Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Reflections of the Silver Millennium ❯ Rei ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Reflections of the Silver Millennium
Chapter 3: Rei
By Lady Miaka Yuki
June 11, 2002

The Silver Millennium to me was a time of chaos, betrayal, and animosity. Not many people back in those times would believe those words. They would paint a picture of a lovely Moon kingdom with the perfect royals and the perfect alliance between the planets, but they are wrong.

I should know the truth I am Rei, otherwise known as princess of Mars and guard to the princess of the moon. One of the Princess inner circle shall we say. I witness what was really going on behind the scenes at the palace. The love interests…the marriages…the murders. You name it I could probably tell you if it was happening in the court or not.

I would be considered one of the more….smart mouthed members of the court. I always managed to get my smart comments into a conversation, no matter who it was with. Even the princess got smart mouthed a couple times and she went crying to the other princesses because of it.

Because I am from the planet Mars I have long dark black hair. My eyes are very dark. By having these features I wasn't admired by the men, except those that were from my own planet. Most of the guys from the other planets wanted a girl with lighter colored hair. They thought that the black hair was a sigh of death or the devil. I man did take me in though. He wasn't from my planet at all, but a very distant one. He was blond haired, a general for the Prince of Earth. His name was Jadiete. We were very much in love and had dated for over three years. I knew that he was only dating me because of his need for power. I had refused to merry him over the three years of dating him because of this. I knew he just wanted to rule the people of mars…be their king. He didn't care much that I would be queen or that he would be married to me, that was just an added in bonus.

My story starts after Michelle's death. We were all very nervous when Michelle didn't return with in the hour. We weren't really sure what to do. Princess Mercury tried to contact Princess Pluto, but she didn't not get an answer. We figured she would be the one to call since she was the oldest of all the scouts.

"We have to do something!!" Princess Venus said.

"Yes, we do" I stood up.

"You don't mean you are going to go out there do you?!" Princess Jupiter exclaimed.

"You can't!!!" Princess Mercury almost yelled.

"Don't even think such things" Hotaru said.

"I'm going and nothing you say is going to stop me. I will get those clothes and bandages." I said as I stood up.

I started to walk to the door. I took one final look back at the scouts then opened them door. When I shut it. I heard it lock behind me. I took in a deep breath and listened to the silence that now surrounded me.

I started to walk down the hall….I didn't know whether Michelle had taken the back route to the medical brig or the main entrance. I decided to go to the main entrance. It was a much longer walk and involved using an elevator to get to the brig.

The elevator was not far down the hall. I quietly tiptoed down the hall not wanting to make any unwanted noise that would call attention to myself. The Negaverse could pick up even the softest sound with their advanced technology. I was surprised they couldn't pick up breathing with their machines. The moon rejected the idea of new technology. The planets that allied with the Moon Kingdom believed technology was the root of all evil.

I reached the elevator and pressed the down button hoping it was still working. It was and in about a minute I heard a ding. I cringed at the sound hoping it would not be detected by the enemy. I waited for the elevator doors to open and when they did, I stepped inside. The doors slowly shut and I was left in utter silence as the machine slowly began to lower me to the ground. There was a sudden jolt and the doors opened. I stepped out of the elevator and the doors closed behind me.

The medical brig was about seven rooms down from the elevator. I looked every where for a sign of Michelle. I didn't find one. I quickly walked down the hallway and found the medical brig. I went in the room and found a small basket and started to collect vials and tubes full of medicine. I picked up some bandages and towels and put them into the basket. I then contacted Amy through my wrist communicator.

"Amy come in" I said.

"Yes, I'm here." she said.

"I got the supplies do you think you can teleport me up there?" I asked.

Amy's voice went out for a moment and then came back on "I'm sorry Rei, we can only teleport a little item. We can't teleport you too. You will have to walk back up here."

"That's ok Amy. I don't mind. Can you teleport this medical supplies up?" I asked politely.

"Yes I can. Stand by for teleportation of the medical supplies." she said.

Within seconds the medical supplies was teleported up. I sighed with relief at a job well done.

"Thanks Amy. I'll be back up there in a few. See you then." I said and clicked the communicator off. (or so I thought, but I missed the button. Leaving it on"

I walked to the door and peered out it. I didn't see anyone, so I walked out the door. The air felt colder as I walked down the hall. I started to shiver and I started to run for the elevator. I knew there was trouble brewing. I reached the elevator and the buttons on it were frozen. I pounded frantically on the buttons. What looked like fog started to pour around me.

"Can I help you with that." A voice came out of the fog loud and clear.

I turned looking frantically though the fog for the owner of the voice. I thought I recognized it. "Jadiete is that you?"

"Yes." voice answered.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god. Why the fog and ice?"

"The better to kill you with my dear…" he whispered.

"What??!!" I said in a shocked voice trying to regain my composure.

"Well you see the Negaverse has offered me this amazing deal." The fog cleared and I could see my lover standing before me, but he looked different. He looked colder (no pun intended) he look like there was no feeling left in him.

"Amazing deal?" I asked.

"Yes." he cooed and started to walk closer to me. His black boots made a horrible clanking sound on the marble floor. His general uniform had changed from the white known to be the earths color uniforms to a darker color.

"Like what?" I asked

"I kill you my dear….and I get all the power in the world from the dear queen of the Negaverse." he said with a smile appearing on his face.

"What about the Prince of Earth? The Moon Princess and Kingdom? The Silver Alliance among the planets??? What about me…….?"

"Those things are all dead to me…and soon you will be too. I can gain more power forming an alliance with the Negaverse than any with the Princess of the Moon…The Prince of Earth…or you…" he said the last word harshly.
I was on the verge of crying by now. I had backed as far as I could into the wall and now he was on me. He was so close. He held out his hand to me and caressed my face gently.

"You were such a sweet lover…." With that he grabbed my skull in his huge hand and started to put pressure on it. His powers were more advanced now and the power in his fingers alone was amazing. I screamed aloud as more pressure was put on my skull. I looked up at him admiring him one last time. His blond hair…his eyes….his face in general…I took it in and held that memory close to me. Finally there was a loud crack then darkness. I don't remember much after that. I don't remember a tunnel of light….or the fall to the floor. Just plain and utter darkness.

I sit up here now with Amara and Michelle. I was the first of the Princess's inner court to die. I know she is probably both saddened and happy that I am gone. Saddened because I was very close to her. I was always around when she needed something or just a shoulder to cry on. Happy because she no longer has someone to smart mouth her or tell her what to do….or push her around. I am still mad at Jadiete for his betrayal. Who would have thought his need for power would have out ranked his love for me. I guess was a fool to ever think he would love me more than his need for power. Now I just sit up here and watch how the story unfolds with the other scouts.