Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Our Future ❯ I Really Never Stood a Chance ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 10 - I Really Never Stood a Chance

Hotaru had been laying as still as possible for what she figured had to be at least fifteen minutes. Chibi-Usa had made no sign that she was going to wake up anytime soon, so she realized there was no point in waiting any longer. Hotaru slowly slid her legs over the edge of the bed until her feet touched the ground. She moved as carefully as she could as she slid out of her bed and was able to fully separate herself from her mattress. She quietly padded across the carpeted floor to her door and noiselessly exited the room.

Despite being clear of the room, Hotaru still moved down the hall as stealthily as she could. It wasn't a long walk to the older women's room, but since she was trying to be a silent as possible it did take her a few seconds more than it normally would have. As soon as she was in front of her destination, she quickly knocked on the door lightly. She didn't know if her guardians were still awake, but had little doubt one or both would hear her at the door. A moment later the door opened revealing Michiru.

The older woman looked at the younger girl curiously, “What is it Hotaru?”

Hotaru looked back down the hall for a moment before meeting Michiru's eyes, “Can I come in? I need to talk with both of you about something.” She said quietly.

“What's up, Hotaru it's pretty late?” Haruka asked, announcing herself from behind her girlfriend.

The dark haired girl turned her head slightly to look at the other woman, “We have senshi business to discuss.”

The older women immediately became serious at the mention of their duties. Michiru opened the door wider and motioned for the younger girl to come inside. She looked around for a moment, “Chibi-Usa isn't with you?”

Hotaru shook her head, “No, I'm here without her knowledge. This pertains to her though, so if you could close the door.” She said quietly and paced a line back and forth as she watched Michiru shut the door silently. With the door closed the two older women looked at the teen expectantly. Hotaru stopped and addressed the two women, “Ok, we had only been asleep for a little while when Chibi-Usa woke me up, because she was having a nightmare. When I finally woke her up, she was upset by the dream, but I got her to talk to me about it a little.” The younger girl paused for a moment before finally saying what worried her, “There is some threat to the royal family in the future.”

“What did she say?” Haruka asked quickly.

Hotaru lowered her head slightly as she spoke, “It was something that I've had on my mind since the first real conversation I had with her. I asked her how she came to the past and she said something about running away from someone bad, like I told you both at the hospital. Well, it might be even more than that.”

Haruka leaned forward, “What are you trying to say Hotaru?”

The younger girl took a deep breath before speaking. She was going to betray Chibi-Usa with the next thing she was going to say, but this wasn't something she could keep from the two women that took her in so easily. “The other night when we fought and I got hurt, she told me that the youma that grabbed her said something and it's got her worried. He said that he knew who she was. Chibi-Usa thinks they came from her future.” She explained and took a deep breath. She ran a hand through her hair and began to pace for a few seconds before fully focusing on the two women with her, “I think this is what Setsuna's message was referring to.”

All three women become silent as each thought about the final words left to them by the Senshi of Time. Michiru was the first to break the silence, “You think when she said to protect Usagi and Rei's future, she meant Chibi-Usa was that future?”

Hotaru nodded, “I do. I mean don't parents think of their children as their future?” She asked and looked at both women for some kind of confirmation. Her fellow outer soldiers seemed to understand what she was saying causing her to nod in acknowledgment before adding, “Of course she clearly meant for us to ensure Usagi-san and Rei-san remain safe as well.”

The trio became silent as each became lost in their own thoughts. While this new knowledge and Hotaru's theory did not change their mission, it did give them a little more direction however. If this enemy that they've encountered is something that the future Princess brought to them, she needed to kept away from those that sought to harm her.

“If possible, we should do everything we can to make sure she doesn't come near anymore fights, especially since she can't transform at all.” Michiru said thoughtfully.

Haruka stood up and walked in front of the youngest amongst them, “Can you do that, Hotaru?”

The younger girl nodded her head, “Yes, I have every intention of not letting her leave my sight.

The tall blonde smiled for moment before looking to her lover, who gave her a quick nod, “Michiru and I can protect the Princess and Rei in any battles we may have in the future, as we've already done.” She paused for a moment before adding, “It might be time we told everyone about the message Setsuna left for us.”

Hotaru looked down when she heard the senshi of skies mention talking to the other girls, but looked up as she spoke, “While I don't disagree, I would like to wait a little longer. I don't want them to worry about this yet, especially when they just got together.”

