Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Our Future ❯ Times They are a Changin' ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4 - Times They are a Changin'
Usagi watched the two girls embrace a little longer before coughing quietly into her hand, drawing the two girl's attention. “Sorry to interrupt, but it'd be polite to ask Hotaru if she'd like to come inside as well.”
Rei looked over to her girlfriend before releasing Chibi-Usa, “I almost forgot she was outside. I'll go invite her in.” She said and headed to the door.
Once Rei walked over to her bedroom door, Usagi looked at the pink haired girl standing a short distance from her. “Can you come over here for a second, Chibi-Usa?”
Rei slid open her bedroom door and looked into the hallway. Hotaru was leaning against the wall beside the door, but jumped away from it slightly when she heard the door open.
“Did I scary you?”
Hotaru shook her head, “No, I was just lost in my thoughts.”
Rei nodded, “Come on in. Sorry for making you wait.” She moved aside and motioned for the other girl to enter.
The younger girl quickly shook her head, “Its fine. I understand you needed to speak to Chibi-Usa alone.”
Once they both stepped inside, they saw that Chibi-Usa and Usagi were talking to each other; though it seemed as though Usagi was the one doing most of the talking. Rei turned her attention to Hotaru, “Let's give them a few more minutes.” She said and led her companion away from her futon, towards her closet.
“That's actually better, because I wanted to talk to you about something anyway.” Hotaru said.
“Sure. What's on your mind?”
Hotaru looked over to the other two girls in the room, before turning back to Rei. She took a deep breath and whispered, “Chibi-Usa.”
“Did something happen earlier?”
The younger girl shook, “No, nothing happened. It's just what she said to me while we were talking.” She paused for a moment before continuing, “Rei-san, she's thoroughly convinced that she's never been to the past. She told me herself.”
Rei turned her attention to the girl they were discussing, she was currently hugging Usagi, it seemed they were done talking. “Maybe…” she whispered.
Hotaru stared at the senshi of flame with a curious expression, “I'm sorry…what?”
Rei smiled and turned to look at the girl beside her, “It's nothing, just thinking out loud. I won't deny that it's been something I've thought about ever since she showed up. She seems to be a completely different person, with different memories and everything. I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to keep trying to figure everything out. I get the feeling there's more going on then we know.”
“Rei…” Hotaru began to say, but stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Don't worry, I promise we'll figure what's going on…and I never break my promises.” Rei said and put her arm around the shorter girl's shoulder and lead her over Usagi and Chibi-Usa.
Chibi-Usa turned her attention to her future mother. After a couple seconds she nodded her head and walked over. Usagi patted the spot on the futon beside where she sat, urging the other girl to sit there. The pink haired girl sat in the offered spot and gave Usagi her full attention.
Usagi closed her eyes for a second before saying, “I'm not sure your reason going off by yourself, but that's not something you can do again.”
“I didn't mean to cause any trouble…”
Usagi shook her head, “I don't care about that. We'd use all of our power to find you no matter the reason. I'm saying that you can't do something like that to Rei again. If you were going to leave you should have left a note or something.”
Chibi-Usa looked down as she said, “I don't intend to be gone as long as I was.”
“Still that's no excuse, especially after Rei asked you not to leave.”
The pinked girl nodded her head slightly, “I know…I was just…”
Usagi watched her future daughter carefully as her sentence trailed off trying to figure out where she was going. “What is it?”
“I…” She paused and hazarded a look at the woman next to her. She didn't know what she was looking for, but in her eyes she saw only concern and curiosity, prompting her to finish her thought, “I just wanted to understand what happened here in the past; what I did that I don't remember.” The younger girl said, adding extra emphasis when referring to what `she' did in the past.
“That's not something you need to do on your own. We, all of the Sailor Senshi, will help with that.”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to figure things out all by myself.”
“I promise none of us will pressure you to remember anything and in return I want you to come to me or Rei or any of the other girls if you want help for anything. You don't have to do anything alone.”
Chibi-Usa nodded her head before she felt herself being pulled into an embrace. She smiled as she felt her mother's warmth wash over her. She thought about telling her that she knew she wouldn't remember anything, but she only considered it for a nanosecond, she didn't want to dampen the moment.
“Is everything alright?” Rei asked drawing the two girl's attention.
Usagi let go of the pink haired girl and smiled, “Yep.”
