Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Chaos Power! ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Mizu looked about curiously.

Where am I? She thought as she blinked a few times and then shaded the sun from her lavender-colored eyes with her hand.

She stood up and dusted the dirt and sut from her clothes. She looked around the schoolyard and saw a girl with pink hair in pigtails similar to that of the ears of a rabbit.

"Rini! Rini! Wait up?" she heard a little girl with long, shimmering silver hair (which resembled hers) call.

"Mizu! Hey!" Rini said, waiting for the girl.

Mizu? That's my name...That girl looks just like me...Could she be me? Izumi thought as she watched the two girls laughing and walked away.

She turned and began to walk away from the school. "How is it that that child has the same name as me and looks like me too?" she thought aloud. She walked across the busy intersection that was in front of the school, not even paying a bit of attention to the cars that honked and whizzed by her, just missing her. She could hear people whisper about her as she walked through the crowded streets of Tokyo.

"Look at how pale she is. And what about her hair?" she heard a rather plump, red-headed woman whisper rather loudly as she passed by.

She was looking down at the sidewalk as she traveled, so she did not see Darien until she literally ran into him.

She backed away from him, holding her, now bleeding, nose.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you." he said, looking down at her, his blue eyes filled with concern.

Mizu looked up at him and instantly blushed; her heart began pounding in her chest.

"I-it...It's okay." she stammered, her heart pounding faster by the second.

He flashed a small smile and said, "Here let me help you with that." he pulled a pack of tissues out of his pocket and opened it.


Darien and Mizu turned to see who had called him.

A girl with blonde hair wrapped tightly in two meatballs that sat on top of her head and blue eyes ran over to them, tripping and falling halfway.

"Meatball head..." he mumbled, shaking his head and smiling.

He gave Mizu the tissues and walked over to the, now crying, girl and held her in his arms.

Mizu could feel an unannounced hatred erupt from the bottom of her very being. Tears of hatred began to fall from her eyes and splatter on the ground in front of her. She turned and ran, after dropping the tissues, her silver hair shimmering behind her. She ran until she her legs gave out from under her. She lay in the soft grass in the shade of a cherry blossom tree, her eyes closed and tears still streaming from them.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere?" a voice asked, startling Mizu.

"Huh?" she said, sitting up and looking at the speaker, a boy with short silver-ish hair and turquoise eyes.

"Shouldn't you be going home? So your parents aren't worried about you?" he asked, looking innocently at her.

She hesitated for a second and then asked the boy, "Where are your parents?"

"I don't have parents," he answered looking down at the ground, "but I do have my brothers. They have left me this time though."

Mizu felt sorrow for the boy and wanted to reach out and hug him but, she did not want to frighten him. He held his hand out for her. She looked at it for a moment and then took it.

"Where are we going?" she asked as the boy pulled her, with incredible strength, towards the direction she had run from. He giggled but didn't answer and continued pulling her. Finally, they stopped in front of the candy store.

"Why are we here?"

"I come here often to see people come in and out of the candy store. They always seem happier as they come out." he responded, looking up at Mizu. She silently watched on with the boy. She finally looked down at him.

"What is your name?" she asked.

"My name is Peruru." he answered, not taking his eyes off of the bag of sweets a girl was holding in her hands.

"Peruru..." she repeated.

I've heard that name before...I just don't know where... she thought as she looked down at Peruru and tightened her grip on his small hand slightly.

"Peruru...It's getting dark. We should get going." Mizu said, looking at the setting sun. Peruru shuttered suddenly and snatched his hand from Mizu, looking at her as if he had sensed something dark about her.