Haruka looked at the teen curiously, but it was Michiru to speak up first, “What is it Hotaru? Is there something else?”

Running her hand through her hair the senshi of death began to pace nervously as she did earlier. She took a deep breath before focusing on the two women who'd been her guardians since her father passed away, “I promised her that I wouldn't tell anyone what she told me and I've already betrayed her trust now.” She paused and took another steadying breath, “Explaining this to everyone would be an even worse betrayal. I promised her time and I plan of giving her that. I knew that I could trust the both of you with this because we could keep this quiet. So, for the time being if we could just keep this between us, I would appreciate it.”

The two older senshi looked at each other for a few seconds, “We don't need to say anything yet. Just keep her away from any danger and we'll worry about Usagi and Rei.” The blonde stated.

“Thank you and I will.” Hotaru said quietly and moved to hug both women. When she stepped back from them she spoke again, “I should probably get back. If Chibi-Usa wakes up, she'll wonder where I am.” She began to make her way to the door, when Haruka's voice stopped her.

“Keep us informed if you learn anything else.”

Hotaru nodded, “I will, I promise.” She said and left the room.

Once she was in the hall she released a deep sigh before starting her trek back to her room. She was glad they both understood where she was coming from, but she didn't really expect any less from them. It wasn't the first time they kept information from the inner guard and it probably wouldn't be the last either. It didn't take as long to return to her room as it did to leave because while she was being quiet, she wasn't being anywhere near as cautious about making any little sound. She quickly made her way inside and back to her bed. She looked at the pink haired girl for a moment, she still seemed to be soundly asleep, to which she was thankful for. As quietly as possible she slipped back into bed and lay motionless for a few minutes, all appeared to have happened without the other girl noticing she was gone, until Hotaru heard the rustling of blankets beside her as she settled back into her bed.

“Where were you?” A sleepy voice whispered.

“I had to use the bathroom.” Hotaru replied quietly. “Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.”

Hotaru could make out a hand coming to the other girl's mouth as she yawned, nodding her head afterwards. The room fell silent again until Chibi-Usa spoke up again, “I just wanted to thank you again for keeping what we discussed earlier just between us. It really does mean a lot to me.”

Hotaru was happy the other girl was turned away from her because she knew her face was betraying her. She closed her eyes, “You can trust me. Whatever you tell me, you can trust me.” She felt the other girl shifting on the bed, but she didn't think anything of it, until she felt an arm lay across her chest and a body press against hers. Hotaru looked to her right quickly and saw the future Princess snuggled against her contently. She immediately felt her cheeks aflame and before the pink haired girl could notice, she looked in the other direction, “I thought you said you cuddled in your sleep?”

“Did I say that?” Chibi-Usa muttered sleepily.

Hotaru could still feel how warm her cheeks were, so she remained turned away as she spoke, “Yes, you did.” She mumbled quietly.

Chibi-Usa looked up towards the other girl's face, but was met with an obscured view from her perspective, behind her hair. She lowered head slightly, “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed you'd be comfortable lying with me like this.” She said and started to pull away. “I just…”

The dark haired girl finally looked at the other girl as she said, “I didn't…I didn't mean that I wanted you to keep your distance. I would have never suggested you stay here with me if I was concerned about that.” She sighed as she tried to think of what exactly she was trying to say, when her eyes caught a pair blue eyes studying her. She held her gaze for several seconds before speaking again, “It's fine, I just didn't expect it is all.” She released a relived sigh when the pink haired girl nodded. `I'm undeserving of any affection from you, Princess.'

“I did warn you.” Chibi-Usa said lightly and returned the position she was in before she became concerned that she was making the dark haired uncomfortable.

Hotaru smiled as she said, “You did and I remember telling you that I'd be your cuddle pillow if you needed it. I guess I'm being a poor pillow, but I promise to be better.” The dark haired girl then proceeded to drape her arm over the other girl's shoulders and hold her against herself. She could feel Chibi-Usa reposition herself slightly in order to get more comfortable.

The future Princess sighed contently as she rested her head on Hotaru's shoulder. She was a little anxious when she rolled over and felt nothing but blankets where she knew Hotaru had been sleeping earlier, though she didn't want to admit that to her companion. She didn't like to be alone after having a nightmare and it seemed as though she had one every night in this world she was unfamiliar with. Being close to someone helped though it admittedly made her feel weak to have to depend on someone else like that.

“It isn't a vulnerability that you should rely on others.”

