Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Time and Time Again ❯ Blue meets Blue ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ok people! Wuz up? Wuz Up? Wuz Up?! I Love Japan Art. I Love Sailor Moon! I Hat Typeing! I Love Typeing! I Love Reading! I Love Darien! WWOWOOOOOOOHHHHHH! I'm maniac ! A maniac! lol. I'm done now. Just had to get that out yanno! Ok This chapter is taking place 2 years after the break-up. Darien had a lot of time to grow up and mature. So sorry if someone dislike the first chapter! So everyone! Please bear with me!

Disclamer: I Do Now Own SM or SM Characters. I Am not making prfit off this story


2 years later

Darien walked out of his patient room. Her name was Samula. She had breast cancer. He didn't know how to tell her. Samula has so much life. Always smiling, her eyes lighting up like christmas lights. She resembled someone he cared for deeply. She resembled a woman named Serena.

A woman that he abused so much that she left him. She distusted him so much is when she left she called a Police officer to come along with her to protect her from him.

Ever since Serena left, life had been terrible to Darien. Girls that knew about what Darien did to Serena so they were careful around him. But in the end they would give him because he was 'cute'.

After Serena left, Darien tried to find Serena but everytime he tried he would fail. It broke his heart to know that Serena did this so HE couldn't find her. Guess he was very predicable.

Darien chuckled as he recalled how many times he failed. Then he remebered just how many times she came back to him. Their breakup still fresh in his mind. He remebered the tone the words.

Darien walked pass by one of the nurses. He waved to her, being polite and she waved to him. Darien walked pass his assisant Videl (AN: 2 thumbs up for DBZ and SM! )

"Hello, Videl. Any check-ups today?" Darien greeted.

"Yes, You have a patent in Room 523 in about a hour. After that. Around 2:00 you have a patient in the check-up room."

"Ok thank you" Darien said and walked away. * A hour of free time* Darien thought as he took his coat off and entered the parking lot and went o his car.

Life was full of reponsiblities ever since darien became a docter. Surgery here, Check-up there, meeting there. Everything was haywire!

Darien turned his car to the right and pulled up in a small restuarant. He parked him car and locked it and entered the restuarant. He went to a waitress and asked for a seat for 1 and she guide him toward there.

While following the waitress Darien check her out. She was a bit skinny but her body was quite developed.

After the waitress said Darien down she took a notepad out and asked for his order.

"I'd like a salad with a coke"

"Will that be all?"

"No . . Will you go out with me?"

The waitress looked at Darien shocked. This man wasted no time getting to the point.
"Umm, excuse me" And the waitress fled

"She'll be back. . they always came back." Darien said reassurring himself.

Darien waited about a good half hour for order and when it finally came so did his answer

"Here you food sir and yes I would love to go out with you" The waitress said with a shy smile. Darien smiled at her and asked for her address and phone number. When the waitress was about to leave Darien said " Are you under age? "

The woman shook her head and left Darien.

"Good, last thing I need is a immature brat hangin on my arm" Darien said to himself and enjoyed his meal.

Darien payed for his meal and walked out of the place and drove his way to the hospital. He then parked his car and went to his office and put on his white coat.

Darien then walked to his next patient.

Darien walked towards the patient room and entered it. The patient was lying on her back. She had the most beatiful blond hair. Her skin looked so soft and pale.

Darien walked up to patient and tap the patient on her shoulders and said " Hello, anyone there"

The woman turned and look Darien in his eyes



And blue saw blue

That was absoluty short and I know it. You see i'm updateing ALL of my story and this happened to be the last one, so I'm spent. So expect the next chapter to be better! If i get atleast 3 REVIEWS!
