Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Moon Legend of Zelda ❯ Part Three Hazardous Conditions ( Chapter 28 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Link, Sailor Moon, and Navi found themselves in a large room, with two Re-deads on either side, a locked door up on an inaccessible ledge, more Silver rupees in inaccessible places, and another door that was bared up on the ground.
“Well this sure is a change of pace.” said Navi.
“I suggest we take out the Re-deads first.” Said Link, “That way it'll be much easier to get the rupees.”
Sailor Moon agreed and they both took off towards opposite side of the room only to trip on something and fall after the first few steps.
“Ah!! What was that?” cried Sailor Moon. She clicked on her Truth-Vision and saw that there were long rows of spikes lying everywhere. “Well that sure wasn't really nice.”
She was so busy examining the floor that she hadn't realized, “Sailor Moon, behind you!!” cried Link… Too late.
The Re-Dead behind her had reached her from behind, jumped right on her and began choking her. “Ugh!! Master!!”
“Hang on!” Link called.
He waited until the Re-Dead he was facing tried to leapt for him, and he just rolled out of the way and sliced the monster's head off.
The he quickly wiped out his Hookshot and using quick, and precise aim he shot over, onto the other Re-dead, which froze it and let go of Sailor Moon.
Link made quick short work of the monster, but Sailor Moon sure looked pretty blue in the face, and she was barely breathing at all.
“Oh, no!” Link cried. “Don't move.” He quickly got out his Ocarina and played Zelda's Lullaby which healed her back to normal.
Sailor Moon gasped hard, and breathed heavily as she rekindled herself. “Thanks Master… thought I was a goner.” she cried.
She got back to her feet and told him about the floor being crowded, but to her surprise, Link told her he faced something like this before, and about using the Hover boots that would allow them to walk right over the spikes like small molehills.
Well, that was a useful tip. Especially since it helped them grab three of the rupees on the ground already. The fourth-one was floating just below a Hookshot plate on the wall, another easy pickings.
The final one in the corner however was just floating up in the air nearly inaccessible. “Why can't you go up there and get them?” Sailor Moon asked Navi.
“Well first of all; in case you haven't noticed, but those rupees are five times my size.” Navi said. “And even if they weren't, I can't touch them. If I could, I would have gotten it by now.”
“All right, cut it out you two. Squabbling isn't going to solve anything.” said Link. “I'll go get it.”
He tapped on his own Truth-Vision and found just what he needed, but through Sailor Moon's naked eyes, Link fried his Hookshot onto a solid wall, and rode up the chain until he was standing in midair.
Sailor Moon used her own Truth-Vision and found the reason. A huge ledge and an invisible Hookshot plate, but as she saw Link jump for the rupee she saw yet another Hookshot plate they didn't see before.
However, she neglected to mention it when the bars on the door on the round opened wide allowing them to access it, and according to the compass, there was a key in there.
“Let's go.” Link said.
They all headed through the door and found no signs of a chest in the room. Just one humongous skull-vase, with blue fire flaring out through the top.
There were also some bats in the room too, but like said before… don't bother them, they don't bother you. He also said that he remember something about that skull-vase.
“The key's inside it?” asked Sailor Moon. “Well, how are we supposed to get it out? There's no way we'll get through that fire.”
“There is one way.” Link said. “We have to go up there and toss a bomb into the skull, and hopefully it'll blow the key right out of it.”
They began to hop up the steps to the higher ledges, and Link got his first bomb ready. “Here goes.” He said, but before he could toss the bomb, one of the bats came zooming down and knocked it right out from his hand.
Now all four of the bats in the room were awakened by his growl, and began their attack. “Look out!” Link cried and they began to put up their defense.
The bats were all over them now, making it extremely difficult to concentrate on the bomb-toss. “Sailor Moon… try and lure them away! Make them chase you!” cried Link.
“What?!” cried Sailor Moon. “Make them chase me?!”
“Well there is no other better way!” grunted Navi as she dogged another bat. “It'll give Link a chance to get the key.”
Sailor Moon knew she was going to regret this, “Okay… but you MAKE… IT… FAST!!” she roared, and she rolled about and lead the bats away from her.
“Hey Bat-boys… come and get me!” she mocked. The bats, angered by her mocking followed her away from the ledge.
“Oh, brother! Why is it always me who has to do this?!” she complained as she ran.
The plan seemed to be working as all the bats kept chasing Sailor Moon instead of trying to stop Link from preparing another bomb.
“Here goes.” He called. “Stand back, Sailor Moon.”
“Like I have a choice!” Sailor Moon called back as the bats had her backed into a corner.
