Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Chaos Power! ❯ Unforgettable Transformation ( Chapter 2 )

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Peruru looked at her for a few more seconds and than ran from her, crying and holding his hand away from him.

Mizu looked after him, confused. She looked down at her hand and her eyes widened in horror.

A red scorch mark in the shape of a crescent covered the majority of her palm. "What the-?" she gasped as the scorch mark grew. She shook her hand, the wind being created feeling sharp against the burn.

She turned to follow Peruru, to check on him, but she couldn't move. She frantically tried to move as the people moving about her paid no mind, as if they didn't see her. A burning started in the palm of her hand and shot up her arm and back down the other one. "Ow!" she screamed, falling to her knees, tears welling up in her eyes. As if they hadn't heard the noise, the people continued to walk around her. Two silver S's intertwined flashed on her forehead (§). She passed out from the searing pain.

A nearby grey tabby cat awoke with a start and looked around. It stood and stretched then walked to where it could see what was going on. She spotted Mizu lying on the ground and cautiously walked over to her. "I wonder. Can she be the one?" she whispered, gazing at her, her big purple eyes shining curiously. She climbed on the so that her front paws were on the girl's arm and began to shake her gently.

"Come on...Wake up."

Mizu slowly opened her eyes and looked at the cat, who was staring at her forehead.

"D-did you just talk?" she asked, sitting up and holding her head.

"Yes, I did, Miss Mizu." the tabby said, her eyes still shining.

"What's your name and how did you know my name?" Mizu asked the cat, confused.

"My name is Fate and that is all I can tell you right now. We must leave here at once."

"Why do we have to leave?" Mizu asked.

Fate looked somewhat annoyed with the questions.

"We must leave because I feel I have been followed." Fate said, turning to walk away. Mizu stood and walked behind the tabby.

Fate walked to the park, which always semmed spookier at night, and slipped through the huge, iron gate. Mizu pulled it open, the creaking of the gate was the only noise that could be heard in the chilled night air. "Fate," she whispered, seeing her breath in front of her, "why are we here?"

Mizu could see Fate sitting on the bench, her tail curled around a silver object. "Tonight," Fate said, her voice slicing through the still air, "is the night you discover your destiny as a Sailor Scout."

Mizu stood there, confused.

Fate knocked whatever her tail was wrapped around to Mizu's feet.

Mizu picked up a smooth wand with two silver S's intertwined on it.

"Repeat after me. 'Silver Chaos Power'." Fate asid, still perched upon the bench.

Mizu nodded and did as she was told. "Silver Chaos Power!!"

Fate watched on as the girl transformed into her Sailor Scout self.

Mizu looked down at her Senshi outfit and gasped. "I-I look like Sailor V." she said, looking from her white gloves to her shimmering, silver high heeled boots.