Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Where Temptation Lies ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Where Temptation Lies

By Devon Masterson


**excuse some of the language -_-;

Rini sighed as she pulled up into her driveway. Today had to be the hardest day of her life. She managed to stay away from Nephrite the entire evening and deal with everyone's questions about Dima. Her only consolation was that her mother and father did not make it to the party, but she knew the blonde would find out soon enough and would call to nag her about it. That was another thing she had to take care of, Dima. She had to find away to deal with situation as well. Dima was good looking, but he looked like he was too much a boy scout. She needed someone who could be strong and was ambitious; and he seemed like he was none of those things.

"Why?" she mumbled as she put her head to the stirring wheel.

"I didn't think it was that bad," Dima consoled.

Large crimson eyes widened. She had forgotten that he was in the car. "I was supposed to be taking you to your car," she exclaimed then sighed. "I'm out if it. I am going to have a nervous break down at an early age." She put her hand to the ignition.

"Relax," he said lowly placing his hand over top of hers. "You're in no state to drive. I'll catch a cab home and pick up my car in the morning."

"Thank you," she said smiling a little. "I could use…" her sentence trailed as he leaned over to kiss her. He just could not help himself. It was something about being so close to her and her smile; her wonderful smile.

"I just had to do that," he whispered as he pulled away.

Rini blinked in surprise. She never expected a kiss from him to feel so warm. It was very different. "Do it again."

Dima smiled and touched her face before kissing her again. A feeling of conquest started to cover him as he felt her yield completely to him. She was actually going to become his eventually. "Rini," he sighed when she pulled away from his mouth only to start paying homage to his neck and ears.

"Mmm?" she whispered in his ear. This was becoming something and she could not stop herself.

"Don't tease me," he said lowly. "No matter how much I might like it, I don't want to be your distraction."

The red head watched him for a moment then grinned as she pushed the lever for his seat. She laughed lightly in delight at his surprise at his new position. He was now in the perfect angle for her to climb on top of him and not being lying totally flat. She needed him to sit up somewhat for her fantasy to work. "I promise you've become more than just a distraction," she replied kissing him again.

She climbed on top of him never missing a beat and Dima was responding accordingly. "Are you sure you want this?" he replied as he tried to maintain control. The last thing he wanted to do was force her, that did not work with his first infatuation and he was not in the habit of repeating mistakes.

"Yes," she answered unzipping his painfully tight pants. She raised an eyebrow to let him know she was pleased with what she would be working with. "Hmm." She stroked him.

"Oh, god," he whispered as he leaned back and enjoyed her soft hands. How in the world could he be so lucky? Not even in his fantasies did he expect to her to be straddled across him, smiling at him in her way while molesting him. It was getting to be too much to bear. Normally, he would be up to game playing, but he had wanted her for too long and now it was happening. "I have to have you."

Rini pouted. "I want to play some more."

At her comment Dima smiled. "We'll play later," he replied as he lifted one of her legs to his shoulder, the other rested in between the two seats. The last of his resolve melted away as he noticed her bare pink lips staring at him. "We fuck now," he added as he lifted her and settled her on top him.

"Oh," she cried out as he filled her. She bit her lip. It felt so good just to have him inside of her. She wanted him a lot more than she gave herself credit for. She never expected it to be like this especially with him.

"Very good," he commented in a calm tone. He was taking control of the situation now and he was going to make it last as long as he could.

"Please," she begged as moved against him.

"Please what?" he teased as he kissed her collar. He couldn't help but give her a taste of her own medicine, though he was at the limits of his own control.

"Don't tease me," she whispered as her hands found their way into his white locks. Her eyes drifted shut.

Dima said nothing only moved into her forcefully, causing her to cry out in pleasure for more. He was only too happy to oblige as he held her tight to him, causing him to drive into faster. Her body was perfect, she fit him like a glove and she could take him. He did not feel that he had to be extra delicate. She would let him tap into his raw passion and fully satisfy himself. "Rini," he murmured feeling her run nails across his shirt covered back. He flinched slightly, but it felt too good to stop.

"Dima," she called out as her eyes snapped open and she looked at him in utter shock. "I…I…I…" She never finished the sentence as suddenly tensed up and dug into him.

Witnessing her pleasure Dima clasped her to him in a death grip as he spilled himself into her. He knew the two of them had just been irresponsible, but at the moment he did not care. He would worry about that later, much later.

"That was amazing," Rini said breathlessly as they collapsed against the seat of her car. She pulled away for a moment and looked at Dima then kissed him deeply. "Take me inside." A pale eyebrow rose questioningly. She could not have meant what he thought. Reading his expression, Rini smiled and nodded. "It's time I got to know you better."

Hortaru yawned as she poured herself some juice. Sleep seemed to elude her as she thought back to the party yesterday. Rini and Dima were acting oddly and then Rini came home last night with some guy. The two of them creaked, squeaked, and moaned until the sun rose. That was just gross. It was bad enough that there was not a lot going on in her personal life, but to hear it rubbed into an already sore wound was too much to bear.

Of course there was the side of her that was concerned for her friend. One minute she was beside Dima laughing ad carrying on then she was intimate with someone else. This pattern had to stop. Hortaru was not about to let her best friend's sexual morals get even more questionable.

"Morning, " Rina said brightly as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hmm," Hortaru greeted. Friend or not she was still pissed. She enjoyed her eight hours just like everyone else.

"Oh," Rini sighed flushing. "Didn't mean to be so loud last night."

"I thought we agreed to a system…"

"I know. I know. Clear with you first if I know in advance. Bunny head on the door for quickies when you're not home. I'm sorry, Ta-chan. It won't happen like that again. I promise."

