Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Follow the Odongos! ( Chapter 7 )

[ A - All Readers ]
You know those sections in stories where there's this completely pointless and downright insane chapter that an author writes to serve no purpose? This is one of those chapters.

Disclaimer: Alright! I admit it! Sailor Moon isn't mine!!!!!!!

Quote of the day: "Of all the things I've lost,
I miss my mind the most."
"Odongo soup please."
"Odessa I'm not really sure this is helping.....I'll have the fried Odongos."
They both picked up ther orders and sat down at a table. Their informant had in fact told them to follow the odongos, Odongo Cafe seemed like the only logical place to start.
"Where else can we follow so many odongos Charl?"
"Thats what I mean, this is getting us no where. What do odongos have to do with Sailor Moon?"
"Beats me, but I do know meatballs have an important part."
"Yep, Sailor Moon always wears meatball shaped pigtails."
"...What does that have to do with anything?"
Odessa paused from eating her soup to think.
"I'm waiting."
Odessa smiled, rubbing the back of her head. "I don't really know."
Charl coughed, nearly choking on his fried odongo.


Od essa flipped through the pages of her notebook, checking off another location. "Okay, we've visited Odongo Cafe, Supreme Odongo Surprise, The International Odongo Museum...."
"And we are still no closer to Sailor Moon."
The girl with long blonde hair tied back by a red bow ran up to them waving, dragging her tall friend with bron hair pulled back in a ponytail. "Konichiwa Odessa-sama!"
Odessa smiled. "Minako-kun!"
Minako smiled. "Hi Charl-San, sorry for running into you."
Charl nodded "I'm over it."
"Oh, this is my friend Mako-chan."
Makoto bowed politely. "Konichiwa."
Charl offered his hand to Makoto. "So your Makochan?"
Odessa shook her head. "No she's Mako, chan is another suffix"
Makoto shook her head. "Actually my name is Makoto."Odessa blinked. "Oh...wel pleased to meet you! and what an adorable kitty!"
"He's name is Artemis, he's not to bright."
Charl peered at the white cat and could have sworn he saw the animal scowl.
"Why so many Odongos?"
Makoto indicated the large bag of dumplings Odessa was carrying.
Charl groaned. "Please don't remind me, I'll be sick for a month."
Odessa smiled holding up the bag. "We're on a search for Sailor Moon."
Minako blinked. "With odongos?"
"Someone told us we should follow the Odongos."
Charl sighed. "So we've been to every single cursed odongo place know to Tokyo."
Makoto blinked. "oh, well we have to go."
Minako waved. "Bye Odessa-sama!"
"Where are you going?" Asked Charl.
"Meeting some friends." Replied Makoto, before Minako pulled her away.

"Wow, small Tokyo."
"Isn't it Charl? Come on, we have more odongos to follow!"
Odessa just grabbed him by the arm and pulled him down the street.


B y noon two very full, very sick journalists walked out of Odongo Juice Bar and plopped down on the bench.
Charl groaned. "Can we stop following Odongos now?"
"I don't want to see another Odongo as long as I live..unless it's related to Sailor Moon."
Charl sighed. "You never change."
Odessa's handbag began to shake and ring.
"Odessa, your handbag is ringing."
"Oh!" She reached in, pulling out a Sailor Moon Cellular phone. "I was worried Deep Throat would call while we were out, so I bought a cell phone."
"How would he know the number?"
"Easy, I posted it on the bulliton board at the hotel."
"So really, that could be anyone."
"Don't be silly, I left the message specifically for deep throat."
On the bulleton board of the hotel a note sits there. 'Deep Throat, call us by our new cellular phone. 565-9999. Odessa & Charl.'
Charl sighed. "Alright, answer it."
Odessa nodded and pressed the button. "Odessa here."
The deep throated voice came out shouting. "Baka, I said follow the Odongos!"
Odessa blinked and held the phone further away. "And we did, we went to Odongo Palace, Odongo Cafe, Odongo Museum...."
"Oh for cryin....Odongo is a girl!"
Odessa gasped. "Sailor Moon is an Odongo?!"
Charl sighed, shaking his head.
Odessa yelped. "Oh by the Ginzoushu! I Could Have Eaten Sailor Moon!!!!!!!!!"
Clear exhasperation echoed in Deep Throat's deep voice. "Baka, Sailor Moon is not an Odongo."
"But you just said..."
"Do I have to spell it out for you?! Follow the ODONGO ATAMA GIRL!!"
The phone went dead and Odessa blinked several times before returning the phone to her handbag. "He seems...cranky."
Charl rolled his eyes. "Gee, I wonder why."
"Well...I guess we have to find some girl with Odongo Atamas."
"Just so long as we don't have to actually eat them."