Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Moon Legend of Zelda ❯ Inisde Ganon's Castle: Part one ( Chapter 45 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Really spooky dark music was playing in the background as everyone stepped through.
Sailor Moon shivered, “Oo-ooh… this place is giving me the creeps already.” said Sailor Moon.
“Just stay close… we'll be fine.” said Mars.
They what they had to do was find the way up to the castle's keep where Zelda was being held prisoner, but the only way they could go at the moment was down the flight of stairs ahead of them.
Navi had told them that the castle had no Dungeon Map or Compass, so if they got lost, they'd be on their own.
So far they only seemed to be heading down into the rock the castle was floating on, and at the bottom were two Beamos in front of the door.
Mars just grabbed two torches and threw them right at the Beamos' eyes, destroying them both in a bang. “That wasn't too hard?”
Mercury also had a strange thought. How were the monsters able to survive in the entrance tunnel if there was no gate at the door? Surely even monsters needed to be protected from the void of space somehow.
She checked her mini-com and her VR-Visor, and she couldn't believe it, but there was only one way to tell if it was true so she reached for her collar and opened the switch compartment.
“Mercury, what are you doing?” asked Jupiter, but suddenly they all went nuts when they saw her reach for the button.
“Keep your suit on!!”
But her suit had already folded back up inside the collar… but nothing happened. She didn't freeze, choke, or anything hazardous.
“How's that possible?” asked Venus.
Mercury showed them her computer. “It says the temperature is 40 degrees, and there 6 Percent Nitrogen, 21 percent Hydrogen 73 percent Oxygen.”
“Oxygen?” said Sailor Moon. “Otherwise… known as air we can breathe.”
Well, that was sure something. So they all took off their suits… even Link took off his, but he still wasn't speaking or looking up. The air was a little damp, but breathable.
With that settled they all headed into the next chamber which turned out to be the main-chamber of the castle. One huge room-entrance across a bridge… in a monsters head, and several other smaller doors, each with a Medallion above them.
“Look at this place. It's even larger than the Temple of Time was.” said Venus.
“Why thank you.” echoed a sinister voice.
Everyone jumped, and Link finally snapped up a bit. “Ganondorf.” he whispered angrily.
“Where are you?!” growled Jupiter. “Why don't you come out and show yourself.”
“Mmm, hmm, mm, mm… My, aren't we in a hurry.” Ganondorf chuckled. “I have a better idea, why don't you all come up and see me instead. if you “can” that is. Heh, heh, heh.”
Link could feel a little of his strength coming back. “I swear to you Ganondorf, we will find you!” he called aloud.
“Really… well good luck then… you'll need it. Ha, Ha.” then his voice faded out.
Sailor Moon's anger was boiling, she couldn't wait to get up there and kick his can for killing her beloved Darien. She ran for the entrance to the tower in the center.
“Sailor Moon… Stop!!” cried Mercury.
She stopped in her tracks not a minute to soon. “Why, what's wrong?”
Mercury told everyone her VR-Visor was detecting huge energy waves from all around the central-room. She picked up a small pebble and pitched it right at the monster-head.
POW!! The pebble was vaporized. “Just I thought.” replied Mercury. “There's some sort of barrier around this, and there's no way our powers can break it.”
Then suddenly Jupiter remembered. “Remember what Rauru said?”
“The tower is protected by six barriers, which you must bring down.”
“I'll bet that's what these other rooms are for.”
“Exactly right.” said Link.
The girls were glad he was talking again, and listed to everything he said. They each have to go their own separate ways inside each of the corresponding barriers. They would have to overcome all the obstacles and then bring down the power source of the Barrier at the end.
“How will we break them?” asked Mars.
“I don't know.” said Link. “But we'll find out soon enough.”
There was also one other thing. Two of the barriers required the “Golden Gauntlets A treasure Link Venus's Silver ones, only they would give them enough power lift up huge monolith stones.
Such as the one blocking the way to the Light Barrier room. “Sailor Moon, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury… you four will enter your respective barriers immediately, but Mars and I will have to wait here. Everyone got it?”
They all bowed. “Yes Master.” They all said, and then they all split up. Mars and Link waited outside the entrances to Light and Fire Barriers, while the others all headed in.
“Nice to have to back with us Link.” said Navi.
Link smiled sadly. “I don't think I'm all back… not just yet.” he said.
Jupiter stared around the first chamber. Just a simple room with four torches in the center, and a barred door on the end. “Okay…Not much to look at here.” She said, but when she stepped down into the room a Wolfos appeared. “Whoa! Of course I could be wrong!”
The Wolfos began charging at her with its claws flying fiercely. Jupiter dodged it. “My turn now.” she said. “By the way… do you know what happens to a wolf when it's stuck by lightning?”
The Wolfos just growled and began charging again.
“The same thing hat happens to everything else!”
