Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Reflections of the Silver Millennium ❯ Amara/Haruka ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Reflections of the Silver Millennium
Chapter 1: Amara
By Lady Miaka Yuki
June 9, 2002

It was a time of peace and happiness, a time for enjoyment and pleasure, yet I was not one of the happy ones. I felt out of place with the various things that were happening around me. The parties around the palace I did not attend. I was not one who liked to venture off at social events, but if I did, I just stood in a corner watching the happy couples dance to the music in the ballroom. I was one of the older ones being twenty-five. I am not the most beautify girl, some would consider me a tom boy since my hair is so short, I don't like to wear dresses, and wear a little if any make-up, but that's enough about me. As I would watch the couples dance I would think to myself, "I don't think they would be truly happy and dancing if they knew what was going on behind the scenes." In truth behind the mask of joy and happiness, the royals knew that the dark forces were coming. We just wondered when they would get here and how soon we had to form a plan. Yes, I am a royal and guard. I am the royal Princess of Uranus and a guard for her Majesty the Queen.

I was engaged to the most handsome man in the universe, Aaron. He, like myself had short blond hair and some said that we looked more like brother and sister than like lovers. We used to laugh at the comment when it was made. He was more of an intelligent type, even though he was 6'3. He found time to read, play the violin, write poems, but he wasn't for me. I wasn't into the things he was and even though he was good looking, it didn't make up for it. I still felt unhappy with him even though we were suppost to be married in 5 months. I felt that he wasn't the one for me and that I was meant to be with someone else, but who was this someone? Why didn't he make me feel right?

Then one day it finally happened. The mask of happiness was shattered and was revealed to be what it was. The Negaverse had sent it's forces to attack us. Even though the weak fighters would be the first to attack, we knew the better and more deadly fighters would be here in hours to slaughter who they could. I had found out earlier in the day that my planet's people had already been attacked. Not that many survived, but those who did fled to other nearby alliances for protection. Knowing that in a few hours the moon kingdom might fall to the Negaverse, I fled to the queen's side for her advice. She was already in a conference with the other guards from the outer planets, none of which I had met.

"My queen what should we do? They will be here in hours!!!" A short black haired, young girl said as she stayed close to a woman that looked like she could be the young girl's mother. I knew from her childlike features that she had to be Princess Saturn, the child that could bring death.

"My dear…" the queen replied, "we are going to stay calm and collected like most royals do and we are going to take the problems as they come" The white haired queen put her hand on top of the child's head "Don't worry Hotaru."

The woman that looked like she would be the child's mother, stood incased in a mirror that was leaning against a nearby wall. In that moment I knew it was Princess Pluto otherwise known as Susan. Susan was not allowed to leave her place guarding the doors of time. She was forever to remain there. She was beautiful with her long black hair that had tints of green in it. Her crimson eyes stared at me strangely because I was staring at her. I adverted my eyes quickly. I heard before that she could not age, no one knew how old she truly was and she never told her age when asked. "I believe my queen that we should prepare the younger princesses for what lay ahead of them." she said.

"You mean they do not know?" A green haired woman spoke as she sat meekly in a corner on a chair, being very quite as if in deep thought. I stared at the woman for moments thinking about how beautiful she was. The most beautiful of all three perhaps. She smiled coyly at me and I turned away to avoid blushing.

"They don't know?" I said. Everyone around became quite and just shook there head up and down.

"They know there is a threat…" the Queen finally whispered, "but they don't know the threat has become reality."

I stood there for a moment thinking of the young princesses, then went to a draw string curtain that led to the ballroom. I watched the princesses dance with their lovers. "Those poor children are in for a shock, their childhood is about to be torn to pieces and they don't even know it." I let the curtain fall back into place. "Are you going to tell them my Queen?"

"In time my dear Amara, but now let's enjoy the final fleeting moments of our happiness before it fades to a distant memory. I have gowns for each of you girls in your rooms….go change and come back to the ball. Accept for you of course Susan you stay at your post." The queen rose from her seat and proceeded out to the ballroom. Her long white dress and ponytails followed behind her on the floor until she disappeared through the curtain.

