Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Two Saiya-jin Twins ❯ Profiles (read first!) ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

These are the profiles of two new characters in this fic.

Name: Son (Tsukino) Abi

Other Names: Little Lady, Princess Selenity
Eye Color: Blood red

Hair Color: Light purple

Hair Style: Up in two pigtails with two pieces in front of her ears; curly bangs.

Height: 4' 4"

Weight: 48 lbs.

Birthday: September 16

Age: 5 (two minutes younger then her sister)
Astrological sign: Virgo
Blood Type: O-
Gemstone: sapphire
Favorite Color: blue, red
Favorite Food: Pizza, pasta, cookies, pancakes, apples
Least Favorite Food: Onions
Favorite Subject: drawing, martial arts, reading
Worst Subject: Math
Favorite Pastimes: Playing and practicing martial arts with her twin, Madi
Has Trouble With: Controlling her anger
Strong Points: Getting people to "loosen" up, making people like her
Dream: To meet her Grandfather and be strong like him

Abi is a happy young girl until she starts having nightmares of destruction after her 5th birthday. Her power starts to show, along with her sister's. She looks up to her sister, although they're only two minutes apart. Her power shows when she is in danger, her family is in trouble, or she wants a family member.

Name: Son (Tsukino) Madi

Other Names: Small Lady, Princess Serenity
Eye Color: Blood red

Hair Color: Light purple

Hair Style: Up in two spiked pigtails with two pieces in front of her ears; spiked bangs.

Height: 4' 4"

Weight: 49 lbs.

Birthday: September 16

Age: 5 (two minutes older then Abi)
Astrological sign: Virgo
Blood Type: AB
Gemstone: sapphire
Favorite Color: Purple, Green
Favorite Food: Pizza, pasta, cookies, pancakes, strawberry
Least Favorite Food: Onions and carrots
Favorite Subject: drawing, martial arts, reading
Worst Subject: Math and English
Favorite Pastimes: Playing and practicing martial arts with her twin, Abi
Has Trouble With: Controlling her anger
Strong Points: Making people like her
Dream: To meet her Grandfather and be strong like him

Madi is a peppy young girl until she starts having nightmares of destruction after her 5th birthday (like her sister). Her power starts to show, as the nightmares continue and attacks start on her home, Crystal Tokyo. She looks out for her sister, although they're only two minutes apart. Her power shows when she is in danger, her family is in trouble, or she wants a family member (just like her sister's does).