Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Moon Legend of Zelda ❯ The Doctor is in. ( Chapter 17 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It turned out that Navi actually could help everyone track down the Triforce Shards, and detect if a any signs of evil were approaching, and her big way of helping, was redesigning the Temple of Time.
With the help of her magic, it didn't take too long. The Temple was now much bigger than before. (Basically… it now looks like the Starting Point of the ToT from Twilight Princess…Without that large dungeon in it, and with new additions.)
A large staircase lead down into the foyer. A secret room and a secret alcove were hidden behind two statues a the bottom corners of the foyer.
The Windows were now stained glass with beautiful colors. There were trees, bushes, a fountain, flowers, even a quiet little stream with a waterfall and waterwheel.
The Door of Time was still there, only it was now a little smaller, but still opened the same way, and the inside of the Time Chamber had a staircase to reach into it, the room was much larger and round than before.
This was essential because the huge stained glass window at the top now projected an image of all Tokyo, and the red flashing dots on the map were the exact positions of the remaining Triforce Shards.
Sadly, it didn't have any knowledge on where the remaining three temples were, or where Ganondorf was hiding either.
Still, the best part of all was, at Link's command, the background music playing in the temple could now be changed either from the Song of Time, to the Song of Healing.
(Thatsoothingmusi c you hear inside the clock tower, where you meet the mask salesman in Majoras Mask.)
Link even built Navi a cute little bed out the box she popped out from. After all, she did had to be careful not to show herself too much to the general public.
The body of the box was shaped to the body of the bed, The mattress and the covers was made of unused napkins from the Café, and the pillow was made of unused cotton from Amy's Doctor bag.
It wasn't exactly as pretty as anyone thought it was, but Navi was very thrilled with it.
No sooner, was the Temple completed, Link got everyone down to very difficult training drills. Some that would really toughen everybody up.
And hey… Serena was due for a good workout after all that cake she scuffed down her face at the cafe.
The monsters they were now facing were actually people from off the street turned into monsters, and they couldn't really destroy them just like that.
Plus, the monsters were much stronger than any they'd faced before, and they needed to be ready.
Even though Link had the Fierce Deity Mask, and the Song of healing at his disposer to grant him more power for battle. He was only able to use it when it came time for the final blow, and he couldn't just use it whenever he wanted.
The Training gave him more strength so he could fight a little better in his regular form, even without his Triforce of Courage complete.
In less than a week everything training was over, and work and school continued.
In Ganon's Castle…
Morpha was brought before Ganondorf.
“Well done Morpha. I commend you for successfully obtaining the first Shard of the Triforce of Courage.” said Ganondorf. “But you do know that including the shard we have yet to obtain from the Hero…there are Seven more Shards to obtain.”
Morpha bowed to his Master. “And I promise you, My Lord… those shards are as good as yours.” He said.
“They had better be.”
The Next Day…
Amy came into work that day with a big excited smile on her face, none of the others could guess what it was about.
It was at closing time, and during everyone's closing break, that Amy decided to tell everyone the good news.
“No way!”
Amy nodded. Her mother, who was a doctor made some arrangements with her superiors at the hospital.
Amy's dream to become a doctor just like her mother, and already she had tremendous skills. Loads of paramedic experience on the streets helping others, and the most outstanding of grades anyone could get.
Normally a lot of other people had to be twenty or older to earn a privilege such as what Amy had, but with her outstanding grades, experience and gentle and careful steady ways…
Dr. Anderson.made arrangements with the school's and her superiors… so for the next two weeks… Amy would be a Doctor in training.
She would actually get to go to the hospital with her mother, and with her mother's supervision, give checkups to all the kids who came in, and even help look after the ones in the wards.
“Way to go, Amy.” said Lita, “You'll actually be given a taste of your dream.”
Amy nodded. “I'm really looking forward to this.” she said. “And indecently… Master, I was hoping you could give me the next two weeks off work as I won't really have time to come in.”
Link nodded. “Of course. This is a chance of lifetime for you, and I think you should go for it.” He said. “As of tonight, consider yourself on paid vacation.”
