Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ The Time Zone ( Chapter 10 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is..not mine.


The sky clouded over and lighting flashed as mist swirled around the area of Juuban park. Just as quickly as it had begun, the sky cleared and the mysterious storm was silenced.

In the same instant Sailor Pluto turned her head around as lights flashed and dropped two people into her domain. One was a short lady with straight black har wearing sunglasses and a sailor moon t-shirt. The other was a taller male with short brown hair and eyes, wearing a blue jacket and holding a camera.

The lady held up the small silver key with tiumph. "Wow! it worked."

"Your surprised? Odessa you specifically said that it couldn't fail, that it was sure to work."

Odessa nodded. "That or blow us up into oblivion."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't want to trouble you with minor details."


"Excuse me."

They both turned their heads to the tall woman with green hair and the huge staff that resembled a key.

"May I help you?"

Odessa grinned and stood up, immediatly hurrying over to shake the woman's hand. "Sailor Pluto! Oh it is such an honor. Wow and you are everything I pictured! My name is Odessa King and that is my partner Charl Thatcher. We're from Epic Post Weekly doing a special section devoted to Sailor Moon."

"How did you get here?"

Odessa held up the silver key. "Time Key. I found it in a cracker jack box."

"Do you know with a wave of my staff I could have you hurtling through time for all eternity?"

"Ya..what an honor."

Charl sighed. "You'll have to excuse my partner miss Pluto. She tends to be too ecentric for most people to tolerate."

"Get out of my dimension."

Odessa took out her notebook. "Actually we were wondering if you could volunteer any information about Sailor Moon."

"Get out or I'll kick you out."

"Oh it's only a few questions we'll be out of here in..."

"Dead Scream!"

"Yaaaaaghh!" charl screamed, ducking behind Odessa's handbag.

Odessa paused for a moment and adjusted her sunglasses. "Well thats not very nice."

"Alright that is it."

Pluto twirled her time staff and opened a portal behind them. "Leave."

Charl breathed a sigh of relief, standing to walk towards the portal. "Come on Odessa."

"You know she's a lot meaner then I pictured."

"Do you want to get attacked again."

"Fine. What are we having for lunch?"

"Your paying this time."

"Alright. Can we get something near an anime store?"



Sailor Pluto sighed and closed the portal. Mortals were getting stranger by the decade.