Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor X ❯ Three roses under a gray sky ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sailor X

Chapter 2

Hello! I'm bored….……….Well Enjoy


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Hotaru looked at the kitchen table as breakfast was being served, she had to admit, and they ate a lot. Of course there were a lot of students. She looked at today's newspaper. There was a brief article on the front page that caught her attention.

Sailor Senshi Foil Assassination on President

Today at 7 a.m. it was confirmed that an attempt on our President was foiled. The information released states that three of the Senshi stopped a gang of terrorist, where they're from no one would say. It seems that not only were they after the president but the entire senate! It seems with that we owe again the senshi for stopping a disaster.

The three senshi were identified as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. No sight of the youngest senshi, Saturn. For those who don't know, Saturn is often seen with these senshi who are known as the outer senshi. The inner senshi consist of Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen are both considered part of their group. It is speculated that Tuxedo Kamen is the `senshi' of the Earth. But there is no evidence to support the theory. The injured were reported to be the terrorist who sported many wounds but no clear information is available. Sailor Uranus sported a slashed leg but nothing else could be gathered before they left. The United States sends its gratitude to these brave young heroines.

-Julia Stinger

Hotaru nearly laughed at the young remark, Pluto was at least a millennium old excluding her death by Galaxia. A young man who had earlier identified himself as Evan looked at the report she was reading. "What are you reading?" She pointed to the article.

"Sailor Senshi eh?" Ororo came and saw what she was reading too. `Interesting Article'

"What is the matter Monroe-san?" Hotaru asked her voice a bit hesitant as is unsure on the name, if it was correct or not.

"Nothing, late night. So have you ever met a Senshi Hotaru? I hear there most active in Japan." Hotaru looked a bit tense before nodding. "Who, if you know."

"All of them." This intrigued her. She smiled. "Did you know there is a Sailor Chibi Chibi?" Ororo shook her head, most of the students listened intrigued as there was not much information on the senshi.

"She was cute, she is older now, saw her when I was younger, she was a toddler." This shocked the group, they let a toddler fight?! Seeing their faces she quickly added, "It was always seen that the senshi didn't want her there, she could've gotten hurt. I'm glad that she is not fighting anymore at such a young age."

Logan had come in and heard with his enhanced senses. "What about Saturn and Chibi Moon. They were seen fighting at a young age. Evidently they are older. Hotaru, do you know who is younger of the two?" Hotaru seemed to think although she already knew.

"Saturn is the youngest of the outers and Chibi moon of the inner. But from what I gather, Kita , she is my friend she was attacked once. She got that Saturn was older because she heard them say that they didn't want to deal with babies and taunted Chibi moon, as she was younger. I think." She shrugged and looked at the food someone placed in front of her. "Shouldn't we eat?" The other nodded and ate.

There was talking on Senshi the rest of the day. At nine they went to the mall after a brief tour of the institute excluding certain features and places.


Kitty was exhausted to say the least, they'd been at it at least two hours and Hotaru wasn't even tired. Hotaru smiled, she had several bags and the others looked famished.
"Didn't I tell you guys you couldn't survive with me?" Rogue glared. "Sheesh, I'm kidding! Why don't we rest?" She heard their stomachs rumbling. "While we eat." The other two nodded thanking whatever deity was listening that they could rest.

Hotaru looked amused and was trying to contain her laughter. The truth was Haruka wanted her to last longer in battle and the real world instead of exhausting herself fast. She had a higher stamina and she could last quite a bit but she knew in her normal form she didn't last as long but she could shop seeing as there was not that much physical labour.

They went to the food court; Kitty went to a Chinese place while Rogue walked to a pizza place. Hotaru went to a thai place, she'd never had any sort of thai, might as well open up, even if they weren't authentic. Ordering something that looked palatable she walked to a booth the other two girls were at.

Hotaru sat in the other seat across from Kitty and Rogue. "Thai?" Kitty asked. Hotaru nodded taking a bite, she grimaced a bit, and this wasn't the best but eatable. "That ain't the best place to buy Thai." Rogue stated. "The best is in town, I'll take you sometime beats the hell out of this." She said pointing to the food that Hotaru was eating rapidly, was she even chewing? Or was she just swallowing?

`Setsuna-mama wouldn't be happy I ate like that. She scolds Usa-chan every time she eats un-lady like, saying how we should act presentable even if we weren't in are royal positions currently.'

Scowling Hotaru stabbed a piece of what looked like meat, (I have nothing against Thai food just mall food sometimes isn't the best.) She looked at it distastefully; the other two were busy talking. She flicked her fork a bit, a bit too strong causing the meat (?!) to hit a white headed boy, straight in the face.

`Oh kami! Why me?! Why can't I have a normal day today!? It's the first too…' she was shocked when the boy was next to them in an instant. `How?!' the realization struck her. "YOU'RE A MUTANT!" she gasped out a bit surprised, she had only met two mutants in Japan and she hadn't known them well so how was she to act? `Calm down taru-chan, he's a human so treat him like one. No demon or nothing just a…gifted human like you only theirs is natural. Wait, mine is natural too.'

"So what if I am?" He glared at her. Looking at her companions he burst out laughing. "Don't like mutants?" he glared at her and leaned over coming face to face with her.

Hotaru gulped. "Gomen nasai! I'm very sorry! I didn't mean it. I apologize it was suppose to stay on the fo-fo-fo this thing!" she said showing the fork. He backed a bit. "And I have nothing against mutants, mutants are just humans that are genetically evolving. There just people, some are good and others bad. People just fear what they don't understand." She said. He looked satisfied with her answer. Rogue and Kitty looked happy as well and very pleased.

