Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Crown Fruit Parlor ( Chapter 2 )

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Second chapter is up! see! right now, here it is! see below.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, and this disclaimer is written admitence to the fact, hence I cannot be sued. woo me.


"Wow this is great?"
Charl took a sip of his soda. "What food and drink at a food parlor?"
"No, This area is ground zero for Sailor Moon incidents!"
"You mean your not the only one who cosplays and tries Sailor Soldier attack moves?"
Odessa shook her head. "No, Sailor Moon has been sighted the most in this area!"
"Oh, I do hope this has more of a lead then that Tokyo Tower fiasco."
"I said I was sorry!"
"You attacked an officer claiming he was a youma!"
"He looked suspicious."
Charl rolled his eyes. "riiight."
The silence continued a good five minutes when Charl spoke again. "Hey Odessa?"
Odessa looked up from her cherry slushie. "hmm?"
"I've always wondered, about your name."
"Oh! My mother was a serious fan of Gundam."
"Thats strange."
"Tell me about it, the rest of my family prefers Trigun."
Charl blinked as they stood up and began walking to the door. "Okay...But seriously Odessa, I don't think our current methods are working. I mean, it's not like a Sailor soldier is going to just miraculously fall on top of us.."
Through the doors rushed a girl with long blonde hair tied in a red bow as she plowed right into Charl. "ahhh!" He yelled in surprise.
Odessa looked at the disaster. "By the Ginzoushu Charl, you should really watch where your going."
Charl blinked. "But she..."
The girl rubbed her head and looked at Charl. "I am so sorry! I didn't see you!."
"Yah..I gather that.."
"If there is anything and I mean *anything* I can do ...well not anything I do have my limits and standerds, and of course saying anything is kinda....."
"Could you get off me?"
The blonde blinked in surprise. "Oh..oh of course!"
Immediatly she scrambled to her feet and attempted to help Charl up as well.
"Uh..thanks." Charl rubbed his head, running into random blonde girls with red bows in their hair really hurt.
The girl smiled. "My name is Aino Minako."
"You name is Aino?"
Odessa shook her head. "No Charl! her name is Minako, they say the last name first in Japan."
Charl blinked and shook her hand. "Uh name is Charl Thatcher."
Minako shook Charl's hand. "It's nice to meet you Thatcher-san."
"What? no! my name is Charl, it's Charl."
Minako blinked. "..oh...well nice to meet you Charl-san."
Odessa smilled. "and My name is King Odessa, but you can call me Odessa."
Minako bowed. "Nice to meet you, I'm so happy your not upset! I was in such a hurry, I'm supposed to meet some friends of mine here and well, I thought I was late but..haha my watch is wrong."
Odessa smiled, reaching into her handbag. "Oh of course! take this one."
She handed Minako the discarded Sailor Moon watch. "Here take this, I'm sure it works fine."
Minako blinked. "Really you mean it?"
"Oh ya! By all means!"
Minako smiled as she accepted the watch. Oh thank you Odessa-Sama this is a great help!"
Minako contentedly scrambled to a table, happy with her watch.
Charl looked at Odessa "What about the 'evidence'?"
Odessa smiled. "Oh it's quite alright I'm sure we'll find more."
"With your logic theres no doubt."
"What was that?"
"Oh, nothing."
Odessa nodded. "Alright, lets get back to the apartment, we have much research to discuss."
"Just remember it's your turn to take out the garbage."
"Fine, fine."