Heliodor stepped out of his makeshift command post and look at the stars for a moment before walking back inside. After a second, a bright light flashed from within and Heliodor exited the tent again, this time with a large creature following behind him. He took a couple steps away before turning back, “Keep order while I'm gone.” He said before disappearing. Within moments he reappeared in a completely different location. It was dark, the place he arrived. It seemed cave like, but with so little light it was almost impossible to be sure. Heliodor took a few steps forward, undaunted by the darkness; in fact he seemed to be most comfortable in it. After a quick look around, he opened his mouth as to say something, but that was when another voice spoke.
“You're late.” Announced a voice.
Heliodor looked into the direction of the voice and smiled, “I believe I'm on time.” He couldn't see the figure clearly, but he knew full well who was talking to him.
“You're thirty seven seconds late.”
“Oww, come on Maxi-chawn don't be so picky. Not everyone can be as punctual as you.”
“Don't call me that.” The voice hissed.
“Would both of you shut up?” *YAWN* “You're giving me a headache.” A new figure said in a distinctly feminine voice as it approached, sitting down after a couple more steps.
“Are we keeping you awake?” Heliodor asked, a little condescendingly.
The sitting figure simply shrugged indifferently, “I could think of about a dozen things I'd rather be doing right now than be talking to you two.”
“Why you…” Heliodor started to say, but paused when he felt a hand on his shoulder. There only existed one that could sneak behind him without noticing and he wasn't about to fight that person.
“I wouldn't try anything if I were you. You know full well where you stand.” The new figure cautioned and removed their hand from his shoulder.
“Oh…let him try…” The one sitting complained but paused for a moment before speaking seriously for the first time, “I want him to try.”
“Stop taunting him or I'll be forced to put you in your place again.” The newest one to arrive said warningly.
“Pfft…you're no fun.” The one sitting said.
After a few minutes of silence, Heliodor spoke again, “So where's….” He began only to be cut off mid-sentence.
“I'm right here.”
All four who'd already arrived immediately came to attention at the new voice. They each bowed on one knee and silently waited to be addressed again. After the silence dragged on a little longer the newest member of their group spoke again. “Heliodor, stand.”
He quickly did as commanded and waited for the next command, which came quickly. “Heliodor, we are here to hear what you've learned about the Princess' whereabouts.”
“Of course, it appears the Princess somehow managed to escape our grasp by traveling to the past.”
“How is that possible? All of our intelligence showed that she has no powers.” Said the voice of the second to last to arrive.
Heliodor shook his head, “I am unsure as to how she accomplished that feat at the moment, but I'm looking into it. It's most likely that she had aid in her escape, but I'm unaware of any of the court having such a power.”
“What does it matter how…we need that brat!” one of the darken figures said irritably.
“You aren't really suggesting that how she achieved such a feat is unimportant. Are you're implying, it doesn't matter whether we know the abilities of our enemy or not. What if they've been hiding something…?”
“Both of you shut up!” The last one of the group to arrive yelled and slammed the staff in their hand into the ground, knocking the two who were arguing to the ground. “What is your next plan of action, Heliodor?”
Once he picked himself off the ground, he quickly said, “I wish to decipher the current strength of the warriors that are protecting her and once I do that, I'll know what level of force I must use to acquire the Princess from their protection. I plan to send a number of youma of varying strength and measure their strength by how long it takes for them to defeat them.”
“Why not just go and get the Princess yourself?” Asked the one Heliodor referred to as Maxi-chawn earlier.
Heliodor laughed at the question immediately before replying, “I'm not foolish enough to fight them without knowing where they stand. I'm not going to throw myself into the fire without understanding their strength.”
“Proceed as you've planned. If they truly are who you say…I'm also interested in their current abilities.” Once that was said the last to arrive became the first to leave.
Heliodor looked at his remaining companions, “I guess I've got work to do.” He said and smirked before disappearing.
“Does anyone really believe he'll succeed?”
“Oh come on let's have faith in…ha ha ha…I can't even say it with a straight face.”
“Of course he won't succeed, but that's when we'll get our opportunity…”
“Whatcha doing Minako?” Artemis asked after jumping on the desk where the girl in question sat.
“Homework.” The blonde haired girl replied simply.
“Oh…can I ask you something?”
Minako didn't even put down her pencil as she said, “Sure.”
“You almost seemed disappointed when Rei called off the search for Chibi-Usa.”