Amy smiled. “Thank you.”
“Oh, and before everybody goes tonight, I want to show you all something.” replied link as he laid down a map showing a portion of the city with a red mark on it.
“Hey, isn't than Amy's neighborhood?” asked Mina. Amy confirmed that it was.
Navi hovered over the red mark on the map. “I recently discovered that the next nearest Triforce shard was last emitted from somewhere in this area.” she said. “We don't know yet who has the shard, but all we know is that it was seen near here.”
“So what your saying is… we should keep a close eye on anything that's there?” asked Artimus.
Link nodded. “Amy, I want you to keep us informed if anything strange happens, and the rest of us will remain on full-scale alert.” He said.
Everyone agreed to the plans, and with that, they closed up the café, and all went home.
In Morpha's hideout…
Ganondorf had given Morpha a special glass he could use to seek out those who held the remaining stray shards, and Morpha already found the next target.
She was a doctor, a single Mother, and her dream was to be the best doctor she could be, if not then help her daughter… whoever she was, and who also had the same dream… achieve that goal.
“Hmm… Perfect.” Morpha sniggered. “The doctor may be in… but soon the shard will come out. Heh, heh, heh!”
The Next Day…
Amy was up bright and early and already at the hospital with her mom for her first day on the job. Her mom even allowed her to share her locker.
Amy decided best not to wear her school outfit, she wanted to look more serious. So she wore a white shirt, and a simple short blue skirt.
“Here you go Amy.” Dr. Anderson said as she handed Amy the one thing she always dreamed of being presented with… the white coat.
Amy tried it on, and looked herself in the mirror. “Wow… it's perfect.” She said. “It's makes me feel all grown up. Thank you, mom.”
Dr. Anderson smiled. “Ready to see your first patient today?” she asked. Amy couldn't wait for that. Her dream actually being a reality in front of her very eyes.
Meanwhile, at the Temple of Time…
Link and Navi were scanning the Triforce Radar, and it turned out tat the shard they detected last night around Amy's neighborhood had moved to new position a little ways west from its original place.
“Hmm, that's strange… it's doesn't really seem to be going anywhere now.” said Link. “What do you make of it, Navi?”
Navi flew up towards the beep. “Well… it is moving slightly, but my guess is whoever has the shard works in this area, and goes home to Amy's neighborhood.”
Well that was something to help narrow it down a bit, but it still didn't tell them of who actually had the shard.
“Let's continue scanning.” said Link, “We don't know how or when Ganondorf will strike, but rest assured he will.”
“Hey, Link…” Navi said. “I'm… I'm really glad to be back with you again. I was feeling quite lonely without you all those years.”
Link smiled. “And I'm happy your back too… with you around, I don't feel so alone anymore.”
The first patient Amy had was a 6 year-old boy named Jimmy… who like most little kids was pretty shy about coming to the doctor.
But actually, when Amy's mom first introduced him to her daughter and saying she was going to be examining him today, the young boy actually calmed down, because he thought Amy was actually kind of pretty… and she even seemed as nice too.
However, Jimmy's mom wasn't so sure if it was a good idea to let a 14 year-old teenage girl to do this, but Dr. Anderson told her, “Just wait until you see what my daughter knows, and how she can do.”
She turned to her daughter, “Go ahead, Amy.”
“Okay then.” and Amy got straight to work. She was expected to be good, but she phenomenal. She was so gentle, and so kind that Jimmy didn't get scared not even once.
Amy did all the things her mother told her needed to be done. She was working like a pro.
“Look straight at me now.”
“Mmm, hmm… nice clean ears.”
“Stick your tongue way, way out now.”
“Take a deep breath for me.”
Her mother checked off all the things Amy did on the list, and she was so far getting a perfect score on her first day, but finally it came down to the most difficult part…
Jimmy needed a booster-shot!
Like most kids, Jimmy was didn't like getting his shots. “No, no… I don't want I shot.” He cried. “It'll hurt.”
Amy had a feeling this was going to happen, so she told Jimmy how important shots were, and how they kept you from getting sick.
