Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Our Future ❯ The Mystery of Chibi-Usa ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This took a little bit longer than I expected, but it's finally ready…
Chapter 3 - The Mystery of Chibi-Usa
The man being addressed looked up to see who was addressing him, once he saw it wasn't who he was expecting, “What is it?!” He called in annoyance.
“Sir! Heliodor-sama is here to hear your status report!”
“He's here?!” The large man stood up abruptly. `I didn't think he was actually going to show up here…' He thought to himself as he tried to rack his mind for what he was going to say to appease the frightening man. Already he could feel his palms become sweaty. He needed to find a way to buy himself some more time. Before he could try to come up with something he heard a voice that immediately shut down his train of thought…
“I don't see the Princess here anywhere.” A voice remarked casually in the distance.
The large man stiffened upon hearing the voice, he knew instantly who it belonged to. He also knew time to come up with an excuse was over.
“Do you care to tell me why she isn't here?”
A young looking man walked forward, until he stood just a couple steps away from the larger man. As they stood in front of each other, it hard to image that the substantially larger man would be afraid of the other man, who was far thinner and whose overall frame was smaller than him though he stood slightly taller. The thinner man was very handsome and had an air of confidence about him that would make any woman swoon over him. He had long hair that was tied back in a loose ponytail at his lower back. His hair was mostly a light yellowish color, except of the ends which were a light green.
“Heliodor-sama, I am still working on finding her. I've already sent another…”
He stood a step toward the larger man as he spoke, “Are you telling me you're wasting resources as well then? Why don't you just send everyone here to find her? Are you trying to weaken our forces, you fool?!”
“You told me to find her and the only way I can that is to send someone else after her. It wasn't as easy…”
Cutting off the other man again, Heliodor yelled, “She is a child, a child with no power no less! Are you telling me kidnapping her was so difficult? You didn't even have to worry about her parents! I truly dread what the outcome would have been had you faced them!”
“But she wasn't without power…”
“I've heard enough excuses!” The young looking man yelled and reached forward, grabbing the larger man by the throat. “You've screwed up for the last time. A low-class like you should have never been given such an important assignment.”
“I'm sorry…I'll…”
The man's voice was cut off by a quick turn of the other man's wrist, followed by a sickening cracking sound. Heliodor released the other man's throat, allowing his body to fall limply to the ground, his head bent at an awkward angle. He wiped his hand on his pants as he called, “Someone clean this trash up! I'll be taking over here and there will be no more failed missions.”
Rei stepped out of the bathtub and grabbed a towel that hung near the tub. She began drying herself off as she thought, `What is it that she saw that upset her?' Having finished drawing off her body, she moved on to her hair. After a few moments she threw the towel into a basket into the corner of the room, it had dried her hair as much as it could. She wiped the water residue that had formed on the mirror in front of her and stared at herself, `Was it a vision? A memory? Or simply a nightmare?' She sighed and reached for her hairdryer and brush. Once her hair was mostly dry she put away the hairdryer. She paused for a moment, `I still have concerns about that youma…'
Rei walked over to her uniform for school and stared at it for a moment, her mind drift over to what awaited her when she returned to school, and she certainly didn't relish all the make-up work she'd have to do. `Maybe if I told them I was kidnapped, they'd pity me.' She laughed quietly at the thought. Of course if she told them the truth they'd probably want her committed. `I guess I'll just have to get by as best as I can.' With that thought she grabbed her clothes and began getting dressed. When she was done she quickly left the bathroom and headed back to her room. However, when she turned the corner to her room she bumped in someone…
“Sorry…” she said and looked up, “…Yuuichirou?” He looked even more disheveled than normal and Rei could have sworn she saw bags under the young man's eyes. “Is something wrong, Yuuichirou?”
He shook his head slightly and said, “No.” He stood there only for a couple more seconds before walking past Rei.
She stared at him oddly as he walked away from her, he was acting strange even for him. She shrugged her shoulders and began walking to her room once more. She reached the door to her room and paused before opening it, `It wouldn't be a good idea for her to wonder around the city without someone with her. I should tell Chibi-Usa to stay here while I go to school.' She thought to herself before sliding opening the door. She stepped inside and looked around for the pink haired princess; she could feel worry building up in her stomach when she didn't immediately find the younger girl. `She was going to stay here until I got back, so where…' Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard light breathing coming from her futon. She quickly turned to the object in the center of her room and the first thing she saw a mess of pink hair. She sighed in relief before walking over the futon.