This time she put down her pencil and looked at the cat sitting in front of her, “That's not true. I was just relieved to hear that she was safe.”
The white cat cocked his head slightly, “I'm not saying you weren't relieved, but are you sure that's all?”
Artemis had debated with himself whether to confront his charge with her reaction after Rei's communication, but her initial response to his question urged him to press forward. He missed the days when she would come to him about what was on her mind, rather than him having to almost pry the information out of her. `Maybe it's because she's older…' He thought to himself. Although, he'd anticipated she would be more open with him as she got older, on the other hand it could just be a teen age girl thing.
Minako crossed her arms and stared at Artemis, “What are you trying to say? Please just tell me.”
“Why don't you tell me? I've known you for a long time now and I know when something is off.” Artemis countered.
Minako stared at the white cat, “Well you need to get your `kitty-sense' fixed, cause nothing's off.” She said and went back to writing on paper in front of her. She continued to write, though she could feel the cat's eyes on her. She tried to ignore him, but despite her efforts she found herself only able to do so for so long. Minako sighed, “What do you want me to say?”
“Whatever it is that you're feeling.”
Minako lowered her head for a moment before focusing back on the white cat, “Artemis, there is nothing wrong, if anything…I'm just a little a little disappointed we're not hanging out tonight, but it's nothing. We don't have to spend every second with each other; we're going to be together for a long time. I don't want to be a third wheel to any of them either.”
“You wouldn't…”
The blonde shook her head, “I told you already its fine.”
This time it was Artemis' turn to sigh, “Alright Minako, if you say its fine, I guess its fine.” He'd leave it at that for now…
Minako nodded her head slightly and turned back to her homework. After just a short time longer, she put her pencil down, “That's done. I hate homework, it just another way for teachers to torture us.” She said and walked over to her bed. She threw herself onto the mattress. She landed on her stomach, but quickly turned on to her side, looking towards the desk across from her bed. She saw Artemis still sitting atop the piece of furniture, bringing a question to her mind that was too tempting not to ask, “So, Artemis have you talked to Luna?” Minako supported her head with her hand as she stared at the feline waiting for an answer.
The small white cat was a little surprised by the question, though he should have expected her to ask sooner or later. “Yes actually. Why?” He asked even though he suspected his charge's next question.
“How has she taken Usagi and Rei?” She asked seriously.
Artemis jumped down from his position on the desk and approached Minako's bed, “Actually, really well, much better than I expected. She told me about some of the bad nights Usagi had while Rei was kidnapped and about the night Rei stayed at Usagi's when she finally returned. She said that she didn't let Usagi know she was there, but she watched Usagi with Rei and heard her talking to her. After everything she saw and heard she knew there wouldn't be anything she could say that would change Usagi's feelings even if she wanted to.”
Minako smiled and rolled onto her back, “I'm glad. Their love is true, Artemis, I feel it every time I'm near either of them.”
Artemis nodded his head, he'd been told that multiple times, it wasn't like Minako was trying to convince herself or anything, she already knew and he understood that. The future Usagi was “meant” to share with Mamoru wasn't something easily changed and yet things had clearly changed. The destined couple was no longer a couple, they lost one of their own, Sailor Pluto, and as Minako had told him just the day before Chibi-Usa returned from the future, but she wasn't the same girl they remembered. Apparently, she was now somehow both Rei and Usagi's daughter. He wasn't entirely sure how it was possible, but her existence seems to cement their union. “Minako?”
The blonde teenager turned her head to the left, “Hmm?”
“You know I'll be here if you ever need to talk about anything.”
Minako smiled before looked back up at her room's ceiling, “Thanks, but I already knew that, Artemis.”
“You two don't need anymore time to talk, do you?” Rei asked.
Usagi shook her head, “No, I think Chibi-Usa understands what we were talking about.” She said followed by a quick nod from the pink haired girl beside her. Usagi stood up and walked over to Rei, prompting Hotaru to step away, towards the other girl's futon. Usagi put her hand on her girlfriend's forearm, squeezing it slightly, drawing the other girl's attention.
“What is it?” Rei asked quietly.
Usagi looked at Rei as she said, “There's something I want to do and I want to come with me, but we can talk about it on the way.” Afterwards, she turned back to two younger girls in the room, “Rei and I have to go somewhere for just a little while. So, Hotaru, do you think you'd be able to stay here and keep Chibi-Usa company for a little while?”
