi looked a little surprised by the question, but then looked at Chibi-Usa for a second before looking at Rei. She realized what her girlfriend was really asking; did you want to tell him about the pink haired girl with them? She bowed her head slightly, “No, I think we should talk with him separately from the girls.”
The dark haired girl sighed, “I think that would probably be for the best as well.” She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a small circular device. She pressed a couple buttons that would allow her to speak with all the senshi at once, “Everyone, something has come up. Usagi and I need everyone to meet over at the jinja in an hour. I repeat, everyone report over to the jinja in one hour.” She pressed one more button, closing off communication. She put the device back into her pocket, “Let's head back to the jinja.”
Ami and Makoto's heads shot up as they heard their communicators come to life. They could hear Rei's voice within seconds. After listening to the message they both heaved a sigh of relief. They were thankful it wasn't a distress call, but it was important none the less because Rei clearly sounded serious and the fact that she was calling everyone over to her home meant something had happened. Both girls just prayed it wasn't what they thought it was…some kind of new enemy.
“We'd better get dressed.” Makoto said as she looked over her girlfriend, who nodded her head and swung her legs over the edge of the bed and went to grab her clothes. Makoto followed the blue haired girl's lead and quickly got off the bed and searched for her clothes.
Minako got up and walked over to the door to her room. Before reaching the knob she turned to Artemis, “I'm going out for some fresh air. I'll be back in about an hour.” She said and turned the doorknob, but before she could open it her communicator activated. She quickly reached into her pocket and pulled the device. When she looked at the screen it said `audio only' and in seconds Rei's voice could be heard coming from the small object.
“Everyone, something has come up. Usagi and I need everyone to meet over at the jinja in an hour. I repeat, everyone report over to the jinja in one hour.”
She quickly turned off the device and put it back into her pocket before looking over to the white cat on her bed, “Artemis, I that means a change of plans. I'll see you afterwards and let you know what happened.” She said before quickly exiting the without waiting the cat's reply.
Haruka opened the front door and stepped back while still holding the door open, allowing her companions to enter before her. As soon as they entered Haruka was about to close the door, when their communicators turned on. They looked at each other before all of them pulled out the small device. After listening to the message they looked at each other once again.
“Something did happen after we left them.” Haruka said as she put away her communicator.
“It wasn't a distress call, so what ever happened, they dealt with it, but it was something significant enough for them to call a meeting.” Michiru said.
“…Another enemy?” Hotaru speculated aloud.
“I thought you said there wasn't an immediate threat?” Haruka said and turned to the youngest member in their group.
Hotaru shook her head, “I was only theorizing since Setsuna didn't mention anything directly, but it could be that she didn't realize our next enemy would show up so soon.”
“Let's see what they have to say at the meeting before jumping to conclusions.” Michiru said and opened the passenger side door again. The two other girls entered the car moments later.
Haruka turned on the car and looked over her shoulder to her two companions, “We won't know until we get there.” She said turned forward before driving off.
When they reached the steps to the jinja, Rei stopped and looked Usagi, “Jii-chan already knows Chibi-Usa, so it shouldn't take much of an explanation as to why she's with us, but…” she trailed off and looked over to the pink haired girl. “Chibi-Usa, you're going to have to play along with us. Jii-chan thinks you're Usagi's cousin, so we're going to need you to keep that act up for us.”
Chibi-Usa nodded her head, “Okay, I'll do my best.”
She was secretly happy to get to meet her great grandfather. She'd heard a lot about him, but she'd never meet him because he passed away long before she was ever born.
“We're back!” Rei called when she saw her grandfather standing by omikuji tree.
“You're back awfully earlier than I…” He started to say when he saw a short pink haired girl walk out from behind the two other girls, “What's this?”
“Jii-chan, you remember Usagi's cousin, Chibi-Usa right?” Rei said and motioned over to the younger girl.
The older man smiled as he looked and looked at the pink haired girl, “Of course. How have you been?”
The younger girl smiled and bowed her head slightly, “I've been good, thank you for asking.”
Before her grandfather could say anything else Rei spoke up, “Jii-chan, we're going to go to my room. My other friends should be coming by shortly.”
The bald man looked a little disappointed though his voice remained cheerful, “I see. I'll let them know when they arrive.”
