Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Senshi Academy ❯ Prologue
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
xXThugBabyXx: Whaddup Bitches? Dis ThugBaby in da hiz-house, and ima rock yall so hard yallz brains come out, ya herd meh?!
Misa1120: Don't mind her, she's always like that, and “Waddup Bitches?” is her way of saying “Hi everyone”, so just bear with her please…
ThugBaby: Who asked you to come?
Misa: No one had to. We are writing our fanfics together along with Dreamgirl_27…. Speaking of, where is she?
Dreamgirl_27: .:.runs in.:. Sorry I'm late! It's not my fault, really, it isn't!
Misa and Thugbaby: Right…
DG_27: Anyways, we gotta start your story!
ThugBaby: Wat evs
Disclaimer: We no own.
Dedication(by all three authoresses): This is dedicated to our younger sister Kaia who passed away last month.
Sailor Senshi Academy
A hundred years after the battle with Galaxia, Crystal Tokyo has been at peace for four score and four years. Neo Queen Serenity and the Sailor Scouts have long since grown old and are now deceased, and in their stead the once “Chibi Scouts” that fought along side the Sailors as partners.
Now, there is a new queen. Neo Queen Serenity II, once known as Chibi-Usa or Small Lady, is the new ruler of Crystal Tokyo; ensuring peace and prosperity throughout the land. The new circle of Sailor Scouts, or preferably, Sailor Senshi is her close friends and Companions.
Aoi Mizuno, daughter of Ami Mizuno and General Zoiscite, is the queen and protector of Mercury. Akane Hino, daughter Rei Hino and General Jadeite, is the queen and protector of Mars. Midori Kino, daughter of Makoto Kino and General Nephrite, is the queen and protector of Jupiter. Orenji Aino, daughter of Minako Aino and General Kunzite, is the queen and protector of Venus.
Through the years, many a Senshi have turned about, all from a moon or another planetary system. They each had their own unique powers and their own prowess, but some lacked the experience and need training.
Thus we are brought to present day Crystal Tokyo, where not only do Sailor Senshi from all around come to enroll at the SSA (Sailor Senshi Academy), but also where hundreds of knights in training join the GKA (Glorious Kamen Academy). At those schools, the new, inexperienced Senshi and knights train, discover/ hone their skills, and join a team of other Senshi from their homestead. Commence further with reading this tale of six young Senshi as they discover themselves, make new friends, find new love, and earn the right to be called Sailor Senshi.
ThugBaby: There you go, baby! Da Prologue is dun. Ima be writin da first chapter and Ima post it wen I can. Til den PEACE!!