Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ The Mysterious informant. ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Dislclaimer: Yea, uhm..I don't own sailor moon, it's not mine.

Quote of the Day: "We waste time,
So you don't have to."

"Charl why are you keeping such a distance?"
"Well...I thought I'd hang back and catch the scenery."
"Oh" Odessa jumped back to stand near charl.
"Yaaahgg!" Charl jumped, nearly dropping his camera.
"By the Ginzoushu Charl, you really are jumpy. Don't worry I'm sure Sailor Moon has defeated the youma by now."
"It's not really the youma I'm worried about."
"Oh? what then?"
"Your a very strange partner."
Odessa flipped through the notebook, peearing at the scribbles of shorthand on paper. Charl peered at the pad. "Can you actually read that?"
"Of course, it is my handwriting."
"I don't think you'll ever have to worry about someone reading your diary then."
" little brother said the same thing.."
"Your little brother?"
"Yah, he's a devoted Chacha fan."
"Okay, but I think that interview was nearly pointless."
Odessa stopped, looking perplexed. "Why ever would you say that?"
"It made absolutly no sense, I think we would have done better to interview Sailor Moon and the others there."
"Oh Charl, that wasn't Sailor Moon!"
"Really now?"
"Ya, it was just another Anime obsessed girl and her friends doning cosplay. Probably that Usagi girl from earlier."
"Odessa..I really think that was Sailor Moon."
"And that is why I am the journalist and your the photographer."
"......right. Well what now sherlock?"
"Oh call me Mercury."
Charl rolled his eyes. "You know this is really getting out of hand, not only are have we not managed to find Sailor Moon, but we are wasting valuable resources at the same time. I think we need to take more drastic measures because I just don't think....Odessa?"
Charl looked over at his companion, she hadn't been paying attention, only checking her beeper for a message.
"Hey Charl, we need to get to a phone."
"Well theres one over there."
He pointed to a payphone nearby. Odessa just shook her head. "Uh uh, that won't do."
"Why not? no change?"
"I just feel A Sailor Moon phone shall be more appropriate."
"Oh brother, it's a phone for crying out loud!"
Odessa shook her head. "You take things way too seriously Charl."
Without another word she began walking towards the hotel room, and Charl had no choice but to follow the insane Otaku.

The crackly deep voice came over the earphone which was Sailor Moon's mouth. "You are alone.." The voice rasped.
"Of course not!" Odessa eagerly answered. "Charl is right next to me."
There was a long pause before the voice finally replied. "..oh. You say you want to know about Sailor Moon?"
Odessa nodded eagerly. "Oh yes of course!"
"You are closer to her then you think."
"You mean Charl is Sailor Moon?!"
Charl jumped back. "No Way! I'm a guy remember!"
The voice replied in agreement. "True, but there have been guy soldiars that turn girl."
"Charl why didn't you ever tell me you were Sailor Moon?!"
"I am NOT Sailor Moon!"
"Are you Sailor Venus?"
"No! I'm not any kind of Sailor!"
"Are you a Youma?" Questioned the deep throated voice.
Odessa nodded. "Charl could never be a Youma, he's probably just another Naru."
Charl folded his arms. "Can we get back on the subject of Sailor Moon?"
"Yes, right." Answered the voice, continueing. "You are closer to Sailor Moon then you think."
"Oh!" Odessa squeeled. "I knew it! it's Mr. Goodrich! He sent us on a Sailor Moon search to throw us off!"
"It's not Mr. Goodrich!" Bellowed the voice.
"Meet me below in the parking lot, I'll explain more there."
The phone clicked and their mysterious informant was gone.

"I can't believe you thought I was Sailor Moon."
"Hey, you never can tell."
"Right...pretty soon you'll start thinking I'm Tuxedo Kamen."
"Are you?"
"Okay, just asking."
Odessa walked over to the chair and picked up her handbag and notepad, tossing the camera to Charl.
"Hey be careful with that! It was very expensive."
"Wow, really?"
"Come on lets go."
Odessa began walking briskly to the door and Charl scrambled to follow. "Didn't you hear what I just said?"
"Something about expansive cameras."

The parking lot below Full Moon was disturbingly vacant, dark shadows cast against the walls of the parking space made it the prime location for mysterious figures.
"I thought he said he'd be here Odessa."
"Oh he will, If I know my mysterious informants."
"And you don't"
They were interupted by the echo of footsteps and a dark shadow in a trenchcoat cast his shadow onto the wall.
There was no doubt who this shadow belonged to, but just to be sure, Odessa popped the question. "Deep Throat?"
The unmistakable deep voice replied. "Yes, but call me Eclipse."
"The gum?"
"No! The natural phenomenom."
"Why would you want to be named after a phenomenon?"
"Just, play along."
"But I want to know!"
"Deep Throat is fine!"
Odessa took a step back. "Yeesh, Touchy."
Finishing the check up on his camera Charl decided it was time to intervene. "You have information about Sailor Moon?"
The shadow Deep Throat nodded. "I know more about Sailor Moon then most experts would know in a lifetime."
Odessa opened up her notepad. "That close?"
"...You could say that."
"Any advice?"
"All I can tell you now, is follow the Odongos."
"Why would we want to follow dumplings?"
But the shadow had already disapeared.
Charl lowered his camera. "What do we do now Odessa?"
"We follow the odongos."
"Has it ever occured to you that this Eclipse/Deep throat might just be insane?"
Charl sighed.