“Thanks Jii-chan.” Rei said before ushering her two companions to the main shrine. Once they stepped inside the shrine they saw Yuuichirou walking toward them, but it seemed as soon as he saw them, he quickly turned and walked the opposite direction.
“Yuuichirou, what is it?” Rei asked
“Is something wrong?” Usagi asked causing the young man to stop walking for a moment.
They could tell he shook his, “No, I just need to get back to my chores.” He said and continued walking
The blonde haired girl looked at her girlfriend accusingly, “You didn't say anything mean to him again, did you?”
“What? I've been nothing, but nice to him since I got back. I don't know what his problem is.” Rei said honestly. She turned away from the other girl and watched Yuuichirou turn the corner at the end of the hall. After a few more seconds she brought her gaze to the two girls with her, “Let's go to my room.”
Usagi nodded and Chibi-Usa let them lead the way, while she observed her surroundings. There wasn't nearly as much to look at inside as there was outside, most of the doors were closed and there wasn't much decorating the walls either. However, once they reached one particular door, she found herself interested in that room.
Rei looked over her shoulder once they reached her room, “Chibi…” she paused when she saw the pink haired girl had stopped in front of a door a short distance away. She walked over to where the other girl stood before asking, “Do you know what that room is?”
Chibi-Usa shook her head, “No, but I feel something strange from it.”
“This is where I meditate, there's a great spiritual fire inside that room.” Rei explained and put her hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. “Come on, I can show it to you later.” She said and led her over to her room. Rei slid open the door and motioned for her companions to enter first. When they stepped inside Chibi-Usa immediately began investigating the room, she was curious about her mother's life in the past. She quickly noticed a number of pictures of Rei with the other Sailor Senshi, as well as a couple with just her parents together.
“Where's your first aid kit?” Usagi asked once Rei sat on her futon.
Rei looked her curiously, “There should be one by the medicine cabinet in the bathroom down the hall.” As soon as she answered, the other girl was out the door causing her to sigh. She brought her attention over to the pink haired, who was currently looking through her closet. “Are you looking for something?” Rei asked laughing a little at the younger girl.
Chibi-Usa quickly turned around and Rei immediately noticed a cute blush on the other girl's cheeks, which only caused her laugh even more at her. “I'm sorry; I don't mean to be nosey.”
The dark haired girl shook her head, “It's okay. I can tell you, I don't have anything too interesting in here.” The other girl nodded her head before walking over to Rei and sitting beside her. As soon as she sat down, the door opened and Usagi walked in with the first aid kit in hand, causing Rei to shake her head.
“Honestly Usa, it's not that bad.” Rei assured her girlfriend.
“Even with your healing abilities if you don't treat your injuries properly, they'll still leave scars.” The blonde haired girl said and knelt beside Rei, putting the metal box on the ground for the moment. She carefully took her girlfriend's right hand in her own and looked over the damage. “Seriously Rei, how can you tell me that doesn't hurt?” She said and opened the medical kit. She took out some gauze and antiseptic.
“Because it doesn't.” She countered, but as soon as the liquid on the bottle was poured onto her fresh skin, she hissed and pulled her hand away.
“…You were saying?”
“It doesn't hurt.” She said quickly and pointed to the bottle being held by her girlfriend, “That stuff does though.”
Usagi sighed and shook her head, “Quit being a baby. Give me your hand back.” She said holding out her hand expectedly.
“Only if you don't use that stuff again. Bandage it if you want, but don't use that stuff again.” She said still holding her hand out of the other girl's reach.
Usagi shook her head and put down the antiseptic and grabbed some fresh gauze, “Fine.” As soon as she agreed, Rei gave her back her injured hand. Once Usagi had Rei's hand again, she began the process of bandaging up her hand.
Chibi-Usa watched the two women with an amused look on her face. She felt the urge to laugh at them, but she suppressed the desire. When they interacted with each other away from anyone else, really reminded her of how her parents would act in the same situation. When the thought of her parents crossed her mind though, she felt a bit of sadness because at this point she wasn't sure when she be able to return to them. Even though she was with them now, they weren't the same.