`She must have fallen back asleep.' She thought as she knelt beside the futon. She was sleeping, peacefully now as far as she could tell and that made her have second thoughts about disturbing her, but she didn't want to leave the girl without letting her know. Rei put her hand on the sleeping girl's shoulder and shook her slightly, “Chibi-Usa, come on…wake up.”
The pink haired girl stirred a little, but wasn't fully awake as she muttered, “Is it time to get up already, Mama?”
Rei smiled, “Well, I'm not going to make you get up, but I did want to tell you something before I went to school.”
Chibi-Usa blinked a couple times before wiping her eyes. When her vision was clear she saw a younger version of her mother, “I'm sorry, I thought…”
“It's fine; just try not to call me that around Jii-chan. I don't think I'd be able to explain that very well” Rei said and smiled again.
Chibi-Usa nodded her head slowly, “I'll try…”
“You can call me Rei-chan, at least while you're at the jinja.” The younger girl made a strange face at her request. Seeing this Rei added, “I'm sorry, I know it'll probably be weird, but it'd really be easier if you can call me Rei-chan.”
She continued looking at the older girl with odd expression, but eventually she nodded her head. It would be awkward and at times difficult to call the woman before her anything but Mama, but she would do her best if it made things easier for her Mama. “Okay…R-Rei-chan.”
Rei stood up and smiled sympathetically at the other girl, “It won't be for that long, I promise. We'll figure out how you got here and get you back to your rightful time.” The pink haired girl nodded again, though it was less cheerfully than she would have hoped. “Is something wrong?”
The younger girl turned her gaze downward; she couldn't deny her longing to return to her home, not only to see everyone again, but to make sure everyone was alright. She really wanted to let everyone know that she was alright as well, but she didn't have any way to do that and she knew everyone would be worried about her. Nevertheless, there were things about this time that she felt the need to find out. There had to be some reason she was here, in the past, at least that's what she believed. However, she didn't want to cause trouble for anyone, especially her future parents and she got the distinct impression that her presence was or would in the near future cause trouble for the woman in the room with her and she didn't want that. With that thought in mind, she continued to look down as she shook her head no.
Rei stared at the other girl, not believing her, “Are you sure?”
Chibi-Usa looked up, “Yeah.” She said simply and nodded her head.
Rei continued to stare at the other girl, feeling as though there was something more. After a number of seconds pasted she lowered her head, catching a glimpse of the clock in her room; it was far past time she should have left for school. “Alright, I'll leave it at that but I want you to do something for me.”
“What is it?” Chibi-Usa asked tilting her head slightly to the left.
“I don't want you to leave jinja until I come home.” Rei answered.
“I don't think you should wonder around alone in a world you aren't familiar with, it wouldn't be safe.” The raven haired girl explained. She watched the younger girl as she waited for her answer. After a few more seconds, she nodded her head. Rei seemed satisfied with that and bent over to match Chibi-Usa's much lower position on the futon. She gave her a quick hug. When she pulled back she said, “I should be back by three thirty, so I'll be back before you know it. And Chibi-Usa…” The pink haired girl gave Rei her fully attention when she addressed her, “Don't bottle up what you're feeling. I know from experience that is doesn't help in the long run.” She slid open her bedroom door and exited the room.
Haruka stepped into the kitchen and went straight for the coffee maker to prepare a pot. Once she'd filled the machine with water and added fresh coffee, she turned the unit on. She took a couple steps to right and opened the cabinet. She pulled out two mugs and placed them on the counter beside the coffeemaker. It would still be a short time before it would be done, but she decided to stand in front of it and wait for it to finish rather then sitting down at the modest table across the room. As she watched the dark liquid drip into the pot, she allowed herself to become lost in thought at least until she felt a hand rub against her lower back. The short haired blonde felt a smiled tug at the corners of her lips at the other person's touch. She didn't even bother to turn around as she whispered, “Good morning, Michi.”
“Good morning yourself.” Michiru said and stood beside her slightly taller lover. She placed a tender kiss on her cheek before following her gaze to the coffee pot, “It's unusual for you to be the first down and make the coffee. What's the occasion?”
Haruka didn't look at the woman beside her as she spoke, “I'm worried about Hotaru.”
Any playful banter she had planned to say left her thoughts then. Michiru looked down and saw her companion's hand of the counter, so she placed hers over it, “As am I. You didn't sleep very well last night.”
“Nor did you and I think I can safely say the same for Hotaru. That's likely why she's still asleep now.”
Michiru nodded, “Did you have any success in thinking about other reasons Chibi-Usa wouldn't know Hotaru?”
