Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Moon Legend of Zelda ❯ Part Two: Something will turn up ( Chapter 20 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
According to Mercury's computer map, she and Link had to first go to the far end of the room from where they were.
There they found a big brown block, and pushed it until it dropped. The Iron Boots actually made a good leverage for them while they pushed.
“Right… down there.” Mercury said as they jumped into the water and swam down through the tunnel until they emerged on the other side.
In this room, the door they needed to get to was far away on the other side of a large pit. It was much too far to jump across, and there was no Hookshot target on the other ledge.
“Hold on… I'll scan how to get across this?” Mercury said.
Looked around with her VR-Visor, and indicated a crystal switch on the other ledge connected to a water geyser down in the pit below.
“Master, aim for that switch, and the water should rise up for a few moments.” she replied.
Link nodded and fired his Hookshot at the switch. The Water did rise up creating a kind of step they could hop across and make it to the door.
Once they went through the door, they found themselves in a room with the rapidly moving water.
Link looked at the regular map which indicated a small alcove on the other side of the wall at the other end of the pool.
“And according to the map, the only way to get to it is through that tunnel down there.” he said pointing under the water.
“Wait… what about the rapids?” Mercury asked.
Link already put his legs into the water. “Look… the only way to figure it out is get in.” he said. “Besides… we have the Iron Boots so the rapids can get us… Now, come on!”
Mercury clapped, and her Iron boots appeared, the she and Link disappeared under the water until the hit the bottom.
“You alright Mercury?” Link asked.
“I'm alright.” She answered, “I'm going to try and swim into the alcove.”
“All right… but please be very careful.”
Mercury clapped her boots back to normal and gently began drifting along with the rapids, and she was barely able to reach the hole without losing control.
She did make it safe, but found more than what she expected. The Alcove was infested with two Shell-blades, and the path to the other side was blocked by an under water gate.
She resisted their urge to put her Iron Boots back on and just floated to the up-most point of the alcove and out of the clams' reach.
“Mercury… What's happening up there?” called Link.
“I can't get through.” Mercury answered. “Look around… there has to be a switch somewhere to raise this gate.”
There was one, and Link already found it. It was a crystal switch in the water inside the mouth of a statue, but the Hookshot was too short to reach it from where he stood.
“Hold on, I have an idea.”
“He switched his footwear and let the current carry him to a fat length of pipe sticking out from the wall. Then he switched footwear again and was standing on the pipe with a clear shot of the crystal.
“Here goes…”
He fired the Hookshot at the switch, and the gate began to rise up. “Master it worked.” Mercury called. “I'm going in.”
She swam carefully up into the alcove and up out the water. She got another key from the chest and quickly swam back out before the gate, on a timer, closed behind her.
Swimming Safely past the clams, she and Link met back up on the other ledge “Master… I got it.”
“Well done, Mercury.” Link said. “Now, back to the main chamber. Let's go!”
They made their way back to the main chamber, and Mercury calculated that they now had to go into the central tower.
They found the only entrance to the tower through a locked door, and once inside they saw another one of those plaques on the wall that could change the water level of the temple.
The only way up to the higher platforms was to Hookshot onto a target. So they both got out their Hookshots and fired themselves up.
“Fire-One.” said Link
“Fire-Two.” added Mercury.
Once up on the platform, Link played Zelda's Lullaby in front of the plaque to raise the water halfway up. “Ah, that's much better.” he said.
Mercury also noticed that the platform near the door they came through had floated up with the water, reveling a deep, deep tunnel to down below.
“Hey… let's check down there first.” she suggested.
Link agreed with her, and the got on their Iron boots, and sank down, down, down through the tunnel.
Once at the bottom, they followed the new passageway until you reached an empty room.
“Hey… this is a dead-end.” said Link.
Mercury looked around a bit, and found it wasn't quite a dead-end. There was in fact a crystal switch, and she was betting it opened up one of the two gates that were found in the ceiling.
But which one was the way they had to go.
She looked up. “Hey.” and there were Spikes and Shell-blades above the gate nearest to the switch. “Master… I've figured it out.” She said. “We have to open this gate first and then destroy all the enemies up there.”
Link looked above the gate and realized she was right. “Good eye, Mercury.” he said. “Okay… let's back up a bit.”
They backed off a little ways from the switch, and go their Hookshots ready. “I'll take out the Shell-Blades… you take the Spikes.” said Link.
Mercury nodded, then they both fired at the switch causing the gate to open. The enemies dropped down and began to make their way towards the duo.
