Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Toki no hana nozo ni anata okizari ni shita ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hello all! Yes I did finally update this story! I am currently debating taking down my Watch Me Shine story because if I get one more flame emailed to me the story is outta here! I don't mind flames if they are well defended and explained but random flames emailed to me are unacceptable. With that in mind, please read and review but be kind. NO FLAMES! I write based on reviews so let's give me a little more eh? Enjoy! Oh yes, to anyone who wants to I will be featuring fanfiction on my websites, so if you want to submit your work let me know what website you want, if you want background music and what kind (with or without words). I will accept any kind of fanfiction and any rating, so please email me if you want to! My work is also featured on: and and, Lady Cosmos Fanfiction Website. These sites accept all levels of fanfic (including NC-17) and are really good, so please check them out. Now onto the story! Enjoy!

Usagi stood in the clearing letting the wind ruffle her hair. She sensed rather than saw Rei approaching her, felt rather than asked the emotions emitting from her. They were as clear as the dawn, and as hot and violent as a sunstorm. They stood and sized the other up, no words being spoken. Rei held out her henshin rod and Usagi arched an eyebrow and shook her head slightly. It was understood and unsaid that they would fight this as themselves, no powers, no attacks, but as they were. This was not a catfight for it was understood that they had natural powers. "I beg of you to stop this now Rei." Usagi said quietly. In the silence of the clearing her words echoed on the wind.

Rei's eyes blazed hatred as she shook her head, beyond all reason. "Give up your position as leader. Give me the crystal and give me all that I ask, or give me leave to beat the life out of you. You don't know what it's like to be me!" Rei burst as she placed the tips of her fingers together and threw a fire attack at Usagi. Usagi nimbly dodged it and wasn't sure who was more surprised...Rei or herself.

Usagi raised one hand above her head as a ball of white light gathered. Curling her hand into a fist she brought it to her mouth and blew, opening her hand at the last second. Rei almost didn't get out of the way. The first round had been completed and no ground had been gained. "I don't want to fight you Rei." Usagi pleaded with her friend...for she was her friend no matter what she did. Usagi's loyalty wasn't banished that easily, the feeling in her stomach more than she could bear, nearly making her collapse...they shouldn't be fighting...this was wrong...

"If you will not fight you will be destroyed!" Rei snarled. "I already have Mamoru back where he belongs, with me and I will have all that I deserve. The future I have been shown will be much better without you in it! I will be a Queen and you will be dead!"

Usagi's eyes narrowed. Time travel and time tampering. In a hazy memory from the Silver Millennium she recalled a senshi of time...who guarded gates...tampering with time was the greatest sin of them all... It hit her suddenly. "Nozomu no nara oikakete kite!" she yelled at Rei as she gracefully turned on her heel as Rei lunged at her with her Akuro Taiksan attack. "Oooh, the post-it note of death." she mocked. She held up the ginzuishou and Rei's eyes instantly focused on it. Determination coursed through her body. The timeline had been altered. She didn't know when or how, but she remembered the laws and the rules clearly, and however the time senshi had missed this alteration, Usagi recognized it for what it was. Now this was a fight she knew she could win, for this nameless time senshi wasn't the only one with the ability to manipulate time...

"As it was a thousand years ago, this is war!" Rei snapped, her temper on the verge.

Was it like this a thousand years ago? Usagi couldn't be sure, her memories were so messed up, as though there were interferences in her head. Was the planet of Mars so hostile to the Moon? She remembered tales of the Sailor Wars, but somehow she didn't think they involved her senshi. So time had been played with, so Rei had somehow figured out how to bypass the guardians of time...there were more than one. "How do you know the Sacred Flame shows you the truth?" Usagi demanded, trying to get Rei to confess.

"That is none of your goddamned business you miserable, selfish, good for nothing...." Rei trailed off as Usagi clasped both her hands together over her head and the ground shook. When she pulled them apart there was a bar of white light between them. "Where did you get these powers? Why have you not told us of them? You are actually a skilled warrior not that it matters for your fate is fixed. The galaxy will be so much more, so much better once you are gone. Mamoru is mine, he returned to my bed last night where he belongs. The beautiful child Chibi Usa will be mine, and the leadership will be mine. I will have total victory over you!"

"Why does it matter so much to you?" Usagi asked calmly as she managed to get close enough to Rei to jerk her head back with her hand tangled in the long black locks. The demonic look of hatred in her eyes frightened her as much as it fasicanted her. So this was someone caught and ensnared in their own power. Rei was the example of power gone wrong, of a miscast spell that had frightful consequences.