“None that are very pleasant and I refuse to believe that Hotaru isn't alive in the future.” Haruka said balling her hand not being held by Michiru into a fist.
“If she truly believes that though, we'll have to be watchful of her actions when we do have to fight. If she doesn't believe she has a future she might end up doing something that will hurt herself, even if it's unintentional.”
The sandy blonde nodded her head, “I agree. She might do something reckless.” Both women fell silent for several minutes, until Haruka turned to face her lover. “I wish Setsuna were here. She'd know what was going on…and what to do.”
Michiru simply nodded in agreement. Just then the coffee maker buzzed, informing them it had finished brewing.
Hotaru leaned against the wall beside the doorway to the kitchen, `I need some air.' She thought to herself and pushed off the wall. She strode toward the front door, stopping a short distance from it when a thought struck her. She walked over an end table in the living room. She opened the drawer on the front of it and pulled out a notepad as well as a pen. She took both objects with her to the front door. When she reached to small table by the door she put the notepad down and quickly wrote down a short note for the two women acting as her guardians…
I'm going for a walk. I want to be
alone for a little while. You don't
have to worry, I'll be back soon.
Love, Hotaru
She put the pen down beside the paper and exited the building a few moments later.
Students were filling into Azabu Juuban Junior High as it was about fifteen minutes from the first bell. Two girls stopped just short of the entrance and appeared to be having a serious conversation. The taller girl wore a different uniform than all the other girls that entered the school making her stand out even more than her height did. The second girl was significantly shorter and had short blue hair…
Makoto stepped in front of Ami and put her hands on the shorter girl's shoulders, “Are you sure?”
The blue haired girl looked up and blushed slightly under the other girl's gaze. She nodded her head sharply, “Yeah. I mean…unless you don't want to.”
“I-I do…I just want you to be sure that you're ready.”
“Ready for what?”
Both girls jumped back slightly and stared at the culprit in only partially feigned anger, “Geez…Minako! Did you really have to do that?” Makoto chastised.
Minako held up her hands defensively, “Hey, I just happened to over hear the end. As could any one walking into the school though…”
Makoto looked around for a moment and was going to counter the blonde's statement, when Ami beat her to the punch. “I was just telling Makoto I wanted her come over to dinner with my mother and me later in the week.”
“Ooohh…the big introduction!” Minako announced cheerfully.
“Keep your voice down.” Makoto whispered and nudged the blonde in her side.
“It's not like she hasn't met my mother…”
“But it's different introducing Makoto as your girlfriend.” Minako matter-of-factly
All three girls knew that voice and even though they did, they each turned around together and came face to face with one of their other friends. Usagi. She looked as surprised as she sounded when they first heard her. Her mouth was slightly agape and she stared at the two girls her other friend had just outed.
“I'm sorry Usagi…that's not how we wanted to tell you.” Makoto said and gave sideways glare at Minako, who again held up her hand defensively.
Usagi looked down for a moment, causing a little concern as to what she was going to do. After what felt like an eternity for the two girls at the center of discussion, though it wasn't more than a few seconds, Usagi lifted her head up and gave her two friends the biggest smile she could. “I'm so happy for the two of you!” She gushed and leapt at the two unsuspecting girls causing them to nearly fall over as she collided with them.
Minako smiled at her friends, though it was far less cheerful than Usagi's. She was truly happy for her friends, but despite that there was still a melancholy feeling that she couldn't shake. She knew it was because of her own situation and she wouldn't allow own feeling put a damper on her friends' blossoming relationships. Just then the first bell toned alerting the girls it was time to start to head to class.
“And so for today's class, I would like everyone to turn to page…”
Rei zoned her teacher out from that point on and once again her mind traveled back to Chibi-Usa. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more going on then she was letting on. `There was something on her mind, but she's reluctant to tell me anything about it. Why though?' She thought to herself.
There wasn't much she could do to get her to open up though, she'd already made herself open to listen to her, but would that be enough. `It might end up being too late, when she's ready to talk.' She took a deep breath and racked her mind for what else she could do. `I wonder if she'd be more open with Usagi…'
Rei nearly jumped out of her seat at hearing her name being yelled across the room. When she regained her composure, she quickly stood up and looked at her teacher in front of case, “Yes, Sister.”
“Do you mind telling me where I just left off?”
Rei panicked inwardly, but maintain calm on the outside. How was she going to answer that question when she didn't even pay attention to where she said start? She heard someone whisper a page and paragraph number to her left, but she couldn't understand what they said. “I'm sorry Sister…I believe I lost my place.”
“Hino-san, you've just come back to us after a week's worth of absences the least you could do is pay attention in class.”