Jimmy still wasn't convinced, at least until Amy made a good point that it was much better to take your shots instead of getting sick.
Jimmy thought it over, “Okay…” he said sticking out his arm. “I'll take it.”
But Amy smiled and giggled softly. “Jimmy… you just had it.” she said. Jimmy looked at his arm but he couldn't see any signs of being pricked by a needle.
“Wow.” He said. “That's incredible… I didn't feel anything.”
Amy smiled, “That's right Jimmy.” said Amy, “The less you think about something, the less it's likely to bother you.”
Dr. Anderson nodded. “Remember Jimmy… even if going to the doctor is scary, we're here to help you, not hurt you even more.”
Jimmy smiled. His smile was even wider when Amy gave him a sticker for being such a brave boy. “Now you be a good boy, Jimmy, and keep healthy and fit.” Amy said.
“Thanks, Dr. Amy.” Jimmy said. His mother thanked Amy and her mother and then they left.
Amy held her hand to her chest and smiled. “He called me… Doctor.” she said.
Her mother smiled. “Good work, honey.” She said. “You did everything perfectly. Why, you're a natural.”
“Thanks mom.” said Amy. “I really enjoyed it.” And it was only the beginning for Amy. All that day she gave checkups lots of other kids under her mother's close watch.
Some who used to be scared of the doctor, but not after Amy was through with them. Even a young girl said that someday she wanted to be a doctor just like Amy.
Amy was really fitting in well, that it was hard for her to keep a grip on that her job was only temporary, but she was very thrilled with it.
By the end of the day, she had just enough time to head over to the Café for a quick soda before it closed.
“Well… looks like the doctor's in.” Darien joked.
Amy giggled. “Darien.”
Amy told everyone how much she enjoyed her first day on the job, and she couldn't wait to start again tomorrow. “Oh, by the way?” she asked. “How does the Triforce shard were tracking look.”
Link showed everyone the map. The Triforce started at Amy's neighborhood, then Navi was finally able to conclude that whoever had the shard went to the hospital that day, and was now presently back at Amy's neighborhood.
“Amy, who else goes to the hospital you know of?” Link asked.
“Just my mom.” Amy answered, “But a lot of kids I examined today live near us too. It could have been one of them.”
“Mmm… guess were not as close as we thought.” said Lita. “I keep thinking the shard's right under our noses, but were just not thinking straight.”
“Well, I think just a little more studying and we'll get it right.” said Mina.
Serena let out a huge yawn. “Is that all the world is focused on these days… studying?” she asked. “Why, can't there be an easier way?”
“There is an easier way.” Rei said.
Serena snapped her head up. “Really? There's an easier way?”
“Sure… just study to figure it out, and let us know.”
Serena's lips curled into a sneer. “Not funny!”
The Next Day…
Link and Navi woke up early and discovered the Triforce shard was on the move, very slowly traveling towards the location of hospital.
This was starting to be rather peculiar.
It was a school day and all, but all kids were still in bed. No one else was up this early in morning to go to the hospital, especially one that wasn't quite open yet, and Amy did mention that she didn't know anyone else in her whole neighborhood that worked at the hospital.
Suddenly, Link just had a disturbing thought in mind. “No one else is awake that early, or goes to the hospital except Amy and her--”
“Oh, no!”
Then the situation got worst. “Link… we have a red alert!” cried Navi. “I can sense an evil presence heading straight for the shard.”
Link whipped out his Ocarina and called everyone, except Amy by Saria's song! “Wake up… everyone Wake up!!” he cried in his thoughts.
Serena just turned over and pretended not to hear. The others all just brought their heads up, still almost completely asleep.
“Master?” asked a sleepy Rei.
“What's the big idea? It's only 6:00 in the morning.” added Lita.
“Forget this, I'm going back to sleep.” Mina said.
Link thought as hard and loud as he could. “TRIFORCE SHARD ALERT!!”
Everyone snapped up out there beds… well expect Serena, typical Serena. Luna said she'd work on it.
“Where? How?” thought Darien. Link told them where to go, and then everyone was off.
