Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor X ❯ New Friends and Meeting the gang ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sailor X

Chapter one

This chapter is about Hotaru settling in, mostly.

Note: I meant they discover her power of healing not her senshi powers but that will come later.

Forgot Disc: I don't own Sailor Moon or X-men.

The professor looked at the girl in front of him, she looked shy. How often did that happen? He smiled.

The girl bowed. "I'm Tomoe Hotaru." She gave a timid smile; it was like introducing yourself to a new class. The others smiled, a girl waved, another gave a half scowl but waved giving a faint smile. The proceeded to introduce themselves,

"I'm Jean Gray." A fairly tall red head introduced, she looked older.

"Scott Summers." A boy with sun glasses? Why was he wearing them at night? He grinned. "I have an eye problem." Hotaru blushed knowing she had made it obvious she thought it was weird. She gave a half apologetic half understanding look. (Don't ask me how just go with it )

A boy that seemed a bit nervous introduced himself, he was kind of cute in her view. "I'm Kurt Wagner, I'm from Germany." He offered a hand before he realized it. Hotaru looked confused before she grasped the hand with a look of embarrassment.

A girl who had white highlights framing her face introduced herself, she dressed in `Goth' clothes, if that was the correct term. "I'm Rogue." Hotaru thought she shouldn't press the matter on her name, it sounded like she had a good reason to have that name.

"Hello, I'm Ororo (is that it, I can't remember it) Monroe." A tall African American woman said giving her a gentle smile.

The professor smiled and gave her an encouraging smile. "I'm the professor Xavier. I know you met Logan, the other students had matters to attend but you'll meet them soon enough, " He smiled, "In fact one is coming right now."

A girl ran in, she was slim and had her hair in a tight ponytail with bangs framing her face. She wore a pink top over a white shirt and khaki pants. "Sorry I'm late! Is the new student here?" she looked at Hotaru. "Sorry, I'm Katherine Pryde. But just call me Kitty every one does." She looked at the group.

"Nice to meet you all!"

Professor Xavier looked at the new girl, he felt her hiding something, well everyone had his or her secrets. "You'll be staying with Kitty, Ms. Tomoe." Hotaru nodded smiling.

"Well, it's getting late, why don't we show Ms. Tomoe around tomorrow. I presume you are weary from the trip." The professor stated. Hotaru was about to protest when she yawned, then nodded. Kitty smiled, "Please show her to the room Kitty."

Kitty noticed Hotaru's bags and went to pick one up. She nearly dropped it. "Woah! This weights a ton! How'd you get it here all by yourself?" Logan laughed.

"I was surprised myself, kid managed to carry all by herself, I helped though when I met her." Hotaru grabbed the two bags with ease, well ease since she had carried all three bags. Kitty looked shocked, "Well come on."

Kitty looked at the girl, she was shy but obviously like company when she got to know them. Kitty hummed to herself as they went up the stairs to the hallway were her room was. Hotaru was looking around hoping to have some idea of what she was going to be shown tomorrow.

"We're here." Kitty stated opening the door, she went in and plopped the bag near a third bed. Hotaru gently placed her bags on the bed. "why is there another bed? Is some else staying in here as well? Have I met them?"

Kitty opened her mouth to reply but the questions were answered by non other than … "I stay here too." Rogue came in, "Stay out of my way and we'll be fine." She stated bluntly lying on one of the other beds.

Hotaru frowned looking a bit agitated. "Rogue-san, is there something I have done or said that has caused me to be in a negative perception." Hotaru knew that was a mouthful but couldn't think of another way to say it at the moment.

Rogue snorted at stared at the younger girl, she wasn't bad and they probably could get along fine. Why take her bad mood out on her? "Sorry, bad day." Hotaru nodded. "Everyone has bad days. I understand. Um where can I put my stuff?"

Kitty looked a bit confused but showed Hotaru a couple of drawers and part of the closet that were for her. Hotaru proceeded to unpack. She pulled out her belongings, in the first bag, there were mostly books along with several magazines on Music, Racing and Fashion. Kitty noticed there were mostly pictures of the same people. She dismissed it as them being idols or just someone Hotaru admired. No wonder that bag weighed so much, she packed around fifty books, talk about compact.

The second bag had a lot of clothes, namely her style, she pretty much could go as Goth but her clothes had a more serene look. Light colors with darks were separated and packed neatly. Rogue noticed a shirt she liked, the younger girl was the same size as her. Why was she separating some things? She didn't unpack the third bag and just put it under her bed.

She turned to look at them looking a bit nervous. "I wanted to give gifts to the people who allowed me to stay here." She looked at them she picked up the shirt Rogue liked. "Do you know who would like this or if anyone could fit in it?" Rogue looked at it with desperation. Kitty laughed.

"Seems like Rogue is seeking it." Hotaru smiled and gave it to her. "Rogue-san here is a gift of my gratitude." Rogue grasped the shirt; it was made of silk! The black sleeveless shirt gave a shimmer in the light but barely. "This must of cost a bundle. I can't possibly accept this."

"No problem. You can have it Rogue-san," Hotaru grinned. "It's quality over quantity in that shirt, it'll last you a good deal." Rogue saw that there was no way she could give it back so she smiled. "Well thanks." Kitty was looking as a pink scarf. "Do you want that Kitty-san?" Kitty smiled and nodded. "Domo Arigatou." She grinned when Hotaru looked a bit surprised. "And its just Kitty not Kitty-san, Hotaru-SAN." She said giggling.