“I'm sorry Sister, it won't happen again.” Rei said and sat down without another word. She heard one of her classmates apologize quietly. She waited until her teacher was no longer paying attention to her before looking over to her left and whispering, “It was my own fault. There's no need for you to get in trouble too.” She finished by giving the girl a quick smile, causing her to turn away from her hurriedly. She turned forward again, this time distantly listening to what her teacher was saying, but her thoughts still lay elsewhere.
Chibi-Usa sat on the futon and looked around the room again; it must have been the dozenth time she'd done so. Her gaze became drawn a number of frames that sat on the top of the dresser across the room. She stood up and walked over to examine them. She smiled at the picture that was placed in center of the rest; it was a shot of her parents, without anyone else. After a few seconds she looked over the other pictures. In a group shot she noticed a girl that looked just like her. She picked up the frame and stared at it more closely…the girl looked just like her. She put the frame down and walked back over to the futon. She sat down and tried to think about what was going on. She was absolutely certain that she'd never been to the past, `Was someone playing a on her parents?' she thought and stood up quickly. `There's someone here that recognized me that isn't my parents or a Sailor Senshi.' She headed to the sliding door to leave the room to search for that person.
She left the room and walked down the hall. She stopped when the hall split off in two different directions. She tried to remember which way would take her out of the shrine. Finally just picking the direction she thought it was she went down the left and continued walking until she reached a room with two sliding doors. She knew this was the correct way she reached there; she remembered that room from the night before. `This is where Mama mediates…' She reached for the door and was about to open them when she heard someone speaking to her, “I sorry, customers…” He paused when her recognized the girl, “You're Usagi's cousin, right?”
“Wha…I mean y-yes…” She stuttered a bit almost forgetting that was who she was supposed to be.
“Did you spend the night? I didn't see you come in…” Yuuichirou had assumed she would have stayed with Usagi.
“Yeah…Yuui…Yuuich…” She sighed in defeat at her inability to pronounce the man's name.
Chibi-Usa bowed her head slightly, “I'm sorry.”
He shook his head, “It's not the easiest name to say.”
A thought occurred to Chibi-Usa, `This man seems to know me as well…maybe I can get some clue about that girl from him' “Say, when did you last see me here? I can't seem to remember how long ago it was.”
“About a month ago I'd say.”
“Okay…thanks.” She thought about questioning the man if he was sure, but that would have only been weirder. There was a picture of a girl that looked like her and everyone seemed to know her, but that didn't mesh with what she knew, she'd never been to the past and hadn't met someone of these people like the man next to her and her mother's grandfather. Then there was the girl with the other Sailor Senshi last night, Hotaru. She didn't know any of them…
“I should really get back to my chores.” Yuuichirou said.
Chibi-Usa nodded, “Okay, I'm sorry to have kept you.” She said and started to walk toward the shrine's exit again. As she entered the courtyard, she looked around but didn't see anyone immediately. She was curious as to where her mother's grandfather was because she didn't see him in the shrine and now in the courtyard. She walked over the steps that lead down to the street. `I know I told mama that I'd stay in the shrine, but she won't know if I'm gone for just a little while.' She thought and began walking down the stone steps.
Rei's grandfather stepped out from behind the jinja's charm stand and saw a young girl with pink haired, but before he could say anything she was already descending the stairs.
Hotaru looked around; she'd been walking for a little more than a half hour already and she was already thinking about walking back to her house. Her walk had done little ease her mind's worries, she hadn't come up with another explanation for why Chibi-Usa didn't know her…except for the first one that she came up with the night before. She shook her head, `Haruka and Michiru were right…if continue to think that it'll become a selfulfilling prophecy.'
She looked forward again and saw a glimpse of pink hair as the person the corner a little ways away from her. She hurried to catch up to the person. When she reached the corner she looked down block and saw a girl with pink hair and a distinctive hairstyle to match it. `It is Chibi-Usa…' She thought and looked at the street she was on. `I didn't realize I walked that far.” She thought and turned back to see the other girl approaching an intersection. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a car speeding down the street, right where she was walking. Hotaru ran as fast as she could and hoped that either Chibi-Usa would realize there was a car coming or that she'd make it in time. Just before she could step down from the crib, Hotaru grabbed her by the first thing she could reach…the collar of her top and pulled her back onto the sidewalk.
Chibi-Usa stared wide eyed at the red sports car that zoomed past where she would have been, had she not been pulled away from the street. She tried to will her heartbeat to slow from her near death experience. She took a deep breath before turning around to see the face of her savior. She was at a loss for words as when she saw the very girl she was just thinking about.
