Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Time and Time Again ❯ The Break-Up ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Time and Time Again

Hey everybody. Ok so far I got only 3 fics including this one. Not all in Sailor Moon. Well anyway I used to be a writer to another pen name but one shall never know. My fics sucked and I got flame a lot of times. Any way this story is about how Serena keeps running back to Darien after Darien keeps on hurting her. It's a real sad story! Well anyway lets get this story on the road.

Time and Time Again

Tears slid off Serena's rosy cheeks as Darien sat down on the sofa, drunk. The fool had been out again. He was probably cheating on her again. Serena loved Darien so much. Her love was like eternal. She was very loyal.

There had been a time when Serena had came home to the smell of liquor and to sounds of moaning. She had entered the room to find Darien and some other hoe having sex. She gasp and Darien looked at her.

To Serena, Darien either half hesitant to try to excuse himself or try to get back to his business. Serena thought she had the strength to leave Darien then but he just end up whispering sweet nothings and got her back.

She didn't understand. If Darien wanted other women he could just dump her and do his business all the time. Maybe Darien did love her, but his actions . . .

Darien moved in his drunken state and he seemed to be murmuring something. . Serena walked a step closer to him.

Darien murmured some thing again . . . What Darien said was "Time and Time Again I cheat and she comes running"

"Oh!" Serena gasp. What could Darien meant. Darien knew. . He would keep cheating on her and she'll keep running back to him. Why was she running back to him? What did he have that she was so dependant on him? Love . . . When Darien wasn't cheating or drinking he was showing love. He would kiss her like no guy could. He could make love to her that no man could surpass.

Serena sighed. She was a fool. Any other girl would have left. Other girls did leave him.

Author talking******

I guess it was that moment when Serena looked at Darien drunk. Hair ruffled, pupils small, and him saying she was so weak . . . was what got Serena finally strong. The way Darien abused her and how she came running. Darien would call for money and never pay it back.

At a time Darien owned a business and his employers where complaining of how he didn't give them the money they owned. So finally investigators came to check out the place. Darien some how convince Serena to write a check for $10,000 when she only had $347 in her bank account. She had told him she didn't have the money. But he said it was all right. The investigator came and saw the money and left. 2 days later the check bounces.

Her bank had closed her account and it took Serena 5 years just to open another one because she always rejected. To make a bad story worse he always talks behind her back. He said she was a bitch and a hoe and how she was always cheating on him. One time he told his sister that she stole money from him, and the sister told Serena what he said and when Serena confronted him he asked who told her that and his sister confessed. He beat the shit out of his sister.

There countless times Darien abused Serena. Now that Serena though about him, she started to think why she stayed with them. At the beginning Serena and Darien were cool. Darien took her everywhere. Slowly he made her need him, made her come to him at the snap of his finger. He would ask for money and then lie saying he never ask for the money.

Why did she stay with him . . . she wanted to change him. Years of trying to change Darien were wasted because what happened was that SHE changed. She was no longer Serena Tuskino. Every time she looked at the Mirror she was fading away. She would ask people if she look like weird in a way that wasn't right. Now she knew she wasn't seeing her physical appearance. She was seeing her spiritual self-fading away into someone else. That's how she looked different.

Yes. . This was all a mistake. In the beginning she was scared to give a commitment to a man like Darien but her coaxed her into wanting him.

Disgusted Serena finally made a decision. Serena got off her stool and went into their bedroom and took out a suitcase and put all of her clothing in it. She also put her makeup, clothing, books, jewelry and toothbrush lotion. EVERYTHING. So she had two full suitcase of everything that was hers and she made sure.

When Serena was finish she exited her room and set the suitcase at the font door and took her place by Darien on the sofa. When Serena sat down she found Darien awake. Darien looked at her and ran into the bathroom and threw up his content of his stomach.

From what Serena heard, Darien brushed his teeth. The man never wanted people to see him less then perfect. But Serena saw Darien VERY imperfect.

Darien walked out o the bathroom and came into the Kitchen and took out some food and started cooking. Mustering all the courage she had, Serena spoke up

"Yo . . We need to talk" Serena said in a very sad tone

"Here we go again, what we need to talk about man" Darien said in a annoyed tone

"We need to talk about us, what going on?" Serena said in tone she started in the conversation.

"That's what we need to talk about?" Darien said in questioning tone

"No, I've been thinking . . . I don't think I'm going to be able to forgive and forget all this shit you been doing. It just. . It's not working out"

"Yeah. . You know you've been thinking, I've been thinking too though; you know what I've been thinking. I've been thinking the person that I've hooked up with isn't sitting in front of me right now, You've done the whole flip and change on a man"

"Hey you know what. . You've done the change on me. All this shit you've been doing, how do you expect me to be the same person, I'm NOT the same person, why, because of all the crap you've been doing" Serena said her voice slightly changing

"So what the fuck you saying then" Darien said

"What I'm saying. . ?"

"Yeah, WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAYING?" Darien said now yelling

I'm saying Darien. . It's over" Serena said

Darien looked shocked at Serena then his shocked face turned into a smiling face. " You can't leave me, you love me too much"

"Wrong Darien. I'm sick of this shit. You drink, you cheat and all this other shit. I'm leaving; I'm going to leave you. This last by 5 years have been hell. I thought that if I stayed I could change you but I changed me. It's over and this time I mean it. "

Darien keep smiling and then Serena held out her plane tickets. It was suppose to be her vacation tickets but now it was her freedom ticket. Then she pointed to the door which where you suitcase was. Darien smiled quickly turned into a frown.

"You can't leave! You need me! " Darien roared. "No Darien! It is over, face it because I did !"

Serena got up to and took her suitcase and looked at Darien and said" Don't bother chasing me" And walked out the door. Or she tried. Darien ran to her and grabbed her suitcase from her reach and pushed her into the couch. And said in her face

"Did you think you could leave that easily?" Darien then slapped her. Luckily Serena was prepared because she had on her wrist a contactor and pushed the bottom.

About 5 minutes later and police officer knocked on the door. Darien cursed Serena and went to the door.

"Hello, Sir? Is there something I could help you with?" Darien said

"Yes, I got a call from somebody"

"Wrong addresses

"No right address" Serena interrupted. " I'm right here, I'm ready to be sent to airport with a someone to protect me. . From him"

The police nodded and looked at Darien, telling him to move aside. Darien cooperated because he knew he could do nothing to prevent this.

Serena took her bags and looked at Darien and kissed him on the cheek and walked out the door.

Out of Darien's life for good . . . or so


WOAH! I am done. Like for anyone who wants to know, Serena and Darien will get back to together because why the hell am I going to match Serena with? Her brother? Well anyways Review, e-mail anything. I want response. Suggestions,Comments,Flame anything Tell. me it improves my writing. Well anyways. LATER

