Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What if Sailor Pluto died? ❯ Trista Drad? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailormoon sadly.

Author's note: This is my first try at writing a fan fic so please tell me what you think of it fire and all.

What if Sailor Pluto died?

Chapter one: Sailor Pluto dead?

It was almost 4 a.m. on the plant Pluto when Trista woke up from a very bad dream. She thinks 'no that can not be right, how can I die there will be no time guardian. Well, why worry about it, it was just a dream. ' She tried to go back to sleep but found she could not because of the dream. So she got up and went to the time gates to try to see if see could see for sure if she was going to die or not, but could not see anything. I have to get my mind off this dream because I have to meet with Queen Serenity today.

At the same time on the moon the Queen was watching what was happening on Earth. The evil there was spreading fast, and they were looking to the moon. Queen Serenity was thinking 'I hope Sailor Pluto gets here soon so she can help me make up my mind on what to do.' She was brought out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. Sailor Pluto walked in and said " Hi, my Queen." As Serenity was telling her what was happening on Earth the evil there started their attacks on the moon. At first it just to see how they would stop them. Then all of the sudden the attacks stopped. Queen Serenity thought this would be a good time to have a ball to get the people's minds off what was happening. She did not know that the evil Queen was waiting for her to do something like that so that no one would be ready for them and they could get on the moon easily.

The night of the ball was quiet and Sailor Pluto was getting ready for the ball. Her mind once again went back to her dream that she had more times then she would care to count. 'How could I die there would be no time guardian. Well let's not worry about it tonight, and try to have some fun. What should I wear, lets see.' Trista, finely settled for a form fitting, floor length dress with straps over the shoulders, and a bare back. The dress was garnet red her favorite color.

As she was getting dressed she thought about her friends Amara and Michelle and hoped they were alright they had to go check out an evil coming from a far off place.

The ballroom was decorated very nice in white and pink hearts. The music was soft and slow. Trista was starting to forget about all the problems and have some fun for once. Many of the men there asked her to dance with them and she liked it very much. All at once there was a yell of " we're under attack. Everyone to arms. We need everyone to fight." All of the Sailor Scouts transformed even Trista, as she thinks 'I have to get back to the time gates I have to guard them.' Then she ran to the transport that would take her home. As she neared the transport she saw the evil Queen about to attack Queen Serenity. This has to happen Trista reminds her self but then she sees that the others were not sent into the future yet. She yells "no it's to soon."

As she steps in front of her Queen to give her the time she needs, and gets the attack meet for Queen Serenity. " Why my dear friend? When you knew I would not be able to heal you?" Queen Serenity asked. " I had to keep this timeline going. But know there will be no one at the time gate. I am sorry I failed you." said Trista. " I will send you into the future so that you can have another chance at life." said Queen Serenity.

As the Queen died the Crystal Treasures woke up Sailor Saturn. As she made her way to the moon she saw all the other plants in ruins. She thought as she walked on the moon 'why do I have to do this. I come when there is death. Why can't I come and have fun like the rest of them?' Sadly Sailor Saturn set about her work. She knew that she must destroy every trace of the Moon Kingdom that was left on the moon and the other planets. She did what she knew she must. She lifts her glaive in the air and says" Death Ribbon Revolution." Then she slams her glaive on the ground the ribbons tear everything on the surface apart. Her power started on the moon wiping everything out and it even reached the Plant Pluto. With the energy this attack used Sailor Saturn would die but she knew that they would be together again in the future.