Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ The Secret Truth of Deep Throat ( Chapter 13 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Sorry I took so long getting this chapter out. I've been sick and miserableand yah..some writers block. Anyway here we are! in the last chapters of Search For Sailor Moon!

Disclaimer: I do NOT! I repeat DO NOT own Sailor moon.
<sighs sadly>

"Juuban District, final stop."

The driver gave a long glance at the two passengers. One was a young man with brown hair and eyes wearing a blue jacket and holding a camera. The other was a woman, slightly shorter, wearing sunglasses a hat and a trenchcoat sporting various pictures of Sailor Moon. On her feet, there were Sailor Moon Slippers.
"You two getting off?"

The woman stood up quickly, tucking the loose strands of straight black hair back into her hat. The man sighed, following her out.

"Odessa I really don't think that disguise is going to help you."

"Nonsense! This is the perfect....The disguise is perfect."


Odessa nodded, adjusting her hat and flipping out her notebook. "Of course." She looked right, then left before marching off to the right. "Come on Charl, theres much work to be done!"

Charl sighed and took his camera out, following the obsessed Otaku. "Why me?"


The red ribbon came loose from her blonde hair as she began to methodically brush each strand through. Artemis lay on the bed watching her and looking incredibly bored at doing so.

"Whats going on now?"

Charl glanced down at his partner. "She's brushing her hair."



"...I want to see."

"No! Odessa we can't switch now."

"...why not?"

Charl rolled his eyes. "We're 6 stories up hanging by a cable rope. What do you think?"

Odessa looked down at the ground far below, then back up. "Oh....let me switch." She began to climb the rope up to Charl.

"Hey wait a minute! Didn't you hear what I said."

Odessa nodded. "6 stories up and cable rope." She began to attempt unhooking Charl's harness.

"Odessa I'm not sure this is a good idea!"

"Oh your being paranoid."

"I don't want to die!"

"See? Paranoid." She smilled as she took off the last latch of the harness. "There see? Your not going to fall."


Odessa adjusted her sunglasses as she watched Charl drop. "Well if your going to be THAT way about it." Calmly she unhooked her harness.



Odessa looked down at the groaning Charl. "Thanks for breaking my fall."

"Thats not all thats broken.."

Odessa nodded looking around and watching as Minako walked out of the building with her cat and down the street. Charl looked up as he too watched the girl leave. "Hey, wheres she going?"

"We must follow her?"


"The games afoot Charl! we must follow."

"Can you at least...get off me first?"


With Odessa in lead they continued their pursuit of the blonde teenager, over mountaintops, through blazing snowstorms they followed. Climbing every corner! Rainstroms, thunderstorms, Typhoons, Earthquakes they continued to follow!

Okay so they just followed her to the temple.

Charl blinked. "Wow, thats a lot of steps."

Odessa nodded. "Yep! and we're going to climb them!


"Odessa..can we at least.....take a break?"

Odessa looked back at her partner. "We must climb this mountain to find Sailor Moon!" She indicated the temple steps.

"I thought we were finding Deep Throat."

"Here we are!..shh. Charl get your camera."

"It looks like they're having a meeting."

"I think they are Odessa."

"Is that Usagi?"

Charl nodded as he looked upon the group. Everyone was there, Makoto, Minako, Usagi, Ami two cats and an unknown girl with long black hair.


"We might have a lead on this new enemy."

Minako looked at her friend. "Serious Mako-Chan?"

Ami nodded. "Its someone connected with our past battles. can't imagine who though."

Rei glanced at their Odongo Haired leader. "Usagi-chan what are you doing?"

Usagi glanced back from the doorway at her friends. "Ever get the feeling someone is watching us?"

Minako blinked. "No...not really."

Ami looked at her computer. "I'm detecting two other lifeforms besides us."

Makoto looked at her blue haired friend. "How do you manage to do that?"

Rei sighed and walked over to the doors, sliding them open. They all gasped as Odessa and Charl toppled through.





"Deep Throat!"

"Deep Throat?"

Rei folded her arms. "Somebody care to explain whats going on here?"

Odessa nodded, standing. "I am Odessa King and this is my partner Charl Thatcher. We are jounalists on assignment to find Sailor Moon and report on her! And we have just recently discovered that the identity of Deep Throat is miss Minako!"

Minako looked at the two reporters incredualously. "What?!"

Odessa nodded. "It's true! we traced your call."

Usagi looked at her friend. "Minako-chan?"

"It's not true!"


They all turned their heads to the two cats as the black one began to speak. "Your all a bunch of idiots."

Charl exchanged looks with Odessa. "Did that cat"

Usagi blinked. "Luna?"

Artemis stepped forward. "We're deep throat."

Odessa looked at the two cats. "Your both Deep Throat?"

They both nodded.

Usagi looked at her two feline guardians. "But Artemis, Luna. Why?"

"Why?" Luna jumped on the table. "Why not? You go out everyday doing the easy job of what we toil so hard to stop through painstaking research and undercover work. Who gets in the news at the end of the day? Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupitar. No Artemis, No Luna. No talking cats rewarded for their hard work."

Artemis nodded stepping forward. "So when we heard news about two reporters on the search for the truth about Sailor Moon it was the ultimate opportunity. The public would finally know the true brains behind the opperation and we took on the name Deep Throat and leaked information. Although most times the journalists were not too bright."

Charl sighed. "Can't argue with that logic."

Minako looked agahst at her white furred companion. "But Artemis! Surely you relize if we are exposed Our enemies would have knowledge of our personal lives too!"

"We didn't care!" Replied Luna. "We deserve recognition!"

Makoto blinked. "Wow I had no idea our cats had become so disgruntled."

Ami nodded. "This is a surprise."

"Not as big a surprise as me!"

Ami, Usagi, Makoto, Minako, Rei, Luna, Artemis, Charl, and Odessa all turned around and gasped.


Zoicite nodded, grinning smugly, blonde ponytail flapping in the wind.


Wow! bet you never saw that one coming!
Or maybe you did.
Next on The Search For Sailor Moon, the story comes to it's stunning conclusion!