Rei watched as Usagi carefully wrapped the gauze around her fingers and across her knuckles. She smiled when she thought about how lucky she was to have such a caring girlfriend. Once she wrapped the gauze around her pinkie, she wrapped the material around her hand once more before looking up at Rei.
“Hold it right here.” She instructed. Rei did as she was told and Usagi reached into the first aid kit one more time and pulled out a pair of scissors and some medical tape. She cut the gauze where it was being held and took it away from Rei before cutting a piece of medical tape and attaching it to where the gauze ended. The blonde haired girl put all the supplies back into the metal box and looked up at Rei with a bright smile on her face, “All done…” As soon as the words left her mouth she shook her head, “What am I saying? Give me your hand back.” She ordered as she held out her hand again. Rei looked at her hand, it looked done as far as she could tell, but she complied and gave Usagi her hand once more. She held the miko's hand in her own gently for a moment before leaning forward and placing a feather light kiss on her girlfriend's bandages. She continued to hold her hand as she looked up this time, “Now it's all done.” She wore an even wider smile when she looked her than before.
Rei couldn't do anything to stop a blush from making its way to her cheeks at her girlfriend's display of affection. “Usa…that was so sweet. Thank you, I'm sure it'll heal twice as fast now.”
Usagi seemed to smile even wider, “You're welcome.” She said and picked up the first aid kit and left to return it to the bathroom.
The dark haired girl turn to right when she heard giggles coming from the pink haired princess, “What's so funny?” Chibi-Usa shook her head, refusing to answer. Rei folded her arms across her chest, “Spill it.”
She covered her mouth so she wouldn't laugh too loud as she said, “It's just seeing you like that…makes me realize…both of you…still act like a couple teenagers in the future.” She said and fell back against the futon in a fit of laughter.
Rei chuckled a little at the young girl's antics; she wasn't sure if her comment was a good or bad thing, but it certainly seemed to be quite amusing to Chibi-Usa nonetheless. Just then Usagi came back and looked the duo on the futon, “Did I miss something?”
Rei shook her head. Her eyes caught sight of the time then and she realized the girls would be arriving shortly. Once Usagi stood next to the futon, Rei looked at her seriously, “I think we should do this slowly.”
“What do you mean?” Usagi asked cocking her head to the side.
The miko stood up and leaned next to her girlfriend's ear, “Chibi-Usa. We should tell everyone about her, before bringing her in. She's different than we remember and I don't want to put her in a bad position because the others don't know that yet.”
“That's probably a good idea.” She whispered back.
The dark haired girl leaned back, “It's nearly been an hour…” She announced and stepped even with Usagi, “I'll wait for everyone in the courtyard and once everyone is here, I'll escort them to my room. You can wait for my signal in the guest room next door.” She said and put her hand on the blonde's shoulder, causing her to look at her. Rei gave her a quick kiss on the lips. When she moved away she whispered, “I'll knock on the wall to let you know.” She received a quick nod from her princess before finally leaving the room.
Chibi-Usa looked at Usagi, “What did she mean by that?”
“Well, you see Rei has a plan…”
As soon as Rei stepped in to the courtyard she could see three of her friends already at the top of the steps and at the entrance. She smiled and called over to them, “Thanks for coming so quickly.”
When they heard Rei the three outer senshi hurried over to her, “What happened?” Haruka asked quickly.
“And where's Usagi?” Michiru asked just after her lover voiced her question.
“Usagi's inside, but I want to wait until everyone is here before saying anything about what happened. There's no point in repeating myself four or five times. Let's just wait for everyone else, they shouldn't be too long.”
“How'd you hurt you hand?”
Rei smiled slightly, the youngest of the three was a bit too observant, “Again, that's something we can discuss once everyone gets here.” She turned away from Hotaru and looked toward the top of the stairs, waiting for the other girls to arrive. After a few moments she heard someone running up the stone steps before seeing Minako at the top. She hurried over to where the four girls were standing.
“What's going on, Rei?” The blonde haired girl asked immediately, but then she noticed someone was missing that she expected to already be there, “And where's Usagi?”
The miko sighed, `I should have thought everyone would be confused as to why Usagi isn't with me.' She walked over and put her hand on the other girl's shoulder, “Usagi's inside and I'll tell you what happened, but let's wait until Ami and Makoto arrive before doing that.” Minako nodded in response, causing the other girl to let go of her shoulder.