Hotaru laughed a bit. "Habit." She glanced at the clock, 10:34 PM. "It's gotten late already? Wow. I guess I can finish this tomorrow." She said putting the gifts away. Kitty grabbed her pjs and went to the bathroom to change. "I'm going next!" Rogue yelled. She grabbed a shirt a shorts. "You can change in here." Hotaru nodded as Rogue closed the door.

Kitty smiled as she went back to the room, when she opened it she found Hotaru in a night shirt with bottoms that went a bit past her knees, did this girl like dark colours or what, but her pjs were a light violet. Hotaru smiled she looked at a lamp.

"Hotaru, do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow?" Kitty asked hoping to make friends with her. Hotaru looked at her as if she was trying to think of something. She opened her mouth. "Wait a minute!" Rogue called from the hallway.

She entered. "You ain't goin' withou' me!" She turned to Hotaru with a smile as if there was a conspiracy. "I won't allow her to corrupt your fashion sense." Hotaru burst out laughing, her laugh sounded melodic. Both girls looked at her wishing they could laugh like that even once.

"Hai. I'll go! I've wondered what American shopping places were like!" she grinned and leaned toward the two girls. "I doubt any of you could survive me!" the others laughed, climbing into bed. "O-yasumi-nasai!" Rogue looked a bit confused. "It means good night."

Rogue tried to say it. "O-yasumi-masai?" Hotaru smiled. "Nearly perfect just its NASAI not MASAI." Rogue smiled, "Well, night." Kitty smiled and sat up in bed. "G'night, Hotaru." Hotaru yawned layed back in bed. All the lights off, she got up after a good hour of fitful sleep. She went to the window.

The stars were shining oddly, one caught her attention, and how could she see Saturn from here? She smiled letting the starlight hit her, the insignia of Saturn barely glowing on her forehead. Her last conscious thoughts were, `I hope nothing happens and I make friends.'

Rogue awoke too early for her taste, she looked over to the new girl. She nearly fell off her bed; she saw something glowing on her forehead. Blinking she looked again and didn't see anything. "Damn mornin' light." She noticed the new girl was sleeping on the windowsill. Smiling she went over and gently shook her (where cloth covered her body). "Hotaru wake up." Hotaru gave a slight scowl then opened her eyes; she jumped up a bit, causing her to hit it on the lowered covering of the windowpane.

"Shit!" Rogue looked at Hotaru, she didn't look like the type to curse so much. "Sorry! But that hurt!" She pouted and yawned.

Rogue smirked. "Well, its early you could go back to sleep a bit but I don' think ya'd be comfortable on this spot." Hotaru looked confused then saw where she was. Her face went a deep shade of crimson. She got up and coughed a bit. "Thank you." "I'm goin' to take a shower! You better too, bathrooms always crowded till eight on weekday and weekend your lucky if nine is the latest." Hotaru nodded, she knew living in such a big place would have some drawbacks. Oh well, she'd get use to it.

Rogue grabbed her usually get up and went to the bathroom. Taking the shower relaxed her; she got out and was going to get dressed, when she noticed she took the shirt Hotaru gave her. Shrugging she put on the shirt and the usually covering for her arms, gloves and pants. At least you could see the shirt. She went out, Hotaru was in the room folding some clothes.

"Konichiwa, Rogue-san." Rogue nodded and saw her look at bit timid. "Where is the bathroom?" Rogue signaled to follow her; the bathroom was at the end of the hallway. "Here it is." Hotaru went in but opened the door again. "Arigatou!" Rogue-nodded.

Rogue went back to the room finding Kitty get up. Or in her case fall straight through her bed seeing Rogue startling her.

Kitty got up scowling. She looked toward Hotaru's bed. "Where's `Taru?" Rogue looked a bit confused.

"Oh! She's taking a shower. Found her sleeping on the windowpane. Poor girl must be a bit homesick." Kitty got up and went to get her clothes. "Why'd you call her `taru'?" Kitty shrugged.

"You know I hate to ruin your day but it looks like it's going to rain. You sure ya wanna go shopping?" Kitty nodded. "Well be indoors so like we won't get that wet."

Professor Xavier looked was in the office with Logan. "What you'd get on her Chuck?" Logan asked leaning against the wall. Xavier looked a bit thought full.

"It's hard to say. She registers both signs of normal and mutant." Logan looked to think on this. :How old is she Chuck?: he called mentally.

"15 but she got in advanced classes so she's in eleventh grade." Logan got up and stretched a bit.

"Ain't that the age they usually …blossom." Xavier nodded. "What powers you think she has, if she has any." Xavier looked at him. "To be honest, I don't know, when I tried to see what she was thinking last night she was asleep. But she had the oddest dreams."

"What do you mean?" Xavier looked serious. "It was of several women, all of them in dresses then regular clothes, but I couldn't see their faces in the dresses. There were only three though." Logan nodded and then thought about it.

"She has three guardians, all three are female. None are her family, at least by blood. She maybe was dreaming about the first time she met. Them. She implied that she was with them at a fairly early age seeing as she can't remember her mother and very little of her father."

"That may be it. I'd suggest keeping an eye on her. Incase her powers prove dangers." Logan nodded and left.

Done! Next chap. Hotaru goes to the park and meets Erik L. (Any guess who?) Don't worry they won't discover her power right away. She is very careful.