Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Vs Moon: Stupidity at it's finest ❯ Adding to the madness ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sailor Moon respectly owned by Naoko Tekuechi
Halo & it's charicters respectly owned by Microsoft and Bungie
Red Vs Blue charicters/idea owned by Rooster Teeth Productions.
I'm just useing these charicters for my fan-fiction for personal entertainment, and I ain't making a red cent off it.

Sailor Vs Moon
Under-Qulifided and Over-Equiped by the lowest bidder Pt-2

:The Red Castle... in the backyard:
Hino was on her knees putting togeather the new robot recruit, and had already finished the upper portion of the robot.
"Wow, our new robot has a really big guns." Usa said from beside her.

"Usa, don't sneak up on me. What if I had shot you? My keen instincts could've mistaken you for the enemy."

"But I've been standing here for the past hour."

"No you haven't, I would've seen you.... ? ..Usa what did you just say about our new robot?"

"I just said that our new robot has really big guns."

"Usa, I haven't even equiped with any weapons."

"Well, is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, I prefer to work alone. It takes me back to my younger days as I would sneek quietly behind my enemies, then blast them to peices with my mighty shotgun! Then I would sneek just as quitly back into the darkness."

"Cool, what war was that in?"

"I was talking about BEFORE I singed up into service, stupid."

:Inside The Blue Castle:
Kaiho had to talk to Chiba about earlier.
" much did see-- earlier?"

"Why, does it matter?" chiba answered.

"Well yeah. There are certin things about me I'd like to keep secret."

"Well, what would you do if those certin things wern't secret?" Chiba pressed his voice at his question.

"Ohh can I - answer that?" Mizuno said from behind.

"No, get lost and go play with yourself by the cliffs." Kaioh answered.

"That's not a very nice thing to say."

"Mizuno? can you be a good girl and do something for me?" Chiba asked.

"Oh-OOH, let me, let me do it! I can do it!"

"OKay, can you play a game for me?"

"?....?....Uhhh Yes."

"Well there is this person in the bathroom, above the sink, and she has blue armor just like you. She never talks, but she claims to be able to never blink. So can you meet her, and not blink longer than her?"

"YES! Yes I can! I'll get right on it and make her pay!" Mizuno ran off to meet her challenger.

"?.. Are you going to tell her it's her reflection?" Kaioh asked

"Nah. That'll spoil the fun."

:Outside the Blue Castle:
"Hey Doc! Ugh, where is that worthless medic?" Tenoh asked herself.
"C'mon Doc, where are you!? You have stuff to do!"

"Are you looking for the Field Medic?" Meioh the Tank asked.

"Yeah, have you seen her?"

"I'm sorry, but I haven't."

"[groans] Where was the last time you saw her?"


"Where, yesterday?"


"I know she was here, but where was she here?"

"Here at Bloodgultch."

"I know that! what I want to know is where in Bloodgultch she is!"

"Excuse me, but I detect a hostle volume in your tone of voice. May I ask what is the nature of your stress?"

"[GROANS!] Nothing, forget it! If you see Doc, please make sure she dosen't leave here."
Tenoh leaves. Meioh turns her main-gun and points it to the sky, looking at the sky.

"[sigh] Tenoh has Kaioh, I hope I find my true love someday."

:Back at the Red Castle:
Hino had finished with the robot in green-armor with pink-trim, and had stood it up. It was obviously a strong model, because of it's enlarged upper assembley The whole red team was there to witness the event.
"Okay soldiers, and Tsukino, we're here to observe the activation of our new heavy-combat-robot Model 45-Dc.u.p.. For short we'll call her Kino."

"Uhh, isn't it acctually C.P.U.?" Tsukino asked.

"Does anyone here, besides Tsukino, have any questions?" Hino asked.

"I got one, How come the robot get two rocket launchers, and I still only have a pistol?"

"Usa, you have to ask real questions. That one was compleatly off-topic. But as for your qestion, she isn't equiped with rocket launchers, this is the Caseless Sub machinegun. As for why you only have the pistol... no reason."

"I can see that, but I'm talking about the rocket launchers up there." Usa pointed at the enlarged upper assembly.

"Those arn't rocket launchers, stupid. Those allow for Kino's enhanced strength. Why it's very possable, if she was ordered to, she could crush a kittens head like a piece of bubble wrap packing."

"WHAT?!, she kills kitties?"

"That dosen't meen anything, lots of heavy things can crush the skull of a kitten." Aino said.
"I could stomp on a kittens head."

"YOU TOO?!" Usa cried.

"But you're missing the point Aino. Kino strength is so highly unnesessary, she could rip a penny in half just by looking at it." Hino replied.

"So, noone has killed any kittens?" Usa asked.

"Usa, can you just shutup for ten minutes? Better yet, go inside our castle and play around on the computer. I found this video of one of the blues in aqua colored armor mastubating by herself near the cliffs."

"Ooh, thanks I'll check it out."

To Be continued...probley... maybe... uhh hopefully, ehh we'll see what happens
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