It wasn't long before Ami and Makoto arrived together, but this time as they approached Rei held up her hand before either girl could ask what she knew would be coming, “Let's just go inside and talk.”
“I'm not causing trouble by being here am I?”
Usagi looked at the younger girl in surprise and walked over to the futon where she sat. She knelt in front of her and tilted her head up so she looked into her eyes, “What? You aren't causing any trouble. I'm very happy that you're here. I was worried about you…”
Chibi-Usa blinked a couple times. She wasn't sure that she'd heard her right, “Why were you worried?”
The blonde haired girl looked down as she said, “It's a long story…”
“What do you mean?”
Usagi shook her head before looking up once again, “It's not important. Just know that I'm glad you're here with us and you could never be trouble for us.” As soon she said that, she could hear door to the shrine open. “We should go into the next room now; I think Rei's coming back.”
As soon as Rei slid shut the door the questions started…
“What's wrong? Why have you called all of us together?” Makoto asked.
“Where's Usagi? I though you said she was inside, but she not here. She isn't hurt or anything is she?” Haruka asked.
Rei looked at the group, before focusing on Makoto, “Well, there are a couple reasons actually and I will get to them.” She then turned her attention to senshi of wind, “You don't honestly think I'd let Usagi get hurt, do you Haruka?”
“No, but…”
Rei sighed, “I can assure you that Usagi is perfectly fine, she's just busy with something else right now. She'll join us shortly, but until then let me explain everything that's happened today that has prompt this meeting.” She took a deep breath and sat on the floor in front of everyone, so that she could see everyone, “There was a youma incident earlier today…”
She was cut off quickly, “You were attacked?!”
Rei held up hand to stop any further questions. She turned her attention to Minako, “It's not what you're thinking. It wasn't exactly directed at me or Usagi but it concerned me nonetheless.”
“What kind of enemy was it, Rei?” Hotaru inquired.
The dark haired girl shook her head slightly, “I'm not entirely sure, but he was strong, very strong.”
“Why didn't you call for help?” Haruka asked.
Rei ran her hand threw her hair before answering, “Well, while he was strong, he also wasn't the brightest youma we've ever encountered, so once we knew its weakness, he was easy enough to take down.”
“Don't these things ever take a break?” Makoto commented. “I mean we've barely gotten any rest…”
“I don't think they take our feelings into consideration considering they're trying to kill us.” Rei responded somberly.
After a few seconds, Ami spoke up, “There's no guarantee this youma attack was anything more than an isolated incident.”
“I think we need to stay on alert though. We can't become too laidback and simply write-off this as nothing more than `isolated incident'.” Minako chimed in.
“I didn't mean that we should just disregard this. I just don't think we should jump to conclusions one way or another though.” Ami said calmly
“I guess we shouldn't prepare ourselves because it might be a random attack then?” Minako countered, causing the other girl to look away from her.
“That's not what Ami meant and you know it, Minako.” Makoto defended the blue haired girl.
“Stop it.” Rei ordered, drawing the three girl's attention. After a few moments, she lowered her head, “I don't know if this was just some random youma activity or if it's something more, but my gut's telling me that we need to stay vigilant. Something didn't feel right about that youma…”
“Was there something else that happened?” Michiru asked.
Rei stood up and walked over to left side of her room and leaned against the wall, “Actually yes. That is the other reason that I called everyone here…”
“What is it?” Haruka asked curiously.
“When Usagi and I were leaving the shrine earlier, we received an unexpected visitor, Chibi-Usa. She quite literally fell into Usagi's lap, while she waited for me at the Jinja's entrance.” Rei explained, laughing a bit at the end.
Hotaru felt her heart speed up at the news, `Chibi-Usa is here! She's safe! I can't believe it.'
“She's with Usagi then and that's why she isn't here.” Minako said after a couple seconds of thought. Rei nodded her head confirming the other girl's statement.
“Were you saving her as a surprise or something? Why isn't she here?” Haruka asked anxiously.
The dark haired girl looked down, “There is a reason that she isn't with us right now…she's different.”
Hotaru's elation subsided quickly at those three words. She stepped toward the other girl and cautiously asked, “What do you mean?”
