Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Chaos Power! ❯ First Battle ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

"Wow.." Mizu gasped, still looking down at herself. Fate could see the excitment on the girl's face.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but with that uniform comes a multitude of responsiblity." Fate said as the girl spun around slowly, still amazed.

A rustle in the nearby bushes made Fate's ears perk. "Miss Mizu!" she said, summoning the girl's attention. Mizu looked at her, confused.

"Yes Fate?"

"Something is in the bushes. Stay alert." Fate commanded. Mizu looked at her, still confused. She walked over to the bush and pulled it back, despite Fate's cries not to, revealing a pink rabbit, looking scared.

"Aww...It's a bunny!" Mizu exclaimed, beginning to coo the scared creature. She turned and faced Fate.

"You see, all that worrying over a harmless little bunny." she said, smiling.

"I'm not sure it's so harmless now. Look for yourself." Fate said, looking behind her.

"Huh?" is all Mizu got out as she turned and saw a monster, that had to have been at least three times her height, stand where the little bunny had once stood.

It swung it's gigantic paw at her and she jumped back, tripping over the bench and landing on her butt.

"Okay...I don't want to be a Sailor Scout anymore! I wanna go home and forget about this!" she cried, backing up as the giant usagi staggered toward her. Fate swiftly ran to her side.

"Listen to me and listen to me well. This is your destiny. You MUST accept it! There is no forgetting about!"

"I can't do this! I-I'm just a kid! I can't fight this...Thing!" she cried in a very Serena-like manner.

"You can and you MUST! Listen, you must get to your feet and fight."

Although Fate's words were comforting, they didn't help Mizu much. The pink bunny picked her up with powerful swing of his mighty paw.

"Listen! Say 'Silver Chaos Destruct'!" Fate shouted, feeling more helpless by the second.

Mizu struggled to find the breath. "Silver Chaos Destruct!" she shouted, a shimmering silver ball of energy blasted from her and took a direct hit on the bunny.

The bunny fell to the ground, releasing his grip on Mizu in the process.

Fate walked over to the girl. "I must say that was very close. Miss Mizu are you okay?" Mizu had sat on the ground and had her knees hugged close to her body and had a far away look on her face.

She placed her front paws gently on the girl's leg and shook it gently.