Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Portrait Of A Princess (Venus) ❯ Portrait Of A Princess (Venus) Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Portrait Of A Princess (Venus)
Chapter 3
By. Essence
Please email me at
A Portrait Of A Princess (Venus)
Chpater 3
By. Essence
Yaten rolled around in the wide bed, the covers twisting around him capturing his legs within their linen grasp.
Moonlight streamed in upon his un still form. He could not lay still this night.
With an almost grunt he threw away the covers, freeing his legs and looked up to the ceiling. It was painted white with a green trim borders around the edge. Boring and dull, just like the rest of this trip.
He didn't want to be here.
And yet something kept him from really wanting to leave. Yaten turned his head to the glass rose laying on the table.Tiny beams of light shot off it sending a rainbow beam of prisism light to fall upon various objects in the room. Yaten followed one beam of light to the chair where his clothes lay. The red and blue lights contrasting with the black of the cloth.
Yaten turned back to the rose, it was translucent and hard has diamonds. Nothing was known of the girl who's tears created such beauty.
'Was she simply a figment of his imagination? Or a goddess that he had yet to meet and truly no?'
" Bah!" Yaten spat out sitting up and placing his barefeet on the floor.
Love was not for him. No girl was worth anything to him except her. The princess was his life and he needed not anyone else to fill it.
Yaten looked back to the rose, a questioning look in his green eyes.
'Why does this rose affect me so much?' Yaten thought silently.
Mina scrunched up her face and studied the canvas in front of her. Paint ran in wet streaks blurring the reds and blues to mix with the oranges creating an ugly shade of brown. It was in no way the bowl of fruit sitting in front of her.
" Dash it all," she muttered throwing down her wet paint brush and in the process splattering herself with paint.
She groaned to herself and bent down to pick up the skirt, studing the brown drops of paint shining on the hem of her blue dress.
" Could this day get any worse? She asked herself.
" I would say princess, that this day will now get better," a voice replied from the open doorway
Mina sat up straight and dropped the hem back to the floor. Her skin crawling with disgust as Sir Glen walked into the room shuting the door behind him and came up to her.
" I must say Princess, you are a lovely creature," he replied in a husky tone, brushing away a few strands of hair so he could kiss her neck.
Mina was quick though, she jumped up and away from him. Her butter yellow hair slipping through his finger tips.
" Sir Glen, how nice to see you!" Mina said mustering up a fake smile. She quickly put the canvas and the bowl of fruit between her and Sir Glen.
" Yes isn't it," he replied leaning agaisn't a table and studying his fingernails.
Mina took this chance to sit down in the window seat. She held on to the thick velvet curtains almost for resurrence. There was an odd air in the room.
" What are you doing here so early in the day, and completely unepexected?" Mina asked pitching her voice to a whisper at the last question.
" Oh Mina darling! Can't you understand I simply wanted to see you," he replied getting up off the table and walking over to her.
" What do you mean?" Mina asked backing up agaisn't the window seat.
" How about I say this, I had a need to talk to you that is all," he replied leaning over her.
Mina turned her head away from the scent of his sour breath.
" And what would that be?" she asked looking down at the fleshy back of his hand.
" Oh nothing much," he replied backing away from her and walking across the room.
Mina sat up and took a breath of relief, she hated to be so close to him. Letting go of the curtains, Mina brushed her bangs back into place.
Sir Glen had his back turned to her but now he turned around. His green eyes glowing unaturally.
" Tell me Princess, who was that man I saw you speaking to last night?" He asked clasping his hands behind his back.
" What man?" Mina asked dumbfounded at the question.
Sir Glen through back his head and gave a harsh short little bark of laughter.
" Don't play the fool Princess, it doesn't fit you," he sneered walking up to her again and grabbing her wrist. " I have ways of making you pay for decieving me. Don't think you can get away this time," he whispered leaning close to her ear.
Mina closed her eyes from the evil glowing around him and shuddered.
Yaten sighed and rolled his eyes at the blue urchin next to him and walked on. Ahead of him the Queen Arphodite talked with Princess Kaguya while behind them Takki read a book. Probaly about the castle and the planet and Seyia stared at the Queen with nothing short of lust. Even Yaten had to agree she was breath taking. Shimmering golden-red hair braided and twined with gold falling to the floor where it mingled with the train of her golden dress. There was almost something familiar about her but Yaten couldn't put his finger on it.
Yet she was only a womyn and womyn were not to be trusted. Sneaky, mingling creatures always looking for money and power through marriage.
He had neither and was not interested in marriage to anyone at this point or any time.
It was this thought that slowed his paces down and allowed the group to walk ahead of him. Disappering out of sight before he noticed anything.
