Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ Final Cut ( Chapter 14 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Little FYI here before we get started. Zoicite is a guy. When they dubbed the episodes in english, he was made a she. But he does look like a girl doesn't he? <cough>. Anyway I only explain this because it is part of the plot in this chapter.

Well this is the last chapter so I guess if you would like to review after reading, you shall be directed to the link below. Just remember that most authors have a tendency to become insecure and sensative to their works and often enjoy an occassional review. (some also enjoy talking about their stories, so questions realated to it are also welcome.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Zoicite, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, Mercury, Venus Or Jupitar.
Neither Do I own Tokyo, Luna, Artemis, DIC, Rei's Temple, Rei, Usagi, Minako, Makoto, or Ami.
I also do notown Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Hotaru, Haruka, Michiru or Setsuna...Okay I basically DO NOT OWN SAILOR MOON. At all.

And now, on with the show!


"Zoicite!" Usagi gasped.

Charl blinked. "Did you just hear thunder?"

Odessa shrugged. "Maybe."

Zoicite nodded. "Yes! I am the new enemy of whom you fear!"

Minako scratched her head. "Actually we don't really fear you..."

"Silence!" Zoicite looked around at the silenced group then floated to the ground, dusting himself off. "Thats better. For years I could never discover you identities! But thanks to these reporters all I had to do was follow!"

"hehe." Odessa laughed nervously, stepping back as all eyes fell on her.

Charl sighed. "Oh boy.."

Makoto glared at the two journalists, approaching slowly and looking ready to throttle them. "You exposed our secret identities!"

"hey..." Odessa relplied nervously. "You know it wasn't really us..deep throat!..your cats really wanted the credit."

Charl rubbed his forhead. "actually I don't understand whats so secret about a tiara and mini-skirted sailor suit."

Ami glanced at Charl. "Well we have considered making arraingments for a mask."


"But really!" All eyes turned back to Zoicite. "I have come to destroy you!"

Rei rolled her eyes. "Well obviously."

Zoicite glanced at Rei, but continued. "For years I've been stuck in the background! Forced to plot my revenge knee deep in makeup and cherry blossoms!"

Odessa tapped her chin thoughtfully with her pencil. "Cherry blossoms? really?"

"No longer! From now on they will say. 'There goes Zoicite! He's the one who finally stopped Sailor Moon!"

Charl fumbled his camera, nearly dropping it. "He?!"

Odessa nodded.

"You mean thats a guy?!"

They all nodded at Charl, Zoicite was fuming. "This is the exact insolence I was talking about! For years I have been...insulted by such a crime on my gender!"

"What crime?" Minako scratched her head in an attempt to understand.

Zoicite scoffed. "You could not possibly understand! I'm a guy! I'm supposed to be a guy! And what do they do? I'll tell you what! I'm tranformed into a...a female! All for the sake of Syndication!!!
When I went to DIC about it, they tried to buy me off with Lipstick!!! It wasn't even my color!"

Odessa gasped. "That must have been horrible!"

Zoicite shrugged. "Not really, I did get to blow up the headquarters."

"So thats why they're no longer dubbing..."

Zoicite nodded. "And now I shall have my revenge on you! Sailor Soldiers!!!!"

"Not So Fast!" Usagi grabbed her brooch. "Moon Eternal power!"

"Mars Planet Power!"

"Jupitar Planet Power!"

"Venus Planet Power!"

"Mercury Planet Power!"


Odessa blinked beneath her sunglasses, watching the light show. "Wow, by the Ginzoushu we are blessed to see this."
Quietly she sat down, folding her hands into her lap as Zoicite flew across the room."

Charl looked at his partner. "Odessa shouldn't we go...while we still can?"

Odessa waved off Charl. "Just a few more minutes, they're getting to the good part."

Charl nodded, watching Mercury crawling back through the door after being thrown. "Lets go Odessa." He proceeded to pull her out by the arm.

"Your no fun."

Odessa sighed glancing back to the temple.

"I just can't believe Deep Throat was actually two cats."

Odessa nodded, turning back to Charl. "I thought it was Miss Minako."

Charl shifted the weight of his camera as they began to walk away. "What do we tell Goodrich?"

Odessa shrugged. "Everything is on tape isn't it?"

Charl nodded. "You know I really thought Zoicite was a girl."

Odessa nodded speaking quietly to her partner. "Well truthfully..I thought he was a girl too."

From withen the temple, Zoicite screamed.

************Two Weeks Later, San Francisco********


All work stopped as people winced at the sudden exclimation and glanced at the head office of Lebon Goodrich. Outside people looked up to the windows of Epic Post Weekly.

Odessa and Charl half stood and half sat in shock from the other side of the desk, staring at their boss.

Goodrich sighed, rubbing his forhead. "Odessa please, keep it down."

"Your a Youma aren't you?"

Goodrich sighed. "Look we merely decided to go with something else, besides Sailor Moon."

Charl sighed looking at his boss. "What really happened Mr. Goodrich?"

"I spoke with a couple investors and it was mutually agreed that we should not continue this story."

Odessa's eyebrow began to twitch.

< br>

Haruka winced as she leaned up agains the building.

Miciru grinned. "She's very loud isn't she?"

Haruka nodded. "At least our identities are safe once again."

Michiru smiled as she began to continue down the street. "You managed to scare that much into mr. Goodrich."

Haruka stood up, following. "Your not without your threats either."

"It worked didn't it? Come on, I'll buy dinner."



It's done! Was it all you expected?
I've been considering on writing a sequal but first I'd like to to take this moment for reviews, questions etc, etc.
Anywho, Review, Rant, Rave. hehe. The 3 R's. So uh..have fun! and any questions I'll just answer in a chapter after this one.