Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Take to the Streets! ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Charl blinked sleeply, looking out the window at the stars. His rotten luck that he should draw the short straw and end up having to guard glitter and ashes for half the night. Perfect, just perfect how did he ever get stuck with this Otaku anyway?
It had to be bad karma, that was the only explination. Charl sighed, glancing over at Odessa who was sprawled out at all corners of the bed and drowning in Sailor Moon merchandise. And the Lab kit, that was the real icing on the cake, of course Goodrich would be the one to bribe Odessa into giving him one moment of peace. Oh and firing her, that was just out of the question, Odessa was just too damn good, not to mention the fact that she could wail and whine with the best of them.
Oh yah, just look at all that Sailor Moon, there were dozens, they were all there too. Mars, Venus, Jupitar, Mercury, and always, always Sailor Moon cluttering the room, staring at him with their henshin yo, ready to scream moon princess Halations at even one false move that he made. There was no escape, they were out there too, staring at him from beneath the blanket of stars. Oh yes, they were on the attack, marching down the streets, burning like flames into the night. No place was safe, they were everywhere, surrounding. Sailor Moon Sailor Moon Odessa Day, Sailor Moon. King Odessa of Sailor Moon, ruling over her Sailor Minions and Charl was weak against them, Charl was..Charl..
"Charl wake up!"
Charl jumped in fright. "Get away! get away! please don't dust me!!!!"
Odessa blinked. " have strange dreams"
"Sailor Moon is everywhere."
"Yah, isn't it great?"
Charl sighed, rubbing his hand down his face. "I had a terrible nightmare."
"really?" Odessa shrugged. "Well lets go find more evidence."
"Wait! Didn't you hear what I said?"
"Oh yah...that was pretty traumatic wasn't it? Come on, if we don't hurry all the good evidence will be gone!"
Odessa grabbed Charl's arm and began to pull him out the door.
"Now wait just a minute here!"
Charl snatched his arm back. "You know we're not going to find Sailor Moon just by digging for and analyzing evidence."
"Well, what do you suggest?"
*******Later that day**************

The man blinked slowly. "well let me think...Oh yah I know Sailor Moon. Sailors use it to find their way home right?"
Charl lowered his camera. "Actually I think thats the North Star"
Odessa shook her head sadly.
The man nodded. "Well I suppose Cyan might know more about this Sailor Moon. She seems to know pretty much everything thats goes on around this district."

Cyan smiled. "Of course, in fact, Sailor Moon showed up just last night, right outside Full Moon Hotel."
Odessa gasped. "Thats where we're staying! Charl why couldn't you stay awake long enough?"
"I wasn't aware I was going to guard dust all night."
"Oh don't worry I'm sure she'll show up again soon, you know there are also reports of Youma in the area."
Odessa nodded. "Great, what else can you tell us?"
"Well...Some people say she's really an alien, but who can believe that theres any truth to that rumor?"

"Yes!" The child shouted gleefully. "Sailor Moon is a superhero! A Cyborg robot!"
"I Like Sailor Venus!" Cried his younger companion.

"Any truth to this cyborg rumor sir?"
The man shook his head. "Heck no! It's really a conspiracy by the government to promote favor in mini skirts and te space program!"
Odessa blinked. "Okaaaay. Well, you have a nice day sir."
"Will do!"

Naru scratched her head. " did you get this address?"
Odessa grinned. "Villains Anonymous Directory."
"No, we hired a private investigator to stalk you."
Naru blinked "...oh, and you want to talk to me about.."
"Sailor Moon. You and she are close right?"
"No, not really."
"But your always a prime youma victim!"
"Really? who told you that?"
"Hot tip!"
"From a youma?"
"Some guy with a Deep Throat."

Charl sighed, lowering his camera. "I think that might have been one of the worst."
"No, the worst was the theory of Sailor Moon being a childish crybaby."
"Oh yah..."
Odessa sighed. "I don't think this is working, we've interviewed hundreds and are still no closer to finding Sailor Moon then we were 3 months ago."
"Well we just have to keep at it, It's not like she runs around wearing a t-shirt that says 'I Am Sailor Moon'"
"Yes, I suppose your!"
"Quick turn your camera on."
Charl sighed and pressed the button as Odessa apporached a young blonde girl wearing two odongo pigtails. "Excuse me miss?"
The girl turned around. "Yes?"
"Oh what a lovely shirt your wearing! Charl get a picture of this! Whats your name miss?"
"Usagi mam."
Charl rolled his eyes. "Yesh it's just a Sailor Moon shirt, you see them everywhere, you have every single one known to man, your their favorite customer."
Usagi blinked. "Can I go now?"
Odessa turned back to Usagi. "Actually we were hoping to interview you."
"Interview me?"
"Yes..well lets start with what your shirt says."
" says 'I am Sailor Moon' I mean! not that I really am Sailor Moon! haha! Thats just silly I mean, I love sailor moon she is just cool and I had to wear the shirt!"
Odessa nodded "Of course, do you think she is a talanted fighter?"
"Oh always! She is the most skilled!"
"Wow! You've seen her fight?!"
"Uh..No! No! I...saw it on T.V.! Yes, such talant."
"What do you say to the rumors the Sailor Moon is a Sailor Cyborg?."
"WHAT?! who said that?! I mean...I doubt that could even be possible!"
"So you believe she is human and not an alien in disguise."
Usagi rubbed the back of her head. " mean yes! What else could she be but human?"
"How do you explain the attack moves of her and the other soldiers?"
"I well...I....don't?"
"Thank you for your interview miss Usagi!"
Usagi nodded and ran.
Odessa turned to Charl. "I think we've had a major breakthrough in the case."
Charl sighed as they began to walk away. "You'll trust anyone doning Sailor Moon merchandise."
"Hey you have to admit she gave us more information then the rest of the interviews. Oh look, a Sailor Moon street play."
Charl glanced over at the youma, roaring at Sailor Mars. "It looks very realistic."
"Yah! lets go watch."
Charl shook his head. "We don't have time, Come on."
"Aw no fair."

Charl rubbed his eyes as he played through the video. "Some of this information we can use, but over 2/3rds is just rumor and heresay."
"You know the best rumor has some truth to it."
"yah, right..hey heres a good one."
Charl rewound the tape back to a book toting blue haired girl, spouting off theories and scientific equations centered around the subject.
"What good is that."
"Well some scientific background might help."
"If we can understand her."
"I don't know, she makes some sense."
"I can't understand a word she's saying."
"..whose fault is that.."
Odessa nodded. "Well we'll just cut out the useless footage and make a tape."