Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Toki no hana nozo ni anata okizari ni shita ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Name: Serenitas
Title: Toki no hana nozo ni anata okizari ni shita (I left you in the Garden of Time)
Chapter 4
Series: sailor Moon

Hello all! Well after 3 days my friend and I are FINALLY starting to recover from our trip up Mt. Fuji. It nearly killed both of us (literally) and yet I have this burning urge, this strong desire to do it again! Yes I am insane! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, not as much sarcasm as I am trying to make some progress with the storyline, and this particular timeline in the story is just about done and I will shift to another one as I had planned. Once again I throw myself on the mercy of Amethyst Serenity who's scary threats along with my friends' are making me write a helluva lot faster! Standard disclaimers, me no own SM don't remind me. No flames. Read and review but be kind. Enjoy! Do NOT read if you like Rei, Luna or Chibi Usa!!

Usagi glanced at the sky, wondering what had gone wrong, why the words she had so desperately needed to speak had eluded her. She had wanted to forgive him, NEEDED to forgive him. The pain in her stomach grew worse the more she denied him, the more she told him that it was over. This time it was her who was changing the future, not him. She wasn't sure how she knew she was changing the future, but the premonition was there. She didn't understand it, couldn't explain it, but she knew that it inexplicably was wrong. Glancing at a clock tower, she sighed. 'Just about now is when we would make up like we should've. I know it doesn't help to turn the clock back, because I'm not going to make it until I face this fact: this is not about trying to go back in time, this is not about where I'll be a year down the line, it's just moment to moment, surviving somehow. It's not about Then, it's just about Now.' She thought to herself. She paused as she felt the vibes emanating around her, vibes not her own. The sense of foreboding she had was going crazy, letting her know something was up. Using her hidden skills, skills only Mamoru knew about - she had traced it to its source. With determination, she headed to the Hikawa Jinja to confront her fire senshi.

She knew little of time or time travel, though in some vague memories of the Silver Millennium she remembered a Guardian of Time, unseen and unknown by all except her and her mother. She dimly recalled other senshi, a senshi of death, a senshi of water, a senshi of the elements. Her true guardians she thought, but she couldn't connect the memories, make them mesh and put faces to the names that drifted through her mind. 'Fate is a wheel, it will reveal, all you've become and all that you feel, destiny knows what has to be and you'll pay a price, nothing is free.' She recalled her mother drilling into her head. 'The future is not set and what is done can be undone if you are willing to pay the price.' Usagi thought she had paid the price in full and then some. All she wanted was to be with Mamoru, to spend eternity with him, despite his having hurt her. Something or someone was interfering; she could feel the timeline itself being manipulated. Grateful for her memories she strode up the steps, wondering how such a holy place could have such an unholy purpose. Rei was standing at the top of the steps waiting for her. "I've been waiting for you." She said coolly.

Usagi didn't flinch when Rei walked up to her and slapped her across the face, rather smiled slightly. "What was the cause of that?"

Rei's eyes had widened at the fact that Usagi hadn't burst into tears, then narrowed. "I know the powers that you hide, how else could you know enough to come here?"

"Why are you doing this?" Usagi asked, unwilling to show weakness.

"You have everything that I want, that I deserve. I have seen the future and I know what it holds for me, but only if you are out of the way. I will do that." Rei explained.

"What have I ever done to you?" Usagi beseeched her.

"What haven't you done to me?" Rei spat. "If you were not in the picture I could have been so much more, I could have achieved more. I am destined for a greater future than the one the Sacred Flame shows me and I will succeed. You are what I am not and therefore you must be eliminated."

"Has life been so cruel to you Rei?" Usagi asked softly. "That you must try and destroy that which brings you happiness?"

"What the hell would you know about it?" she snarled. "You have always had everything, always been everything, never had to work at all. It has all been handed to you, given to you."