A small smile spread across her lips as she remembered the words her mother said to her one night. `Mother is so wise and always seemed to know exactly what to say to make me feel better.' She thought to herself, but thinking about her also made her feel heavyhearted. Hotaru began to think the pink haired girl had fallen asleep once again, but she unexpectedly began to speak again, “I just miss…I miss the world I know.” Her voice was quiet and a little hoarse.

Hotaru could feel the other girl's hold get a bit tighter as she spoke. Her broken voice caused her heart to ache for the other girl. The only person who would know how to return her to her rightful time, was gone. She didn't know much of time travel and certainly didn't know how to reach the Gates of Time, but if Chibi-Usa could travel to the past there must be some way. “I know you miss your home, but we'll do everything we can to help you get back there, but until then you can trust all of us to help you adjust to life here however we can.” She could feel the other girl nod, but not say anything. “Try to get a little more sleep.” She said and paused as an idea struck her, “I think there's something we can do when we get up that you'll enjoy.”

Chibi-Usa nodded again, “Okay.” She mumbled quietly. She closed her eyes as she yawned, becoming aware of how tired she still was.

“Good night again.” Hotaru said lightly with a small smile and went about trying to fall back asleep herself. It didn't take long for both girls to fall asleep again, as neither had gotten much that night so far.


Rei wiped her brow as she stepped out of the Shamusho. She'd just made sure they were fully stocked on talismans and charms for any visitors that day. She was working as quickly as she could to finish all the chores she knew she had for the day. She'd already swept the steps, offered an Omikuji to Kami, did some general tidying up of the grounds, and then the task she'd just completed. She allowed herself a moment to breathe after all the work she'd already done. `I just need to offer a prayer to Kami-sama.' She told herself as she made her way over to the Suzu, near the entrance of the shrine.

As Rei stepped up to the bell when she saw some movement out of the corner of her eye, causing her to pause and look in the direction she saw something. She caught a glimpse of white and blue robes moving behind the building she just left. Rei left the Suzu for the time being and pursued the guy she'd been meaning to have a conversation with for a few days, but something always seemed to stop her. She had time at the moment though and she had every intention of getting to the bottom of Yuuichirou's behavior.

As soon as he was in her line of sight, she could see he had nearly reached the main shrine, so she called out to him, “Yuuichirou!” Her voiced immediately got his attention because he stopped and looked over his shoulder. “We are going to have a talk.”

Yuuichirou turned around fully, “I really need to get back to my chores.” He said and started to turn around, but Rei quickly spoke again.

“They can wait for a couple minutes, this can't.” She said firmly. Rei watched him for a few more seconds to make sure he wasn't going to try to duck out on her again. He eventually lowered his head in defeat, causing Rei to release a relieved sigh and looked around briefly to make sure they were alone, “I want to know what's with you lately. You've been acting really strange.”

The man took a step back as he said, “I-I don't know you're t-talking about.”

Rei glared at him, freezing him in place, “Don't even think about denying it. I know there's something going on, there has been since I came back home. I thought we were on good terms, I apologized. So what changed?”

Yuuichirou looked away from the miko's challenging gaze, but didn't attempt to escape again. He remained silent of several seconds, nearly prompting Rei to ask him again, but he finally spoke, “I saw the two of you…”

Her brow creased in confusion, “What?! What on Earth are you talking about?”

“You and Usagi-san, I saw you and her…” He said, trailing off at the end.

A look a realization crossed over her face, “When?” She asked simply, not denying anything.

Yuuichirou seemed to have trouble maintaining eye contact because he found a point off to his left to stare at as he spoke, “When you returned the jinja and were leaving with Usagi-san.”

Rei immediately thought back to when he was referring, `That was just before Chibi-Usa arrived…'

As they reached the exit to the main shrine they stopped. "Usa, do you think we should…you know…act…normally in front of Jii-chan?" The darker haired girl said awkwardly.

"Because he doesn't know about us yet?" Usagi questioned.

"…Yeah." Rei said quietly and paused before adding, "I mean…I want to tell him, just not yet…"

Usagi removed her arm from around her girlfriend's waist, "I understand." She said with a smile.

Likewise, Rei removed her arm that rested cross Usagi's shoulders. Instead, she took her Princess' hand in hers, "Thanks." With that the two girls walked out of the jinja, not noticing a young man step out of a room near where they stood moments before.

