Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Time and Time Again ❯ A Sick One ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey! Listen, about the review saying estrogen can create or expand cancer, not all kinds of cancer. There are certain kind of cancer estrogen will kill and create. I asked my science teacher and I've done some research. But I thank you for correcting my fanfic. So what I did find is that estrogen does not help cancer but help produce more cells. But I did some more research and I found a drug call 'Endostatin' does not help breast cancer. It shrinks the tumor...I think. I feel real embarrassed. So many people know about this disease more then I do. Also to the reviewer who said something about my grammar, well sorry. I am only human, I do make mistake. Also, I do check my grammar. It doesn't help that I talk slang, so it influences my writing. I also type slang online so that doesn't help. this some from a guy name stormysummers, excuse but where do you come off calling me woman. You call me by my pen name. I appreciate your flame, but next time flame with respect.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, I do not make profit off this story. Purely entertainment that is free.

So now that I am done I will continue where I left off. Somehow I will fix the mistake. Maybe....


Darien started walking out of the door when he was called my the reptionalist, with a real angry face. Darien looked at her, she seem to yelling something, but he wasn't sure what. He started to feel lightheaded and hot. He closed his eyes and opened it to blinding light.

"Arg" Darien moaned. He now had a piercing headache. To make it worse the woman was yelling at him. Trying to register what she was saying but he couldn't. He suddenly felt really weak. He balance his arm on a counter near him and look at the woman.

"What?" Darien said in a strain tired voice. The woman looked at him surprised. How could he not heard her? Hell! The whole building heard her. " I said are you an idiot? or do you just hate that woman that just walked out?" She said her voice rising.


"You said you would give her estrogen to help her? You must truly hate her, huh? Estrogen will only help multiply the cancer cells and make it permanent! I think you should call her and tell her you made a mistake!"

Darien brain finally registered of what he said to Serena. Ah shit. He mixed Serena up with another patient he had. The other one had low estrogen levels and she wasn't even going through menopause. What an idiot he must have sounded like.(AN: What an idiot I must have sounded like)

"Gosh. I mixed that patient with the one before."

"Well, then I suggest you either call that patient that just left or tell her at the appointment."

Just what Darien needed. A chance to talk to Serena. Maybe ask her out, become friends. yes this phone call could help a whole lot. Should he call her? It would work. He would call for a professional reason, then he would slowly go to the part where this whole phone calling scheme was meant for.

"Yeah, I'll call her. Just right after I start to feel better. " Darien then passed out on the floor.

"Oh, My! Someone help! Dr. Shield has just past out! Please! Someone!" The reptionalist called out to anyone that would listen to her plees. Immediately the doctors came flooding in to find their fellow doctor was on the floor.

The men bent down and took Darien to one of the room and started examine him. They took his blood pressure, breathing, heart beat. Soon they took samples of his blood into 5 different needles. After that the doctor who took the blood and walked to the lab.

Serena entered her home and drop her bag on the floor and sigh a ragged breath and turned and locked the door and walked up and looked at the house. She look at the pictures, the life she build and she broke down crying. How could she make through this? How could she be able to live a life she may not be able to live. Breast Cancer....Why?

Serena looked up at the ceiling, but she wasn't talking to the ceiling but to God. (AN: If your gothic, just bear with me here) "Why, Lord? Have I been so sinful? I go to church, I stay faithful. I give what I can. I don't do anything but what the bible tells me too. I admit, I do lie and I am not perfect. But I will continue to pray, and hope you deliver me. Just give me the hope and determination, lord"

Serena bowed her head. Tears escaped her eyes. So many painful moments. Her life would a whirlwind of pain. Her life revolved around pain? But she would be stronger. That was what pain help her? Could this help her too?

Suddenly feeling the urge to use the bathroom. Serena wipe away the tears and took of her shoes and left it by the door and walked into the bathroom. She turned on the light and used the bathroom. (AN: No way I'm explaining what going on! You use the bathroom, imagination people)

Serena walked out the room, and went into her bedroom and took off her clothing. Putting it in a hanger and into the closet. Serena then took off her bra and put on a tank-top. She then took out her worn out jeans and put it on. she put on some socks and walked into the kitchen and started cooking dinner.

While Serena was cooking, the door rang. Serena looked at the clock and saw it was 3:30. Stacey is here. Serena walked to the door and open it to find her daughter standing there with a flower in her hand.
"Hi, mommy!" The little girl with midnight blue eyes and with yellow, sunshine hair answered.

"Hello, my little princess!" Serena answered with a warm smile. Serena winked at Stacey and was pleased when Stacey giggled. " Why don't you walk in, so you won't catch anything. "

Stacey nodded and walked into the house and quickly ran into her bedroom to change. Serena smiled at the picture of innocence her daughter portrayed. Serena then walked back into the kitchen before her dinner was burnt to crisp.

Serena entered the kitchen and walked to radio and turned on to 96.5 FM. Serena started humming as she cooked. In the background she heard her daughter turn on the television to Disney. Suddenly on the radio the song 'Ja Rule feat Ashanti,Vita, and Charlie Baltimore. Down for you' came on

Serena turned up the volume as the lyrics filled the room.

I wanna be your chick
I wanna be down for you
(Do ya trust me?) Yeah
(Love me?) Yeah
(You're puttin' it on me Ya must be)
Ya down ass chick
I wanna be your chick
(It ain't only for the RULE baby)
I ride for u, Down for u
Do anything ya want me to
I be ya down ass chick

Serena started bouncing to the beat. Ever since the song was out, she started going Ja Rule Crazy!