"Is that what you think?" Usagi shook her head gently. "I could contradict you, I could tell you otherwise, but I won't. Believe what you like, what you want about me. My life has been far from easy." She analyzed her senshi carefully, noticing the marks around her eyes. Sudden understanding dawned on her as she realized what had happened. "I will tell you this now that the ginzuishou is mine, the senshi are mine and the title of leader is mine. I will not give it up, I will not yield to you. All that you want you will never have. I have Mamoru, I have the leadership and I have control of the moon. All of this belongs to me."

Rei's eyes burned hotter than the fires of hell as she glared at her. "I knew you could not be as pure as you made yourself out to be. You ARE the selfish and spoiled bitch I knew you were."

"Shall we settle this then?" Usagi asked simply. "Whosoever is the strongest should lead the senshi."

"Agreed." Rei nodded eagerly. "The future is mine. I will kill you in our battle and take back all that is mine and should have been mine." She paused. "But then I already have." She smirked at Usagi, her verbal blade ready. "You don't know where your ex was last night, do you?"

Usagi froze, turning white before turning away. "Why should I care?" she asked offhandedly.

"Don't think you can fool me, I know that you love him still, I know that you want him back." Rei revealed. "But he is mine once more. You have lost."

Usagi ignored Rei and walked away from the jinja, the feeling in her stomach almost bowing her over. This wasn't right, this wasn't right…

Mamoru was drunk. Not drunk enough to be a danger to himself, but drunk enough that any dreams he had would be of dancing bears and not of the ruination of his beloved Usako. She had denied him. She had refused him. She had rejected him. She would not return to him. He was in shock, he was horrified, he couldn't believe it. He had never thought that she would truly reject him. He had held something wonderful, something beautiful in his hands and he had destroyed it. He didn't blame her for not wanting to take him back, he was a rotten and terrible person, he wasn't worthy of such a mystical princess. "You are better off without her, now put down that bottle and start looking at what's right in front of you." A contemptuous voice commented idly.

He looked up to see Luna standing in front of him. "What do you want?"

"You know Rei is a far better match for you, and she is much more worthy of your attentions and affections." Luna added. "Usagi is nothing, she is worthless, useless, a waste of flesh, a nothing bit of a person. Who cares about her? Think about yourself." She paused before thrusting her blade in deeper. "Besides you left her remember?"

"And she didn't even care." He wailed, convinced it was the whisky talking. "Why didn't she care about me?"

"Did you ever really care about her?" Luna asked as she turned and stalked out of the room, her bit for Rei done.

Mamoru sank down on the sofa, wondering how on earth he was ever going to fix this. He couldn't feel Usagi, couldn't sense her. The silver and gold cord that connected his heart to hers, his soul to hers, his mind to hers had long been severed by Usagi and he felt alone, abandoned and unloved. The pain of losing his parents so long ago was nothing compared to the pain of losing Usagi. He had managed to ruin over a thousand years of love by his foolish dreams and his haste in trying to protect her. What would he do now?

A figure watched Mamoru from the shadows, her dark lavender eyes narrowed with anger. He was still hanging on, damn it! He had to let her go. Her past self was not strong enough for what she was going to do, but her future self was. In the future, the glorious future where she was the open mistress of the king was great and wonderful, but if she could change this timeline enough then she could be Queen, and then justify the destruction of the moon and the eventual murder of Usagi, for murder was what she planned. The future would be hers, for Usagi's time was finished.

Ami threw back her head and laughed as Minako and Makoto finished telling her about what Usagi had done to Mamoru. She herself was not a vindictive person, not a hateful person, but after what Mamoru had done, how he had treated her, how he had hurt her first and best friend he deserved what he got and Usagi had given it to him both barrels with Minako and Makoto supporting her. Yet as she glanced at Usagi, she was not joining in their joy, she was staring up at her moon wistfully, with her eyes full of tears. Usagi looked like she was fighting something, but she would not tell her senshi what it was. They had since learned that she was more powerful than they had ever though, and they were so proud, so impressed with her. How far she had come! "Usagi," Minako said abruptly. "Why are you so sad? You did what had to be done, you knocked him flat on his ass. Bravo!" she applauded.