The pink haired girl quickly spoke, “Is something wrong?”
Usagi shook her head, “It's nothing like that. There's just something we have to do, just the two of us.”
“I don't mind staying; I just need to tell Haruka and Michiru though.” Hotaru said and sat next to Chibi-Usa.
“Feel free to use my phone.” Rei said motioning toward the phone near where the younger girl sat.
Hotaru nodded, “Thanks.”
“Alright, we'll be going now. We shouldn't be that long.” Usagi said and lead her girlfriend out the door.
Once they were in the hall and shut the door, Rei turned to Usagi, “So, where exactly are we going?”
“Mamoru's apartment.” The blonde haired girl said calmly.
“You want to tell him about Chibi-Usa.” Rei theorized aloud, causing the other girl to shake her head silently. After that, the two girls became to make their way to the shrine's exit.
Once they were alone Chibi-Usa asked, “Where do you think they're going?”
Hotaru smiled at her reassuringly, she had a guess but if Usagi didn't want to say she didn't have the right to say her theory, “I don't know. They may just want some time alone.”
The pink haired girl frowned and flopped back onto the futon. She swung her legs slightly, as they no longer touched the ground as she leaned back. She lay like that for a few minutes before sitting up abruptly and staring over to Hotaru, “Do you want to follow them?” she asked mischievously.
Hotaru laughed a little at the question, and immediately she understood the alerter motive Usagi probably had in asking her to stay. Eventually she shook her head, “I don't think that would be a good idea, especially so soon after what happened earlier.”
“But I wouldn't be going out alone this time, you'd be with me and I'm sure you can handle any dangers we might encounter.” Chibi-Usa countered, trying to show this was a completely different circumstance.
Hotaru looked at the girl beside her, “I'd certainly protect you from harm…” She said seriously, more serious than the pink haired girl expected to hear. After only a brief pause Hotaru broke eye contact and added, “But Usagi-san asked me to stay here with you and I can't simply disobey her request.”
Chibi-Usa sat silently for several seconds before finally conceding, “Okay we don't have to follow them.” She wasn't being completely serious about following them in the first place and she didn't want to say anything else that might accidentally strike a nerve for the other girl.
The dark haired girl nodded slightly and reached for the phone near her, “I should really call Haruka and Michiru now though.”
Heliodor walked in front of a line of five creatures. He looked over each as he walked past them. Once he reached the last one, he turned around and walked back until he was standing front and center to them, “All of you have been chosen for a very important mission.” He paused and observed everyone, “You will soon travel to a distant place, where you will fight. Destroy everything in your path!” He said causing the group before him to cheer.
“When you meet the royal guard and I promise you, you will meet them, it will be all of your responsibilities to kill them. I expect all of you to work together to accomplish this. If any fall, I expect those that remain to press on until their dieing breath as well.” Heliodor pause once more before adding, “That is all. Be ready when the path is opened, because that is when you will be called on to fight! Dismissed!” He watched the creatures leave and once all were gone, he turned away and walked over to his tent.
“That was quite a rousing speech, sir.” Nabesite said admiringly.
Heliodor smiled, “Is that so? Did it also encourage you then?”
“Of course, sir!”
This time Heliodor laughed before saying, “Good, because you'll be going with them.”
“I-I'm sorry, sir. I usually do my best work after everything has finished.” Nabesite stammered, clearly surprised to hear he'd be at the front lines.
“I don't intent for you to fight…” He said and paused for a moment before quietly adding, “I want you to observe. That's what you do correct?”
He quickly nodded his head, “Y-Yes.”
“And that's all I expect you to do here. Once all of them are dead, I want you to return and report back everything you saw.” Heliodor explained.
Michiru hung up the phone and sat down beside Haruka again, “It seems Hotaru is going to spend some time at Rei's with Chibi-Usa.”
“Well, that's good.” Haruka said and put her arm around her lover.
Michiru nodded her head, “Yeah…”
“You're still worried about her though.” The blonde haired woman stated.
“And you aren't?” Michiru countered.
“Of course I am, but the fact that she's communicating with Chibi-Usa is a good thing. She was upset that she didn't know Hotaru as well, last night. Hopefully together, they can work on figuring out why that is.” Haruka explained.
Michiru nodded, “I hope so…”
Ami walked over to the couch Makoto sat, “How about Friday?” the blue haired girl asked out of the blue.