Mercury remembered what Link had told her about the Spikes and their weaknesses, and it was easy for her to crush them all.
All the foes were gone in a heartbeat, and the second gate opened up. “Perfect.” Link said. “I'll be right back.”
He switched his footwear, and made his way to the other alcove, then he returned with another key he had picked up.
“Wonderful, Master.” said Mercury.
Link nodded in thanks. “I couldn't have gotten it without your sharp thinking.” He said. “Come on… let's go.”
They swam all the way back to the inner tower, and then went out through a door. halfway up and found themselves in the main chamber again.
Now that the water was risen halfway up, the question was what to do next.
Link suddenly remembered, “Hey, Mercury… do you remember the room where we changed the water level first?” he asked.
“Yes… I do.” Mercury said as she remembered seeing a huge crack in a wall which lead to the pathway up. “Let's go see it.”
They dove back into the water and retraced to the tunnel with the two torches at the bottom. They swam up to the wall and saw the crack.
“I can see something.” Mercury, “It's a small chest, and my VR-Visor reads it has another key it.”
Link tapped the wall with his sword, and it made the same sound as a false wall did back in the Fire Temple, indicating it could be blown open. “Get ready.” he said.
He got out a bomb, quickly lit it and dropped it by the wall. “Quick, quick… into the water!” he cried out.
They both dived deep down, and waited until the bomb exploded. Then they popped back up to see a large hole in the wall big enough for them to squeeze through.
As soon as they got the key, it was back to the main chamber where Mercury had detected the location of the compass.
They walked across the ledge on the tower, around the tower until there was a tunnel with a Hookshot target above it across the water.
“This way.” Mercury said. “Let's go.”
They swam across to the tunnel and followed it until they reached a small area they had to Hookshot up from the bottom to reach up to.
There they found a water geyser that seemed to be flowing endlessly around the large chest containing the Compass, but they had to first find a way to dismantle the geyser to even get close.
But his time there was no switch anywhere to be found in the room. “There' got to be a way somehow.” Mercury said. “Let's look around a bit.”
They searched everywhere but nothing came up. “This isn't working out.” Mercury said.
Link shook his head thinking they were just going around in circles. He positioned himself to sit on one of the wooden-crates in the room. “I find that if I just sit down and stay-- ARGH!”
The box collapsed under his weight. “Master!” cried Mercury. “Are you alright?”
Link was more than just alright. The box he was sitting on was hollow for a reason… it housed the hidden switch they were looking for.
“… The solution presents itself.” He exclaimed.
He got to his feet and told Mercury to go for the chest, because the switch was definitely a trigger and wouldn't last long.
Link slashed at the switch, and the geyser dropped. Mercury quickly opened the chest and grabbed the compass before the geyser shot back up.
“You alright Mercury?” Link asked.
“I'm okay.” she answered. “And I got the compass.”
“Good… good.” Link smirked. “Okay, let's get back.”
Once back in the main chamber, their only option was to head through the only locked door they could find on that level.
Inside, they were confronted by a Blue-Tektite. Mercury just froze it allowing Link to destroy it.
“Is it just me, or is nothing exciting happening around here?”
“Why don't we call it both.” Link said sounding a little bored himself. He yawned and said. “What do we do here?”
Mercury calculated that they had to step on the small geyser in the room, then hit the crystal switch to ride the water up to the third floor.
They did it easier than pie, and were both not amused. Mercury was actually starting to become irritated. “Are we going to find anything in this temple worthwhile?” she asked.
“Steady Mercury… Steady!” Link said. “If we keep going deeper, something will turn up soon. Believe me.”
Mercury calmed herself. “Sorry… I'm just not used to this.” she said.
They entered the door back out into the main chamber. Link played Zelda's Lullaby by the plaque on the ledge and raised the water back up to the highest point. “Come one… let's go.”
They jumped into the water and swam over the locked door to the left of them, and entered the room.
After they killed two bats that hung from the ceiling, now things were starting to have a little pepper on them.
There was a kind of conveyor-belt-escalator of platforms with Hookshot targets all of them going slowly down a water fall which lead up towards the door they needed to head through.
Not only that, but right off the ledge below them was another platform moving on a track.
Mercury looked up. “Gee… this doesn't look safe.” she said, but actually, she was kind of glad that things were starting to get a little exciting.
The only way they could get up the door would be to Hookshot onto each and every platform, scaling them like stairs, until they made their way to the top… while also avoiding plunging into the pit below.