Somewhat scowling she noticed that his friends had joined. "I don't mean to be rude but can we resume our normal outing?" he looked at her.

"You're not from America are you? Not many people speak like that." Hotaru nodded, he looked at her. "Going to Bayville High School?" She nodded a bit worried. "How old are you?" She gave a thoughtful look before stuttering out "Fif-fifteen." Rogue noticed she was getting nervous. Kitty too, she glared. "I think that's enough." She growled.

He grinned, "So Freshman? I go to school there too." Hotaru shook her head; he looked confused. "I was in advanced classes, I'm in eleventh." He raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe we'll be in the same classes. See ya!" With that he called his friends from down the lane.

Hotaru looked at Rogue and Kitty. "Who was he?" Kitty and Rogue scowled. "Don't worry, he's bad news." Hotaru frowned. "Don't like mutants?"

Rogue nearly laughed, "No, just not a good crowed to hang around with." Kitty nodded. Hotaru shrugged. "Seems nice to me." Both were shocked, nice?! Boy would she be surprised if she knew some of the things the Brotherhood did.

They thought it was best if they went back to the institute. Nodding, all went inside, Hotaru looked out the window it had finished raining. Pulling out an umbrella she looked at Kitty. "Is there a park I can go too?" Kitty looked at her as if she was nuts. "Don't know why you wanna go there. But like there's one down the rode toward school, it's marked so you can't miss it. Do you want me to go with you?" Hotaru shook her head. "I just want to be alone for a bit."

Kitty took out a key, and wrote something down on a piece of paper. "You'll need these to get back in." Hotaru got the things and smiled. "Thanks." Going out was easy, putting the things where they wouldn't get wet or lost she walked toward the school, It took around ten minutes but she saw a sign reading. "Bayville park" How blunt.

She strolled in noting how everything had a eerier look as fog was developing on the ground. She walked toward trying to not get lost. She found a rose garden, she smiled and noticed a man sitting by the benches looking solemn and grave as if something had happened.

She approached the man. He looked at her, his hair to was white, though he looked that he held wisdom, he didn't look very worn with age. She decided it wasn't her business but walked to a rose bush next to the man. Noticing there was a ladybug on a lovely rose she gently plucked it.


Eric Magnus Lensherr looked at the young girl next to him. She looked so full of life and happiness. Would he have been like that? If his parents remained alive and if they weren't sent to that death camp, would he have been like that? He noticed her pluck a rose, a ladybug `dancing' on it she laughed as it flew away apparently thinking there was some hidden happiness or beauty in something so simple. He heard her mutter the word, "Kirei." At the roses, and the atmosphere was not that cheerful.

She noticed him watching her, "Daijoubu?" He was confused what language was she speaking. She smiled. "Are you alright?" he smiled sadly thinking how wonderful it has to be to be so innocent and happy, young. "No, terrible things happened long ago on this day." She frowned and walked in front of him.

She held the rose in front of him. "There is always a reason to smile. Tragedies happen and the world keeps going." He looked at her; she spoke those words as if she knew as well of those things. He took the rose, maybe he could talk to this girl, he might never see her again so what was the harm?

She sat next to him. "I hope you don't mind." He shook his head.

"I lost my parents, this is the anniversary of their death." He felt his eyes water, how could it still affect him so after all these years. She gave him comforting smile. "I can't remember much about my parents."

He felt comfortable with this girl, "Why don't you remember them very well?" he blurted out before he realized what he said. She barely knew him, why would she speak with him any longer or of her past.

"They died… Mama died when I was young, I only remember her smile." A tear escaped her eyes. "Papa, he was the best then…it happened. An accident had him change. He then wasn't my papa…He died that day." She looked at him noticing he was listening.

"Then everything went back, I miss papa even if I cant' remember him well. He's still here. He was papa again but …they took me away from papa. I was needed they said." She cried a bit. "Papa sends me things saying how he cares… Most of them they destroy if they think they affect me. But they love me too. They're my mamas and papa." He noted the conflict of adoration and love in her voice as if she didn't know who to be loyal too.

She looked at him and smiled. "I'm Hotaru Tomoe, nice to meet you Mr.-" he looked at her and finished it for her, "Eric Magnus Lensherr. But just call me Eric," he gave her a smile. Maybe he could have just one friend who wasn't a mutant or knew him as Magneto.

"Eric-san." She looked at her watch. "Nice to meet you Eric-san." She got up and walked toward a rose bush and pulled out a rose that wasn't very beautiful. "You have to look at everything to find something to smile about. This rose isn't as pretty as the other but," she pulled out a petal. "Its color is truer." She pulled another; this rose was truly not the best.

"But fate is cruel and sometimes there is nothing to smile about." She grasped the roses and presented them to him. "Remember that Eric-san. Which rose are you? If there is nothing to smile about find it, make it or search."

"I hope I see you again Eric-san." She was walking away. He had the sudden urge to stop her, so he did.. "Wait." She stopped and looked at him. "I want to talk to you again. Can you come by next week?" She smiled. "Sure, what are friends for?" He smiled. "Right, good bye Hotaru." She waved and continued leaving him grasping three roses in the fog, under the gray sky.


So? How was it? Do you like it? Next chapter is the first day of school for Hotaru. Will she have any classes with her unknown boy? Well give me your opinion. It counts! (Whose doesn't). What you think of this?