Makoto looked over her shoulder to the other girl, “What do you mean?”
Ami sat down beside her girlfriend, “Well, I was thinking that we should have dinner over at my place…with my mother.” She added the last part almost as a whisper.
“Oh…as long as you're ready, so am I.”
The blue haired girl immediately heard the hesitation in her girlfriend's voice, “I'm not rushing you into this am I?”
The senshi of protection quickly shook her head, trying to dispel any concerns her lover was feeling. “No, you're not. I just want you to be sure.”
“I am. I want to be able to take you home and not be afraid of my mother walking in on us in an…intimate…moment. I don't want to be afraid to show affection to you because I'm afraid my mother will find out that way. I want to be the one to tell her. I don't want her to stumble onto something and find out like that. You understand, right?”
Makoto moved closer to her love and put her arm around her shoulders, “Of course, I do Ames. I didn't want it to sound like I wanted to hide anything. I'd scream a declaration of my love for you from the top of Tokyo Tower, if you asked me.”
Ami giggled a little at the other girl's declaration, “I certainly wouldn't ask you to do that, I promise.” She said and paused for a short time before saying, “I just don't want to hide my feelings for you from my mother anymore. It just seems like it'd be more official if we do the family introduction thing, you know?”
Makoto nodded her head, “Yeah.” She said and held the other girl a little tighter. The two girls stayed like that for some time before Ami put her hand on Makoto's thigh, prompting her to let her go.
“I'm a little thirsty, did you want anything?” Ami asked as she got up and took a step towards the kitchen.
Makoto shook her head, “No, I'm fine thanks.” She said and watched Ami head to the kitchen before getting up herself. She walked to the right, to a wall that contained a number of shelves with several picture frames. She stood there silently for a couple seconds before reaching her hand out and tracing the frame of one picture with her forefinger. There were only two people in that particular photograph, a man and woman. The man was hugging the woman from behind and both were smiling brightly for the picture.
Ami entered the living room once more and saw her girlfriend standing in front of a shelf of photos. She placed her bottle of water on the coffee table and walked over to her love quietly. Despite how quiet she was being, she must have done something to warn the other girl of her presence because before she reached her, she heard her speak to her.
“I wish they could have met you.”
Ami stepped up to the taller girl's back and slipped her arms around the other girl's waist. She held the other girl genially, pressed against her back, and rested her head on the brunette's shoulder. “I wish I could have met them. They had to have been wonderful people to have created you.”
Makoto smiled to herself and just enjoyed the warmth of her lover on her back for a short time before quietly asking, “Do you think your mother will like me?”
“Oh, I know she already likes you…”
“As your friend yes…but what about as your girlfriend?”
Ami finally let go of the taller girl and reach up to her shoulders and turned the other girl around so she could look her in the eyes. As soon as she was facing her, she put her hand on Makoto's cheeks, “I love you and so will my mother. You can trust me when I say you have nothing to worry about there.”
Makoto smiled, “Thank Ames.” She followed that up by leaning down and kissing the shorter girl.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
Usagi shook her head quickly, “No, I don't think it would be a good idea. I mean, it might be a little too much a once.”
Rei nodded, “You're probably right. I don't want this to be any harder than it already is.”
“Thanks Rei.” The blonde teenager said and immediately followed her statement up by hugging the darker haired girl.
After a short few seconds Usagi pulled away and took a couple steps toward the elevator before being stalled by Rei's hand holding her own. She looked at her girlfriend curiously, while Rei smiled back at her and said, “Take as long as you need, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be in the lobby.”
It was Usagi's turn to smile as she said, “Thanks. I will try to be quick though, because I don't think prolonging this will make things easier.” With that they released each other's hands and Usagi walked over to the elevator. She pressed the arrow pointing up when she arrived and waited patiently for her transportation to come. It couldn't have been more than ten seconds before a ding sounded and the doors opened. She stepped inside and quickly pushed the floor number and turn forward once more, seeing Rei give her one more smile before the doors closed.