“She doesn't remember what happened when she came to the past before. She seems to have no knowledge of the past things that we, Usagi and I, still remember. It appears that she is unable to transform into a Sailor Senshi as well. However, all of those changes pale in comparison to the biggest change we noticed…” Rei took a deep breath to prepare herself. If the other girls hadn't already figured it out yet, she was about to not only outing herself but Usagi as well.
“What is it, Rei? What else could have changed?” Ami asked, some what nervous about what the other girl was going to say.
After one more deep breath she continued, “From what she's said, it seems that Mamoru isn't her father anymore.”
“Then who is?” Minako asked, almost afraid the answer. `Something couldn't have happened to break them up, could it?'
Rei looked down and blushed deeply. She kept her head down for a couple more seconds before addressing everyone again, “Apparently I am.”
The group fell silent, each asking themselves questions. The one that was in everyone's mind, even Rei's, was the question as to how it was possible. Though it was a question none of them had an answer to. Rei and Usagi were both girls, it shouldn't be possible for one to get the other pregnant.
“So, you and Usagi really are…together?” Makoto asked, breaking the silence that had filled the room.
The miko nodded her head, “Yeah.” She paused for a moment before adding, “This doesn't change anything between any of us does it?” she questioned looked over everyone in the room. Everyone looked at each other for their own confirmation.
“I think I speak for everyone when I say, all we want is for Usagi to be happy and we could think of no one better to make sure that happens.” The leader of the Sailor Senshi said confidently and with a large smile.
Rei turned to Haruka when she heard the woman sigh, “What?” She asked, she was still a little worried about the outers' reaction, despite Minako's statement.
“I just wish I could have had a change to woo her myself.” The sandy blonde said disappointedly, only cry out a moment later. “Oww…what was that for?” She asked turning her attention to her lover.
“Oh sorry dear, I thought I saw a fly on your shoulder.” Michiru said innocently.
Rei smiled, “Thanks guys.” She said and reached over her shoulder and knocked on the wall softly, “Come in Usagi.”
The door opened and everyone watch it anxiously as two people entered the room. Chibi-Usa hung behind Usagi as they entered the room, she already knew her parents were different and she didn't know what to expect from the rest of the senshi. She knew them, but they didn't know her and because of that she knew it wouldn't be the same as if she were back home. She unconsciously grabbed the pink shirt in front of her, causing the taller girl to stop.
“You don't have to be shy, everyone here is a friend.” Usagi said quietly as she looked over her shoulder to the girl behind her.
Chibi-Usa nodded, “I know…it's just….”
“What's wrong, Chibi-Usa?” Rei said and walked up to the two girls that had just entered the room. “No one here will judge you. I already told them…”
She shook her head, causing Rei to stop, “It's not them. It's me.”
“I don't understand.”
“I already have preconceived thoughts about everyone, both of you included. I don't want to say anything that could offend anyone because of them.” She said and looked at Usagi and Rei.
Hotaru got up quickly and stood beside Rei, “That doesn't matter; we can just get to know every other again bit by bit.”
Chibi-Usa stared at the dark haired girl, who looked to be about her age, she was definitely younger than the other girls. The longer she stared, the more she racked her brain for knowledge as to who the girl was, but she couldn't recall ever seeing her before. She'd been to countless formal receptions, yet she'd not ever seen the other girl at any of them. It was also at the events that she was introduced the other Sailor Senshi she didn't already know, Uranus and Neptune. So, why is it that she'd never seen her before when her presence here clearly meant she was a Sailor Senshi? She wanted to find the answer to that question, but to do that she needed to find out who the girl was…
“I'm sorry, but who are you?”
Hotaru did her best to hide her emotions from showing at the simple question, “Y-You don't know me?”
The pink haired girl looked down, away from the other girl's hurt expression, and shook her head no. She mentally berated herself for the way she asked her question. This is what she wanted to avoid, she didn't want to hurt anyone, but after only a couple sentences, she'd done just that. She didn't understand why she didn't know the other girl. She knew all the Sailor Senshi; at least she thought she did. Most of them lived in the palace, aside from Uranus and Neptune, but even the two of them she'd met many times during the countless times she had to attend court.
