Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ The Search Begins ( Chapter 1 )

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The Search For Sailor Moon

Odessa, the Sailor Moon obsessed journalist whose cosplaying sometimes goes out of control.
Charl, her partner and camera toting friend who remains beside her despite Odessa's wild obsession.
So what happens when they are assigned to find out more about this mysterious Super Heroine?

Disclaimer: I Do not own Sailor Moon, and that is unfortunate. But what are you gonna do besides flood the mailboxes of those who do, asking for more?


"Okay Charl this is it!"
A short woman wearing round shades and blue jeans with a blue shirt and long straight black hair stopped in front of tokyo tower, looking at her portable camera toting short brown haired male companion.
"Tokyo Tower Odessa?"
The black haired woman nodded. "It's a good as place as any, and our sources do say that this spot was ground zero for a supernatural occurence, that is said to involve those Sailor Suited Soldiers."
Charl lowered his camera. "Alright, but what good does that do? That was years ago, you seriously don't think they would still be here."
"ah ha! but you fail to see the point of my reasoning."
"Thats usually a job for the psychiatrists.."
"If such a supernatural Sailor event had occured here it is possible there may be some evidence of their passing! We'll never know if we don't search the area."
"Sometimes I really question your sanity. This obsession is getting out of control."
Odessa looked at Charl, perplexed. "You really think so?"
"Well if those Sailor Moon slippers your wearing are no indication I'd bring your attention to the shirt, and the necklace, not to mention those crescent moon earings."
"It's part of the ensemble!"
"And the henshin stick in your hand?"
"...It..doubles as a pen. Now we're getting off the subject."
"I disagree.."
"Turn your camera on, we have a tower to investigate."
Charl nodded and held his camera up as they entered the tower.

************** 3 Months Ago ******************

"You wanted to see us boss?"
Odessa and her partner Charl stepped into the office of Lebon Goodrich, President of Epic Post Weekly.
Goodrich nodded. "Sit down."
As the two complied Goodrich set down an open file folder containing, newspaper clippings, photos and articles of one, Sailor Moon. "Meet Sailor Moon, actually you may already know her, she's been in countless papers, Magazines, Comics for quite some time."
Odessa nodded. "Oh of course! she's much talked about."
"Odessa never stops talking.." Charl Muttered.
Goodrich nodded. "Yes, we're all aware of the cosplay incidents. But that is why I called you."
Odessa blinked. "Don't tell me they're still upset about the Moon Tiara Action bit? I paid for the damages."
Goodrich shook his head. "No, thats well under control and we've long avoided the lawsuit, but that is not what I wanted to talk to you about."
Charl set down the sailor moon articles he was looking at and turned his attention to Goodrich. "Then what?"
Goodrich nodded. "Sure Sailor Moon is well known by all, expecially our very own Odessa King. But what do we really know about her? Is she a Superhero, a Goddess? Some crazed mini skirted lunatic? or something more. I want you two on the case, your to go to Tokyo and find out more about this Sailor Moon. Whats her private life like? who is she really? We'll run a special section in the Post, call it 'Search for Sailor Moon' and I need my most qualified reporters on the case."
Odessa stood and saluted. "We won't let you down sir!"
Charl just stood and nodded before they both stepped out of the office.

************* Present Time **********************

"I'm telling you Charl this is it!"
"Odessa, I reaallly don't think some potato chip you found lying on the ground is going to miraculosly lead us to Sailor Moon."
"Of course not but it *looks* like Sailor Moon."
Charl sighed lowering his camera. "with you *everything* looks like Sailor Moon, even that girl." He pointed to a girl with long golden hair in odongos, clinging to a tall black haired man. "Really, must I film this chip?"
"You never know if something will become important later, now put it in the evidence locker."
"You mean your handbag?"
Charl sighed and took the chip in his fingers and placed it into Odessa's handbag with the discarded Sailor Moon watch, three ufo dolls, a Sailor V videogame (she assumed there was a connection between them), the dust Odessa insisted was a former youma, and the address to one Osaka Naru.
This was deffinatly getting out of hand.

And the search begins! please read and review to tell me what you think!