Mina, Rei, and Lita met along the street and they Transformed.
They leapt up from rooftop-to-rooftop, and passed Darien's apartment where he joined them in their chase.
They were only a few blocks away from where the disturbance was, and they were joined by Link who changed to his true form.
“Come on! Let's Go, Go, Go!!” he cried. “Where's Sailor Moon?”
“Trust me… you don't want to know.” said Mars.
Serena was still asleep with Luna trying all she could to wake her up. “All right Serena… you asked for it.” And she tipped over Serena's water cup right all over her face. She woke up with a startle.
“Huh? What, Where? Why? When? How? Who--”
“Serena, get up… the others need your help!” cried Luna.
Serena got up and yawned. “Fine, fine… I'll be right with them.”
Because Amy and her mother lived close to the hospital, it was close enough for them to walk the whole way.
It was halfway there that they were confronted by Morpha. “I have you now!” he sniggered.
“Wait… I'm just a doctor, what could you want with me.” cried Dr. Anderson.
Amy suddenly put the pieces together. Her mother had a shard inside her. “Mom, you have to run… get away from here!” she cried.
“Keep out of this, squirt!” Morpha growled and using his tentacle he smacked Amy hard, and she fell unconscious.
“Amy!” cried Dr. Anderson. “You monster, what have you done to my daughter?!”
“Nothing compared to what I'm going to do with you!” replied Morpha and he struck Dr. Anderson the same way he did to his last victim and shocked her hard.
There it was, Triforce Shard number two. “At last… it's mine!”
The Shard began floating out and towards Morpha's tentacle, when suddenly… it was struck by a flying rose and was knocked into a big bramble of bushes and trees.
“Hey! What was that?”
Tuxedo Mask far to the left, Three Super Sailor Scouts far to the right, and Link stepping towards him. “You can go back to Ganondorf and tell him you have failed, Morpha.” He snapped.
“You're not getting a hold of that Shard.” Tuxedo added.
“And we're here to make sure of it.” said Mars.
“GRR… Rotten heroes.” Morpha growled. “I'll leave you to see the doctor!” and he shocked Amy's mom again, and changed her into a monster.
The smoke had cleared and there stood a creature wearing a loose white coat, and a nurses cap on her head, and who knew what powers she had.
“I am Dr. Nutra-Nurse!” she growled. Her right arm then shaped into a large syringe needle, which was actually a giant pin-missile launcher. “Looks like someone needs to take their medicine.” And she began firing.
Everyone scattered about. “Watch out… they're loaded with poison-acid.” said Mars. “Don't let them hit you.”
Dr. Nutra Nurse just kept right on firing, and eventually she kicked it up a level by pelting everyone with exploding capsules.
Link ducked behind his shield. “Whoa, that was close!”
Morpha was enjoying this, but he had no time to watch. He began search all over the brambles for the Triforce Shard. “Curses! Where is it?”
“Navi, can you tell what we can do?”
Navi was good at sensing enemy weaknesses, and she found it. “Guys… you have to give her a taste of her own medicine.” she said. “That's all I can tell.” And she flew off to safety.
“Oh, no you don't!” growled the monster and she fired a powerful Poison-Needle straight for her, and poor, tiny, little Navi was far to slow to out maneuver it.
“AAH! HELP!!” she cried.
“Hang on, Navi!” cried Mars, and she concentrated hard, and “MARS FIRE… IGNITE!!” she turned the missile into burning ashes.
The creature then turned angrily towards Mars. “You wait for your turn!” and fired her capsules straight for her.
“Oh, no you don't!” cried Jupiter. “FOREST RAZOR-LEAF… BLOW!!” and her sharp leaves did the trick, but it still didn't help them on trying to weaken the monster out so Link could try and heal her.
After all… the monster was still Amy's mother, and they couldn't beat her up too much now.
Jupiter and Venus decided to try a combo attack.
The Mighty elector-beam flew straight at the monster, but she had yet another special power. She raised her white coat up, protecting her like a shield and sent the attack right back to the scouts.