`I was careless; I should have sensed someone nearby…' She shook her head briefly at the thought and focused the man in front of her again, “You were nearby.” Rei stated rather than questioned. Yuuichirou nodded and Rei crossed her arms expecting him to say something, but he didn't, so she addressed him again, “So because I'm with Usagi, you've been acting different?”

“At first.” He answered quietly.

“And that means…” She said, prompting him to finish what he was saying. He remained silent once again and it was starting to aggravate the miko immensely, “Just spit it out already!”

Yuuichirou looked around, as though he was trying to find something to focus on something other than the annoyed looking girl in front of him. Eventually whether of his own accord or not his eyes met Rei's, “The other night I saw Usagi's cousin stayed overnight…with you…in your room.”

“What are you…?” She began to ask when a disgusted look crossed Rei's features and she put her hands her mouth, “Eww…just no…Are you seriously suggesting…?” Rei shook her head quickly, “I can't even tell you how many manners of wrong that is…” The dark haired girl shook her head fiercely again, trying to clear away any images Yuuichirou's statement conjured up in her mind, “Kami-sama I think I'm going to be sick.” She turn away and took a few steps away from him, closing her eyes and taking several deep breaths.

Yuuichirou looked at the raven haired girl's reaction and it seemed clear that he had jumped to the wrong conclusion, “I guess I was wrong…”

Rei turned back to him quickly, still wearing the disgusted look, “You think?! Firstly she's too young and secondly…” She had to nearly bit her tongue to stop herself before she could blurt out that she was her daughter. That would be a statement that would be far too difficult to explain away. “Secondly, I would never betray Usagi.” She found herself pacing in an effort to calm herself down, but it couldn't completely do it and she was still irritated her that he could come to that conclusion, “God…how could you even think that?!”

“I'm sorry okay. I guess I just wasn't thinking straight.” Yuuichirou replied quickly trying to settle the girl down

“If you have some kind of issue with Usagi and I don't go making up ridiculous assumptions that you have no clue about, it only makes you look like a fool.” Rei said angrily quickly moved past the man. She didn't expect him to say anything, at least he wouldn't if he knew what was good for him, but his next words stopped in her tracks.

“I really never stood a chance did I?”

Rei kept her back to him for a couple seconds, but eventually sighed before turning around. She could see sadness in his eyes, but she her gaze didn't falter. She stared at the disheveled man, not entirely sure what to say to him, `There's no point in saying anything other than the truth.' “No, you didn't. It was always Usagi and will always be her.” She said calmly. Unsurprisingly it was Yuuichirou that was the one to break their staring contest. Rei looked to the ground as a thought crossed her mind, “You aren't going to say anything to Jii-chan, are you?”

“I haven't said anything yet, so why would I now?” He said, looking up through his bangs.

Rei nodded at his response, but each remained silent, creating an awkward silence. Rei sighed and turned around, not really wanting to prolong this conversation any longer, “I'll…uh…leave you to finish the rest of your chores then.” She then quickly made her way into the shrine.


Chibi-Usa could feel herself being drawn back into a state of wakefulness, but she did her best to fight it. She felt so comfortable and warm that she didn't want to wake just yet. She breathed in deeply and relaxed into the smell of lavender and the faint scent of lemongrass. She could feel herself slipping back into a peaceful slumber when the dark haired girl defeated her efforts to fall back asleep. The pink haired girl frowned when she felt the warm body beside her begin to move. She tightened her hold in an effort to stop any further movement, but it seemed to have the opposite affect…

“We should get up.” Hotaru said quietly.

Chibi-Usa groaned in protest and turned her head slightly burying her face into the blankets and mattress next to Hotaru's arm and said something indiscernible.

Hotaru laugh lightly at the other girl, “I can't understand what you're trying to say with your face hidden like that, Princess.”

The pink haired girl lifted her head and look up to meet a pair of regal purple eyes, “I said that I don't want to. It's too comfy here.” She said and lowered her head back on to the bed. There was something incredibly pleasant about her current position she really didn't wish to end that just yet. Despite her initial hesitation, she was glad she stayed with Hotaru. She couldn't help feeling as though she'd grown closer to the other girl, even with her nightmare interrupting their sleep.

Hotaru smiled though the other girl couldn't see it, “I'm sure it won't be much longer until Haruka or Michiru come to get us up either way, but if want to stay like this until they do that's fine. Of course, you won't find out what I was thinking of doing today if you don't let me get up and get ready…”

Chibi-Usa looked up quickly, “What do you mean?”