KAPOW!! The Wolfos was fried, and with him gone, the four torches in the center of the room lit up (That's not what really happens, I know, but remember Jupiter has no fire-attacks) but the door still didn't open.
Jupiter looked around “There's got to be something else.” She said to herself, and there was indeed. There, right above the barred door, was another unlit torch hanging from the wall. “Ah-Ha… got you.”
Even though she had no Fire-Attacks, she still had her bow, and the brains and wit from her training and experience. She just fired an arrow through the flare of one of the lit torches and it worked.
“Wow… I'm good at this.” she gloated as she headed for the next chamber, which wasn't as easy as the previous one.
Pillars sticking up through a bottomless pit that would send her to the entrance of the chamber if she fell in. Silver Rupees all around she was betting opened up the barred door on the far side of the room.
She also noted that the door looked just like the same one to entrance of the barrier chamber. The one that had the Forest Medallion atop of it. “That must be where the power source is.” she said to herself.
“Now… how do I get across this pit?”
That's when she noticed there were also four large fans in all four corners of the room. Jupiter remembered Sailor Moon's story of those fans from the Shadow Temple, and how they can blow with such force.
“Hmm… I wonder…”
She waited for the fan, just to her left, to blow at full force, and then. “TALLY-HO!!” she leapt right into the gust and was blown clear over to the next ledge… with a huge thud of course.
“Ooh… that hurt.” she grunted. “At least my armor broke the crash.”
She began gathering up the Rupees, and the other ledges she was able to jump to on her own, but she had to be careful on the last one.
The Last Rupee was on a pillar right in front of the face of another face. If the fan were to start blowing, then Jupiter would fall right off… but she had a plan.
She waited until the fan stopped blowing and then grabbed the last rupee with her vines. As soon as she touched it, the door beside her was unlocked allowing her to access the chamber of the power source.
In this room, the power source was consisted of a large sphere surrounded by green light. The energy from the sphere was traveling up through a series of enchanted-lines across the ceiling all the way to the main-chamber powering up the larger barrier.
Jupiter tried her attacks, but this barrier was just too much. Her Physical attacks just bounced right off it like rubber… and her special-attacks didn't even scratch the sphere.
“Great… how am I supposed to break this down?”
(This part too is not the real way)
That's when she noticed the small harp sting on a small pedestal near the foot of the barrier. “Hey… what's this?”
Perhaps the barrier would only come down if she played some sort of, password on the harp. Then she suddenly remember… when she and Link cleared the Forest Temple, Zelda, as Sheik, told her to remember the song that Link played.
“Now… how did that song go again? Uh…”
She began strumming the strings until she found the notes she was looking for… and she played the Minuet of Forest.
As the song began to remix, the green light faded out, and the sphere in the center began swelling and then burst like a balloon.
“I did it… I think.” Jupiter peeped, and then right where the sphere once was, appeared Saria's Spirit.
She looked down at Jupiter and smiled. “The Forest Barrier is dispelled. Hurry up Sailor Jupiter!” then she began to glow.
Jupiter began to feel her body zooming through the chamber. “What's happening… Where are we GOI-I-I-ING!!”
When she came too, she was back in the main-chamber. Then she looked up at the green light above her, and saw it vanish.
“Jupiter!” Link called from the lower area. “Did you disarm the barrier?”
“Yeah… it's not that hard.”
Once she told Link how it worked, Link relayed a message to the others with Saira's song telling them about the power sources. The rest was up to them.
One barrier down… and five to go.
Mercury shivered and her teeth chattered a little as the whole barrier was completely frozen. (And it's supposed to be a water barrier? Ha!)
“W-w-wow… it sure is c-c-cold… in here.” she cried. She put on her bubble suit to warm up. “Ahh… that's much better.” Now she could continue her mission.
The door she had to go through was blocked not only by bars, bust with a big wall of red ice. Even if the door wasn't barred-up she couldn't reach it.
She scanned the ice with her VR-Visor, and her mini-com, and the red ice turned out to be a unordinary substance that could only be melted by one thing.
…Blue Fire.
Exactly like the burning flare behind her in the center of the room. “Hmm… Somehow, I've to get this fire over to the ice. But how?”
Suddenly, her Visor began beeping, warning her she was in danger. She turned round and saw two Freezards coming right at her. She dodged their icy-winds just in time.
“It's not nice to sneak up on someone who isn't looking.” she growled and she shined the bright lights from her head-bits right onto the monsters, and turned it up full-blast.
The brightness and heat from those lights caused the Freezards to melt away, which opened the bars on the door. “Well… that deals with that.”
She also determined how she could use the Blue fire. She emptied out one of the empty sacks on her belt, which contained rock samples from the Asteroid, and surprisingly she caught some of the fire in the sack.
“Perfect.” she cried.
Then she walked over to the Red Ice and emptied the sack causing the flames to grow and spread, reluctantly melting the ice and clearing Mercury's path.
“Hmm… I'd better grab another sack full, just in case.”
