Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Time and Time Again ❯ Darkness Lurks ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey guys, I'm back. I'm a lil tired and I was updating my site, my new stories section. Please visit my site and submit some fics! the URL is . Oh and if you got something to say and don't wanna leave a review please e-mail at I am always looking for suggestion and accurated info. Oh and someone flamed me, saying I must have never watched SM in my life. I am sory you didn't like my fic and I got you angry. It just that I've seen way to many sweet angelic fics. I hate it; in the beginning I loved it, but too much. No offense to peeps that like that, I'm down with it, yes. But I like to do stuff different from people, on purpose eve though peeps get mad. I guess I'm just another rebel! Anyway, for those who wants to know when I update? A mailing list is below. Thank You.

Disclaimer: SM nor its character belongs to me. All of it belongs to its respective owner and I am NOT making profit off this. *Bows* thank you.


Serena tensed as the men on the phone paused. Recollecting his memory. Serena slowly closed her eyes, hoping it wasn't a fatal disease, just a cold or something. Serena too deep in her thoughts finally heard the man.

"I don't seem to recall, butt's it's nothing"

Serena felt her anger rise at the man. She had to know what's wrong with Darien. Even after all these years and hurt she still cared for the man, and she was not going to deny that. She was not one of those girls who deny their feelings and at then end they are happy with it.

"Does it have a sister?"

"Pardon me?"

"You know, something similar to it. People get it confused with it"

"Ah yes, it's similar to the cold virus"


"Um, let me think... No"

"Then a flu!"

There was a paused at the other end. The man sighed. " Yes, a flu. A very smart gal is you"

Serena smiled at the comment and slightly blushed. She didn't know where that came from, she was just rushing. Her brain running, gushing with other possibilities, deadly possibilities Serena was very glad when he said it was a mere flu. But flu could be the worst. The symptoms were painful such as the chest pain. Serena felt tang sympathy.

"Tell him, I wish him the best"

"Yes, I will. I also have to tell you something. It turns out because Mr. Shield mind wasn't in the right place because of the flu, he mixed you up with his other patients. He accidentally said he would give you estrogen. I am terribly sorry. He was very sick"

"I am not one to know of all this medical stuff, but would you mind explaining this to me?"

"Ah yes, Estrogen is used to multiply the cells, now if you were to take estrogen--"

"It would multiply the cancer cells"


Serena narrowed her eyes. Either this man was covering Darien or it was the truth. Darien may be other things, but a fool, an idiot? A mix-up? Ha! What kind of idiot does this jackass think I am? So Darien wants revenge, huh?


"Oh, I'm sorry. Ok, I understand. Tell Mr. Shield to call me when he is available to check me out"

"Will Do, Good Bye"


Serena hanged up the phone and turned to Stacey who looked at her mother. She could see the darkness lurking within Serena's baby blue. Stacey had seen the look before. Many times Stacey had seen the look. And whenever whom she was angry at made that look come they would regret it.

"Mommy, your mad..." Stacey pointed out. Serena looked at Stacey and smirked. " Why darling, whatever do you mean?"

Stacey soon started backing up into the chair. " Your scaring me" Serena blinked and the look was gone, replace by a loving one.

"I'm sorry Stacey"

Stacey nodded and open her arms and ran to Serena hogging her tightly. " I don't like it when you look like that"
Serena looked down at her daughter. She shouldn't be making enemies, not when they could take her life away. Stacey.

"Ok, I promise not to do that face again"

"That's what you always say"

Serena pulled back a little startled. Her blue eyes wide in surprised. Had she really lied to her own daughter? Saying such and never doing? All talk, no action? Serena bowed her head in shame and look a Stacey.

"Well Baby, what I want you to do is whenever I have that look, remind me of the promise."

"How bout a pinky swear, it's more special"

Serena held back a slight chuckle and nodded, and her and Stacey linked pinkies.

"Pinky Swear"
"Pinky Swear"

Stacey nodded and then got out of Serena's arm and ran to the bathroom and before she closed the door giggled.

"Now I hafta take a bath, cause I'm a BIG kid. I don't need you anymore"

Serena smiled slightly. She knew the last sentence would be repeated many times, but as long as Stacey was still her baby girl, then she would treat her as a baby.

"Nope! Mamma gotta help you"

Stacey pouted at being cheated out of growing up and nodded and opened the door.


Serena held the naked little girl in a towel as she got out of the bathroom and sooth the little girl to sleep. She went to the bedroom and laid down the sleeping girl lightly and went to draw and took out a clean pair of nightys. She put on Stacey and tucked her in bed. Making sure, Stacey would wake soon.

Serena took a jacket and her keys and headed toward the door. Once out Serena locked the door and glanced at her watch. She had to be back, before anyone knew Stacey was alone.

Serena soon started walking down the sidewalk. Admiring the people and the lights. She turned to the flowers and bent down and sniffed it closing her eyes. She then snapped her eyes open. Someone was leaking in the shadows. Waiting to make her their prey.

Serena got into fighting stance and looked around, sensing the air movements, waiting for the attack. The shadow emerged from it's hiding place and went straight toward Serena, in her/his hand was a dagger, glowing. Serena dodged back as the shadow missed. Serena jumped up into the air and reached into her shoe and took out a pendent saying a foreign language it lit. Serena soon started falling toward to shadow.

Still bent over Serena, pendent touched the shadow, the shadow turned into little bits of pieces. Serena graceful fell on her feet, wiping a way sweat. "They will never stop". Serena then senses something coming and turned and was met with a fist to her face.

Serena backed up a couple of steps, her hand to her face. Trying to sooth the pain. Serena pulled her hand off her face. Revealing one pink eye and on normal one. Her eyes glowed with anger. Even if the shadows face was blurred Serena could sense it smirk in happiness.

Serena then smirked and charged at the Shadow. Conducting a light in her hand. (AN: Yes People, a ki blast!) Serena put the light to the shadows face, forever burning it. She then laughed a little and kicked it in the stomach. It bent down clutching its stomach and Serena elbowed their persons back.


Serena laughed an evil laughed and pulled a dagger out of the shadows depths and put the shadow in a head lock.

"Dead by Your Own Weapons"

Serena then took the dagger and slit the throut and took out the pendent, igniting the light with a few words and threw it to the shadow. It's already dead body, blew up into little pieces like the first. Serena walked up and took the two pendants and stuffed it in her bra, She looked around, sensing anyone.

She smiled and walked away from the area. She had to keep her identity under cover. She couldn't just go killing shadow warriors just anywhere. Serena kept walking till she saw her apartment near. She decided should go back later, she turned and kept walking. She closed her eyes and let her legs guide her.

After what it seems like forever she opened her eyes and was looking at the lake. Where she was discovered. Serena waited patiently. She knew HE would come. She would sit. She walked toward a near-by bench and bent her head down closing it.

"Ah, I see your here."

Serena eyes snapped opened and she smiled and lifted one eyebrow slightly in amusement.

"Aren't I always?"

Hey Guys, that's it! *giggles*. I hope that isn't much of a cliffhanger. Causes I must go update my other fic. A harden heart. It's a SM fic too! Please go check it out! I worked pretty hard on that one. *sighs*. Then I hafta update my Tenchi Muyo One. Anyway. Review, or E-mail me. My E-mail address is My site URL is Oh and if you wanna be on my list of when I update my fanfics, go to here. or just send a black e-mail to . It's an update list. I e-mail subscribers of when I update all my fics or create new ones. Well thank you for reading this...if anyone is reading this.
