Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Robot Senshi ❯ Omake 2: So Horny... ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer. I no own, you no sue? Deal
~:~ Omake 2: So horny…~:~
Static fizzes, before clearing to show us that the Senshi are lounging at the beach…
“Ahh!” Minako sighed as she stretched out on her towel, “This was such a good idea!”
“Mmm...” Rei agreed as she turned the page of her book. She was relaxing in the shade of her parasol, her long raven hair piled up on her head, held secure by a crimson clip.
“And Mako-chan brought these cookies!” Haruka grinned, grabbing more of said cookies and munching on them with enthusiasm.
“Ah, Haruka-san!” Makoto blushed, scratching the back of her head nervously.
“What can I get for ten dollars?” A sweet voice asked.
The four Senshi turned their attention to where the voice sounded, shocked to see Michiru, Ami, and Setsuna draped over Usagi, who was waving a ten dollar bill. To make matters worse (or better) they were all dressed in…minimal swimwear.
“Anything you want…” Ami purred seductively as she trailed a finger down Usagi's jaw.
“Anything?” Usagi said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Anything!” the four of them cheered.
“ Oh! So Horny!
Oh, oh so Horny!
Oh, so horny we love you long time!!” they sang.
Rei's jaw had dropped and a trickle of blood ran down her nose as her left eye was caught in a continuous twitch.
Minako just stared at Setsuna as a trail of drool ran down her open mouth.
There was a dull thump as Makoto fainted.
Haruka simply grinned and patted the spot next to her. Michiru happily sat down, the aqua haired beauty practically purring as Haruka rubbed her head and fed her a cookie.
Usagi strolled over to the slightly brain-dead Rei. Using her index finger, Usagi closed the miko's mouth.
“Rei, sweetie,” she purred. “You'll catch flies like that.”
With that, the blonde turned on her heeled and skipped away. Rei's eye twitched once more, before she stood in a daze and followed the moon princess.
Ami cradled Makoto's head in her lap, blushing slightly.
What on Earth possessed me to do that? the blue haired genius thought.
Makoto's eyes fluttered open and she blinked dazed green eyes at Ami.
“So,” Makoto started, grinning lecherously, “anything I want huh?”
Ami blushed and shot to her feet, throwing Mako-chan's head off of her lap.
“Makoto!” she wailed, holding her enflamed cheeks. Ami blushed harder when she heard the brunette chef's laughs, even when Makoto was face flat in the sand.
Setsuna sat down next to Minako. “Hey, Mina-chan,” she whispered. “How about we…” She began to whisper into the Senshi of Love's ear.
Minako jumped to her feet and stared at Setsuna, a serious frown on her pretty face.
“Minako?” Setsuna asked, brushing a lock of green hair behind her ear.
Mina-chan said nothing, only clapped her hands together and, like a magician, pulled a Love-Me-Chain out of thin air.
Setsuna blinked at the chain of hearts in confusion. “What's that for?” she asked.
Minako grinned a grin similar to that of the Cheshire Cat. “For what I have in mind babe, it includes me, you, black leather, and a whole lotta this.” She snapped the chain in her hands, satisfied to hear a loud crack!
“Oh…OH!” Setsuna smiled from ear to ear. Minako wrapped the chain around the Senshi of Time and began to drag her to the nearest beach house. Setsuna flashed her thumbs up and mouthed, `Yes!'
Makoto (who had removed her face from the sand) and Ami blushed while Haruka and Michiru held up a `Go Sets-chan!' sign, silently cheering on their friend.
Static fizzes and the screen goes blank.
Ramblings: Yes, I blushed while I was typing this in. *blushes.*
My favorite line was Minako's. Honestly, I had fun making her that perverted. Hehehe….