Link tossed his bomb directly into the skull, and the bomb blew the skull to bits revealing the key. Link leapt down and snatched it, then quickly helped Sailor Moon mash up the bats.
“I got the key… let's get out of here.”
“Fine by me.” Sailor Moon puffed while trying to catch her breath from all the running she did.
They headed back to the previous room, and puzzled about how they were going to reach the locked door on the upper ledge.
Even with the other invisible ledge, the Hover Boots couldn't keep them afloat long enough for them to try and run across.
“Wait… I remember.” Sailor Moon said. “I a Hookshot plate up there with the Truth-Vision.”
Link tapped on his own Truth-Vision and saw she was right. “Good eyes Sailor Moon.” He said. They both got out their Hookshots and targeted the invisible plate.
“Fire one.”
“Fire two.”
They made it up to the ledge together, and unlocked the door. “Good work girls.” Link said. “We're that much closer to the end.”
They walked down the tunnel, but when they turned the corner and tried to keep going a huge gust began to blast right at them and force them backwards into the wall.
“Ah! What the--”
They both looked up and saw a huge fan on the wall ahead of them. It started to blow again, and as they tried to run up the hall, the gust from the fan blew them right back again.
“I have an idea.” Link said. He clapped on his Iron Boots, “Get on my back Sailor Moon.”
Sailor Moon did as she was told and held on tight, while Navi strapped herself into Link's belt.
“Do you know what you're doing?” Sailor Moon asked.
“No, but I'm going to try it. Here we go!”
He began to walk forward. It sure was hard to do with all that extra weight on him, but it seemed to be working. When the fan blew at them, Link's Iron Boots held him into place so he didn't fly backwards.
Sailor Moon didn't fly off either because the wind was mostly hitting Link from the front. “Okay… let's go.” Link said as he continued to clomp forward through the rest of the tunnel.
More fans were placed along the route, but thanks to his boots, and his being a shield. Neither he, nor Sailor Moon flew back by the wind.
Navi was safe too, as long as she stayed strapped into Link's belt she couldn't get blown away either.
However, they did come to a bit of a snag though. There was a large pit ahead of them, but if Link took of his boots to try and get across it, they'd all get blown away by the fans.
But like Link always knew… there was more than one way to do things, you just had to look and believe.
He got out his Hookshot and latched onto a wooden plank in the ceiling which successfully carried them across. “Next time, can you warn me when you do that?” Sailor Moon asked.
Link and Navi exchanged disgruntled looks, and… “Sorry.” was all he could say. Nevertheless, he continued down the tunnel until he leapt off a ledge to a lower chamber with more fans on the walls until he finally put Sailor Moon down.
“Ah… that went well.” Sailor Moon said as she brushed off her skirt, and her hair.
Link checked the map, but he suddenly realized something about the door in front of them. “Hey… this isn't the way we're supposed to go.” he said.
“What do you mean?” Sailor Moon asked as she looked at the map too, and realized he was right.
They both went through the door and realized Link was right. “Hey… this room is one big dead end.” cried Navi.
“Ah-Ah… but it sure isn't empty!” Sailor Moon said shakily. She pointed up ahead at the Re-deads in the room.
Link sighed irritably, “Don't these guys ever learn?!” he groaned.
He and Sailor Moon were able to take them out with no trouble at all this time. It seemed that every time they came across Re-deads or Gibdos, their battles just got all the more easy.
Sailor Moon was almost starting to wish she was in the Boss Room right now… or… maybe not.
“Hey!” Navi called as she hovered a little higher. “There's another plaque up here.”
“What does it say?” asked Sailor Moon.
Navi could here the spirits whispering through the wall. “Listen…” she said. “The spirits are saying…”
“Only those who have Sacred Feet, shall let the wind guide them.”
“Sailor Moon… Navi come look at this.” Link called. The girls moved towards the door where Link was peeking through it. “Look there… at that wall with your Truth-Vision.
Sailor Moon looked and saw a fake wall over the chasm covering an alcove with a door inside it. However, it was much to far to simply walk over with the Hover Boots.
At least… not alone…
For there was a fan blowing on the other side of the chasm, and it was no coincidence that the alcove faced in the fan's very direction.
“You thinking what I'm thinking?” Link asked.
Sailor Moon nodded as they walked back out into the tunnel chamber.
They strapped their Hover Boots, and waited for the fan to blow at full power. “NOW!!” Link cried as the both ran right into the gusts of wind and ran clean over the chasm and into the alcove.
“Is it just me… or it this temple starting to get more and more mysterious?” Sailor Moon asked.