“Are you alright?” Hotaru asked she looked over the other girl. She sighed in relief it appeared she made it just in time.
“Y-Yeah…thank you.” Her heart was still pounding fiercely in her chest even as she thanked the dark haired girl. She wanted to know about the girl beside her and this seemed like a good opportunity to do just that, “Do you want to go somewhere and talk?”
“She's not anywhere upstairs!” Haruka announced as she reached the bottom of the staircase.
“She isn't downstairs either.” Michiru said as she walked out of the living room.
“Where could she be?” Haruka asked and ran her hand through her hair nervously.
Michiru grabbed her purse and looked at her lover, she was pacing now. She walked over to the other woman and put her hand reassuringly on her shoulder, “Let's go looking for her.”
Haruka nodded her head in agreement and headed for the door, stopping at the small table beside it to grab her keys. She paused mid-motion when she noticed a pad of paper there. When she saw writing on it she picked it up and read the few words that were scribed there.
Michiru walked up behind her and asked, “What is it, Ruka?” The blonde haired woman passed the paper over her shoulder. After reading it she looked up, “At least we know she's safe.”
“She could have just told us…”
Chibi-Usa stopped walking for a moment and asked, “Did you mean what you said last night?”
Hotaru's brow creased in confusion, “What do you mean?”
Chibi-Usa looked over to the dark haired girl, “Do you think it would be possible that we could get to know each bit by bit?”
Hotaru couldn't help but smile at the question, “If that's what you want.”
“It is.” The pink haired girl said simply. She continued walking with Hotaru close behind her until they reached a bench. Chibi-Usa sat down followed by her companion shortly there after. They sat there for a short time without saying anything until Chibi-Usa finally broke the silence, “I'm sorry, but I don't really know where to start though. I don't really have a lot of experience with making friends. Except for the Sailor Senshi, I don't really have any friends, but it's different with them…I guess you'd be different too then.”
After a few moments of silence, Hotaru spoke, “I'm not so good with this kind of thing either…”
Hotaru nodded her head slowly, “Yeah. I never made friends with anyone in school because I was different. When I ever got close to anyone I always hurt them, but wasn't my fault.” She paused when she noticed the confused look on the pink haired girl's face. “It's a long story…”
“I don't mind…” She was going to say something more when she saw the other girl's expression, “You don't want to talk about it though, do you?”
Hotaru looked at her feet and put her hands on her thighs. She gripped her skirt tightly with her hands, “I'm sorry…it's just talking about that time…brings up a lot of painful memories that I'd…” She stopped when she felt a hand covering her own. She quickly looked over and saw a pair of worried royal blue eyes staring at her.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to conjure up bad memories. You don't have to talk about it and I won't bring it out again if that's what you want.” Chibi-Usa said sincerely without breaking eye contact with the dark haired girl.
Hotaru was unable to maintain her stare and turned to look forward. “I didn't mean to sound so depressing. Everything wasn't bad. I did have one friend that I made; actually it was more because of her persistence than anything.”
“Are you still friends with her?” The pink haired girl let go of her hand as she asked that.
The other girl was silent for a few moments before she settled on her response, “I'm not sure, it's a little complicated.”
Chibi-Usa looked at the dark haired girl with a look of confusion, “I don't understand.”
“The only friend I've ever truly had was you, but I guess you don't remember that.”
Chibi-Usa stared at the other girl, `How can that be? I've never been to the past.' She stared straight ahead, not really looking at anything in particular, just trying to understand. That was the problem though, she couldn't understand, `No one's been surprised by me. Everyone seems to think they've met me before, but that's not possible. Everyone remembers me. It's like a girl pretended to be me to fool everyone for some reason. But to know me, she had to have been from the future as well, but that doesn't make any sense!' Chibi-Usa jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, stirring her from her thoughts.
“Are you alright?”
The pink haired girl nodded slowly, “Yeah, I was just thinking…” She paused before remembering what the other girl said to start her previous train of thought, “I'm sorry but I can promise you that I've never traveled to the past before. I wasn't even aware that I had traveled back in time until it became all too apparent…”
“You didn't intentionally travel to the past?” Hotaru asked curiously.
Chibi-Usa shook her head, “No, one minute I was running away…” she stopped when she realized where that sentence would lead, but it was already too late.
“What were you running from?”
The pink haired girl sighed as she tried to think of what to say, she could almost feel the other girl's eyes on her awaiting her answer. She looked at her feet, “It was a bad person. As I ran I somehow end up here.”
“I thought the new Silver Millennium was a utopia, a place free of evil?”