“You'll have to let me up if you to find out.” The dark haired girl said with a smirk. Hotaru could see that she was contemplating what she said. It took a few seconds, but eventually she loosened her hold and rolled on to her back, completely detangling herself from the senshi of death. Being able to move freely, Hotaru sat up and stretched her arms above her head. She was on her feet seconds later and at her dresser grabbing something to wear.

Chibi-Usa was still lying on the bed, but was now on her side watching the girl scurry around the room quickly. It was a bit amusing from her perspective, but she was clearly moving around with a set plan, certainly not aimlessly. She soon stopped and stood beside her bed, with a set of clothes in her hands.

“I'm going to get ready.” Hotaru said and headed for the door, but stopped as soon as she reached it and turned back around, “Try not to fall back asleep.”

Chibi-Usa was about to say something, but she was out the door before she could respond though. `I don't think I can fall back asleep if wanted to. It's not as warm here anymore.' She thought and proceeded to stretch her limps. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she relaxed for a short time longer. She stayed in bed for several more minutes, not really tired anymore, though in all honestly she wasn't very tired when she protested getting up. She wasn't lying about it being comfortable, but it wasn't any longer. She vaguely remembered Hotaru saying something about wanting to do something before she fell back asleep, but she didn't really remember what she was talking about. It didn't feel as though much time had passed, but she soon heard the door opening and saw a freshly showered and dressed girl reentering her bedroom. She was wearing a short black skirt with black stockings and a dark purple long sleeve shirt.

“You aren't falling asleep again are you?” Hotaru asked with her hands on her hips

She shook her head before she decided to sit the edge of the bed, “No, I was simply waiting for you to come back after leaving me in suspense.”

“Well as long as I kept you distracted enough to not fall asleep again.” She said, causing Chibi-Usa to roll her eyes. Hotaru smiled as she sat next to the other girl, “So, I was thinking about showing you around the city. I want you to feel more comfortable here and if you know some of the sights, so to speak, it won't be as strange being here.” She looked over to her companion hopefully, “Is there anywhere you want to go in particular? Like is there anywhere you might have heard about that you'd like to see?”

Chibi-Usa tilted her head to the left slightly and thought about the question, `I would like to meet Mother's parents, but she should be the one to introduce us. I can't really think of my parents ever really talking about any specific places, just general things.' She shrugged as she couldn't come up with any ideas, “I'm not sure; maybe just wherever you think I should see will be fine, I'm sure. Just think of me a tourist you are showing around.” She said happily.

Hotaru nodded, “Okay.” She went over to her dresser and searched around for something for the other girl to wear, “I'm sure you don't have anything to wear out aside from what you came in right?” She looked over shoulder as she asked her question, though she already knew the answer. After Chibi-Usa shook her head, she continued her search for something she deemed suitable for the future Princess. It wasn't as easy as finding something to sleep in she found, she liked her wardrobe for herself, but she didn't think black was the color she wanted to see the other girl in. `Why does it seem like all I own is black clothes?' She thought to herself and sighed quietly. She groaned and walked over to her closet, `Maybe I have a dress that she'd look nice in.' She pulled open the doors and began riffling through dress after dress, but found the same problem in her closet as well.

Chibi-Usa noticed the other girl's annoyance so she spoke up, “Anything is fine, Hotaru. You don't need to stress over it, I'll wear whatever.”

She didn't turn back as she kept her head in the closet, “I know, I just want…ah ha.” Finally she came across a dark red dress that would work perfectly, it sat a little above her knees, but she was sure it would rest right one the other girl's knees since she was a little shorter than her. She pulled the dress out and held it out, `Perfect.' She walked back to Chibi-Usa and handed her the dress.

When she took the dress she stared at it for a moment before smiling as a thought struck her, “It's sort of like something Mama would wear.”

Hotaru nodded, “Red is her color isn't it?” She said and handed her some undergarments to wear.

“Thank you, Hotaru.”

She smiled in return, “Now, you should go get ready. I'll be here when you are done.” Chibi-Usa nodded and got up from the bed and headed to the door. Hotaru took her place on the bed as she left the room to head the bathroom, just down the hall. `I should see if I can borrow Michiru or Haruka's credit card so she can have some clothes of her own.' With that thought in mind she hurried off to find her guardians to tell them of her plans for the day and to see if they'd lend her money. Since it was for the Princess she was sure they wouldn't have a problem with it.


