Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ When Sailor StarS Go Wrong ❯ Episode 173 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

YES, yes, I decided to make this!!! I know it would take a lot of work because I have to watch ALL the episodes SLOWLY….but I'm gonna have fun!! Ehhehe…

Anyway, I hope you will laugh your ass out, because I made a lot of effort for this! As you know I'll be making this during the new Seiya/Usagi fic as you know so well. But I want to post the first episode first, and then I'll continue to finish, "World of Music and Confusion." And you know what? You BETTER read and review that fic or I won't make the new one! And please read my realm fic, it's probably my best one.

When Sailor Stars go wrong

Written by: ME! (I'm the director!)

*sees real director tied up in the corner*

*Stars Opening theme*

After the time when you disappeared from me

I began my journey searching for my manga

The start is on the map, the copied picture of who??

The destination it points to, a waiting dark colisseum

In my hyper heart, the public kiss of that day

However easy destiny may be

I will keep kicking it

*I won't look back, with my HUGE eyes

Reaching out to you, with my infected wing

This song is the guidepost of the Puerto Rico

I won't give up! To tomorrow, a sailor fart

For sure! I will find it! The sailor star

With the wings of an (infected) angel, I take off

Alone I run along the road of the well-known

At last I have arrived, here at this fort

At the bottom of the flask, which you left behind (how dare you!)

A many pieces of the star of trial, now chant the magic spell

This is our dull destiny

The past and the past, crossing them all, to catch up with whom?

Give sadness now my HUGE eyes

Bringing a miracle, an infected wing

Everybody carries a star of flambé inside

I won't give up! To tomorrow, a sailor fart

For sure! I will catch it! The sailor star

Let this vow sound through the whole galaxy (and breaks everyone's ears)

Episode 173: A farewell and an encounter! The destiny of flowing stars!

*In the dark, a door opens a little, letting some light flow in. A shadow…no, three shadows come strolling in while eating ice cream cones. One of them stops and turns around.*

SEIYA: I hate vanilla!

YATEN: Seiya…

SEIYA: Oh! Uh…can we find her?

TAIKI: No…you think?

YATEN: That was my line, Seiya!!

SEIYA: Oh…well, don't worry! That's why we came here!

TAIKI: We'll definitely find her

SEIYA: *a very hard face on him* that's right! Even if we have to sacrifice everything…

YATEN: *in horror* EVERYTHING?! Even my glass cat collection?!

SEIYA: *slaps hand on forehead* YES, EVERYYYYYYYYTHING!!! *turns back around* Now let's go! It's time…

TAIKI: Well, I never knew you thought that way

*All three enter the door way, and they come out in slow motion as entering out of an impossible space mission*

*Bright colored light beams surround them as the three lights stand still as statues holding roses. Fans cheered and a cheesy three lights sign appeared. Seiya was standing in some erotic way.*

SEIYA: Damn, my ice cream is melting in my pocket!

*Suddenly music was blasted on and wind came out of nowhere blowing on the lights*

SEIYA: *opens eyes suddenly and they grow red*

(SEIYA: HEY!! This is not the exorcist!

ANGEL: ok ok!)

*Seiya throws his rose up and hits a hidden camera man*



*Scene changes into a parlor shop*

LUNA: Three Lights?

REI/MINAKO/MAKOTO: Don't you know?

LUNA: What's that? Like I care anyway

REI: A super-popular idol group!

MINAKO: Of course I like Seiya! He looks a little wild and dangerous…

SEIYA: *appears out of no where* Why thank you!

ANGEL: CUT! No, he does not! If he was, he would already be dead by killing himself

SEIYA: -_- whatever *vanishes*

REI: Well, isn't he a bit childish?

(A scene was cut when Rei and Angel high-five)

MAKOTO: That's what we like, don't we?

*nodding nodding*

REI: I like Yaten better…

(Another high five)

REI: With that unapproachable beauty!

MINAKO: He seems somewhat predictable!

MAKOTO: That's what we like, don't we?

*nod nod*

LUNA: *sweat drop* you're totally kicking your ass…

AMI: Don't you guys!

LUNA: Ami-Chan!

AMI: *blushing* don't forget about the nice and intellectual Taiki! With his graceful and adult mood…

MAKOTO: He looks cool…

(And yeah you know)

MINAKO: Uh…Ami, are you an anonymous fan?

AMI: Actually I am!

MINAKO: How about you, Usagi? Who are you concerned for?

USAGI: Seiya-Chan…er, I mean, Mamo-Chan

MAMOTO: Eh? Usagi, you looked depressed...

USAGI: Actually…




AMI: LET'S CELEBRATE!! Um…I mean, how terrible!

*A flashback appears in Usagi's mind about that day Mamoru said he's going abroad*

MAMORU: …perhaps a year…would it be ok?


ANGEL: CUT! Usagi, I know he does, but just follow along, ok?