“Venus! Jupiter!” cried Tuxedo, “Hold on… I'm coming!!”
He ran over towards the fallen scouts, but the monster just aimed her missile launcher at him. “Oh, no you don't!” growled Mars as she ran towards the beast ready to attack, and she fell right into a trap.
Dr. Nutra Nurse quickly whipped around and shot her instead, and the poison sure hurt her leg. “Ow! My leg… it's gone all numb!” she groaned.
From a way behind her, Amy began to stir herself awake. “Oh… my head!” she squeaked, but then she saw what was going on. Three scouts were down, and Link and Tuxedo were fighting the monster alone, but weren't doing too well.
Tuxedo tried to stun her with Deku Nuts, and charge hard with his sword at the ready, but the nuts barely even phased her was pelted off by more exploding capsules, and he couldn't get to his cane in time to defend himself.
Now only Link was left.
Link needed some back up, but he could reach his Ocarina to heal the others and Defend himself at the same time, and the monster was still too strong for him to heal in any case.
“Come on now. Take your medicine like a good boy.” The monster sniggered as she moved towards him.
Link kept on his brave face, and held his weapons tightly ready to defend himself. “Say goodbye!” the monster growled as she fired another shot.
The shot was frozen rock-solid and crashed onto the ground. “Huh?!”
“Mercury… good timing.” Link called.
Mercury nodded, “Now, let me show you what a real doctor can do!” she spat at the monster.
Dr. Nutra Nurse just narrowed her eyes. “Last time I checked, you were not a REAL doctor!” she protested.
“Really? Well my mother thought differently, and I'll set her free one way or the other.”
The two fighters stood at opposite ends of the street, and then charged toward each other like knights jousting. Dr. Nutra Nurse had her capsule blast ready, and Mercury had her own little trick to unleash.
They ran closer, and closer toward each other, and then the monster aimed her shot. “Take this, Sailor-Girl!” she growled, but before she fired it, Mercury took a mighty high leap way over the monster's head.
“Up here, Doctor.” She mocked.
Dr. Nutra Nurse fired her capsules upwards but missed completely, and the capsules came raining back down on the monster, and since she wasn't able to defend against her own attacks… she finally took some damage.
“YARGH!! Ugh… rotten little brat!”
Link was amazed, Mercury just solved Navi's clue. “Get her to take her own medicine.” He said. “Now I see how to do it.”
He pulled out his mask, “GO FIERCE DEITY!!” and transformed to his most powerful state and joined Mercury by her side.
“Well, done Mercury,” he said. “Now if we can just get her to hit herself one last time, we should be able to stop her.”
Mercury nodded. “Right… let's go.” She said. “MERCURY BUBBLES… BLAST!!” and she created a mighty wicked blanket of fog.
The monster couldn't see anything. “Where did they go?” she grumbled.
“Over here, ugly!” Link called.
She fired and missed him completely. Then she thought she saw Mercury, and missed again. “You're beginning to make me angry!” she roared. “I'll find you.”
Suddenly, there they both were of in the distance, “Ah-Ha… got you!” and she fired her shot, but mysteriously it didn't get anywhere near them before it seemed to bounce right back and strike her instead.
“ARGH!! Ugh… Ah!”
The fog lifted, and it turned out that Mercury and Link were standing behind her all along and she was fire at polished metal. The missile shot starting out as a ray of light bounced right off the metal and struck the monster right back.
“You underestimate the true power of the doctor,” Mercury said. “And now you shall pay for your actions.”
The monster, poised by her own shot was well weak enough now. “I've got the prescription for you.” Link said as he pulled out his Ocarina. “SOOTHING… SONG… OF HEALING!!” and he played the six notes which changed into the same atmospheric tune in the Temple of Time.
The sonic waves began to blast all around. “Huh?! ARGH… AAH!!”
Not only was Amy's mother changed back to normal, but the other scouts and Tuxedo Mask were healed from their injuries as if Link had played Zelda's Lullaby.
Mercury ran over to her fallen mother, who had reverted back to her old-self again, but those medicine strikes she took really hit her hard.
