Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Orb Sega ❯ A New Gurdian Joins ( Chapter 11 )

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It was a clear and sunny day as Trisha was walking to the park with Rini and Hortu. Rini asked Trisha, "Did you have anyonse esle in that time place besides, me, the scouts, mother and father, and you?" Trisha answered, "It was a sad place and lonly. I think that no one really wanted to guard a place like that. I just happened to get that job. I would say that no one esle would come." Hortu asked, "But isn't that lonely?" Trisha smiled as she went on, "Yeah, I guess. It never really brother me. I was a lonly girl growing up." Rini nodded. They finally made it to the park as the girls went to play. Trisha saded a bit as she said to herself, "There were other people, but I rather forget that part of my life for now. I did do one good thing though..." Meanwhile back in the castle the queen smiled. Angeldaze stepped up as she asked, "With all good respect my queen. When can we atcually try to capture what we want?" The queen eyes narrowed at her as she snapped, "How dare you! Nevermind though.. I say we wait until they are all driven out. You shall wait than. understand? Meanwhile, just start destorying whereever you feel strange energy." The servants left. Angeldaze hated that fact that they were in hiding. Black Raven said, "I will go take this one." Before anyone could agruee she left. Meanwhile back at the park Hortu and Rini were still playing. Trisha let her mind drift to the past. That one good thing, she hoped that she could go back to that. A girl slowly walked up to Trisha and said, "I know something in the serect past to unlock the doors." Trisha eyes widened as she thought, "Only one person would know that! It had to be!" Trisha slowly turned and gasped, "Rose!" Rini and Hortu came over and asked, "Who is Rose?" Rose was about to say something when Trisha quickly answered, "She is my cousion." Rose said, "Yeah, cousion." Rini said, "You never told me that you had a cousion and you tell me everything!" Trisha answered, "It has been so long since I seen her that is why I haven't mentioned her." Hortu smiled. Trisha and the girls headed back. Rini and Hortu went ahead as Rose asked, "So, knew i was coming?" Trisha nodded. Rose asked, "How come you didn't say who I truelly was?" Trisha sighed as she said, "She hasn't came yet has she than?" Rose nodded. Trisha went on, "That is why. When she comes I can relive who you truelly are, I promise." Rose nodded. Suddenly they heard a scream. They rushed over and saw a person holding another person by the throat. Trisha said, "That is Black Raven! She must sense some strange energy patterens here." Rini and Hortu quickly transformed. Rose and Pluto did the same thing. Black Raven turned as she snapped, "Great!" Gurdian stepped out as she said, "I am Sailor Gurdian! I shall punish you!" Black Raven yelled out, "Black Prey Stab!" They manganed to dodge but Black Raven sent out another attck quickly. Sailor Gurdian yelled, "Gurdian Key Scream!" The two attacks canceled ech other out. Black Raven was about to launch another attack when she heard the queen's vocie, "Enough. We found a new scout. Return." Black Raven disappeared. The scouts were left in confusion.