Hotaru took off for her bedroom thrilled by the thought of going to a ball with all the princesses around. She too seemed to be unaware of the threat that was coming even though she knew about it.

I looked to the green haired beauty as she stayed sitting in her chair smiling at me. "You must be Michelle, Princess of Neptune." I said.

"Yes, I am." She smiled and moved from her chair to stand within talking distance to me. "What gave it away?" She giggled.

"Well you were the only one of the outer guards I didn't know, so I just pieced the rest of the puzzle together." I smiled then laughed and she laughed with me before standing on her tip toes and placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. I was quite surprised but I didn't move away.

"Let's enjoy our last few hours." She held her hand out to me and I took it in mine and we walked up the steps to our separate bedroom and changed. I expected to find a dress, but instead I found a black Tux. I thought that I would praise the queen later for not giving me a dress. I put the tux on and ran my fingers through my hair before walking out of the room.

I walked on down to Michelle's room and knocked on the door. She appeared moments later in a sea green dress that flowed to the floor in about twelve different layers. Each layer was a different color of green. On her feet were slipper like dress shoes that were a sea green and she had a braided wreath of green flowers upon her head. She looked stunning.

"Shall we?" I held my arm out to her to escort her to the main staircase that led down to the middle of the ballroom.

"We shall" she smiled and took my arm. In that moment I realized why I was so empty before and why I felt I was with the wrong person. Perhaps it wasn't the wrong person, maybe it was just the wrong sex.

I escorted her to the steps then down them as they announced us to the court, she gave a smile like no other as we walked down. In that moment I wonder if she felt the same way I did. Off in the distance I saw Aaron and he did not look pleased. He scowled as I came down with Michelle on my arm.

He approached us as we came to the bottom of the steps. "What is the meaning of this? What are you doing? You are engaged to me Amara…yet you are escorting this woman down the stairs" He grabbed me by my other arm, the one that was not escorting Michelle and jerked me away from her.

"I don't want to be with you" I tried to pull away from him. "I never understood why I didn't feel right with you and now I do. It's because I wasn't with the right person, little alone the right sex." I went back to Michelle and took her hand in mine, laying a gentle kiss on the back of her wrist.

He stood there for a second letting the anger take over….."so be it….." he said and stormed out of the ballroom leaving Michelle and me behind. I turned and looked at her wondering what she thought with my true feelings out. She came to me and wrapped her arms around my waist before standing on her tip toes and giving me a gentle kiss on my lips. Everyone around us began to clap and cheer because of our new union. I looked over to the queen and she nodded at me. The younger princesses were clapping and cheering their approval. We were the first guards to ever date each other.

Moments later there was a big crashing sound and the top dome of the palace crashed inward burying thousands of people under it's roof. When it happened I was getting punch for Michelle, so we were separated and now buried under the remnants of the dome of the castle. I was not covered with a lot of rubble, so I managed to get out from under it all. When I did I wish I didn't.

The ballroom was covered in rubble and I could see people lying every where unconscious and bloody. The queen sat on her thrown in the ballroom. Blood gushed out through her ball gown from her stomach. Her eyes were wide open. I knew she was dead at the moment. I got closer to her and I used my hand to close her eyes, so if there were any survivors besides myself they would not be disturbed by her eyes being open.

I moved then seeing the Princess of Venus and Princess of Mercury. Venus had a piece of a pillar on her leg and by the way it looked, it was obviously broken. I pulled the pillar off her and tossed it to the side. She was trying not to cry, not wanting to appear weak since she was the leader of the guard for the Princess. Mercury had avoided getting crushed by the rubble by inches. She was unconscious, she probably had a concussion from the falling debris. Beside her lay a man that was crushed by the rubble. Mercury had come so close to death.