Mercury changed back into her normal clothes and picked her mom up, “We've got to get her to the hospital.” she cried.
The others got up and helped her along the way.
Morpha was really pissed that his monster had failed, but then suddenly he found it. The Triforce Shard was sitting in the shadow of a tree. “At last… I got it!” he chuckled as he reached down to get it.
But before he could take it into his grip…“SHADOW ZOOMING STRIKE!!” Sailor Moon finally had shown up in the nick of time and used her quick shadow-moves to zoom along the ground and take the shard.
“You mean I got it!” she mocked.
“What the-- Hey, that's mine!” growled Morpha.
“Sorry… Finders may be Keepers, but you snooze, you lose!” Moon said as she turned to head for the hospital.
“Oh, no… Ganondorf won't like this!” Morpha mumbled as he vanished.
That Morning…
Amy's mother awoke in her own cubicle in the hospital, she couldn't remember much, expect that she was attacked, and must've passed out.
Then it made her happy and very, very proud to learn that not only was it Amy and her friends who helped her to the hospital, but Amy herself was looking after her own mother.
Amy was checking her mom's blood pressure when she said. “Amy… I know I said you could one day be a swell doctor, but--”
Amy smiled. “Yes… what is it?” she asked.
Her mother smiled with her. “I was wrong… you ARE a great doctor already.”
Mother and daughter shared a warm hug, “I'm only the best with your help.” Amy said softly.
The Next Day…
There was good news… bad news… really bad news… but then wonderful news.
The good news was: Amy's mother would make a full recovery.
The bad news was: She was strictly instructed by her superiors to stay of work for a couple of weeks to make a full and successful recovery.
The Really bad news: Well… because her mother was off from work for a while and couldn't be there to supervise… Amy couldn't continue with her two-week arrangement.
Amy did feel a little sad about this. For one beautiful day she knew what it felt like to be a doctor, and take care of children and make them smile, but she did feel happy that at least her mother was okay.
Link was really proud of Serena though, her late arrival couldn't have come at a better time. Now they had two Triforce Shards, and only six more to go.
Now back to work at the Café, Amy was still looking a little grim, and at closing time, that's when everyone decided to make their move.
“Oh, hey Amy cheer up.” Darien said, “At least now you know that one day you will get become a doctor.”
“Yeah… you already have the potential grades for it.” added Mina.
Lita nodded. “And you have us and the actually doctors themselves as references.”
Amy began to smile for the first time all day. “Do you really think so?” she asked.
Serena put a comforting arm on her shoulder. “Amy, trust us.” She said. “If you're good as a doctor as you are a best friend and Sailor Scout… there's nothing you can't, and won't be able to do.”
Amy smiled and everyone shared a big group hug… everyone except Link that is. He hadn't shown up for work all day. When Amy asked why…
“It's because… we all have a surprise for you.” Rei giggled.
Amy's head perked up. “A… Surprise? For me?” she asked. “What is it?”
Link told everyone to come to the Temple of Time before going home, and he led Amy back to the secret room he had wondering what to do with.
“Can I open my eyes now, Master?” she asked.
“All right,” Link said. “…Now.”
Amy opened her eyes, and she almost couldn't breathe at what she found.
With the help of the others, and Navi's magic, they were able to turn the small hidden room behind the statue on the left side of the Temple… into an exact replica of the examining room Amy worked in with her mother.
Complete with, a measuring scale, examining table, a sink, cupboards and drawers, even some of the equipment that Amy didn't have in her doctor bag.
“I… I can't believe it.” She cried. “This is all mine?” she asked.
Everyone nodded.
“We all knew how much that arrangement meant to you and all.” Artimus said, “So we decided to let you have your very own examining room.”
Link nodded. “From now on… Every other day, we'll all head here and Amy will give us each a routine checkup.” He said. “This way we can monitor our strengths and physical health more closely.”
Amy wiped the tears from her eyes. “This… is the nicest thing anyone's ever given.” She cried. “Thank you everyone.”