Usagi turned around fully, “What about everyone else?
Chibi-Usa looked up again and looked at the other people in the room. She started just past Rei and saw a girl with short blue hair, who she immediately recognized as Mercury or Ami-chan. Like her parents, she was clearly younger, but she still looked the same. Sitting beside her was her lover, Sailor Jupiter or Mako-chan. Sitting on a separate chair from the first two girls was Venus or Minako-chan. The next person she saw as she looked around the room was the girl she didn't know. The dark haired girl was looking down, avoiding eye contact with her, but even with out meeting her eyes then, she could tell the other girl was hurting. She was unable to stare at her any longer and continued to the next two women, who she could recognize as the two senshi that did not live in the palace, Uranus and Neptune, or Haruka-san and Michiru-san.
“Do you know who anyone else is?” Rei asked when she saw the other girl had finished looking over everyone. She received a slow nod, prompting her ask the next logical question, “Who else here do you know aside from Usagi and I?”
After a few moments, she pointed in the direction of the last two women she looked at, “Haruka-san and Michiru-san.” She said and pause to point towards a different direction in the room, “Minako-chan.” She said and paused once more to point at the last two people she knew, “Ami-chan and Mako-chan.”
With each name that was not her own, Hotaru felt as though she was physically struck. She couldn't understand how she could know everyone, everyone expect her that is. She tried to come up with possible explanations, when an unpleasant one came to mind. `I'm not dead…am I?' she questioned herself. As much as she didn't want that to be true, it was one possible reason the future Princess didn't know her.
Michiru watched Hotaru carefully, she was hurting but she was doing her best to hide it. She touched Haruka's arm, causing her to look at her. “We should go.” She said and let her eyes drift over to the youngest Sailor Senshi. Haruka did the same and nodded her head after moment.
“I think it would be best if headed home now. It's getting late.” Haruka announced suddenly.
“Thanks for keeping us up to date with what's going on.” Michiru said and walked over to Hotaru. She put her hand on the younger girl's shoulder, “Let's go.” She whispered to the other girl.
“It might be a good idea for us to head home as well. We do have school tomorrow.” Ami said and looked her fellow inner senshi. Makoto nodded her head and stood up.
Minako stood up and looked over to Rei and Usagi, “Keep me informed if anything else happens. I don't want anything like last time to happen.”
Rei smiled, “Don't worry; we'll let you know if anything happens.”
Once nearly everyone had left, Chibi-Usa left Usagi's side and ran over to the young girl that was walking between Haruka-san and Michiru-san. Once she reached her she grabbed her wrist, surprising the other girl. Hotaru looked back and saw Chibi-Usa starring at her. She did her best to keep her voice calm as she spoke, “What is it, Chibi-Usa?”
“I'm sorry that I hurt you earlier. It was rude of me to ask you your name like I did. I didn't take into account how hurtful that question could be.” The pink haired girl apologized.
Hotaru shook her head, “Nonsense, it wasn't your fault. Rei-san told us that you'd be a little different than we remember, I shouldn't have…”
“…Thought I'd know you, when I know everyone else?” She said cutting off the other girl. She looked away afraid she might have insulted the other. For her part, Hotaru simply stared wide eyed at the future Princess, unable to respond. When Chibi-Usa looked back at the dark haired girl she quickly offered up another apology, “I'm sorry. It's just that I don't understand it myself.”
Hotaru smiled slightly, trying to reassure the other girl, “Maybe we can just start over again.” She said and extended her hand, “Tomoe Hotaru.”
Chibi-Usa smiled brightly and took the offered hand in her own, “Usagi Small Lady Serenity…but I guess you can call me Chibi-Usa.”
“I'll see you later, Chibi-Usa.” Hotaru said and let go of the other girl's hand.
“Yeah, see you later.” She said quietly as she watched her leave. She still felt like she should have said or done something more than she did, but she didn't know what.
“You're sure you don't remember her?” Rei said as she stepped next to the younger girl.
Chibi-Usa nodded slowly, “I don't. I wish I did, but I don't.”
“It must have hard for her, she really cares about you.” Usagi said sadly.
“I know, I could tell.” Chibi-Usa said and walked over toward the futon in the room. As soon as she reached it, she fell on to it. She rolled onto her stomach and lay there silently.