I looked over and saw Michelle and Hotaru with the Princesses of Mars and Jupiter they too were alive, but Mars had a slice across her neck, which was bleeding profusely. Michelle ripped off a part of her ball gown and wrapped it around Mar's neck and tied it there trying to stop the bleeding. Jupiter on the other hand was clutching her wrist, which had a bone poking out of it. I had to turn my head at the sight of the bone. Then I heard Jupiter let out a scream followed by crying as Hotaru bandaged the wrist, since there wasn't much for us to do for it now.

It was then that I realized how hurt Michelle was. She had blood gushing out of her stomach, slight scratches on her face and a cut on her upper arm. I was going to go to her, but I caught sight of Princess Serena in the corner of my eye. She was stumbling over to Queen Serenity. Her leg was obviously hurt and she finally collapsed in to her mother's lap, basically kneeling at her mother's thrown as she sat. Serena placed her head on her mother's lap and just wailed. I went to her deciding that she needed moral support and that Hotaru could take care of Michelle. When I got closer I realized the Princess was moaning her mothers name over and over again while she was weeping.

I came beside her and put my hands on her shoulders, then kneeled down so I cradled her on the floor from behind. "Princess….Your mother is gone." I whispered in a soothing voice.

"NO, SHE'S NOT!!!" she screamed back.

"Yes, Princess…she is." I hugged her tightly to me from behind and she turned to me and looked at me with her tear stained face then buried her face in to my chest and started to cry harder. I smoothed my hand over her hair and kissed the top of her forehead. I pulled away from her for a moment looking to see if she was injured. After I saw she wasn't, I pulled her up and against me knowing that we should get out before there was a second attack. Speaking of which, where was our counter attack on them? Why weren't our guards fighting them?

I turned and saw Aaron he was stumbling with a sword.

"Serena? Can you stand without falling?" I asked.

"Yes, I think." she said in a half crying voice.

I kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Everything is going to be ok."

She shook her head and I moved away from her towards Aaron and as I neared closer to him I realized he was bleeding. He was not much of a swordsmen and even not so experienced swordsmen could beat him easily. He stumbled towards me, then started to fall. I caught him and held him in my arms.

"AARON!!! AARON!!!! Are we loosing? Where are they at in the castle? Our they inside the gate? Where were you fighting?" I had so many questions at the time and not a lot of time to get them out. I managed to help him get back to his feet.

"They are right here…Amara…" He screamed.

I turned my back to him trying to see what he saw. Then I felt the cold blade enter through my back. I gasped thinking I had been hit by the enemy before I even saw them. I looked down at the sword that poked through the front of my stomach from the back. The sword withdrew and I quickly placed my hands over the gaping hole trying to stop the bleeding. I then turned around and saw Aaron holding the bloody sword that had pierced me. I stared at him trying to catch my breath, watching the blood flow down his sword and hit the marble floor of the ballroom, making a dripping sound. Michelle screamed my name and came running from the other half of the ballroom. I dropped to my Knees in front of Aaron.

"Why?" I questioned.

He gazed at me with utter hatred on his face. "If you loved me like I loved you, you would know why." He turned from me and ran down the hall.

From there things got utterly confusing. I fell forward and soon I heard Michelle by my side whispering "It's going to be ok…it's going to be ok." As she cradled my body to hers.

Her voice slowly faded and here I am reflecting on how things started….how things ended and everything in between. I never got to say good bye to my sweet love. I still can remember the short time we spent together. I remember the way she felt…the way she smelled…the way she laughed…the way she smiled…I will never forget her even though my life has been cut short. I can only give her the power to live on and pursue the battle until it is her turn to come to me. As for Aaron I can't say I hate him. I think I understand his reasoning for killing me but I can't help if he thought I betrayed him. I had to follow my heart and the more I think about it the less I can blame him. He felt true love for me and I rejected and tore his heart. I have had fun reflecting on my memories about my past, the good, the bad and the ugly of it. I treasure the times of the Silver millennium and will always hold them dear to me. Now, I must sit here and watch what unfolds for the other Princesses. I can't help them, they are on their own now.