Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Tsukino Residence, A spy at Usagis? ( Chapter 9 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: When I was 6, I did not own Sailor Moon. when I was 8, I did not own Sailor Moon. When I turned 13, I still did not own Sailor Moon. When I am 26, I will not own Sailor Moon. Are you beginning to see a pattern here?


Odessa knocked on the door severel times. "Hello, Tsukino?"

"Odessa I don't think anyone is going to answer the.."

"Quiet, someone's coming."

A bleary eyed woman in a blue robe with tangled navy hair answered the door. "..h..hello?"

Odessa smiled cheerfully. "Hi! I'm Odessa and this is my partner Charl. We're reporters from Epic Post Weekly. Can we come in?"

The lady yawned. "It's 4 in the morning."

"Never hurts to get an early start."

"Then how come you always hit me with a moon scepter every time I try to wake you up early?" Replied Charl.

"Thats different. Now step lively Charl! We must look for deep throat!."

The lady blinked sleeply. "Deep Throat?"

The residents living at Tsukino house were awakened through the halls from their beds. There were four people in all, five counting the cat. Odessa first approached the man. "Are you Deep Throat?"

"Get out of my house! We're trying to sleep!"

Odessa nodded to Charl. "He certainly seems to be as irritable as him."

"No offense Odessa but you usually have that affect on people when you wake them at 4 am."

"Well he could still be Deep Throat, we can't rule that out."

The man groaned. "Will you just please go away?"

"So you've never heard of a deepThroat?"

The lady shook her head, staring into her cup of coffee. "Why won't you people let us sleep?"

"Oh, we're on a search for the truth."

"You can't handle the truth."

"So you DO know about Deep Thraot!"

"No, I was refering to the fact you just won't leave when we've admitted that we know nothing."

"Oh thats not true."

"Is it?" She indicated the suitcase and various Sailor Moon memoribilia set aside in the hall.

Odessa sighed as she made her way upstairs, Charl close behind. "I don't understand, I thought Coffee was supposed to wake people up."

"I think that it smelled more like warm milk to me."

"Really? Warm milk makes people go to sleep?"



"You mean you didn't know that?"

Odessa shook her head. "No."

She crept down the hall and quietly opened the door. "This has to be Deep throat."

"What? let me take a look."

Charl peered in at a little boy rolled on his side, still asleep. "Odessa thats just a kid."

"Look! I found another one!"

Charl winced. "Odessa keep it down."

They both looked in, approaching a young blonde girl sprawled across all sides of the bed and sleeping. "Hey it's Usagi!"

"Wow what are the odds?"

"Aw look, doesn't she look so peaceful sleeping like that? Get a picture of this Charl."

"Odessa I really don't think..."

"Hurry up."

Charl sighed, raising his camera and filming the sleeping Usagi. "Is that...drool?"

Usagi groaned, slowly opening her eyes and staring sleeply into the camera lens. She blinked then moved her gaze to the grinning Odessa.


Odessa smiled. "Hi Usagi!"

"What are you doing here?!"

Charl lowered his camera. "Actually we're looking for deep throat."

"Deep Throat?"

Odessa nodded. "Ya, we traced the call to this location."

"My house? Who let you in."

"Well...I think it was your mother."

" haven't found Sailor Moon yet?"

Odessa laughed. "No, if we had why would we need to look for Deep Throat."

"Oh. Get out of my house."


"Four people in the entire house and not one of them was deep throat."

Odessa sighed and nodded. "Yah, you know he probably just scrambled the wires and made it look like it came from Tsukino Residence."

"For once I'm inclined to agree with you."