This chick no intentions of bein' offensive
The women by callin ya'll bitches
My down ass bitches
Still my queen bitch's cut look clean
On ya finger next to the finger ya flipped at me
And this no in between me and you
Only me and you
Who else gon' put it on me like the RULE
God only looks after children and foo's
And you not so who gon' look after you
It's RULE baby

Serena soon started singing the lyrics with the song, while cooking. Bouncing the her shoulders. Soon she started shaking her body to the tune

True baby
It's only for you baby
Vita thighs only divide if you beside
Cuz I love the way you touch me
Nobody can get it
And if it's comin' and gunnin'
Just come in it and spit it
So when ya gone for a minute
I just fantasize like if it's you It's all in it
Then I'm satisfied til' you come back to me
Holdin stack and jewels
V-i-t-a and my nigga J-a RULE baby

Soon, Stacey heard her mother and the song coming from the kitchen. She always like seeing her mother dance. She wanted to dance like her mother when she grew up. Quietly, Stacey got up and peeked in to kitchen hallway, sure enough her mother was dancing.

I wanna be your chick
I wanna be down for you
(Do ya trust me?) Yeah
(Love me?) Yeah
(You're puttin' it on me Ya must be)
Ya down ass chick
I wanna be your chick
(It ain't only for the RULE baby)
I ride for u, Down for u
Do anything ya want me to
I be ya down ass chick

I'm gonna be here when ya need
RULE baby can always count on me
No you don't ever have to worry
You know I'll make it in a hurry
I'm here for ya
And I wont never leave tears for ya
Cuz boy ya got to me
Nobody ever come before me
You'll always be my one and only

Babygirl would ya bust ya gun with me? (Yeah yeah)
Lie to the feds to come get me? (Yeah Yeah)
And if I died Kill for me? (Yeah Yeah)
Are you trustin me? (Yeah Yeah)
Are you lovin me? (Yeah Yeah Yeah)
Yeah let's get it grinnin
Like we asked for the Simpsons or Ike and Anna Mehoe
On one their good days
You smile like sun rays 5'5 with brown eyes and thick legs
Only for the RULE baby

I wanna be your chick
I wanna be down for you
(Do ya trust me?) Yeah
(Love me?) Yeah
(You're puttin' it on me Ya must be)
Ya down ass chick
I wanna be your chick
(It ain't only for the RULE baby)
I ride for u, Down for u
Do anything ya want me to
I be ya down ass chick

Now baby I told you I can show you better than I can tell you
Don't try to bring conversey and mail
Just sweet words and naked photos
I'm still that pretty down down ass 2 cars behind ya 6
And I diss any clown ass rockin my brown ass only a down ass
And it's all for you
I'm grown a tad bit since we been at like rare bitches
To move a little bumper and it's
Shit Who gon' love you like that?
Thug with you wit a stack to the ceilin
And spilt in the dub with you
Cuz I played my position with KO-D's, O G's
Until that blood shed blood red and we O-Ded
Remember every word that ya told me
All you need in your life is Chuck, drugs, and dubs on 22's
Now tell me who the hunny for you

I wanna be your chick
I wanna be down for you
(Do ya trust me?) Yeah
(Love me?) Yeah
(You're puttin' it on me Ya must be)
Ya down ass chick
I wanna be your chick
(It ain't only for the RULE baby)
I ride for u, Down for u
Do anything ya want me to
I be ya down ass chick

I wanna be your chick
I wanna be down for you
(Do ya trust me?) Yeah
(Love me?) Yeah
(You're puttin' it on me Ya must be)
Ya down ass chick
I wanna be your chick
(It ain't only for the RULE baby)
I ride for u, Down for u
Do anything ya want me to
I be ya down ass chick

Soon after Charlie started rapping, Stacey joined in with her mother. Soon mother and daughter were having a blast. Serena looked at her daughter. It was part of her plan. Stacey, unfortunately took after her father. She held most emotions and kept things to herself. But if Serena was always with Stacey, she will learn to trust her. The teacher did a similar plan and it work. Serena wanted Stacey to socialize but not tell her whole life to the world. Just enough to just let people be happy. She was a really sweet child.
Serena then turned off the radio and turned off the stove and picked up Stacey and put her on the couch and turned off the T. V and look at Stacey
"How was school today?"
"It was fun! We put our hand on your heart and said something. I forgot what's it's called. ANYWAY! we started painting what kinda pet we want and then we put it on the wall. Then we started making hats for our parade and I did a princess hat! Then we wrote the A B C. Then we ate lunch! It was really good. we ate apples, pizza and milk! Then we came back and we watch a movie about letters. Then I walked to the bus and talk to my friend Rind. We talked about what happened at school then I came home and dance with you!" Stacey said pointing her finger at Serena.

"Now it's your turn!"
Serena looked at her daughter surprised. Stacey never asked about her day. She must been in a very happy mood.

"Well, I went to the doctor to see if I'm sick..and I'm not!" Serena said plastering a smile. Stacey look at her Mom. " THAT"S IT? Mommy, you have one real boring life. Go out and shop! You'll meet new friends. Promise!" Stacey said with a wink.

Serena looked at Stacey smiling and kissed Stacey on her cheek. " When did you become a professional?" Stacey was just about to answer when the phone rang. Serena turned to Stacey and gestured to her it would take a minute. Walking to the phone Serena reached it and put the receiver to her ear.

"moshi moshi"

"Ms. Serena? I presume"


"Well, I am here to tell you, that the appointment you had with your doctor is canceled. I'm afraid he is sick."

"What?" Serena asked surprised. Darien was rarely sick, what was going on.

"He passed out not to long after you left. We had found what's wrong with him"

"If I'm not sounding nosy...what's wrong with him?"

"No, your not, what he has is...."

I'm done. Well, I hope this was not as bad as Ch. 2 I hope there isn't as much grammar mistake as you seem to find at ch. 1. Again thank you for the info bout breast cancer! Cynthia and moon chef and desi. Thank you! Again
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