Rei looked at Usagi, “She should just stay here for the night. It's a little late to bring her over to your house.”
“If she's staying, then I want to too.” Usagi said eagerly.
“Usa, I think you'd have to ask your parents that. Though I doubt they'd be too willing since you have school tomorrow.” The blonde haired girl pouted, but didn't say anything. She didn't want to admit her girlfriend was right. “Believe me, I'd love you to spend the night, but I don't want you to get in trouble.”
“Are you going to walk me home at least?” Usagi asked hopefully.
“I was planning on it, Princess.” Rei said and put her hand under her Princess chin before leaning forward and planting a quick kiss her lips. She pulled back and looked at Usagi for a moment, she looked like she was expecting more, but the raven haired girl simply smiled and turned to where her futon was, “Chibi-Usa, do you want to come with? I'm going to walk Usagi home.”
Chibi-Usa looked up and nodded her head.
Usagi was still looking at Rei with a confused expression, “Just a peck, that's all.”
The senshi of Mars looked at her girlfriend, “Yes. I don't want you to get too excited; you do need to get your rest tonight.” She said and smiled before stepping towards her door, “Let's go then.”
The car ride had been silent, aside from a little background noise created by the radio. After they'd driven for several blocks, the blue haired woman in the passenger seat addressed the girl in the back seat, “Are you alright, Hotaru?”
The dark haired girl was currently staring at her hand in the back seat. The young girl was usually quiet but this more than usually, especially when she was being asked a question directly.
“Earth to Hotaru!”
Hotaru jumped a little when she felt a hand on her arm. She quickly looked up to see the concerned gaze of Michiru, “Are you okay?” she asked as soon as their eyes met.
She smiled, “Of course, why wouldn't I be?” she asked curiously.
“Maybe because Chibi-Usa doesn't seem to know you?” She replied quickly, causing the younger girl to stiffen at the question. “I'm sorry to put it so bluntly, but it's alright to be shaken by that. It's perfectly reasonable in fact. There must be some reason why the two of you haven't met in the future.”
“I could be dead.” Hotaru said grimly.
“Don't talk like that!” Haruka said angrily as she entered into the conversation.
Hotaru turned her attention to the car's driver, “I know myself Haruka and if I were alive there wouldn't be anything that could stop me from seeing her. If I were a-able, she…she'd know m-me.” Her resolve finally broke as struggled to finish what she wanted to say. She leaned forward and held her face in her hands as she silently cried.
“I'm sorry, I truly am.” Michiru said quietly before facing forward again.
“I thought I was going to get to go inside.” Chibi-Usa complained.
Rei turned around from her dresser and looked at the other girl, “Sorry, I didn't mean to get your hopes up. I'm sure you'll be able to see it tomorrow after we get out of school.”
“Okay…” She said and looked down.
The dark haired girl smiled at the sulking girl, “I'm going to change, I'll be right back.” She said, but only received a nod from the other girl
After a few minutes the door slid open again, prompting Chibi-Usa to look up. No one entered immediately, but she could hear a loud noise that came from just outside the door. She got up to see what it was, but stopped when she saw Rei dragging in a large piece of furniture. After a few more pulls and a couple curses, she'd successfully cleared the door.
“These things aren't made to go threw sliding doors.” Rei said and pulled the object a little further inside before sitting on it.
The pink haired girl stared at the piece of furniture, “What's that?”
Rei looked up, “This is your bed for tonight or if you prefer it, you can use mine and I'll use this.”
Staring at the old looking futon she almost felt the need to say she'd rather sleep on the floor than that, but she realized that she doing this for her. She couldn't understand why she needed to sleep in a different futon anyway, there was more than enough room on the one that was already in the room. “I'll sleep there.” She said pointing to the futon, “You should sleep in your own bed.”
Rei said noticing the strange look she continued to give the futon she was sitting on, “It won't be so bad, but if it's too uncomfortable for you we can switch later.”
Rei turned over in her sleep and now lay on her side. She rested there comfortably for some time until the soft breathing of another person reached her ears. At first she caulked the noise up to her imagination, that it was just a part of her dream; after all when she went to sleep she was alone and there was no reason for that to have changed. Soon, it was not only the sound of breathing that perked her senses; she also began to feel the person's breath tickling her face. That was not a sensation that could be imagined, even by the most vivid imagination. There was someone lying beside her and for their sake they'd better have a very good reason for being on her futon with her.