She shook her head slowly, “No, there are still bad people. Mama told me that even in a land ruled by light, there will still be darkness. One can not exist without the other.”
Hotaru smiled, “That's just like Usagi-san, but I guess she'd be Queen Serenity in the future though.”
The future Princess smiled to as the topic changed to her mother. She nodded her head and looked at the girl beside her, “She's so wise and beautiful. I just hope I'm as wise when I'm Queen.”
“I'm sure you'll be a great Queen” Hotaru quickly assured the other girl.
She smiled at the other girl's words, even if she wasn't that sure herself. “It was weird seeing her fight as Sailor Moon though.” She said making a weird face before turning to her companion, “She's not a very good fighter is she?”
“Sailor Moon's strength doesn't lay in her fighting prowess…it lies in her heart. She has an unbelievable capacity for love and forgiveness…even for our enemies.” Chibi-Usa nodded her head as she listened to Hotaru describe Sailor Moon. “Rei-san said that you can't transform, is that true?”
Chibi-Usa nodded her head slowly, “Yeah, everyone seems to know I can, but I've never been able to. I've been trying for several decades now.”
“Several decades?” Hotaru repeated unsure that she'd heard the girl correctly.
She nodded her head, “Yeah. Though my appearance is that of someone in their early teens, I'm actually much older.”
“How old are you then?”
“I'll be 900 in about a month. It's natural for those of us with eternal star seeds to stop aging because we are virtually immortal, though it usually occurs when we reach our early twenties, at least that's what Ami-chan told me. She hasn't been able to figure out why I stopped aging when I did.” Chibi-Usa explained. Hotaru tried to digest what she was just told, but before she really could, she was caught off guard by another question.
“Can I see what you look like as a senshi?”
Hotaru stared at the other girl, “Why are you asking so suddenly?”
The pink haired girl looked down, “I thought if I saw you as a senshi…I might recognize you…”
Hotaru stood up, drawing the other girl's attention, “Alright.” She took a quick look around before saying, “I shouldn't do it right here though…”
The future Princess followed after the other girl as she walked away from the bench. They walked until they found a small clearing a short distance away. It was surrounded by a number of tall trees and bushes, giving them a good amount of cover. Hotaru took one last look around to make sure they were alone before she held her hand up in the air and called out…
“Saturn Crystal Power, Makeup!”
Chibi-Usa squinted her eyes as she watched the other girl's transformation. She couldn't actually see much of it, but she could see that she was surrounded by a beautiful purple light. It didn't take very long before the light faded and she could see Hotaru again, now fully transformed. The dark haired girl held her right hand out to her side and in mere moments pole began to materialize in her hand. Chibi-Usa watched in awe as the girl's weapon fully realized itself. The pole stood slightly taller than Hotaru, but the curved blade on the top of it added several more inches making the weapon appear much taller than her. She was pulled out of thoughts about the other girl's transformation by her voice.
“Do you recognize me?”
Chibi-Usa blinked a few times before looking over the Sailor Senshi before her. She did as she did the first time she saw the dark haired girl, she racked her brain for any knowledge on the senshi before her, but just as before she came up empty. She lowered her head slightly and dejectedly shook her head, no. She could see the look of disappointment on the Sailor Senshi's face, so she said the only thing she could, “I'm sorry.”
Saturn's face brightened when she heard the tone of the other girl's voice. There was no reason for her to feel sorry, if she didn't remember her, it wasn't her fault. “Hey, it was worth a shot.”
“You're disappointed though.” She said and looked down slightly.
“I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, but I don't hold you responsible for what you don't even remember.”
Chibi-Usa looked up quickly and asked, “Can I ask you something then?” There was a question she had on her mind since she saw the other girl transform into a Sailor Senshi.
“Sure. What is it?” Saturn replied.
“What is your title?”
She was a little surprised at first, but then she realized that she hadn't introduced herself after she transformed. Saturn looked at the future Princess calmly and planted her Silence Glaive firmly in the ground, but continued to hold it as she put her hand over the bow on her chest and bowed slightly. She kept her head lowered as she spoke, “I am Sailor Saturn, the senshi of death and rebirth.” She looked over to her pink haired companion, only to see she was looking away from her, `Did I say something wrong?' she questioned herself.
“You needed be so formal.” She said while she continued stare away. After a moment she looked at the dark haired senshi of Saturn, her cheeks holding a faint tinge of pink to them.
“Am I embarrassing you, Princess?” She said a little teasingly before undoing her transformation.