"Is it?" Usagi asked in a dejected tone. "This isn't right, this shouldn't be happening." She shook her head. "Time is changing, I can feel it." She paused. "Goodbye, there's just no sadder word to say, and it's sad to walk away with just the memories. How am I to know what might have been? A life and time I will never know again. I am haunted with the memories of us." She bit back a sob.

Makoto growled an oath under her breath and began cracking her knuckles while Ami soothed her, trying to calm her down. Makoto had wanted to do some Mamoru hunting and Minako had had to sit on her after she bound her with her chain. Makoto was a worthy adversary and Mamoru was a moron to have gotten on her bad side. "Things will be fine I'm sure." She said rationally.

Minako giggled, although she felt like crying. Her love sense was going insane, her instincts knowing what Usagi would never say. This was not a game to her, it was life to her. Lunarians lived off love, they thrived on it, it was so deeply ingrained into their society. She vaguely remembered stories from the Silver Millennium when Queen Serenity's husband had died. The Queen had been devastated and nearly died herself. Lunarians found their one true soulmate and bonded with that person for eternity. Usagi had been torn from her soulmate and that made it even harder for her, for he was not dead, he was so close she could touch him. Yet Usagi had made the choice not to take him back. "Love is a battlefield Usagi and since I am the grand high puuba commander of love, you should change your plan of attack so that I am giving you direct advice."

"We want to make her happy again Minako!" Makoto protested. "Not scare the wits out of her!"

Indeed Usagi's eyes had widened as Minako strode towards her, a blonde leopard tracking its rabbit prey. "I will fix everything Usagi, trust me!" Minako grinned, a gleam in her eyes that sent a shiver down the spine of all the girls.

"Oh Goddess." Usagi moaned. "This is going to be a disaster." Her instincts told her to listen to Minako, a fact that terrified her even more. This was RIGHT, the foreboding sense was gone, instead she was so convinced that this was right, that Minako could fix everything that she found herself agreeing to put all control in Minako's hands.

Minako rubbed her hands together gleefully, loving the heady power that came with being in charge, being in control. This was her show and she would get those two idiots back together if it killed her. "I will make you happy like hell!" she promised, ignoring Ami and Makoto's wails of despair. Usagi was silent, convinced that if she was still alive at the end of this, she would never doubt Minako again.

"Are you sure this is wise? Putting Minako in charge?" Setsuna asked Neo-Queen Serenity sceptically.

Neo-Queen Serenity nodded. "Minako is the only one who Rei will never suspect, either in the future or the past, and Minako is the one who will reunite us."

Chronos was pacing angrily, glaring at the windows to time that stretched before him. "Look at this!" he snarled, disgusted. "Time has been changed here, and here, and here!" he pointed. "And in all of them Usagi is affected, all timelines must be set right for the proper future to occur!" he shook his head. "Damn this!" he turned to Setsuna. "Will she have that feeling in all timelines?"

Setsuna shook her head. "You know my powers, particularly now Chronos. I can only affect one timeline, the one closest to what is meant to be. It will be enough."

"Let us hope you are right Setsuna." Chronos sighed.

Neo-Queen Serenity looked less worried than she had earlier. "I realize these words could herald the destruction of the galaxy, but trust in Minako, as strange as it seems, she DOES know what she is doing."

Chronos and Setsuna stared at her as though she had lost her mind, yet had enough faith in Neo-Queen Serenity to trust her judgement. For now.

As I mentioned earlier I will be finishing this timeline within a chapter or two and moving on to the other crucial area where time was changed as mentioned in the first chapter. I hope you are enjoying this story as I am enjoying writing it! More humour and sarcasm in the next chapter, along with the battle between Rei and Usagi, but not in the way you'd think! Please be nice in reviewing and remember I write based on reviews so lets get them rolling in!