Rei walked over to one of the empty chairs in the lobby, sat down, and prepared to wait. There was a time not too long ago when she would have been jealous of the Prince of Earth spending time with Usagi, especially alone, but she was happy to honestly admit there was no jealousy in her heart at the moment. Of course, that could also have to do with the subject her girlfriend intended to discuss with Mamoru, Chibi-Usa. More specifically Chibi-Usa's parentage. Rei sighed; perhaps her time alone waiting for Usagi would give her more time to reflect on that herself…
Usagi stepped off the elevator and went to the left. She pasted half a dozen doors before reaching her desired destination. She knocked on an apartment door; one that she'd was very familiar with. She'd been there a number of times in the past, though none recently. She remembered spending a lot of time here with Chibi-Usa, those were good memories, but there were also some not so good ones as well, but she didn't want think about them. She took a deep breath as she anticipated her former boyfriend to open the door. It felt like it was taking him forever, though in actuality she knew it'd only been a few seconds. A passing thought crossed her mind, `What if he isn't even home?' “Maybe I should have called beforehand…” She whispered to herself. As soon as the words left her lips though, she heard the door being unlocked. She took one more deep breath before expecting the door to be opened.
The door opened slowly, almost cautiously, and Mamoru stuck his head outside to see who was there. At first he wasn't sure he was seeing right so he asked her name aloud, “…Usagi?
“Yeah, may I come in?” The teen asked.
“T-This is a bit of a surprise.” Mamoru said, stepping out of his apartment to formally greet his visitor.
“I'm sorry, I really should have called. Is this a bad time?” Usagi asked a little sheepishly.
The dark haired man shook his head, “No. No. It's fine; just give me a minute to make things a little more presentable.” He said and disappeared inside his apartment once more. A few minutes passed before he emerged again and motioned for his former girlfriend to come inside. As she walked by he voiced a question that had been on his mind since he saw her alone, “Rei isn't with you?” Mamoru asked a little surprised.
“She's in the lobby; I thought it best that I come up alone though.”
The Prince of Earth nodded, “That wasn't necessary…”
“I know. I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable.”
He nodded once more. He knew better than to question her decision further, so instead he asked, “So what brings you here?”
“I wanted to see how you were doing…” Usagi said, trailing off at the end.
“That couldn't be all. I mean, you could have just called for that.”
“Yes, I could have and you could easily lie over the phone.” Usagi said matter-of-factly. After a few second pause she got down to her real reason for coming over, “However you're right, I do have another purpose for coming here. Some thing's happened that you need to be told about and I think it'd be unfair to you to tell you over the phone.”
Mamoru inched forward in his chair, anticipating the younger girl's next statement. A number of things crossed his mind, but what was at the forefront of his thoughts was that whatever happened it was related to senshi business. While a part of him wished that wasn't the case, he couldn't deny that a couple battles with youma would make him feel more like things were before and that wouldn't be something all that bad as far as he was concerned. “Go on.” He urged.
“It has to do with Chibi-Usa…” She started slowly, not wanted to unload everything at once.
The dark haired man was a little taken aback, “Ch-Chibi-Usa?” He leaned back into his chair, from his previous position near the edge of the seat.
“Well, she arrived from the future again, just yesterday.”
“She's here! Can I go see her?” He asked quickly.
Usagi took a slow deep breath before responding, “I don't think that would be a problem, but there's something you need to know…”
“What do you…?” Even as the words left his mouth, he realized something was off. Usagi was holding something back…
“She's a little different from how you'd remember. She hasn't acted as childish as she did before. Though the most significant change would be how she addresses Rei and me.” She paused and observed the man in front of her for a moment, “I'm sorry Mamoru, but it seems Rei and I are her…”
Before Usagi could actually say the words, Mamoru spoke, “What are you apologizing for? I-I guess that would only make sense…we're not together anymore, so why would she be mine and yours?” He paused and stared off past Usagi, “I'm glad she's still alive at least. I was a little worried about her.”
“I'm sorry…” Usagi started to say, but was talked over.
“Usagi, do you think I could have some time alone?” He asked not really look at the girl he was addressing.
The Moon Princess nodded and stood up, “I'll be leaving then…” She walked over to the door and stopped, “If you want to talk, don't hesitate to call.”
Rei perked up again and stared at the elevator, waiting to see who was exiting this time. She came back down to Earth when she didn't spot Usagi. It had to have been around a dozen times she'd watched the elevator expectantly. It hadn't been that long since her girlfriend went up stairs, but she couldn't help but expect her to return already, even if it was unrealistic. She leaned back in the chair she was sitting in and gazed upwards.