“Sort of…none of the senshi are so formal with me, unless we are at court.” Chibi-Usa said honestly and looked back at her companion. “You're a powerful solider though, I can tell. Are you stronger than Rei-mama?”
Hotaru looked to the sky for a moment, seemingly in thought. “In a combat situation, Rei-san would and has wiped the floor with me, but if you're talking in pure destructive power yes, I would be stronger. However, it doesn't matter though because I can't use my full power anyway.”
“Why not?”
“My full power is meant to bring about an end to everything. I would destroy everything so that everything can begin again. That is my true purpose as a senshi.” Hotaru explained. She became silent for a few seconds before she added, “There's only been one time that I've ever had to use all of my power and I hope there never comes a time where I will need to again. There was almost a second time though…”
Chibi-Usa stared in wonder at the other girl; it was a lot to have on one person's shoulders. She couldn't help but be intrigued by what she meant that there almost was a second time, so the question left her lips before she could even think about it further, “What happened that second time?”
“Usagi-san saved me.” Hotaru said proudly and paused for a moment before explaining in more detail, “There was a very powerful enemy trying to invade from outside our solar system and things were bad. Sailor Moon lost a lot of her power and she couldn't defeat him. I couldn't let him destroy this planet. I became Sailor Saturn and met him before he could reach Earth. I fought with him for some time but before long I realized what I had to…I had to end everything. I prepared drop my Silence Glaive, but she stopped me from completing my attack and together we destroyed him. But I'd used all of my power and I was sure I was going to die…but she saved me. Usagi-san saved me. I don't know what happened exactly, but I reverted to a baby somehow…I couldn't tell you how and I don't think Usagi-san could either.” Hotaru finished by taking a deep breath and adding, “I don't take my power lightly. I said that I hope I never have to use it again and that is true, but I will if I have to…”
Chibi-Usa stared at the dark haired girl wonder. She was truly a solider. There was an unshakable resolve in her eyes, she could see it. Even if she didn't wish to do it, she would accomplish the duty assigned to her as a Sailor Senshi. She couldn't help but think about herself and her inability to transform. Her gaze traveled downward as she thought, `No wonder I can't become a Sailor Senshi. How can I hope to inherit the mantle left by my mother?' She lifted her head again focused on the girl beside her, `If I can prove myself to have half the spirit Hotaru has, I'll surely be able to transform…' Hotaru finally smiled again and Chibi-Usa felt herself thinking that face suited her much more than her previous serious face.
“Enough depressing talk, it's nearly three thirty and…” Chibi-Usa stood up unexpectedly causing Hotaru to cut her statement short.
“What?! It's that late already?”
“What is it? What's wrong?” Hotaru asked, standing up beside the other girl.
“Rei-mama told me to stay at the shrine until she got back from school and she should be back any minute now. If she sees that I'm not there…” She stopped when she heard a beeping noise and looked at Hotaru curiously.
The dark haired girl quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out her communicator. She opened the device and saw Rei's face…
Rei entered her room and put her bag down by the door, “Chibi-Usa…I'm back!” She called and looked around for any sign of the pink haired girl, but came up empty. `She wasn't in the courtyard, was she?' She thought and left her room. She quickly headed for the main shrine's exit and before she knew it, she was outside. She did a quick scan of the grounds, but couldn't find any sign of the girl she was looking for. However, she did spot her grandfather near the steps to the shrine and hurried over to him, “Jii-chan!”
The old man turned around, “What's wrong Rei?”
“Usagi's cousin, you know the girl with pink hair, have you seen her around anywhere?”
“Oh, she left about two hours ago. I was going to ask her why she was leaving without saying goodbye.” He said casually.
“She didn't say anything?” Rei asked quickly, but her grandfather just shook his head. She held her tongue, but she really felt like cursing. “Thanks Jii-chan” She said and ran back inside.
`Why would she leave? She agreed to stay here.' She thought to herself as she made it back to her room in record time. As soon as she got inside she pulled out her communicator…
“Attention everyone, I need you're help. I don't know where Chibi-Usa is. She was supposed to stay at the jinja, but isn't here. I need everyone's help to find her.”
Hotaru looked at Chibi-Usa after Rei's voice cut out. It seemed as though Rei was already home and wasn't wasting any time calling everyone to search for the girl beside her. She looked her communicator again a pressed a couple buttons. In a few moments she began to speak…
“Rei-san, it's alright. She's with me.”
There was short silence over the device, before Rei's voice could be heard…
“Hotaru…how did you find her so quickly?”
She shook her head at the question, “No, we've been together for a while now. We've just been talking.” Hotaru could hear the other girl sigh after she said that.
