Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Reflections of the Silver Millennium ❯ Michelle/Michiru ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Reflections of the Silver Millennium
Chapter 2: Michelle
By Lady Miaka Yuki
June 10, 2002

There are a lot of things I can say about the Silver Millennium. I can say there were said times…I can say there were happy times, but the times I most remember were the angry times. I have a lot of regrets about the Silver Millennium. Most of them involve fights I had with certain scout members.

I remember one time when Princess Venus and I had it out because I insisted that Amara was a better fighter then Venus would ever be. I remember another fight I had with the Princess of Mercury in which we fought about who was the better swimmer. The fight I remember best though was the one I had with Sailor Saturn when she tried to kill me with her powers. I hadn't talked to her for about 10 months after that.

Now I sit here reflecting on all of this with Amara here in heaven. Some might ask how I got here. Others might ask who am I? Well I am going to tell you in a matter of minutes. Shall we answer the later first?

I am the Princess of the planet Neptune, guard to the Queen, otherwise known as Michelle. Some might say I am one of the more feminine princesses but I see my self as one of the "real" princesses. I act like myself, not something I am not.

I have Sea-green hair, with beautiful sea-green eyes…I have no husband or even lover. I don't think I will ever marry because men don't appeal to me like females do. Yes, I like girls.

Anyways back to my story…It all started one day when I came to the Moon kingdom. It was my first visit there. That is where I met the true love of my life, Amara. When I saw her I was stunned by the way she carried herself.

We went to a ball that night and that was when the Negaverse attacked. Her lover, Aaron, who had earlier joined the Negaverse earlier because of a broken heart (she broke off an engagement with him to date me) killed her that night. I watched my love die that night. I held her dead body in my arms. That is where this story picks up, moments after her death.

I had finally gotten the courage to let go of her body. Hotaru held me in her arms until I stopped crying. She too was crying, but trying to sooth and calm me too. When I finally calmed down I was angry. How could my love be taken away so soon after I found her?

I then realized I was still bleeding and I was starting to feel week. I had Hotaru bandaged my stomach to help stop the bleeding there. I didn't really mind my arm bleeding or the scratches on my face. They were only minor compared to my stomach. Once that was done all the scouts and myself tried to get to the under ground safe center. There we could rest and get weapons incase another attack was launched. By this time our counter attacks were going on and we were trying to fight off the Negaverse.

When we finally reached the safe center we had a male guard go up and get Amara's body. I was not willing to leave it up there and see what the Negaverse would do with it. The guard returned with Amara's body and sat her in a corner and draped a cover over her, so we would not have the grim reminder there until we found time to bury her. Sadly they could not bring the queen's body back because another blast had collapsed the dome even further. This time the dome of the castle was leveled and the rubble had buried the queen's body.

We locked the door to the safe room and separated ourselves from each other for short times. Hotaru and myself went off into a corner and cried a little more over our loss. The inner scouts were saddened and trying to work out a battle. Princess Serena was in another corner curled in to a fetal position crying. She had lost her mother and she had a right to be in her state of mind.

We decided that we needed fresh clothes and bandages because we were all bloody and the thought of infection if it set in. I walked to the door and unlocked it.

"Where are you going?" Princess Jupiter asked.

"To get fresh clothing and bandages."

"Why? We can live for a few days like this…" All the other scouts looked at for a moment. "Ok, maybe some of us can."

"I'll be back in a few minutes." I said before I left. Little did I know I wouldn't be back.

I walked up the steps that led to the secret safe room. From there I visited everyone's room and gathered some clothes for them. I picked a bag up in one room and stuffed the clothes into it. The rooms were rather damaged, but I still managed to find everything. My last stop was to the medical brig, but it was on the 1st level of the palace a very dangerous place to be with the Negaverse army lerking around.

I took a back stair way down to the medical brig, it was very damaged. The windows were shattered out, test tubes broken ever where…the two doctors lay on the floor in bloody heaps, obviously dead. I quickly grabbed some bandages and medications whatever I could find went into the bag. I didn't care what it was, I figured out of everything I had something had to work on healing wounds.

I turned and left the room about ten minutes after I had first came in. I went back up the stairway I had came and as soon as I got to the top there stood Jadiete I stood there for a moment looking at him because he had not seen me yet. I inched my way back down the stairs, but I tripped and fell down the remaining steps that I had not went down. I let out a loud yielp and I knew the gig was up. I quickly picked up the bag and ran back to the medical brig and through the entrance that led to a four different hall ways. I decided to go to the North half way and I started to run down it. I heard footsteps behind me.

Suddenly energy blasts started to go off on both sides of me. I ran faster and faster every now again looking back and seeing his smiling face as he sent round after round of energy blasts flying towards me.

I reached the ballroom and he was only steps behind me I turned to face him as I came to a landing that was set so it jetted a little out in the ballroom. People often came here to watch the dancers dance. It gave an ariel view of everything. I continued to walk backwards with my face to him. He started to smirk at me.

"Leave me alone!!! I brought my hand up and screamed, "DEEP…." I never got to finish because I hit into the railing that was set around the landing and I went over. Plummitting to my death. It only hurt for a second then there was a flash of light….then darkness.

I ended up here with Amara. I can't say I regret dying because now I am with my true love. Now we sit here and watch over the scouts together.