They hopped off the ledge to the platform on the track below them. “Okay, you know what to do?” Link asked.
Mercury nodded.
The plan was to hold hands leaving their other hands free to shoot their own Hookshot at the targets. This way they could get onto the platforms in a sort of “Heave-Hove” style.
They waited, and waited until the platform moved close enough for them to begin. Then they were off. Link went first and then Mercury.
Before long, they made it to the top. “Well… that sure went well.” said Link. “Yes… even that was too easy.” added Mercury.
“Never mind that. Let's go.” replied Link, and they went through the locked door to the next room.
Once in the next room, there wasn't really so much to work with. No Water in the deep pool, juts a bunch of Tektites. No Hookshot Targets. The ledges being too far away to jump to.
“Oh, no… what are we going to do.” Mercury asked. “I can't even scan for a power source anywhere.”
“I think I see one.” Link said.
He lead gestured for her to stare a crystal-switch that was surprisingly blue in the center. “I remember switches like this… they have two effects.”
He aimed his Hookshot at the switch and fired. The switch turned red, and strangely, not only did the water began to rise, but the statues in the room began to rise up revealing Hookshot plates on their necks.
“Ah-Ha… I knew it.” Link said.
“Master… the Monsters!” cried Mercury.
Now that the water was higher, the Tektites, using their special ability, could hop along the surface.
“Let's get them.” said Link.
Mercury fired her Ice-Arrows from her bow, which did only freeze the enemies, but not the water itself, and the Tektites were turned to Ice-Statutes.
Link then fired his Fire-Arrows, and the statues were all melted and destroyed. “Well… that takes care of that.” he said as he put away his bow. “Now… let's get across this.”
They made their way across to the only accessible ledge, but the next one was far too high to make it by swimming over… and the only Hookshot target that would help them was on the wall.
If they went over, then their path would be blocked by the dog statue. “What do we do now?” asked Mercury.
Link just rolled his eyes. “What else?” he said, and he fired at the switch again. The Switch turned Blue again, and the water and statues dropped. “Like I said… that switch has two effects.”
Mercury couldn't argue with that. She just had a lot to learn about the temples, and Link's world and gadgets.
First: They Hookshot themselves across to the other ledge, and with the Dog statue low enough, they just hopped right over.
Then Link raised the water again, allowing them to Hookshot to the third ledge.
Then he hit the switch again to lower the statue so they could climb up onto its head, then Link hit switch again and rode the rising statue up to their destination.
An alcove in the upper-corner of the room, where two Tektites, and Like-Like were there to greet them.
Link made short work of the Tektites, and as for Mercury… Well, she was fascinated by how strangely shaped the Like-Like was. “I've never see a creature like this.” She said as she reached up to touch it's jelly-like body.
“Ah... Ah, I wouldn't do that Mercury.” Link quickly said.
Mercury suddenly remembered what Link told her about Like-Likes, and how they steal clothing and weapons. So she just froze it and let it melt. “Mmm… such a waste.” She said.
“Better him than us, I say.” said Link.
The next door they had to enter through was blocked off by a wall of huge spikes sticking out from the floor. They were even too sharp to even touch from their sides.
Still… this was just another pushover to Link, and Mercury. All they had to do was Hookshot on a target in the ceiling and swing right over.
Mercury was even starting to get a little bored with all this, and she even found herself saying some things she never would say before.
“If something exciting doest happen soon I'll--”
“Mercury… steady there.” Link quickly said. “Something will turn up soon. We just have to keep going.”
Mercury knew he was right, and so they pressed on through the door.
Meanwhile, in Morpha's lair…
He saw them enter through the door.
“Heh, heh, heh! At last… they're in.” he sniggered to himself. “Ooh… I'd hate to think what they're going to put themselves through in there. Hmm, mm, mm, mm!”
Link and Mercury looked around… this room they were in sure looked more odd to them both. It almost looked as though they were outside again.
The floor was covered in reflective surface with a thin layer of water in it. A clear long stretch across the room leading to the other side.
Nothing, but a lonely little island with a tree in the center, and nothing but pure white stretching far off into the distance.
The music in the background could still be heard, so they obviously were still in the temple, but that didn't explain much about where they were now.
“Mercury… can you scan this room?” Link asked.
“Sure.” She answered. She looked around with her VR-Visor, and discovered that all they saw now was nothing more than illusions crated by an unknown source. Whatever it was, she couldn't locate it.