“Could you bring her here? I'd like to have a word with her.”
Hotaru looked over to her companion, who had a look on her face like she knew she was going to be scolded. She turned back the device in her hand, “We'll be at the jinja shortly.” She said and put the circular object in her pocket again. She walked over to the pink haired girl across from her and put her hand on her shoulder, “Come on, let's go back the jinja.”
Rei lowered her head and sighed quietly, before looking at her communicator again and pressed a few buttons to contact the rest of senshi sans Hotaru. Once she was connected she said, “False alarm everyone. She's with Hotaru. I'm sorry to have worried everyone.” She got the girls' responses almost immediately; needless to say there was universal relief from the group. “Thanks everyone.”
After everyone else had disconnected, Usagi's face came on the screen, “I'm still coming over, Rei. I'll be there in about ten minutes.”
Rei nodded, “See you then Usa.” She said and closed her communicator. She sat on her futon and rubbed her temples, `What am I supposed to do if she won't keep her word?' she thought and fell back on her futon. She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling almost hoping to find her answer there. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, `I don't think I'm ready for this kind of thing…' As soon as she finished that thought, she heard a knock on her door.
“Rei, it's me.”
She smiled and got off her futon. She walked over to the door and opened it. She motioned for Usagi to come inside; she closed the door after wards and followed her girlfriend to her futon. Once they were both sitting down, Usagi asked, “What happened?”
Rei shook her head, “I don't know.” She looked down as she added, “Usa, she told me that she'd stay here, but she didn't keep her word…I don't what to say to her…”
Usagi shifted closer to Rei and put her hands on her cheeks. She looked straight into her amethyst eyes, “Tell her how you felt when you realized she was missing. I think that's really all she'll need to hear.” She said and smiled reassuringly.
Rei was going to say something when there was another knock on her door. Again Rei walked over to her door and opened it. She looked at both girls for a moment before addressing one of them, “Hotaru, do you think you can wait right here while we talk to Chibi-Usa?” The dark haired girl nodded and stepped away from the door, she chose to stand next to it in the hall. Rei moved aside to let the younger girl inside. Chibi-Usa saw her mother sitting on the futon and once she was inside, she heard the door slid closed.
Rei walked over to Usagi and sat on the futon beside her, “Why didn't you leave a note or anything? Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
“….I'm sorry.” Chibi-Usa said quietly. That really the only defense she could offer up, it was weak…she knew that, but it was only thing she could say.
“You can't ever do that again.” Rei said seriously
The pink haired girl nodded her head before turning gaze downward. `I've disappoi…' Her thoughts were cut short when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She looked up and saw her mother holding her.
“I'm really glad nothing happened to you.” Rei said quietly and hugged the other girl tighter. Chibi-Usa's eyes watered and she buried her face in her mother's chest.
Usagi shook her head slightly, `You're nothing but a big softy after all.' She thought as she watched the two girls.
A tall man stepped through a tent's entrance and looked around. He didn't see who he was expecting to see, making him wonder if he was directed into the wrong tent. “Where is the commander?”
“You needed concern yourself. I'll be giving the orders around here from here on out.” Heliodor said calmly and watched the other man sit down across from him. “I understand you were also sent after the Princess…what did you learn?”
He nodded his head quickly, “Yes…” he said and explained what he knew about what transpired. When he was done the other man spoke…
“You are certain one of the warriors that defeated our tracker was Mars?”
“I am. My psychometry is never wrong. The other warrior bore a striking resemblance to the Queen Serenity, but I wasn't aware she could take the form of a warrior as well.”
“That's good work…” Heliodor said trailing off at the end, unsure of his companion's name.
“Nabesite, sir.”
“Nabesite.” He repeated and stood up. “You have a useful ability for a Shade.” He said as he walked to the exit of his tent. He pulled back the cloth on one side before saying, “I'll call upon you when I need your services again.”
“What is our next course of action?”
“Let me worry about strategy. You simply must be ready when you're needed again.” He said and directed him to leave. He watched him exit before walking back to where he sat before, `If she's going to be protected by them…I'll need to go about this differently than I originally planned.'
This chapter was very talky…but I guess that's because a good portion of this chapter was taken up by Chibi-Usa and Hotaru's conversation.
Oh I think I mentioned this in the last story, but I do mix manga facts with anime facts. Whether I use one or the other has only to do with which I like better because there are parts where I like one over the other, but then the other times where a particular event may be a combination of the manga and anime. I don't really have much to say beyond that, expect that I hope everyone enjoyed this installment :) Until next time!