"If you haven't figured it out by now, then you never will stupid!" Rei spat.

Usagi was convinced she'd drop to her knees and retch her heart out, the waves of nausea, the ache in her middle more than she could stand. "This isn't right! This shouldn't be happening!" she screamed, her eyes clenched shut. Concentrating on her pain and not focusing on Rei was a mistake for Rei waited for her attention to waver and struck quickly, brutally and evilly. Usagi was hardly aware of flying through the air, not really noticing that she was on fire, uncaring that Rei straddled her body as her eyes were close and her arms raised to the sky beseeching the power that had let her see a future that should never happen to give her the strength to destroy her foe once and for all. Usagi knew that the future revolved around her, she didn't know how she knew, but she knew that much. She was going to die, for the pain inside her kept her from being able to fight effectively. 'She is expecting you to fight,' the thought entered her head. 'So stop.' as soon as she ceased her struggles, the pain receded and Usagi then understood that it was love not force that would save her senshi. She reached up to Rei's face, contorted in a grimace of hatred and disgust for the one who had befriended her. Clasping Rei's face in her hands, causing her to break the spell she was casting, she pulled her down close to hers. "I forgive you Rei." she whispered as her arms came around her back and she pulled her flush with her, hugging her tightly. Rei struggled against her touch, not wanting the purity of Usagi to touch her flesh. 'What grace has been given to me, let it pass to her. Cleanse her, free her.' Usagi prayed, letting the cleansing silver of the ginzuishou free to course through Rei's body.

Flashes went through Rei's head. 'You freak!' 'You worthless child!' 'Life isn't worth living! It's to be taken and beaten and wrestled and formed in your image! For those who endure life, it is a very funny joke, but to those who form it with their will...the joke is on those who get in the way...' 'Who will you be?' 'I offer you power, I offer you strength! Eternity will be yours!' 'Kill her!' 'Kill herkillherkillher...' 'She is all you are not, she laughs at you, she cares nothing for you...'

'No matter what you do to me I will always stand by you...'

Usagi closed her eyes and re-lived it all with Rei, adding her own thought at the end. One voice was heard in Rei's confused mind, one thought that broke through. Tears welled up in her lavender eyes. "What have I done?" Rei's voice broke. She looked at Usagi whos crescent moon shone as she fought to save her senshi from a force that came from beyond time, outside of time, a force that was more evil than anything she had ever seen or fought before...her very soul. "I see you now..." Rei breathed. For a moment all hatred passed from her, for a moment she was cleansed. "I see your light Usagi." she whispered. "Save me. Don't let me be alone anymore."

"You are forgiven for past misdeeds. Go forth and do good." Usagi replied gently, smoothing the hair off her sweat soaked brow.

A shudder went through Rei's body and Usagi sensed a dark force leaving it. Rei sat up and looked down at Usagi. "What have you been doing you stupid baka and why are you on the ground?"

Usagi sighed. Rei was back to normal, with their usual hatred and dislike, but the demon that was herself had been defeated. For now.

Lavender eyes wished they could shoot laser beams towards the blonde angel who had defeated her. No one EVER escaped a mind trap once she had them ensnared in it! And the fact that it was her past self was worse! How weak she was, how pitiful! Had she ever once been that girl. Withdrawing her hands from the timeline as it began to fade on her, almost set right she cupped her chin in her hand and walked down the corridor. Chronos and Setsuna were busy somewhere else. Glancing into another door she smiled wickedly. She had given the appearance that time was changed in many doors, causing Chronos to think that more timelines were altered than they actually were, and of course he was right. She tampered in many things, not willing to stop until she had it all. Usagi was light, Usagi was what she was not and she must pay for what she did to Rei in the future. She had to pay for what she was going to do in a few short months, the thing upon which the pendulum swung. Glancing into a window, altered now since Usagi had defeated her past self, she whispered a few words and sent it to her Sacred Flame. Laughing triumphantly, she vanished, and prepared to alter time once again, this time in a more crucial area where Usagi couldn't fight back.

Mamoru sat on a bench looking up at the sky. 'I know it's over but I can't move on. I woke up last night calling her name and feeling the blame. Thought I could quit her but I still need her love. Damnit what was I thinking? I can't walk down the street without her by my side and I can't make it through one night alone. How can I make her see what matters the most to me? I can't last a moment without her.' "You should go for Rei." Chibi Usa said looking at him with her wide red eyes, glinting maliciously.