Then it was into the next chamber, where she was being timed 2 minutes to solve the puzzle inside, and the puzzle was to unlock the door to the power chamber, but with the aid of two shifting blocks that could only go in certain places.
Piece-of-cake for Sailor Mercury though. Her Visor and Computer showed her what to do, and she made it in less than 30 seconds.
The floor switch to unbar the door was up on a previously inaccessible ledge that required Mercury to use one of the blocks as a boosting ledge, and when she got up to the top, it was a good thing she packed more Blue Fire.
She melted the Red ice that covered the switch, and the stepped on it to open the door. “Right… I have to move fast.”
She headed through to the power chamber, and clicked off her bubble-suit. She picked up the harp and, according to Link's instructions, played the Serenade of Water.
The light had ceased, the sphere blew out, and there was the Spirit of Princess Ruto. “The Water Barrier is Dispelled. Hurry up!”
Mercury was warped back to the main-chamber, and the Blue Beam overhead went out like a candle.
Two Barriers down… Four to go.
Sailor Moon was really not pleased with what she saw. Even though this barrier consisted of only the one chamber she was in that lead to the power chamber, it still had it's challenges.
A whole wide spread of a bottomless pit, a few monsters, and very little ledges that she could see with her eyes alone. So she tapped on her Truth-Vision. “Just as I thought.”
There were invisible paths and shifting ledges everywhere. So she snapped on her Hover-Boots, and timed her runs and jumps carefully. Not to mention watch out for the monsters.
“That Ganondorf sure has a weird sense of homemaking.” she grunted.
She was able to make it two thirds of the way over before turning off her Truth-Vision, before it made her weary.
Now she had to think carefully while plotting her course. Link had told her that the Golden Gauntlets were somewhere inside the Shadow Barrier, but since there was no map or compass, she'd have to find them on her own.
She looked around a bit. “Hey… what's that?”
She saw a floor switch on a floating platform down off from the one she was standing on, she leapt off the corner and pressed down on the switch causing a giant chest to appear back on the upper ledge.
“Hey… I could be smarter than I seem.” she said. She got out her Hookshot and latched onto the chest, pulling herself back up, and she landed with a thud. “Oof! Then again, maybe not.”
Before she opened the chest, she had to do something about the bars on the door to the power chamber.
She saw the small platform where a floor switch was, but it was much too far to make with a simple hover run, but even though she had to give her Truth-Vision a rest, she did take the time to see an invisible path on the way over.
So instead, she grabbed a handful of gravel and tossed it all over, marking the path clearly so she was able to get to the switch and back with no problem at all.
Now she could open the chest and she got them… the Golden Gauntlets. Now Link and Mars would be able to do the other barriers, but first she needed to get back, “Hmm... better hold onto these for now.”
She used her Truth-Vision, now restored, to help her see the next invisible path that lead up to the power chamber door. “Okay, here goes.”
She climbed inside and found the harp. “Now let's see… how did that song go again?” Obviously, it took her some time… but after a little practice, and a bit of frustration she played the Nocturne of Shadow.
This dissolved the barrier and Imp's image appeared. “The Shadow Barrier has been dispelled. Please, save the Princess!”
Then Sailor Moon was also warped to the Main-Chamber, and the Purple beam was gone. That made Three barriers down, and only three more to go.
But this adventure was still far from over.
Link: “It's still taking me a bit to get back what I lost, but I still have to be brave for the girls, and of the challenges that lay ahead.”
Serena: “We all have to be brave, after all, we just walked into Ganondorf's Castle, into he lions den. Who knows what we could run into?”
Amy: “It's going to take all our courage, our hearts and strength to make it out alive. We can't let anything scare us along the way.”
Rei: “Ganondorf is just acting like a big bully,, who wants to scare or push people around for his own cruel pleasure.”
Lita: “When people like that do it to you, just try not to take any notice of them or the hogwash they throw at you, it might not even be real.”
Mina: “Remember, a nightmare is a nightmare, but that's all it is. Nothing of the sort can ever hurt you physically.”
(Song, performed by Ganondorf and his minions)
(Soft creepy rock music plays)
Welcome to my nightmare
I think you're gonna like it
I think you're gonna feel like you belong
A nocturnal vacation
Unnecessary sedation
You want to feel at home 'cause you belong
Welcome to my nightmare,
(Monsters begin rocking)
-Welcome to my breakdown
I hope I didn't scare you
That's just the way we are when we come down
We sweat and laugh and scream here
'cuz life is just a dream here
You know inside you feel right at home here
Welcome to my breakdown
You're welcome to my nightmare
(Music choir)
-Welcome to my nightmare
I think you're gonna like it
I think you're gonna feel that you belong
We sweat laugh and scream here
'cuz life is just a dream here
You know inside you feel right at home here
Welcome to my nightmare
Welcome to my breakdown
Welcome to my nightmare,