USAGI: *sighs* ok…

USAGI: (to Mamoru) …and…I'll never stop loving you…. (Turns around and quickly pukes)

(They kiss and the fountains suddenly blow up)


USAGI: YAY!! *runs away*

*flashback end*

ANGEL: *pulls down a few boring scenes and goes to the good part*

* A plane was roaring in the sky…*

MAMORU: It's time…

TAIKI: *appears* I never knew you thought that way

MAMORU: get lost

TAIKI: *shrugs, disappears*

*Usagi appears abut 20 feet away, and she slowly walks to Mamoru*

*after some crying scene, Mamoru gives her a box*

USAGI: It better be a winning lottery ticket…

USAGI: EW, it's some stupid rock on a keychain ring you got from the 99 cents store!



SEIYA: *snickering*

ANGEL: Three Lights! You're gonna be up!

(Front stage)

*They kiss while people walk by. Some loud kids run and stop and made disgusting sounds to the couple, and took off*

*A loud cheer can be heard*

USAGI: Eh? What's that?

MAMORU: Probably some woman cat fight

USAGI: riiiiiiiight…

*The Three Lights were on the escalator, going up*

TAIKI: WHEEEEEEEEE this is fun!!

SEIYA: Excuse me, can you let me pass…OW, stop grabbing my-

(Loud cheering and screaming)

SEIYA: You're annoying! Go away!

YATEN: What about us?!

SEIYA: You can suffer while my scene comes

*As Seiya walks along, he crosses between the couple and a bright flash can be seen in the background*

SEIYA: Damn light, always covering my good looks!

*Seiya turns around about three times while Usagi looks back to him adding with a little wink*

Meanwhile in another dimension…

GALAXIA: I feel it…a fart coming up, uh I mean, the energy of ever shining stars!

Go find the star seeds!

*A form of a ball with light come shooting at Mamoru's plane*


*A "thwing" can be sound be an electric guitar presently*

YATEN: A light of another star has disappeared…

SEIYA: Cool. Whatever. I want hamburgers.

TAIKI: Shut up.

SEIYA: Fine. We don't have much time left…

TAIKI: I thought you said "it's time"

SEIYA: What is?


REI: Ohh…Usagi has a ring

USAGI: So what? You can have it

REI: No thanks.



MINAKO: Follow me!

MINAKO: They are making a drama for the Three Lights on location here

MAKOTO: Is it perhaps, the X-files?

REI: sure

AMI: It's a super popular program which has an average rating of more than 35%! *starry eyed* I know a lot about it!

*everyone jumping up and down*

MINAKO: I can't see them! Makoto!

MAKOTO: Yes, ma'am! *lifts Minako up but pushed to hard and sent Minako flying in the air*


MAKOTO: ^_^;

REI: hey, it's that Alice girl!


REI: *shrugs*

MINAKO: *in the air, sees Taiki and Yaten* IT'S THEM IT'S THEM!

*Yaten and Taiki and just standing looking "shway")

*Everyone digs through the crowed, when some woman farts in Usagi's face*


USAGI: Ah-ha! There's a secret place to get in! *sneaks in*

SEIYA: From here, there's no admittance!


SEIYA: *sits up and looks confusingly at Usagi* you…are the one…

USAGI: *stares*

SEIYA: what?

USAGI: That orange suit is soooo 1600's

SEIYA: Hey, I didn't pick it

SEIYA: Anyway, I guess you don't remember

USAGI: yeah, I don't remember a lot of stuff

SEIYA: *puppy eyes* you…don't recognize me?

USAGI: Sure I do! *hugs Seiya*

SEIYA: ^_^

ANGEL: CUT!!! You're supposed to act like you don't know each other yet!


SEIYA: I guess I'm not as popular as I thought

USAGI: Oh, I got it! A new way of approaching girls!

SEIYA: *laughs and gives Usagi a weird look* Funny girl! And hot!

USAGI: yeah I know!

SEIYA: See ya, odango!


ANGEL: Oh God…


*Suddenly Iron Mouse shoots Alice*

IRON MOUSE: Darn. A blank.

ESM: Stop right there! *gives her 10 hour speech*

IRON MOUSE: Yeah, whatever. Sailor Pop star go fetch em. *disappears*

ESM: What now?

*Click click….click click….click click…*

ESM: Stop that it tickles!

HEALER: Penetrating the darkness of the light…

MAKER: The air of freedom breaks through!! Heheh….get it? Ehehheh….

FIGHTER: We are the three sacred shooting stars!

FIGHTER: Sailor Star Fighter!

MAKER: Sailor Star Maker!

HEALER: Sailor Star Healer!

ALL THREE: Sailor Starlights…are here!

YOUMA: You guys want to sing with me too?

HEALER: Actually, we do sing, but not now.


YOUMA: *get's steamed*

FIGHTER: *points a finger at youma* I'll make you feel comfortable now!


FIGHTER: ^_^: Never mind

YOUMA: Pretty pretty pretty?

ESM: No stop, don't kill her!

HEALER: It's too late!

MAKER: Once humans becomes a phage, no one can stop it

FIGHTER: Right….except her…now go away!


YOUMA: BEUATIFUL! *turns back to Alice, star seed returns*

*Starlights disappear, and Usagi walks away.*

HEALER: She had surprising power

FIGHTER: it seems to start out a little fun….ehehhehe….*evil grin*

MAKER: *hits Fighter* SEIYA NO HENTAI!


USAGI: What happened?

(Ending credits)

Like? Review please!! Thank ya! *kisses*