Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Gold Mine! ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]
"How's that diagnosis coming Charl?"
Charl pressed the buttons rapidly on his control stick, The evil pixeled fiends breaking apart on the screen as he continuously pressed the B button."'s coming along but.."
Odessa looked up. "hmm?"
"Well is this really necessary?"
"Trust me Charl If I had time to help you I would, but I'm doing some very important work now."
Odessa adjusted her microscope as she peered through the eyepiece. Charl pressed the the pause button on the Sailor V game and looked over at his partner. "I..really don't think your going to find anything."
Odessa magnified the microscope again, zooming in on the ashes. "No, I think I'm onto something!"
"Are you actually serious?"
"Moon Dust!"
"What?! Let me see that!"
Shoving Odessa aside Charl grabbed the microscope, peering through. "Something looks like gold but.."
Odessa snatched the microscope. "It's moondust, residue from Sailor Moon's Tiara after she eliminated the youma!"
"That ridiculous! It's probably just gold!"
"Gold? in the middle of Tokyo tower?"
"Yah! the.."
Odessa shook her finger. "The sceptics always try to reason the impossible."
Charl grumbled "yah well, we better just make sure."
"Alright! I'll run a spectrographic and chemical analysis!."
Charl rolled his eyes. "Yah Odessa, we'll just call up the nearest lab and tell them to analyze some dust particles. Oh! and while we're at it we can ask them to..have your head examined."
Odessa grinned going over to her suitcase. "Oh you can if you want but I think this will be much easier."
"What? what will be..eas..i...e...." Charl gaped as Odessa opened her suitcase to reveal a portable lab kit.
Regaining some of his speech Charl made an attempt to question this new development. "Where did you get that?"
Odessa calmly began setting up the contents. "Mr. Goodrich gave it to me."
"What? your telling me Lebon Goodrich, Chief Editor and president of Epic Post Weekly, Our boss, eagerly forked over, what...$25000 dollars at your personal request?"
Odessa nodded. "I convinced him the outcome would be far worth it."
"And I promised to stop calling him Tuxedo Kamen."
"Why would you call Mr. Goodrich..nevermind, I don't even want to know."
He slowly aproached the table looking at the beakers spectrometer and random scientific objects. "So how does this work exactly?"
"Well, we put the blue thing in this red doohikee here and run the black whatchamacallit into the green whatzit."
Charl blinked. "Wow, with your incredible knowledge of science we won't need to worry about finding Sailor Moon."
"..whys that?"
"She'll come to us, after she hears the big explosion."
Odessa blinked. "What do you mean?"
"..better let me do it. Where are the instructions?"
"Right here." Odessa dutifully handed the lab kit instructions to her partner.
"there are doodles all over this of...Sailor Moon."
"Oh yah, I got a little bored."
"hm. Looks like one of your articles. Okay the red beaker connected to the black conglamerator...."

**Several Hours Later*****

" we're done. Now hand me the dust."
Odessa dropped the dust into Charl's waiting hand.
"Ew, Haven't you heard of plastic baggies?"
"I used them all to cover the UFO dolls."
"What for?"
"I put them in my handbag with the dust and I didn't want them getting dirty."
"Wouldn't it make more sense just to put the dust in the plastic bag?"
"Oh yah..."
Charl shook his head and droped a few contents of the dust into the beaker and wiped the rest off on his leg.
"Relax I havn't analized it yet."
Carefully Charl poured the blue contants from one beaker onto the dust then began to mix it with contents of another.
Odessa adjusted her sunglasses. "Well..what?"
"It's not gold."
"Haha!" Odessa raised her arm in victory. "At last you admit! It IS moondust! the sceptic to believer!"
"I knew you'd come around! I was very patient! and it! Paid! Off!!"
Odessa stopped, looking at her partner. "Yes?"
Charl cleared his throat. "While you were..celebrating. I also ran a spectrographic analysis."
Charl plopped the remenants of the dust into Odessa's hand. "Congratulations, you found glitter."
Odessa froze, speechless..almost. "What?!"
"Don't worry, I'm sure you can use it to decorate our next report."
Odessa nodded solemly. "This proves it."
"Yes I know, there is no trace of Sailor Moon at Tokyo Tower."
"No. thats not whay I meant"
"Sailor Moon was too smart to leave any trace of herself behind!"
"and what about the glitter?"
Odessa nodded "Glitter Youma."
Charl blinked. "Glitter Youma?!"
"We must keep what is left of this youma under close surveilance!"
"Oh whose the sceptic?"