“Let's just say it's you.” Navi said.
The headed into the next room, where a locked door lay ahead of them, with two Gibdos on the way. “Match you for it?” Sailor Moon asked.
They both stuck out their hands… “One… two… three… shoot!”
Sailor Moon won, Rock crushes scissors. “Oh great!” she muttered but went to work taking the monsters out anyways.
Once they were defeated, a small chest did appear, but it only contained some arrows, and no small key. “Check the compass.” said Link. “We've got to find it.”
Sailor Moon checked the compass, and Link used his Truth-Vision to look around. Sailor Moon did find the location “According to this, the chest is buried right under this molehill.” she said.
There was a problem though… The dirt was so old, and stiff, that she could barely lift a chunk of it out of the way.
“Here… use this.” Link said as he tossed her and unlit bomb. Sailor Moon lit it and when it exploded, it blew the dirt away revealing the chest to Link's Truth-Vision.
“I see it…” he said as he opened the chest. “Ah-ha… heh, heh, heh!”
“All right.” cried Sailor Moon. “We got the key.”
“Yeah… let's go.” Link said as they headed for the locked door, and when they emerged in the next room they couldn't believe their eyes…
It was the room with the huge boat in it floating on a ghostly sea of mist, and right to their left was the cage where they first saw it, and Sailor Moon's busted hardhat was still there.
“Oh my gosh… we made it.” cried Sailor Moon.
“We're almost there.” Link said, “And look… we can get this block out of the way now.”
So they hopped to it and pulled and pushed the block away from where it was and all the way across to where they knew it could help them.
The ladder on the ledge that lead to the boat was only half there, but the lower half was nowhere to be seen. Luckily b pushing the block into place by the wall they could easily access it and get to the boat.
“Uh wait a minute…” said Sailor Moon, “Just how are supposed to get this thing underway?”
“I think I see how.” Link said. Sure enough, there was a Triforce shape painted on the deck which meant all Link had to do was play Zelda's Lullaby, however Link did warm her about something…
“Once we get under way… we won't be able to get back unless we clear the temple.”
Sailor Moon did think of that as a problem. IF they started off, it would be an all or nothing ending for them both.
But she knew she couldn't keep running, they had to finish this. It was the only way to lift the twilight from the upper-world, and gain another one of the Six Medallions.
“I'm ready.” she said. “No more holding back, I'll make it through this… I know I can.”
Link smiled at her. “I'm proud of you Sailor Moon.” He said. “You learn new things and become stronger every day.”
Even Navi was please with Sailor Moon's new attitude… she just wondered how long t was going to last this time.
Nevertheless… Link played Zelda's Lullaby while standing on the Triforce, and in an instant, the bells on the sides of the boat began to chime, and they slowly began to drift up the stream of mist.
They were finally on their way… but what exactly was it that they were heading into?
As Link had mentioned… there was no way out this time. They would either be clearing the rest of the temple, or meet their end.
Who knew what it was going to be, but stay tuned to find out!
Link: “It sure was hard trying to navigate the Shadow Temple before we made it to that ship, but it soon proved to be easier once Sailor Moon found her courage and determination.”
Serena: “Yeah... one of the best things to do in horrible situations is try not to panic. You can't think very well if you do.”
Amy: “If you come prepared for most challenges, you can stand some of a chance. But even if you have all the essentials, you also require the nerve to use them.”
Rei: “Even the most powerful of people in the world can't do very much if they don't process the courage, or nerve to actually do their tasks.”
Lita: “Which is why it's always critically important to bring your hearts, as well as your instincts to help you throughout he darkness.”
Mina: “Just remember, that knowledge and wisdom, as well as strength, speed, and power are all very important things. Just trust in them all, and there is nothing you can't accomplish .”
(Song, sung by Princess Serena as she stand on the ship out at sea on a foggy night.)
(Princess Serena)
Mad is the captain of Alpha Centauri
We must be out of our minds
Still we are shipmates bound for tomorrow
And everyone here's flying blind
We must be out of our minds
Still we are shipmates bound for tomorrow
And everyone here's flying blind
Oh, we must believe in magic
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
Mad is the crew bound for Alpha Centauri
Dreamers and poets and clowns
Bold is the ship bound for Alpha Centauri
Nothing can turn it around
Dreamers and poets and clowns
Bold is the ship bound for Alpha Centauri
Nothing can turn it around
Oh, we must believe in magic
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
Oh, we must believe in magic
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
Oh, we must believe in magic
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
Oh, we must believe in magic
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command
We must believe in the guiding hand
If you believe in magic
You'll have the universe at your command