"Shut up." he replied angrily. "I don't want to hear anymore."

"Closing your ears won't shut out the truth." Chibi Usa retorted. "You love Rei, you always did and I wish that she was my mother besides Usagi! Damn I'm so ashamed!"

"Stop talking like that!" Mamoru snapped. "So this is my new freedom? Funny but I don't remember being chained."

"She chained you from the first time you desired her." Chibi Usa commented. "I desire you. I want you. I could be so much more to you Mamo-chan than just a little girl..."

Mamoru's lip curled in disgust as he looked at the pink haired child. "That's the most convoluted and disgusting thing I have ever heard."

"Then why do you look like you like the idea?" Chibi Usa leaned close to his ear. "I am more than I seem Mamo-chan. Remember that." she walked away, attempting to sway her hips and look seductive, only managing to look like she was semi-drunk. Shaking his head he turned away and tried to forget that disturbing conversation.

Minako was a woman on a mission as she followed Mamoru and watched him talk to Chibi Usa. Minako knew that a light touch was needed. She longed to go overboard and force them back together but she knew that a more delicate and subtle approach had to be taken. She spied Mamoru on the street looking forlorn, like he had lost his best friend and in truth he had. She stood behind him, for once letting the essence of the Goddess of Love take over in a way she had never done before. She placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him gently. "For the one you love."

His eyes welled up with tears as he let Minako pull him close. "What do I do Minako?" he wailed.

"Do you trust me?" Minako asked quietly.

"To get Usako back I would trust anyone. Do you still want to kill me?" he asked her.

"Of course I do!" Minako snorted. "But that won't make Usagi happy. She loves you. She needs you. She is waiting for you right now, if you have the strength to go to her."

"She is not waiting. How could she be?" Mamoru snapped.

Minako smiled enigmatically, this was SO going to work and be good! "You once wrote her a letter saying that you would love her and wait for her even if it was for a thousand or ten thousand years. You promised her your heart and your soul."

"I know that. What do I do?" Mamoru asked, wiping his eyes.

Minako giggled. "Leave everything to me Mamoru."

Mamoru felt a tremor go through him as he ceded control to Minako, a dangerous proposition if there ever was one.

Chronos was livid. "This timeline is fake! So is this! What the HELL is going on here?"

Setsuna looked with interest at Usagi and Rei. "I didn't think you could do that with just a touch." she commented.

Neo-Queen Serenity smiled enigmatically. "You don't know everything Setsuna."

"Evidently." Setsuna shook her head. "Now Minako has full control and both you and Mamoru will do what she wishes. Will Tokyo be standing at the end of this?"

"The ends justify the means." Neo-Queen Serenity said stubbornly. "You want the timeline fixed or not?"

"It will take more than this to fix the timeline." Chronos said, sighing heavily. "The damage goes deeper than I ever could have seen or though. Yes Rei has been fixed in that timeline and somehow I'm sure Minako will succeed, but this...this tampering has more lasting repercussions than I ever could have imagined. It's not just the future who's interfering here, but another source at work."

"Usagi has her foreboding feeling." Setsuna reminded him. "It will guide her and help keep her strong and making the right choices."

"Will it? I'm not sure it will help anymore, as someone seems to be working against the gift you gave her. Usagi may yet end up banished to the middle of nowhere, and Rei may yet be Queen, or you Setsuna. Don't forget this all came about because of your sin, your lust and your tampering." Chronos shook his head angrily. "You use a simple argument between us to change time and go after the future King, unable to deny your feelings. Only after the galaxy was torn to shreds in another time did you finally realize your errors and beseech forgiveness from Usagi."

Setsuna lowered her eyes in shame. "I have atoned for what I did wrong. I will try to make it right."

Neo Queen Serenity was still unable to grant forgiveness to her Time Senshi for what she did. She turned from her. "What next?"

"According to you, we let Minako loose on her mad plan." Chronos replied.

Neo Queen Serenity smiled expectantly. Queen Serenity groaned in the background. "If Minako is anything like her mother....Goddess have mercy on us."

Ok, ok, FINALLY another chapter out! So so so so so so so so sorry for the delay but I have always said I would never force my writing because then it loses all meaning and ends up being crap so I had a case of writers block to get over, and I focused on my other story Watch me Shine for a few weeks. Next chapter is all Minako's lunacy...will it work or not? This timeline is almost done and then I switch to another one where time could be altered. Any guesses? Anyway it will be out in a week or two as I have decided to focus on this story for a bit. I write based on reviews so please, please PLEASE review! No flames!