Worse than that when they made it all the way over to the other side to the other door, they found it was barred up, and this time there were no switches, or hidden keys in the entire room.
Link and Mercury decided to head back the way they came, but the stopped halfway when they could make out that the other door was blocked off too.
“Oh no, what'll we do?” Mercury asked.
“I was hoping you'd know.” said Link.
What they didn't realize was right behind them… Their shadows just stop following them?
Did Mercury's Shadow just turn towards Link's and they both just exchange naughty looks?
“Look, there has to be a way out of here.” Link said. “You look over there, I'll go this way.”
Mercury nodded, and they both started to walk but the moment they took their first steps, Mercury actually saw the shadow of her leg move all on its own and trip them both off their feet.
“What are you playing at Mercury?!” Link snapped. “Where do you get tripping me up like that?”
“Master… I don't think you'll believe this, but…” she paused, “It wasn't me… it was my shadow.”
Link got to his feet, but just snorted. “Really?” he simply said in mocking tone, “So you're saying you're shadow just felt like lifting up its leg, trip me up, and--”
He stopped right when he saw Mercury's shadow put its leg down, and also that it was not in the same position as Mercury's body.
Mercury got to her feet, but her shadow didn't follow her. “Let's get out of here!” she cried.
Right at that moment, Link's shadow crept up behind them and slapped them both hard in the rear.
“What the…?!”
They both sprang back a few feet and saw that both their shadows stayed exactly where they were. “Master?!” Mercury cried. “What's happening?”
“I don't know… and I don't think I want to know.” Link said.
Their shadows then began to hiss in an evil laughter, and both of them now had red glowing eyes. Finally they both sprang up from the floor and became 3D creatures.
Link and Mercury couldn't believe it.
“Heh, heh, heh! Why… Hello there!” Link's shadow hissed.
“We've been expecting you both.” added Mercury's shadow. Their voices almost sounded alike, except the shadows had an evil hiss, and robotic-reverb in their voices.
“Just who, or what are you?” Link asked.
The shadows turned to face each other, and then laughed maniacally. “Isn't it obvious to you by now?” Shadow-Link asked.
“We are exactly what you two are.” added Shadow-Mercury. “Only, more darker, and evil versions.”
“What is it that you want with us?” asked Mercury.
The shadows exchanged sour looks. “Do you always ask such stupid questions?!” asked Shadow-Link. “We're here to destroy you.”
Shadow-Mercury nodded in agreement. “You may as well surrender while you can. There is no escape from this chamber.”
Mercury and Link had no intentions on surrendering. Especially, not to their own shadows. How tough could they really be?
Both teams stood at opposite ends. “I'll take him, you take her.” Link said as he held up his sword and shield.
“Mmm, hmm.” Mercury nodded with confidence in their eyes.
The shadows chuckled with evil, and then… THE BATTLE WAS ON!!”
Link: “For most of the Water Temple, it sure does look like one big walk through the park. Not really all that exciting at all.”
Amy: “Still… you shouldn't underestimate how things appear. They may not always look like what they seem to be.”
Serena: “Yeah like homework for one thing… You never know how hard, or easy it may be until you actually try and go at it.”
Rei: “Even at times if things still look bad withal hope in site, you should always remember that something could turn up .”
Lita: “Even poor people struggle to survive in the cold hard world around them, and they always believe that something good will fall on them one day .”
Mina: “Just use you imagination… practice the art of wishful thinking… and always believe that something will turn up.”
(Song in a dream-world… Sung by Link, and played by the others)
(Darien on Classic guitar, Rei on Bass guitar, Lita on drums, Amy on Keyboard, Serena on Maracas, and Mina on Harp)
-Something's gonna turn up believe me,
when you reach for the sun.
Something's gonna turn up believe me,
and you'll be number one.
Doesn't matter… if there's not much to eat
Doesn't matter… if you're out on the street
Doesn't matter… you can never retreat.
Imagination, is all you need.
-Something's gonna turn up believe me,
so hold onto your dream.
Something's gonna turn up believe me,
If you go too extreme.
Doesn't matter… if you step on a nail
Doesn't matter… if you trip on a pail
Doesn't matter… if they drive to jail.
Imagination, is all you need.
-Storytellers in our minds.
Heroes in ships of our kinds.
We can be pirates sailing seas.
Or high-wire walkers in the breeze.
We can be painters, Whatever we please.
Whatever we please!
-Something's going to turn up, believe me.
So just trust in your hearts.
“Something's going to turn up, any second.”
(Music fades out)