Rei slowly opened her eyes and saw a mess of pink haired beside her. She sighed, `Why did I even bother to bring in another futon if she was just going to come into mine.' She thought and reached up to wake the girl when she saw her brow was creased and she was whispering something. `She's having a nightmare.' Rei observed.
The raven haired girl stared at the other girl, `Don't hurt who?' she asked herself before shaking her head, `What the Hell am I doing? I can't let her continue to be tormented in that nightmare.' She berated herself. She quickly reached forward and shook the young girl's shoulder, “Chibi-Usa, wake up.” She said but didn't get much of response, so did it again, shaking her a little harder, “Wake up, you're having a nightmare!”
The young girl jolted awake and looked around frantically until her eyes fell on Rei. When she saw the dark haired woman she quickly lunged at her and hugged her tightly, as though she didn't want to let her go. Rei didn't immediately do anything except hold the girl. She was frightened, that much she could tell, but what she didn't know was what scared her so badly. She wouldn't have woken her if she would have known it would scare her this much, that wasn't true, she was scared before she even woken her. Finally she decided to ask the pink haired girl what she was afraid of, “Hey…what's wrong?”
“I'm…glad you're alright.”
Rei laughed a little, “What do you mean?”
Chibi-Usa pulled away slightly and looked closer at the woman she was holding, “I-I'm sorry, I forgot where I was…I got confused with my dream.”
“It seemed more like a nightmare than a dream…” She said cause the pink haired girl to look down, away from her. Rei frowned and reached up with her hand, placing it under the other girl's chin before tilting up her head so she could look her in her eyes, “Why don't you tell me about it?” Chibi-Usa didn't say anything, but shook her head no. The dark haired girl sighed, “I won't judge you. I simply want to help you because whatever it was I can tell it scared you” She paused and waited a few moments to see if she was going to respond, but she remained quiet, though she did appear to be thinking it over. She took another deep breath before continuing, “I won't make you tell me anything, but I want you to know that whatever it was that scared you it can't hurt me or anyone else. I'm sure you have your reasons for not wanting to tell me, but if you change your mind, I'll be right here.” Rei sat up and started to get off her futon when she felt a hand on her forearm. She looked over and saw Chibi-Usa staring down at the sheets; she couldn't see her face clearly because her hair obscured it mostly. “What is it?”
“Thank you.” She said simply without looking up.
The dark haired smiled despite the other girl not being able to see it at the moment, “There's no need to thank me, just promise that when you're ready you'll tell me what's wrong.”
This time the pink haired looked up as she said, “I will.”
In an empty park there was a loud boom resembling thunder and suddenly a tall man appeared out of thin air. He quickly looked around and found himself to be alone, “This is where he should have arrived…” he said to himself quietly. He crouched down and investigated the ground, `This isn't where he appeared though…'
He stood up fully and walked further into the park. He stopped when he noticed a black mark on the ground. He crouched down once more and touched the darkened ground. He looked up, his eyes glowing brightly, and looked around the area. After about a minute or so he closed his eyes and stood up. “I see. You were unlucky.”
He began to walk away, `This will be more difficult than we thought if she's already made contact with them.' After that thought another loud boom could be heard and afterwards he was gone.
End Ch. 2
Even though this was a fairly long chapter, there wasn't a lot of stuff happening. I don't like doing chapters with a lot of dialogue and little action, but this was one of those chapters because unfortunately they are needed some times. I really don't have lot to say following this though. I did have a lot of fun writing the scenes with Hotaru (poor girl :( ). Anyone who read `Her Battle' (and that should be all of you who are reading this) should know that I like to make my favorite characters suffer before any happiness. Honestly that car scene (though it was really short) was really sad for me to write, I don't know it's harder for me to make Hotaru cry than it ever was to make Rei.
Oh, I guess I should say I did really like writing the scene where Usagi bandaging Rei hand too. Usagi's so thoughtful :) I actually got the inspiration from a short dÅjinshi about Nanoha and Fate, from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.