Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Two Saiya-jin Twins ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: In this fic, Madi and Abi are the daughters of Usagi. Chibi-Usa doesn't exist in this fic for reasons that will be explained in a future chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or DragonBall Z. However, I do own Madi and Abi. They are the two characters I made up for this fic and if you wish to use them, please ask me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ < p>"Kaasan!" 5 year-old Abi screamed, waking up from a nightmare. "Kaasan!" She screamed again.

A young lady rushed through the door and ran over to the young girl's bedside. She rubbed a reassuring hand over her sweaty forehead and moving her curly, light purple bangs out of her eyes.

"Abi dear, what's wrong?" She asked, sitting her up in her bed.

"A...A nightmare....Ka...Kaasan..." Abi stuttered. "Everyone di...died...ev...even Ojiisan...." Abi started crying.

"I see." She said as she sat on the bed and pulled her into her lap. She hugged her tight. "Now, you know how strong your Ojiisan is. He's the strongest guy around. No one can beat him." She reassured her. Abi nodded.

"Ka...Kaasan...?" Another voice whimpered from the doorway. A young girl with the same color of light purple hair as Abi stepped carefully into the room, her long nightgown dragging along the floor. "Di...did Imouto have another ni...nightma...mare?" She stuttered. Her mother nodded.

"Did you have one too, Madi?" Abi asked her older twin sister. She was only older then her by two minutes but she acted like she was much older than her. Madi nodded in response.

"Come here sweetie." Her mother said, opening one arm for her to come and run into, which she did. Her mother picked her up with the one arm and sat her on her lap next to Abi. She wrapped her arms tight around them both and laid her chin on their heads.

"Did everyone die in your dream too, Madi? Even Ojiisan?" Abi asked quietly. Madi, again, nodded in response.

"Now, you two know that your Ojiisan is really, really strong and can't be beat."

"Why didn't you go back, Kaasan? Why didn't you go back to Ojiisan?" Madi asked.

"I don't know. I may go back again one day, and I'll bring you with me. You'd love to meet your Ojiisan, wouldn't you?"

They both nodded.

"Good. Now, you have an early day tomorrow, so get some sleep." She told them, lying them both down in Abi's bed and covering them with the sheets. She kissed both their foreheads. "Good night you two princess. Sleep tight." She whispered before walking out and closing the door quietly.

"Neo-Queen Serenity." A harsh voice said from behind her. She turned her head quickly, her gold odangos swinging. "It is time."

"Yes Pluto. Let me get them changed first." Serenity told her, putting her hands in front of her chest. A small crystal appeared out of nowhere. It blinked pink for a second, then disappeared. "They're ready."

"Are you sure you want to send them? At their young age?" Pluto asked, kindly.

"Hai Pluto. Their power is too strong to be kept under their control for long. If it keeps up as its been going, their power could become dangerous and easily taken advantage of. I need my father to train them. It is the only way."

"Are you going to tell them?"

"Iie. They do not even realize their power. I do not wish to alarm them. I've also made it so they do not remember my name or my face until the time is right. And they don't remember their father so that will not be a problem. Now, do what has been asked of you Pluto, and quickly." Neo-Queen Serenity told her. Pluto bowed.

She stood and raised her staff into the air as the red orb glowed. A small light came from Abi's room. It dimmed down.

Be careful my daughters. My father will take care of you. You will, soon, be the strongest half-Saiya-jin females ever known.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

A/N: So how was it? It just came to my mind one day. I hope you enjoy it and if you have any ?'s, e-mail me or write them in a review and I'm open to suggestions.

That's all for now!

~Angel Abi~