Hortaru sighed. "Fine," she grumbled and sipped her juice. "And what about Dima. He really likes you and…by the way what the hell was that at the party?"


"A lucky coincidence," Dima replied from the threshold.

Hortaru's mouth nearly dropped open, but she managed to maintain her composure. She shook her head. "It's too early for this," she sighed. She hugged Rini and waved to Dima. "I'm going to the loft then I have a meeting with the Jewel Agency. Setsuna asked me to do a couple of go-sees for the show."

"I'll be in around one." Rini winked. Hortaru narrowed her eyes then shook her head. Now she was worried. The redhead always did everything in a hurry and it worried her. Sometimes she wished Rini would slow down and enjoy things get to know people instead of jumping in the sack with them and then finding out they were taken or a jerk. She would have saved herself a lot of hurt that way sand despite Hortaru's advice she never did change. Always in a hurry before the moment passed.

"See you then." Hortaru stood and waved before heading out of the door.

Rini smiled at Dima seductively. She was wondering if Dima could read her mind. "Good morning." She stood her feet and kissed him lightly on the lips. She still could not believe her luck. He had been there the whole time and she had overlooked him.

"Morning," he sighed kissing her back. He was clearly eager for more. Last night had been phenomenal and each time he only wanted more. At this rate he was going to be broke down from the constant passion she induced in him. He had never felt such desire towards someone and it was returned. Finding Rini almost made the heartbreak worth it.

Dima slipped his hands around her waist and lifted her against him. There was no denying the urge especially when she was so willing to give it. He turned and carried to the nearest counter never missing a kiss or caress. Their kissing deepened from a lovers' good morning kiss into a feverish dueling of tongues. A moan escaped Rini as she felt him lavish her neck with nips and kisses just before removing her night shirt. She could not stand it as she chucked it of for him and started to undress him. It was in their feverish state of foreplay that they knocked a jar over the counter.

"Grrr, someone's in my cookie jar," someone growled causing both of them to pull away and look around in shock. Dima pulled her protectively to him. If there was an intruder in the house, he was going to make sure this was the last house they ever entered.

Rini narrowed her eyes as she spied the cookie jar lying on its side. It was in the shape of a bear. She purchased it for Hortaru as a gag gift since her dark and serious friend hated kitsch like that. Apparently the joke was on her. She stalked over to the cookie jar and sat it up. Dima sighed understanding the situation and glad that there was no danger. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," he replied. The disappointment was obvious in his voice. He touched her face and smiled. It was clear that mood had passed.

Sighing she picked up her shirt. "I'm going to throw something and drive you to your car, you're probably late for work and I have meeting too."

Dima nodded. As much as he would have loved spending the whole day trying to find out how many licks it took to get to the center of the pop, he had to decline. It did give him ideas to fantasize about. "Would you have dinner with me tonight?" he asked almost shyly then chastised himself. They two of them had been participating in carnal pleasures into the wee hours in the morning and would have been doing so at that moment of not for the distraction and he was shy about asking her out. Where were his priorities?

Rini smiled. Dima was so cute. After all they did last night, he was actually little nervous about asking her out to dinner. Yes he needed more observation. "I can't tonight, but how about tomorrow night?"

Dima smiled. "That's fine."

"Okay, I am going to throw some pants on, I'll be back." She turned and left the room while azure eyes followed after.

"Maybe, I am getting a second chance after all…" he thought.


Nephrite turned the page of his paper in annoyance. He just could no digest a single tidbit of fact. All he could think about was his train wreck of an evening yesterday. He had expected it to be the usual mundane family gatherings that he was invited to. His mind was still reeling from the fact that Zoicite was married to a woman and he had children and he was happy. He never imagined the feminine man to actually do something of the sort. Of course when he met Haruka and got little background on her, he figured he had seen everything and chocked it to nature having to keep some sort of odd cosmic balance.

What Malachite and Zoicite did with there lives was fine by him as long as they were happy? Besides he had his own worries, he was starting to be concerned that the club was really the last time. He had even managed to catch her alone when her "boyfriend" was not around. The small little bathroom had potential to be one of their more memorable escapades when she actually pushed him away. After that encounter, she never left her "boyfriend's" side. Nephrite was pissed to say the least. She had never been able to resist him. There had been plenty of times when he had her right under her previous boyfriends' noises. He had been her first and no one could top him. He knew that. Now here she was telling him no and actually meaning it. This was going to be a problem, for some reason he was unable to let her go. "I need to get out of here," he thought as he closed the newspaper and folded it. He dropped a few notes on the table and stalked out nearly bowling someone over. "Great, now what?"

His eyes flew towards deep purple ones with a look of annoyance. The woman seemed familiar. He never forgot a pretty face. His mind flipped through volumes of pretty faces.

"Excuse me," Hortaru apologized. A dark eyebrow rose as she observed the blank look on his face and she sighed inwardly. What was it about her that made her so unmemorable? It was just yesterday that she met him and already she was a memory, but then she had witnessed his blatant desire for Rini. It was quite obvious at least it was her. She always observed things from the shadows, it was her way. "Hortaru Tomoe from Zoe's party...yesterday?"

A light of recognition sparked in his eyes. "How could I forget?" he asked flirtatiously. She was Rini's roommate. Interesting.

"Apparently quite easily," she said lowly she then smiled. "Forget it. Nice seeing you again." She brushed past him.

"Do you mind if I join you?" he asked. Plan started to formulate in his mind.

To be continued…

© 2004 Devon Masterson

A Bond Girl Blue Production

Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Cloverwaif, and DIC. My name was no where in that list. I just make this stuff up for fun. Don't sue me, hire me instead;p