End! Of this chapter. Please send all that I always ask for to
Chapter 3
By. Essence
Please email me at
A Portrait Of A Princess (Venus)
Chpater 3
By. Essence
Yaten rolled around in the wide bed, the covers twisting around him capturing his legs within their linen grasp.
Moonlight streamed in upon his un still form. He could not lay still this night.
With an almost grunt he threw away the covers, freeing his legs and looked up to the ceiling. It was painted white with a green trim borders around the edge. Boring and dull, just like the rest of this trip.
He didn't want to be here.
And yet something kept him from really wanting to leave. Yaten turned his head to the glass rose laying on the table.Tiny beams of light shot off it sending a rainbow beam of prisism light to fall upon various objects in the room. Yaten followed one beam of light to the chair where his clothes lay. The red and blue lights contrasting with the black of the cloth.
Yaten turned back to the rose, it was translucent and hard has diamonds. Nothing was known of the girl who's tears created such beauty.
'Was she simply a figment of his imagination? Or a goddess that he had yet to meet and truly no?'
" Bah!" Yaten spat out sitting up and placing his barefeet on the floor.
Love was not for him. No girl was worth anything to him except her. The princess was his life and he needed not anyone else to fill it.
Yaten looked back to the rose, a questioning look in his green eyes.
'Why does this rose affect me so much?' Yaten thought silently.
Mina scrunched up her face and studied the canvas in front of her. Paint ran in wet streaks blurring the reds and blues to mix with the oranges creating an ugly shade of brown. It was in no way the bowl of fruit sitting in front of her.
" Dash it all," she muttered throwing down her wet paint brush and in the process splattering herself with paint.
She groaned to herself and bent down to pick up the skirt, studing the brown drops of paint shining on the hem of her blue dress.
" Could this day get any worse? She asked herself.
" I would say princess, that this day will now get better," a voice replied from the open doorway
Mina sat up straight and dropped the hem back to the floor. Her skin crawling with disgust as Sir Glen walked into the room shuting the door behind him and came up to her.
" I must say Princess, you are a lovely creature," he replied in a husky tone, brushing away a few strands of hair so he could kiss her neck.
Mina was quick though, she jumped up and away from him. Her butter yellow hair slipping through his finger tips.
" Sir Glen, how nice to see you!" Mina said mustering up a fake smile. She quickly put the canvas and the bowl of fruit between her and Sir Glen.
" Yes isn't it," he replied leaning agaisn't a table and studying his fingernails.
Mina took this chance to sit down in the window seat. She held on to the thick velvet curtains almost for resurrence. There was an odd air in the room.
" What are you doing here so early in the day, and completely unepexected?" Mina asked pitching her voice to a whisper at the last question.
" Oh Mina darling! Can't you understand I simply wanted to see you," he replied getting up off the table and walking over to her.
" What do you mean?" Mina asked backing up agaisn't the window seat.
" How about I say this, I had a need to talk to you that is all," he replied leaning over her.
Mina turned her head away from the scent of his sour breath.
" And what would that be?" she asked looking down at the fleshy back of his hand.
" Oh nothing much," he replied backing away from her and walking across the room.
Mina sat up and took a breath of relief, she hated to be so close to him. Letting go of the curtains, Mina brushed her bangs back into place.
Sir Glen had his back turned to her but now he turned around. His green eyes glowing unaturally.
" Tell me Princess, who was that man I saw you speaking to last night?" He asked clasping his hands behind his back.
" What man?" Mina asked dumbfounded at the question.
Sir Glen through back his head and gave a harsh short little bark of laughter.
" Don't play the fool Princess, it doesn't fit you," he sneered walking up to her again and grabbing her wrist. " I have ways of making you pay for decieving me. Don't think you can get away this time," he whispered leaning close to her ear.
Mina closed her eyes from the evil glowing around him and shuddered.
Yaten sighed and rolled his eyes at the blue urchin next to him and walked on. Ahead of him the Queen Arphodite talked with Princess Kaguya while behind them Takki read a book. Probaly about the castle and the planet and Seyia stared at the Queen with nothing short of lust. Even Yaten had to agree she was breath taking. Shimmering golden-red hair braided and twined with gold falling to the floor where it mingled with the train of her golden dress. There was almost something familiar about her but Yaten couldn't put his finger on it.
Yet she was only a womyn and womyn were not to be trusted. Sneaky, mingling creatures always looking for money and power through marriage.
He had neither and was not interested in marriage to anyone at this point or any time.
It was this thought that slowed his paces down and allowed the group to walk ahead of him. Disappering out of sight before he noticed anything.
End! Of this chapter. Please send all that I always ask for to