Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Interview with a Youma ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: Oh and about Sailor Moon...I don't own her. stupid legal mumbo jumbo....

Quote of the Day: "Why take life seriously..?
It isn't Permanent"

"Hurr y Charl! theres no time to lose!"
The call had come in just this morning from Cyan. Report of a Youma attacking right in this area! Fortune had smiled upon them, this was their big break for an exclusive!


"Come on Sailor Soldiars! what are you waiting for? My nasty poisonous talons?"
To make her point the youma unleashed her talons like darts, heading straight for Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon jumped to the side as the talons flew into the wall of the building.
"I'm detecting a weak point!" Cried Sailor Mercury. "Mars use your sniper!"
The Youma laughed maniacly. "Fools! You cannot possibly defeat me! I am...."
"Excuse me."
The youma looked down slowly coming face to face with a young woman with straight black hair, wearing round sunglasses and holding a pen and notepad, her companion, a young man holding a video camera right beside her.
Odessa continued. "Are you of a particular class of youma and why are you attacking this particular area? Is there a special crystal in the area? Or perhaps ypou are in search of dream mirrors? Please be open and honest, for the sake of our research."
Jupitar blinked. "Exactly what is going on here? Am I the only one that sees someone interviewing..a youma?"
Venus shook her head. "No...your not seeing things..."
Sailor Moon took a step forward. "Excuse me..miss."
Odessa waved her hand. "Just one moment little girl, we have to interview this youma before Sailor Moon gets here!."
"But I am Sailor Moon."
"Yes, it's all a dream of people like us."
Charl lowered his camera. "Actually Odessa I think she.."
"Keep filming Charl, we're under a strict time limit."
Charl sighed and raises his camera again to film the youma.
"Now." Continued Odessa. "What sort of Youma are you?"
"Well if you must know I'm a standard class Youma of the warrior poison type, my talons are lethal, as well as my tempor."
"Not to mention breath." Mumbled Odessa.
"What was that?"
"Oh! I said I forgot to mention depth, how deep are you in the villain organization?"
"I'm evil to the core of course, I'd say thats pretty deep."
Odessa nodded. "Oh I see, and what can you tell me about your superior?"
"Well currently she is incredibly pleased with my work, you know she's quite an evil force to be reckoned with."
"Alright and what can you tell us about Sailor Moon?"
"Sailor Moon?"
"Yes, Champion of Love and Justice. Hero to all!"
"I thought this interview was about me."
"Oh no. We're doing a series of articles in the Epic Post Weekly, fully devoted to Sailor Moon!"
Rage filled in the Youma's eyes. "What?!"
"Yah she's really great isn't she?"
Charl lowered his camera. "I think we should go now Odessa."
Odessa nodded. "Alright, have fun mister Youma."
The Youma fumed as they began to walk away. "Insolent fools! You know I have feelings too! and they're not about to be hurt by some stupid black haired Bimbo!!!"
Odessa turned around, her sunglasses catching the light. "Bimbo?"
Charl sighed, turning around. "Now you've done it."
Sailor Mars blinked. "Should we be worried?"
Odessa moved her hand to her sunglasses. "Call me obsessed, Call me strange...."
"You've really made her angry this time."
"...but no one EVER calls me bimbo!" The light caught her sunglasses again as she tossed them off.
Her green eyes sparked with fury and she dropped her pencil and notebook, taking a fighting stance. "In the name of the moon..I'll punish you!"
Sailor Moon gaped "Hey isn't that my line?"
Venus nodded.
The Youma looked at Odessa. "What is this?"
"This is what happens when she gets angry." Charl explained.
"Hiiiyaaa! Sailor V kick!"
Odessa leapt into the air, using a karate chop kick at the Youma's head. She landed and made a sweeping motion at his legs, tripping him to the ground.
"Shine Aqua Illusion!"
Odessa grabbed a soda from earlier, splashing it into the youma's eyes.
"Followed by Super Odessa King Sailor Smash!"
Her hand karate chopped into the youma's stomach.
The Youma gasped and groaned while Odessa dusted off her hands. "No one ever calls me bimbo."
Calmly she picked up her sunglasses, wiping them off before placing them back on. "Come Charl! Our search continues."
As the two walked away the Sailor Soldiers stood agape in shock.
Mercury blinked several times. "I...guess it's your turn..Sailor Moon..."
Jupitar stared at the Youma. "Really..what just happened here?"