Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Time and Time Again ❯ Cancer ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hi Guys! Looks like I have to Update a Day after i updated. I ask for 3 reviews and I got my 3 reviews. Woah, And today I really feel like typeing some Drama! Yesterday I wasn't even feeling like typeing, yanno! The whole asking the waitress out was just to ype a story long enough. God, but Today I've slept and I got the reviews I've wanted and now I'm ready to type like woah people! So anyway review and tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I do not own SM nor the character. I am not making profit off this fanfic. It is purely for entertainment and it's profit free.


Serena stared in awe at her docter. Her docter was her ex-boyfirend. The one that had abused her so much. * My god, two years* Serena just couldn't believe that fate would be so cruel as to make her see Darien again. Now as her docter, to check her body and say things that she would fall for. But Serena had to admit, the two years did wonders for Darien. Before Darien had a Dangerous look but now he look Dangerously Sexy. He had a loop earring on too. He let his hair grow a little. God, he was just as good-looking as before or more so!. *Please, let him act nothing is wrong. *

"Well, never thought I'd see you again." Darien said his voice emotionless.

"Neither, Have I thought I'd see you again, but looks like fate has it's own mind" Serena said in the same toneless tone as Darien. Neither of the the two faces showed turmoil that was actually boiling in their minds.

Serena then turned from Darien and looked out the window and said " I'm here for a check-up for. . . cancer" When Serena said these words Darien could have sweared he heard a sob escape.

"Cancer? Serena you have always been one to check for your health. You know what hurts you body.You were always eating right. When we were together you wuld do thins just to stay healthly. I think this appoitemnt is really not needed." Darien said surprised Serena had even came into this building. Hell, that she even schedule this check-up.

"No it just that, I was getting ready to go out and I was going to put up a Bra, when I felt a lump in my right breast. I heard when you have breast cancer you feel a lump. I'm worried."

" I guess you do need a this. Ok lay down." Darien instructed.

Serena walked to the bed and layed down. Serena looked straight at the ceiling. Serena had a lot to think about. * I just can't have breast cancer! I can't! I have to much to think about!!*

Darien went to Serena and slowly took off her gown and he stared the familair breast. *they've grown* Darien took the right breast and started examning it. There was a lump there. *My god, Seren may have breast cancer*

"Serena, I think you may have breast cancer---"

When Serena heard Darien comfirmed the that she had breast cancer she burst out crying. Her life, family. If she didn't win this battle she would never see them again. She cried for her, family and a special person that changed her life so much.

"Serena, wait it's Ok! Serena stop crying. Would you let me talk?" Darien said frustrated.

Serena stopped sobbing just for the Darien to continue to talk. Darien gave her a tired smile and finish what he had to say. " Well, you are a very lucky woman. You came to me at it's early stages. therfor we are able to surgercly(AN:Is that how you spell it?) remove it. Hopefully the cancer hasn't spread already. (AN: For those who know a little more about cancer and the procedures, please leave that in your review! I don't know one thing about it, I've watch movies but . .)

Serena looked at Darien happily. She was so happy she jumped into Dariens arm. " Thank you! Oh my god thank you! you've gave me hope!" Serena sobbed onto Darien's shirt. Darien didn't really mind, that meant that he could still somehow get her back.

"Darien," Serena said quietly.


"I'm glad you were my docter. I would have felt weird having a stranger play with my breast. Luckly fate gave me someone who has seen them before and whom I'm comfortable with too." Serena said lifting a eyebrow playfully.

"Your welcome, Serena. Serena I should aplogize for the stuff I did to you. I had abused you so badly. I might have broken your spirit and so much stuff. My God you do not know how long I wanted to aplogize to you"

Serena stared at Darien, for some while. She looked like she was thinking about what she should do. Then when she finally did think it through she turned to Darien.

"Darien, I can't accept your aplogy. I don't know why I can't. I just feel like, I'm running back to you. But I'm glad you told me"

Darien was surprised. Serena did accept it. Why? Like she said. It was almost like he was asking her back and she was running back to him. Oh well. *Looks like I did a mark on this one*

Serena pulled away from Darien and walked to her clothes and then look back at Darien patiently.

Darien soon realized that Serena was telling him to get out. " Oh, sorry. Oh and come to the front. I'll tell you what we have to do to cure you."

With that Darien walked out of the door. He was joyous and yet upset. He has seen Serena again but Serena didn't accept his aplogy. Life. . . It is a terrible game.


Serena was dressing as she thought about Darien. * I see has changed in sprit. Maybe he isn't the same asshole I left two years ago.*

Serena continue to dress when someone knocked on her door. "I'm busy!" The person must have though she was a docter because he said something about someone coming at 2:00.

*Must be for Darien*

Serena finally dressed , she took her purse and left the gown wherever it was and excited the room and wen to the front where Darien stood filing her file.

"Excuse me, Darien" Serena said.

"Oh yeah. Ok Serena. Next Thursday at 1:30. I want to go to the Memorial Hospital. Go to the lobby for cancer patients and go to room "723" . There we will look at your breast and see if there is a lump of cancer ther or not. While ther we will list out your options of what you can do to beat this thing. Alright. Now heres my card and the address of where I'm going to be and my number if you have to cancel. "

Serena took out a pen and crossed out Darien's number. When Darien looked up at her Serena said with a almost broken voice " I will not cancel, this is too important"

Darien nodded, understanding.

Oh and pass by the drugstore. Here is a a prescription."

"What is it?"

"Estrogen, It'll keep the cancer in control for now"

Serena nodded at Darien and walked out of the building. Darien stared after the figure and turned when all of a sudden Serena came running back.

"Darien, wait! When I was dressing, someone came back saying that you have a someone come at 2:00"

"Thank You"

Serena smiled and walked out the building again. Darien looked at Serena and hope Serena got better, this was a disease that always seemed to win. He hoped Serena wouldn't be the one to lose to the enemy. . . the enemy? Cancer.

Well people that's it! See i would write more, but I have another story to update! I wanna update it, with my mind still full of Ideas and me wanting to type! Well Cya. Review!
Comments,Suggestion,Questions,Flames,Encouragemnt. All excepted. Oh and atleast 4 or 3 reviews! Improves my writing.


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