Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Charl the Daemon ( Chapter 11 )

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Disclaimer: I...Don't own Sailor Moon. And as you can imagine this is very difficult for me to say.


"Eeek! Help me! Heeeelp Meeeeeee!"

"Ha ha I will have your pure heart. give me give me."

Odessa folded her arms at the youma in front of her. "Well at least put a little emotion in it." She tossed him the plastic pink crystal.

"Oh come on Odessa, they'll never belie..."

He looked down at his hand, where the plastic heart crystal was missing, and then up at Uranus and Neptune, who held said crystal.

"What?" Uranus tapped the crystal. "It's plastic."

Neptune peered at the crystal. "A new trick by the daimons?"

Uranus shrugged. "You want to take care of the daimon this time?"

Neptune grinned and turned towards Charl, cracking her knuckles. "Deep...."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" The Daemon scrambled to run.

Uranus looked at Odessa and turned the plastic crystal in her hand. "Do you uh...want your heart crystal back?"

"Oh no, it's not mine."



Odessa smiled at the Daemon and waved briefly. "Wow I had no idea he could move like that."


"Oh! We bought it on sale at the thrift shop."


"Yes, me and Charl. We couldn' think of any other way to get your attention so I had Charl dress in a daemon costume and attack me!"

Charl threw his mask back at Neptune as he ran. "I'm not a daemon! Help!!!"

Uranus nodded glancing over at Charl and neptune. "You know he does run pretty fast."

"Doesn't he?" Odessa flipped open her notepad. "Now, how long have you known Sailor Moon?"


"We're doing an exclusive article on Sailor Moon. Do you know her usual haunts?"

Uranus folded her arms. "I don't talk to reporters."

"Oh good! I'm a Journalist."

"Or Journalists."




"Sailor Moon experts?"

Uranus shook her head.

Charl screamed. "Help Me! she's trying to kill me!!!"

Odessa rubbed the back of her head. "Oh well...sorry about the fake daemon?"

Uranus nodded and drew her sword. "Space sword...."

"Eeep!" Odessa jumped to her feet and grabbed Charl's arm, running away.

Neptune walked up to Uranus as she watched them go. "Should we chase after that Daemon?"

Uranus shook her head. "No, it's not real."

Neptune nodded. "You know..they're both very fast."


"Probably could beat you."

Uranus looked at Neptune. "No."