“Well… it's not quite over yet.” Link said. He walked over behind the table and pulled a yellow box with a beautiful ribbon tied in a bow around it. “Since you're the new team doctor, we all pitched in and we got you this.”
Amy took the gift and opened it up gently, her eyes sparkled like the stars. It was another white coat just like the one she wore, but it also had the symbols of Mercury, and Water stitched onto the sleeves.
Amy was overjoyed to have it for her very own. “Well, don't just stand there and look at it… try it on.” said Darien.
Amy looked perfect, and she couldn't wait until tomorrow when she assigned their first checkups. From that on every other day… Dr. Amy was in.
Link: “Amy really does have what it takes to be a kind and gentle doctor. She studies hard, she hardly ever loses her cool, and she knows how to treat little children.”
Amy: “Yes… for some little kids, going to the doctor can be pretty scary, but they should really know that doctors are here to help them, they don't want to hurt you even more.”
Rei: “Being sick, or just going for a checkup is not all doctors do. They also standby in case if they are needed anywhere at anytime for anyone.”
Lita: “And even if you perfectly fine, you still should get your shots every now and then… that may be the hardest art that no one really likes but it's well worth it.”
Serena: “People like you may not like to get needles, but you also don't like to get sick even more. It may score you a day off from school, but what's the point of it if you don't feel up to doing much?”
Mina: “Just eat healthy, exorcize every now and then, get your shots, and remember that the doctor is always your friend.”
(Song… Live from the hospital, sung by everyone.)
(Music starts, and Link and Darien arrive in on stretches.)
(Nurse Rei)
Link he bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime
(Nurse Serena)
His friend had another one, he paid it for a lime.
(Both, followed by Nurses Lita and Mina)
They put the lime in the coconut, and drank them both up
They put the lime in the coconut, and drank them both up
They put the lime in the coconut, and drank them both up
They put the lime in the coconut, and drank them both up
They put the lime in the coconut, and drank them both up
They put the lime in the coconut,
Called the doctor, woke her up, and said,
(Link and Darien)
"Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"
(Dr. Amy)
"Now let me get this straight;
You put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up
You put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up
You put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up
(All four nurses)
They put the lime in the coconut, and drank them both up
(Dr. Amy)
You put the lime in the coconut,
called your doctor, woke me up, and said,
called your doctor, woke me up, and said,
(The boys, and Dr. Amy)
'Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?'
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?'
(Dr. Amy and the four Nurses)
You put the lime in the coconut, and drink them both down,
You put the lime in the coconut, you're such a silly woman!
Put the lime in the coconut, and drink them both together,
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning."
You put the lime in the coconut, you're such a silly woman!
Put the lime in the coconut, and drink them both together,
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning."
(Everyone at different times)
Wouh, wouh, wouh, wouh, wouh
The boys they bought a coconut, they bought it for a dime
And then they had another one, they paid it for a lime.
They put the lime in the coconut, they drank them both up,
They put the lime in the coconut, they called the doctor, woke her up,
And then they had another one, they paid it for a lime.
They put the lime in the coconut, they drank them both up,
They put the lime in the coconut, they called the doctor, woke her up,
Say "Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say Doctor! let me get this straight".
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say Doctor! let me get this straight".
You put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
You put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
You put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
Put the lime in the coconut, you such silly boys!,
You put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
You put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
Put the lime in the coconut, you such silly boys!,
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both together,
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better.
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both down
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better.
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both down
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning
Woo, Woo, ain't there nothin' you can take, I say
Woo, Woo, to relieve my belly ache,
You say woo, woo, ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Woo, woo, to relieve your belly ache,
You say yah, yah, ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Woo, Woo, to relieve my belly ache,
You say woo, woo, ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Woo, woo, to relieve your belly ache,
You say yah, yah, ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Waah, waah, to relieve this belly ache,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say Doctor!, you such silly boys!,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say Doctor!, you such silly boys!,
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both together,
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better,
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the moooooorning,
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better,
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the moooooorning,
(Music Fades out)
(Dr. Amy)
“Yes, you call me in the morning… and I'll tell you what to do.”