Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Memories (I'll Dream of You): Merry Christmas ❯ Presents ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

They made their way down to the living room where all was dark. Usagi had to grab onto Seiya so that they wouldn't get separated and so that she wouldn't hit anything to wake everyone else up. Seiya pretty much seemed to know where he was going. The Christmas tree was lit up with soft glowing blue lights. They could see some of the ornaments, but they were paying more attention to the presents at the bottom.

"Well this is going to be one hell of a hunt." Seiya pointed out as he looked at about a million boxes and bags.

"Yeah, there's so much." Usagi said as she looked at the objects in awe. "Maybe I should have brought the flashlight…"

Seiya bent down and started to touch all of the gifts. Fingering at the wrapping paper and ribbons, he made 'hmm' sounds and started to go one by one.

"Seiya, what're you doing?"

"Just checking out to see which is who's."

Usagi followed Seiya's doing. She tried to read the cards in the dark to see who's gift was who's. She found about twelve that were hers. And looking at Seiya, he seemed to find a lot that were his.

"Well, I should think that it will be easier to look at the ones in the bag. Or do you know some way to take off wrapping paper?" The raven-haired teenager asked.

The girl smiled limply and shrugged at his asking. She started to fiddle with a ribbon on top of a gift. It was her gift to Seiya and she kind of wanted to give it to him right now. Usagi looked back over to him to see that he was taking out the tissue paper carefully and peeking at what was inside.

"Hey check it out! I got a video game!" He yelled excitingly.

"Oh, from whom?"


"Really? I would have thought she'd give you a marriage proposal."

"Damn! You figured out your present!"


Seiya laughed and put his arm around Usagi. "I'm just kidding don't worry. If anything, I think Mamoru would give you that."

Mamoru…that name sent chills down her spine. Although, Seiya's hand around her kind of gave her comfort. It made her feel all warm inside, she could have fallen asleep in his arms. But she knew that she owed him an explanation and couldn't fall asleep now.

"Um, he gave me something else." she stated sadly.

He blinked in confusion and held her tighter to bring her in closer. "What do you mean?"

She sighed. "He…well, he came back and showed me some hickies that he was given."


Usagi looked up at him, with a look that told him to keep it down. "Seiya, don't worry about it. I can't be worrying about that right now. It was expected, but yet, I wasn't ready. Please, don't do anything that could get you arrested."

"Believe me Odango, I've been through worse things than handcuffs."

"What's that??"

"Ever try explaining things to a blonde?"

Usagi blinked. "Hmm…I don't--" She finally got it. With that, she gave him a hard blow to the chest. But was met by a hollow sound and a smile from Seiya.

"Ha ha! I love you get you all riled up Odango." he teased. Usagi blushed furiously and looked away so that he couldn't see. She wasn't blushing about that fact that Seiya had just made fun of her…but his comment.

* Why the hell do I turn every statement sexual???!!! *

Do you think of me, anytime you dream

Wonder if you'd treat me right

And how your lips would taste on mine

She turned back around to see how incredibly close their faces were. Even though Seiya had turned his head down as he was rubbing the sore spot on his chest from the blow. His hair smelled so nice, and his skin looked so soft. God, what was she thinking!? Seiya probably wouldn't be interested. And she didn't even know if she was interested either. Usagi's heart beat could he heard a mile away. Why was she getting so excited?


He looked up at her. "Yes Odango?"

Taking a present into her arms, Usagi traced the ribbon with her fingers nervously. Seiya looked at her and to the present a few times and wondered where she was going with this. It wasn't everyday when he got to be alone with her. He waited for her to say something, but nothing seemed to come out. Was she trying to tease him? No, that couldn't be the Odango he knew. He thought that she wouldn't be that mean in the game of love. More or less, THAT smart either.

"Since we're kind of opening gifts right now, I wanted to know if you would like to open mine." she offered the box. It wasn't too big of a box, it was pretty small.

He took the box and smiled sweetly at her. "Thank you Odango. I'd love to open it." Seiya took his arm from around her and started to untie the ribbon. Usagi could see his giddiness as he tore through the paper, but careful enough not to be so loud. His look was so ravaging and he looked so……ravaging??! GOD DAMN IT!!!!! Usagi was starting to think that she was becoming perverted.

Seiya opened the box gingerly and took out what looked like to be a locket. It had a star and five jewels around it in a perfect circle. The colors seemed familiar from the inner soldiers. He opened it up as it played a soft melody that could put anyone to sleep. Yet, you wouldn't want to because it was so beautiful. Then something else shined from the bottom of the box. It was a light jewel that was in an odd shape. It had no geometrical name, but it was still beautiful beyond argument.

"Odango, what are these?"

"The locket was from my past. I gave it to Mamoru whenever we first fell in love. Then a thousand years later, it got back into my hands and well…I wanted you to have it."

A thousand years??! Hmm…maybe she will tell him later. "But it's yours. I can't take it if it symbolizes your love--…"

"Seiya, it's Ok. Mamoru and I seem to be finished at this point and plus, I don't want you to forget me."

"Why would you think that. I could NEVER forget you."

"Well, I mean, you're on your own planet doing your own things. You'll probably get married, have children, have your own life besides just having memories and remembering me. It's easy to forget."

He sighed as he scooted closer to her and took her hand. "Odango, you saved our princess, ourselves, the universe…I don't think any of us will forget you. And memories are supposed to be cherished and will be cherished in my case. No one can take them away from you because they last forever. You should know that, you taught me that."

Usagi blushed and smiled at that. Well, at this point, you could accuse her of being hypocritical. "Still, I want you to have it. Just in case!"

Seiya smiled and nodded understanding. He then held up the light blue jewel. "What's this one do?"

"It sort of acts like a communicator. Whenever you want to talk or just say hello, hold it and concentrate on me. We can talk to each other through our minds. No one will be able to hear us, and we could now keep up with our everyday lives. I was a little hesitant at first to give it to you. But I wanted to make sure that you wouldn't forget me. There were times after you left when I needed you…"

"Odango…I'm so sorry…"

"Don't worry about it now. You're here and now I know what to do. I've been waiting a long time to give it to you."

The raven-haired idol took Usagi in a big hug. He wanted to hold her tight forever, never wanting this moment to end. He kissed her temple lightly as a gesture for gratitude. Usagi couldn't help but turn a shade of red that was yet to be invented. Her perverted thoughts clicked into gear.

"Merry Christmas Seiya."

"Merry Christmas Odango Atama."

They both parted and looked at each other for a brief moment. She smiled at him as innocently as possible and it looked like he bought it. Seiya laid Usagi's presents by his legs as he then pulled out another gift-bag and toyed with it gently.

"Aw damn it!"


"Haruka got me shoelaces!!"