Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Future ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailormoon

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ Usagi stood on a rock and looked at the water.

Neptune and Uranus had merged ever since Michiru and Haruka got married making a new planet they haven't named yet.

She was skipping rocks with her friends Hotaru and Ami.

"I made it to the end," Hotaru said smiling.

"You won't win so easily next time," Usagi said with a playful smile.

Ami sat on the rock reading a book on Crystal Tokyo.

Usagi had been reborn after her first year as the queen of Crystal Tokyo.

Rei had killed her in her sleep with the help of Minako.

Ami made sure Usagi's star seed went to the outer planets.

When the inners found out they killed her too and Makoto sent her to the outer planets.

Luna had told them their past and their planets.

Haruka trained them in fighting while Michiru taught them how to be graceful and everything else about the planets Luna didn't tell them.

"Ami quit reading such crap, everything in that book happened when Usa was queen not after it," Hotaru said.

"It says that the people of the moon know their queen will return and save them from being slaves, she will be reincarnated and have an army with her," Ami said.

"Do you really think I would be able to defeat the inners and Endyimon? I mean if I died once before, can't it happen again?" Usagi asked.

"You weren't that strong in the past, they snuck up on you and slit your throat remember," Hotaru said.

"We better get back home, Haruka said we have to attend the meeting today," Ami said.

They all got off the rock and began home.

Usagi enjoyed this life better than her last one.

She had true friends and was trained to be a queen.

She didn't mind her Destiny now and Fate was finally being nice to her for once.

The girls jumped onto the road and narrowly missed a carriage.

"Watch where you're going bakas!" Usagi yelled at the carriage. The carriage stopped and someone started to get out.

They got on their horses and rode home the rest of the way.

They decided to use the side entrance for a chance to change their clothes.

When they had got dressed in their princess dresses they went into the main hall.

There were three people in it, a man with a cloak, a man with dark blue hair and a man with bluish whitish hair.

"Who are they?" Usagi whispered.

"I don't know," Hotaru said.

"These are the girls. Hotaru, Ami and Usagi," Michiru said.

They each bowed in turn.

"Excuse me if I'm rude demo who are you?" Ami asked.

"We represent the dark moon kingdom. The part of your kingdom that was next on your list to repair," the man with the cloak said.

"Oh now I remember, you're…Wiseman!' Usagi said.

"Nice to see you remember hime," Wiseman said.

"It's coming back slowly," Usagi said.

"This is Prince Demando and his brother Safiel," Wiseman said.

"Serenity," Safiel said shaking her hand.

"Iie, just call me Usagi," Usagi said.

"All right Usagi," Demando said and kissed the back of her hand.

He stood back up and stared into Usagi's eyes and she into his.

Haruka cleared her throat and they both were knocked out of their trance.

"Why are they here Haruka-papa?" Hotaru asked.

"We are going to kill Queen Minako and King Endyimon and restore the moon kingdoms," Haruka said.

"What about Makoto and Rei?" Safiel asked.

"She will be killed to. Makoto is with us and so are the people of Jupiter. Betrayal is dealt with severely and treason is dealt with more horribly," Michiru said.

"We have much to discuss. Usagi and Ami, would you mind showing Demando and Safiel the grounds?" Michiru asked.

Setsuna appeared with a soft smile.

"Hai, I wouldn't mind," Ami said while Usagi nodded.

"Good, oh and girls," Setsuna called.

They turned around.

"Remember, they went through a black hole in the past making them evil, their not evil now," Setsuna said in Lunarian.

Usagi and Ami nodded before walking off with Demando and Safiel.

"Come Wiseman, it has been long," Setsuna said.

They walked into the conference room and began talking about the how to get the people of the moon or slaves of earth now, to help fight.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

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