There were still a number of questions she had about the young girl that she had yet to ask. She was afraid that most of her questions would have to remain without answers though because she had no intention of grilling Chibi-Usa for answers that aren't her responsibility to tell. There was only one person that could answer all her questions and she wasn't with them anymore. She didn't know how much if anything she could trust about the future they'd seen. They were very much in the dark about the future now…
Rei looked over to the elevator again, not really expecting her girlfriend to be among the people getting off, but to her surprise she saw her walk out with the last group to leave. The raven haired girl jumped up from her seat and met her princess just shortly after she'd exited the elevator.
“How did it go?”
Usagi took a deep breath, “About as good as it could go…I guess.”
Rei put her arm around the slightly shorter girl's shoulders, not caring what anyone might think for the time being. She held her love close, “It was better he heard it from you, but I'm sure it was still probably hard for him.”
Usagi nodded slowly, “Yeah and there really wasn't anything I could say that would soften the news either.”
“Like you said though, he had a right to be told.” The raven haired girl said and began to walk her girlfriend to the apartment's exit.
The blonde haired girl nodded once more, “I know. I just don't like having to hurt him…”
The two girls exited the apartment building in silence. When they reached the sidewalk and turned down the path that would lead them back to the jinja, Rei spoke again, “Do you think you'll ever look back and wonder if you made the wrong choice?”
Usagi smiled, “How could I have made the wrong choice if I'm with the person I love?” She asked as she looked up adoringly, causing Rei to turn as red as the fuku she wears as Sailor Mars. Usagi giggled at how red she made her girlfriend turn. After a few seconds she calmed herself enough to say, “Besides, I don't think it was really a choice…it was more like a need. When I realized how I felt, I needed to be with you, there was no other option.”
Rei smiled brightly, “I didn't think it was possible, but I think I love you even more…” She tilted her head toward Usagi to allow their lips to meet when she heard a scream in front of them. Both girls stopped and looked forward and saw a large group of people running towards them. A couple people's screams could be made out…
“They're going to kill us!”
“Run for your lives!”
“Monsters! They're everywhere!”
Rei and Usagi immediately ran in the direction everyone else was running from. They reached the end of the block and could hear the screaming getting louder, there were also fewer people running toward them. They were getting closer. When they turned the corner they were met by a horrifying sight. There were at least a dozen abandoned cars in the street, a couple of which were over-turned and in flames, but that wasn't what sickened the two girls who just arrived. There were several bloodied and mangled bodies lying on the ground. Among the dead lay a young boy who couldn't have been more than five, but still the monsters responsible for this massacre didn't differentiate man, woman, or child.
Usagi felt her stomach retch at the sight before her; she had to will herself not to lose her lunch, a battle that she barely won. The disgusted look on Rei's face gave way to anger as she tried figure out who was responsible for this needless killing. Her amethyst eyes hardened as they found themselves fixated on a group of six youma a short distance down the street. The path they took was clear, as they left nothing but destruction in their wake. Rei quickly pulled out her henshin stick and shouted her transformation phrase.
“Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!”
Usagi quickly swung her head around to look at the girl beside her, but only saw a streak of red zoom by her.
“Rei!” She called, but either she didn't hear her name being called or pretended not to, because she didn't react at all.
Usagi quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out a round device. She pressed a couple buttons before speaking, “We've got trouble on…” Usagi looked around quickly for a street sign, “19th Street, near New Matsuya Pachinko Slots. There are several youma destroying the area! I need everyone here ASAP!” She yelled and put her communicator into her pocket, before grabbing her Crisis Compact and shouting…
“Crisis, Make Up!”
Once fully transformed, she ran after Mars.
End Ch. 4
I am very sorry for the extremely long wait for this chapter. When I finished this I couldn't help but be a little disappointed at how long it took and in the end it really just amounts to a setup chapter for chapter 5. There isn't really anything I can say about why this update took so long other than life can be sucky sometimes and when it is, I never really feel in the mood to write. I'd like to thank in advance those who have patiently waited for this chapter and have been patient with me even through this extremely long delay. God, after rereading those comments it sounds like I'm giving up, doesn't it? I promise that will never be the case.
It should be obvious what a large portion of the next chapter will be about…fighting. Fights are always fun to write, but tend to be very time consuming. I'm warning everyone ahead of time here, that chapter five may take a little while.
The only other thing I have say is that if you're still with me despite my delays, drop me a line in the form of a review or pm or whatever…until next time everybody!