Usagi closed her eyes and leaned her head back as she relaxed in the bubble filled tub. She decided to take a bath instead of a shower, since she figured she'd have the time. It was certainly relaxing, she didn't usually, well really ever have the time to do more than take a shower before school because she never got up early enough. It wasn't really her fault most of the time, half the nights she had senshi business to take care of so she got little sleep on those occasions and the other half well…on those times, she simply enjoyed her sleep. It truly mystified her how Rei could operate on the amount of sleep she got. Getting up before the sun is even awake does not work for her at all.

Usagi opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling above her before taking a deep breath and sinking into the water, completely submerging her head. She popped back up a couple seconds later and brushed her hair back out of her face. She was really enjoying herself, having used Rei's bath salts only made the experience even better. `I think I'll be using Rei's bath more often.' She thought as a smile formed on her lips. She stretched her arms above her head and brought them down to rest on the sides of the tub.

She rested her head back again and inhaled deeply. She'd long since finished washing up, so without anything to keep her mind otherwise occupied it began to wander to the day ahead. They hadn't discussed any specifics of their plans for the day, but she wanted to make sure they did something that all three of them would have funny doing. She tapped her finger rhythmically on the porcelain as she thought about possible activities. `Maybe we can go to a movie? Though I'm sure what's playing right now…I'm there must be something that we'll all like though.' She told herself.

`Oh, maybe we can go do some karaoke. That's for sure to make Minako happy, though Rei doesn't like it too much…' Usagi thought and frowned for a second, but quickly smiled again, `I'm sure Rei won't mind too much if I tell her it's to cheer Minako up.' Usagi nodded at her own reasoning and grabbed the sides of the tub to help her stand. As soon as she was on her feet, she stepped out of the tub and reached for a near it. She dried herself before reaching into the tub and removing the stopper to drain the water.

She wrapped the towel around herself and tugged a corner inside, so it would stay in place as she went about fixing her hair. It took a little work to get her hair into her buns, but it was the easiest way she found to keep all up. It took about ten minutes until her hair was finally how she wanted it, so she accessed her sub space pocket and pulled out an outfit for the day. After getting dressed, she remembered that she was going to call Minako. It was still early by her normal schedule on non-school days, but decided to call her now anyway since she really had nothing better to do.

Usagi pulled out her communicator and quickly punched in a few buttons, “Minako! Minako, are you up?” She called into the circular device. She looked at the screen, but it was still dark causing her to sigh. “Minako! I'm going to keep annoying you until I know you're awake!” She paused for a second to see if there was any response, but the device remained quiet, “Mina! Wake up, you sleepy head!” She opened her mouth to call for the other blonde again, when she saw the screen start to come to life.

The screen flickered for a few moments before the face of a very sleepy looking blonde appeared, “U-Usagi…what on are you doing awake…?” The blonde whined, followed quickly by a yawn. She rubbed her eyes and tried to wake up a little more, but still looked as though she'd just gotten up, which was exactly what happened. She didn't expect Usagi to function as her alarm clock, but she went from sleeping peacefully to hearing the Moon Princess yelling at her to wake.

Usagi smiled at the question, “Rei-chan woke me up when she got up this morning. She gets up way too early if you ask me though.”

Minako nodded and smiled into her communicator, “You're staying at the jinja then?”

“Yep, it took a little convincing of my mom to let me, but she eventually agreed.” Usagi explained happily. “So, get ready and come over to the jinja! Rei's still doing her morning chores and I need you to keep me company until she's done and then we can go out as soon as she is done!”

Minako laughed at her friend, “I'm hurt you only called me because you are bored.” She paused for a second and laid back down, closing her eyes, “I think I'll get a little more shut eye…”

“Don't you dare! Mina, we have a full day ahead of us and I want to spend every second of it having fun! And it won't be fun until my friend is here with me, so don't be lazy. You are already awake and I had the absolute best idea!” She feel silent for a moment and looked around as if she was making sure she was still alone, “We are go that karaoke bar you told me about that was opening.” She whispered.

“Rei hates karaoke though…” Minako said cautiously.

Usagi waved her free hand dismissively at the other blonde's comment, “Oh, she'll love it! Now quit stalling and get over here.” She paused for a moment and added, “I expect you in no later than thirty minutes.”

“That's not even enough time to…”

“See you then, Minako!” Usagi said cheerfully and cut off communications. She smiled to herself, `Today was going to be amazing!' She thought and exited the bathroom to return to Rei's room.

End Ch.10
