Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Rini's Scouts ❯ The boys start to arrive ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ok!! Here is Chapter 10!!! enjoy!!


Re-cap: In the last episode we found out that Bruno was really a spy for the King of Jurai!! Tenchi the king had a twin brother named Hades(remember the story where Beryl was bad? Hades was her master.) Anyway, sailor Moon destroyed Hades and now he is out for revenge!! What will happen? Sailor Moon says: Read and find out!! (he he!)


Back in the lounge room:

"There is one more thing girls, all of you just like Rini, have brothers on different planets." said Pluto.

"I know." replied Raven and Wynter at the same time.

We all just stared at them.

The king nodded his head," Yes but it will be more intense."

"Why, what are we training for?" Wendy asked as we all nodded our heads.

Pluto looked at the adults,"You are the next generation of Sailor Scouts." she said, as she looked at us.

"What?!" we all shrieked.

The adults just nodded their heads and smiled at us reassuringly.

"Well then who are we supposed to protect?" I asked.

"Yeah, we will not fail!" nodded Storm.

Pluto raised her staff and pointed it at me!

"Rini?!" the girls asked.

"Me? Why do I need to be protected? I can take care of myself!" I cried, as I ran from the room.

"RINI!!?" the girls shouted after me.

Pluto raised her staff, "Let her be girls, this is all new to her, she needs time to adjust I am sure." she said looking towards Serena.

"Poor little bunny." said Alex shaking his head.

"It was just as bad for Serena." sighed Luna shaking her head.

Diana looked at her mother,"How do you know that?"

"I spoke with Queen Serenity after the last battle." she replied.


I ran to my room and flung myself onto my bed. I grabbed my stuffed bunny and cried my eyes out.

"Are they my friends, or just my protectors?" I sniffed.

I got up from the bed and took a shower, afterwards I rummaged through my closet for a dress to wear. Picking the white one just like mommies. I put it on and fixed my hair, and stepped out of my room.


"Tonight you will pledge your loyalty to the princess and your brothers will pledge their loyalty to the young prince." said Pluto.

Ami stood up from the table,"Thank you Pluto, but we should all be getting ready for tonight."

Pluto nodded her head,"I will see you all tonight, oh and your sons have just arrived." she smiled as she vanished.

"Now?!" the adults exclaimed.

We all vanished into our rooms in a bright light.


"Aunt Beryl are you sure about this place?" asked a short boy with short blonde hair.

A tall, dark haied man looked at the boy, "It will be alright Adonis, I promise." he smiled.

"If you say so Uncle Posideon." Adonis replied.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Aunt Beryl!?" I squealed as I ran into the communications room.

"Serena?! My you have grown, little one!" she said as she picked me up.

"Is Uncle Posideon here?" I asked looking around the room as she put me down.

"Well he was here with Adonis somewhere." she replied.

I looked at Beryl,"Who is Adonis?"

A boy with short blonde hair approached me,"I am Prince Adonis of Venus, nice to meet you princess." he said as he bowed.

I curtsied and replied,"Please call me Rini, and did you say Venus?"

"Adonis is Princess Aphrodites brother." said Posideon walking up behind the group.

"Oh I see, Bruno, could you please show them to thier chambers so that they may get ready for tonight?" I asked as Bruno walked into the room.

"Yes princess, this way please." he answered and walked out of the room.

"Nice to meet you Rini." said Adonis as he waved.

"You to." I waved back as they walked down the hall.

I gathered my skirts and ran down the hall to my friend Wynters room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Come in!" shouted a voice.

I opened the door to find all of the girls dressed and fixing eachother's hair.

"Rini!" they all exclaimed.

"I am sorry guys, but I didn't want you to be my friends just because you have to protect me." I said.

Raven walked over to me,"Rini we liked you before we even knew about protecting you!"

The other girls just smiled as I looked up at them and smiled too.

"Oh Rini guess what?!" Wendy exclaimed.

"We all have brothers!" squealed Aphrodite.

"I just met yours Aphrodite." I replied.

The girls just stared at me,"Really? What was he like?!" Wynter asked as the girls all gathered around to hear the story.

"Well he looks like his sister, but he has short blonde hair, I think he is the same age as you though, but thats all that I know."

"Is he cute?" Storm gushed.

"Storm! We are only 6!! You think about boys!? Yuck!!" I exclaimed.

Her eyes went wide and she blushed,"Um...."

We all just burst into a fit of giggles.


"Aunt Athena, I won't go to far I just want to see the gardens." said a little boy to a woman as they appeared in the communications rooms.

Athena waved her hand as she spoke with Bruno, "That will be fine."

"Zeus, don't be messing up the roses or trying to summon people ok?" asked a man.

"Ok uncle Apollo, I promise." he replied and ran out into the gardens.


"Hey let's go out into the gardens!" suggested Wendy.

"Ok let's go!" I shouted as we gathered our heavy skirts and ran out the doors.

I looked back at the girls behind me,"Ha ha! You guys can't catch me!" I squealed as I ran faster down the path.

"Rini watch out!" shouted Wynter as she pointed in front of me.


OMG!! What in the world could Rini be running into?!! Read the next ch. and find out!!! Sailor Moon says: C-YA! (he he!)
