Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor X ❯ Arriving at Xavier Institute ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sailor X?

Summary: Hotaru has been chosen for an exchange program to the United States. She is going to Bayville High. Using her healing powers when a new friend gets hurt, she's mistaken for a mutant. Can she keep her Senshi powers a secret?


"We are proud to announce that our Tomoe Hotaru has been chosen for the exchange program to America." The principle proclaimed proudly to the auditorium. The students groaned inwardly, they were sitting through this just for that? The said student shook her head talking to her friends.

"I don't see what the big deal is." Kita proclaimed looking bored. "Everyone knows Hotaru is smart, so why make a big deal!"

Hotaru giggled. "I know, you'd think they would get it through their heads that I have a lot of help. I mean, there's Michiru, Haruka, ans Setsuna just at home, then there is the rest like Ami-chan she helps me if I ask for help and she's practically a genious!" Her friends burst out laughing. Hotaru liked to be humble and she did have a point.

"Of course Hotaru not all of us have a professional violinist, racer-pianist (in the magna Haruka plays the piano with Michiru) and nurse (Setsuna is the school nurse where Hotaru went when she was younger) raising them. You should learn to just accept the fact you were raised to in an environment that made you smart." Kyle said, a Japanese with an American mother, teased.

Hotaru pouted, the group laughed louder. All except Azume, "Hotaru-chan you should be careful about your…gift." Azume said quietly, she was shyer then Hotaru but loved her friends. The group stopped and nodded, "In case you haven't noticed it could be taken as a mutation and mutants are treated badly." She said quieter so no one else could hear.

Hotaru smiled and hugged her friend, they'd all found out about her powers, well healing power, when Natsuko had been cut deeply. They had taken it quiet well; Hotaru had been quiet about it and explained it to them. She had expected them to not to be her friend anymore. But all of them stuck together never betraying her.

The assembly ended, Hotaru went through all her classes waiting for Saturday when she would go, to Bayville.

Xavier Institute for the Gifted (can't remember what is was exactly)

Professor Xavier sat in front of the institute's residents. "I have important news, we will have an exchange student from Japan. She will be staying her for the school year, her name is Hotaru Tomoe."

The students sighed, Kurt was the most wondering. "Professor, is she a mutant? Or is she normal?" The blue furred `elf' asked.

"No, I don't believe she is. I could have Cerebro check her out but I suspect we'd come out with nothing." One of the oldest students who is telekinetic and partly psychic looked worried.

"Professor, what if something comes up, I doubt she'll fail to notice if half or all of us disappear or the institute gets attacked."

Logan nodded his agreement. "She's right Chuck."

"We'll have to avoid having any confrontation near the institute we'll come up for excuses when the time arises." He glanced at the clock, "Now all of you to bed." The students groaned and walked back to their rooms.


Hotaru looked around the airport; this was her first time flying solo. She walked for her luggage; she didn't like the looks some of the people were giving her. `What? Is something I'm wearing out of season here?' she thought. She was wearing a long sleeved back shirt, a dark purple skirt that went half way down her thighs and knees, and knee length black boots. She went to pick up her bags.

She walked around looking for someone of the institute. A big intimidating man came toward her. "Hotaru Tomoe?" he asked, his voice ruff. She gulped.

"Hai." She swallowed was he from the institute? "Follow me, I'm from the Xavier Instintute." He noticed she was having trouble caring her bags. "Do you need help?" she nodded, he took two of her bags and was surprised on how much they weighed. `Sheesh, what did this kid pack, rocks!' he went ahead of her as she followed quietly. He noticed she was looking around curiously. `Like a kid.' He thought.

They reached a car, placing the bags in the back seats he took the third and placed it with the other. "Come on." He said. She looked a bit tired, she got in the car smiling that she was getting a bit of rest. She hated time changes. The car started up it took a short ride to get to their destination. She said very little and seemed to take in the surroundings. `Really odd kid.' Logan thought glancing at her again, `Or a major case of jet lag.'

Wow, sure is different. How close is New York? Oh, how pretty! Those flowers are nice they match Michiru-mama's hair! She giggled, it was odd to find something that shade. "What's so funny?" the man who on the ride had said was named Logan asked. She spoke in Japanese out of habit. "*Those flowers match Michiru-mama's hair, she had natural sea-green hair.*"

She realized her mistake. "Gomen ne. I mean sorry." He looked amused.

"*No problem kid, should have told ya I speak Japanese.*" She looked excited. "Are there other's that speak Japanese?" This time in English.

"Some of the students." He grinned noting her excitement. Then thought on the fact she called Michiru `mama' and not okaasan. "Can I ask ya something?" he asked.

She nodded. "Why'd ya call `Michiru' mama and not okaasan or haha?" he asked curious. She smiled a bit sadly.

"I don't remember my okaasan and very little of my otousan." She smiled. "But I have Michiru-mama, Haruka-papa and Setsuna-mama! And my friends are my family. Like Ami-chan, Makoto-chan, Minako-chan."

He nodded a bit guilty he asked. Her family was dead? How sad. At least she had a lot of people who cared about her, and where now her family that was a very joyful thing. "Is Tomoe your family name?" She nodded.

"My family's names are Kaiou Michiru, Ten'ou Haruka and Meiou Setsuna" Logan's eyes went wide.

"The famous Michiru Kaiou, one of the world's greatest Violinist and Racer Ten'ou Haruka. Both of them are your guardians!?" She nodded as though it was normal. `Wow, no wonder she was chosen for the exchange program. With names like that she could go anywhere. Hey wait..' "Hotaru, isn't Haruka a girl?" She looked amused.

"Yes Haruka-papa is a girl." He coughed but said nothing.

Ten minutes late^^

The gates of the institute opened, she looked shocked. No wonder I'm staying here, it's huge! She gasped. They had kids everywhere! Some her own age too!

"Come on kid." Logan said when she got out, taking all the bags. She went inside, she was escorted to a main den. A bald man in a wheel chair was waiting with a group of students.

"Welcome to the Xavier Institute."

Well that was the prologue hope you all like the next chapters.