Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Odongo Atama means...yellow dumplings? ( Chapter 8 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: Aww do I have to?..Okay! Fine...I do not own sailor all.


"Odessa what exactly does Atama mean?"

Odessa paused, setting down her coffee to ponder. "I..know I heard that before. Actually I think it means yellow."

"So we're supposed to look for a girl with yellow dumplings?"
Odessa nodded.

"That sounds kind of unusual.."


"Are you absolutely sure you heard right?"

Odessa shook her head. "No, not completely."

Charl sighed, putting his head in his hand. "Yellow dumplings. Do you know how hard thats going to be? not to mention impossible."

"No, it'll be easy."

"How Odessa?"

Odessa smiled holding up a flyer, Charl peered closer to read it. "Wanted, Girl with Odongo Atama for suspicion in being Sailor Moon. Please contact Odessa and Charl at Full Moon Hotel. Odessa are you nuts?"

"All we have to do is post these flyers all over the district and before we know it..we'll be swimming in Sailor Moon!"

"We already are swimming in Sailor Moon when we made that stop at the anime store."

"The real one."

"Oh. Well how can you be so sure that this plan will work?"

"It can't fail! I prayed to the Ginzoushu last night."

"Oh brother..."

"I didn't know you had a brother Charl."

"I don't."

"Then why do you keep calling him?"
Charl groaned for probably the 8th time that day.

**********Meanwhile, at Juuban High School****************

"Usagi-chan did you see these?"

Minako held up one of the dreaded flyers posted all over the district.
Usagi groaned. "Those reporters again. It never ends! they're relentless."

Makoto looked at the flyer. "True, but they seem to have no idea what they're doing. Me and Minako-chan ran into them the other day carrying sacks of dumplings."

Minako smiled snatching back the flyer. "I thought Odessa-Sama was very nice!"

Makoto looked at her friend. "Well they do say birds of a feather..."

Ami interupted, walking alongside Usagi. "They are searching for an odongo atama girl Usagi-chan. Maybe you should get rid of your odongos for awile."

Usagi shrieked, instinctively covering her precious hair with her hands. "No Ami-chan, my odongos are my identity!"

***********Meanwhile, back at the hotel...************

Charl rubbed his eyes as he went through yet another grueling report of Odongo Atama. "This is getting us no where."

Odessa threw down the sheets and leaned back while Charl scrambled to gather them back up. "Tell me about it, everyone seems to think we're looking for someone with a dumpling head, not yellow dumplings."

Charl stood up, setting the pile neatly down on the table. "Odessa do you think Atama might actually mean head?"

"No..I'm possitive it means yellow."

"Just yesterday you said you weren't sure!"

"Even the great Odessa can have her moments of weakness."

Charl looked at Odessa incredulously. "Great?"

Odessa sighed. "Well it looks like I'll have no choice but to speak to Deep Throat again."

"Odessa? We don't even know who he is, how can we possibly contact him?"

"Oh, I have caller ID." Odessa calmly picked up her Cell Phone while Charl just stared.

"What? Odessa why didn't we just do that before?"

"Because he's mean, he yelled at me."

"If you call him he'll probably just hang up anyway."

Odessa pondered that for a moment. "Your right...better just go over there."

Charl fell over as Odessa looked at the screen on her cell phone. "Tsukino residence." Calmly she picked up her bag then glanced at the collapsed Charl. "Come on Charl."